Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 01, 1991, Page 6, Image 6

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Page 6 The Portland Observer May 1, 1991
President Bush Starts Computer Lessons
Continued from front page
cupied by Cuba, and a host o f other
remote habitats that ‘ need defending.’
B ut not enough money to maintain the
level o f student loans or to prevent the
reduction o f programs to feed hungry
school children. W hy is there enough
money to P A Y FOR T H E PRESI­
N ow , I listed “ Fast Track Trade
Agreem ents” among the factors that
are “ dispossessing workers o f the
Am erican dream ” -thrusting them into
a lim b o o f unemploym ent from which
there is no reasonable avenue o f escape
fo r those untrained in the new tech­
nologies. W hat these “ Agreements”
being pushed by the adm inistration are
p rim a rily about is a further low ering o f
the ta riffs (im p o rt fees) that protect
Am erican industry and labor against
‘ u n fa ir co m p e titio n ’ . The little protec­
tion that we have is rather a joke when
you consider the current economic dev­
astation o f Japanese automobiles and
electronics, and Asian clothing and tex­
tiles, including sport shoes. I f you have
been fo llo w in g the current hearings
before the Senate Finance Committee,
then you w ill understand this idiocy as
you listen to the testimony o f the major
republican campaign or contributors
(lik e the Chemical Manufacturers A s­
Friday, there was an isolated and
p la in tive cry o f protest from the presi-
dent o f the Amalgamated C lothing and
Textile Union. He cited the devastating
destruction o f the quality o f life o f his
union’ s membership inflicted by the
one-side “ job H ight” . A h alf-m illio n
white, black and híspame workers being
daily displaced into that “ unemploy­
ment lim b o ” w ith no supporting insti­
tutions or retraining programs in place.
His was a lonely voice as ‘ heavy h it­
ters’ beat the drums for “ Regional Free
Trade Agreem ents” -such as the
“ Mexican border zone” where there
would be a huge increase in the number
o f automobile and parts manufacturers
who would have the advantage o f cheap
labor and efficient health and pension
plan, i f any (American, Japanese and
Korean firms).
Now, you know why the caption
under the picture reads, “ Y our parents
are in trouble too” . As 1 have been
reporting here, it is reassuring to find
that many parents in the comm unity are
taking aggressive and innovative steps
toward addressing education problems
their leaders and district seem not to
have an answer for. I see that one group
is cooperating to tape both C-SPAN
channels, m onitoring a ll o f the Wash­
ington hearings that impact upon edu­
cation and related issues. 1 am reminded
o f earlier years whenthe com m unity
stayed abreast o f a ll the new music and
dances in the rest o f the country before
A Visit To
Portland and
Oregon Is Easy
Refill Or Landfill?
Blitz Weinhard
Provides Energy
V isito rs w ill be w ell served by the
just-released, new ly redesigned edition
o f The Portland Book, the c ity ’ s o ffi­
cia l v is ito r guide. The annual publica­
tion, produced and distributed by the
s ta ff o f the Portland/Oregon Visitors
Association, w ill reach close to 800,000
convention o f delegates and other v is i­
tors com ing to Portland this year for
business or pleasure. The guide has a
new form at incorporating colorful
photographs o f Oregon scenes, color-
coded maps, a listing o f visitor serv­
ices, and editorial designed to answer
any question visitors to the sate may
The book, recognizable by the
sparkling night shot o f Portland on its
cover, is organized geographically. Each
location is described by its attractions
and activities. The “ Central C ity ”
section encompasses downtown, Old
T ow n, L lo yd D istrict and the Central
Eastside. A section entitled “ City Neigh­
borhoods” makes up the second ring;
the third ring extends to the metro area.
A section on events w ill keep every
visito r busy throughout the year, and
c o lo rfu l maps help visitors get around
w ith o u t confusion. The final section o f
the book is devoted to the rest o f the
“ The new layout pays close atten­
tion to the c ity ’ s natural geographic
designations, making the book a user-
frie n d ly visito r piece,” said P O V A
executive director Charles Ahlers. “ The
Portland B ook continues to offer the
most complete visitor information about
our beautiful c ity .”
The Portland Book is used pre­
dom inantly by convention delegates,
tour groups, independent visitors and
rea lity groups. The guide may be ob­
tained at inform ation centers in down­
tow n, Pioneer Place, Jantzen Beach
and the Oregon Convention Center. It
is also available at reduced rates fo r
purchase in quantities.
In the past year, Blitz-W cinhard
Brewing Company has refilled 28 m il­
lion bottles, saving enough landfill space
to f i l l Portland’ s M em orial Coliseum
20 feet deep, and saving enough energy
to serve 2,007 homes for a year.
B litz-W cinhard’ s sister brewery.
