Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 01, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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M ay 1 ,1 9 9 1 - The Portland Observer - Page 3
» Portland Observer
by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears
The New Wave of Ministry
Public Service
International speaker/lecturer and
minister. Denise’s parents were not de­
vout Christians though they did believe
in Christ. The Lord entered her life
with the help of Reverend Soaries. When
Denise talks about Buster a certain joy
comes over her and you are aware that
he will always be close to her heart. She
goes on to say that it
was Buster who was
there for her