Rainier Brewing Company in Seattle,
which returned to re fillin g all its single­
serving bottles a year ago, refilled an
additional 20 m illio n bottles, equal to
16,000 cubic yards o f la n d fill space
and the power used annually by another
Youth Volunteers
Recruited For
Zoo Programs
M etro W ashington Park Zoo is
loo king fo r volunteers between 14 and
18 years old to participate in the zoo’s
. summer programs. Youths who want to
learn more about animals, develop job
s k ills and most o f a ll, have a summer
fu ll o f fun - are encouraged to apply.
Summer opportunities for Zoo
Teens are varied and many. Zoo Teens
are Sidew alk Zoologists, who talk with
visitors about the animals at petting
zoo stations; Zoo Teens are insect spe­
cialists w ho help staff the Insect Zoo;
Z oo Teens are art experts stationed at
the A frica n A rt tent in the new Rain
Forest exhibit.
Z oo Teens gain jo b skills, meet
new friends and have fun. Youth are
encouraged to combine paid and vo l­
unteer w ork fo r a rich, w ell rounded
summer experience. The commitment
is easy - tw o 4 - 1/2 hour shifts per week-
shifts can be arranged to fit into any
Youth can also volunteer year-round
and participate in special events, work
w ith keepers and go on field trips to the
m ountains, coast and w ild life areas.
For more inform ation and an applica­
tion, call Pam V ick at 220-2790.
television. The black dining car waiters
and pullman porters who manned the
trains brought back the latest records
and steps.
So we find a number o f parents
w ell up on that T R IP LE IM P O R T
W H A M M Y : The massive im m igration
o f skilled and ‘ h alf-skille d ’ workers
from Europe. The plan fo r even greater
importation o f cheaply produced fo r­
eign goods while American workers
are being laid o ff d a ily-w ith little hope
o f being adequately retrained for tech­
nology. And worst o f a ll, the p o liti­
cians are screaming fo r the im port o f
FOREIGN education specialists in an
ugly and denigrating affront to those
Am erican principals and teachers o f
demonstrated excellence whose schools
are world-class models.
The next article in this series w ill
detail more o f the local parent’ s a c tiv i­
ties in developing more understanding
o f the technology in education and the
workplace; especially in the enhance­
ment o f what m ight be termed a nurtur­
ing o f a ‘ Science Environm ent’ in the
home and neighborhood fo r their c h il­
dren. I ’ve been furnishing several groups
w ith materials from my years o f expe­
rience in industry and w ith k id ’ s sci­
ence clubs. And steering them to local
industry where my form er white stu­
dents operate several plants.
Tutorial Program
Receives Grant
From Meyer
Memorial Trust
Kissing is an art. It should be
constantly refined and never ne­
A grant in the total amount o f
$50,000 fo r a period o f one year, has
been granted to C.W .A.C . (Christian
Women Against Crim e).
C .W .A.C . is a nonprofit organiza­
tion located at 120 N.E. Ivy in the
annex o f the M orning Star Baptist
Church, provides tutorial services to
area M iddle and High School Students
who have been suspended, expelled or
in transition from Portland Public
The program is now in it’ s third
year o f operation and services approxi­
mately 80-100 siudents per school year.
These & many more
added weekly.
Cons® ERX 250 Hi
Biographical Information
1,434 homes.
Blitz-W einhard is now re fillin g 78
percent o f its bottles sold in Oregon,
company President Bruce Vaughn said.
Despite the energy and space sav­
ings inherent in re fillin g bottles, B litz-
W einihard Brewing Company remains
one o f the few brewers in the nation to
re fill all its single-serving bottles.
Gerald M . (Jerry) Chase
Jefferson High School - 1966 to 1968
Beaverton High School - Class ot 1970
Harvard U niversity - Class o f 1974
U niversity o f Oregon Law School -
Class o f 1977
Associate w ith the law firm o f
Lindstedt & Buono from 1978 to 1980
Saturday, May 18,1991
8:30 am 9:30 am
Portland, Oregon
(503 ) 294 1414
240 Willamette Bltxk
"22 S W Second Avenue
Portland. Oregon 9"2O4
$5.00 per person
Private practice since 1981, concentrating in the areas o f personal inju ry,
workers’ compensation, domestic relations; w ills and estates
Free in itia l consultations
Aa effective May 1 thru May 7, 1991.
Fresh Juicy Ripe
Be sure
Any time is a great
time for these juicy
sweet strawberries!
Enjoy with shortcake
& whipped cream. Or
over ice cream!
Fresh Natural
Grade ’A' tender, plump
10 to 13-pound
turkeys. Ready to stuff
and oven roast or for
outdoor cookouts.
Manor House "Natural"
turkeys contain no additives.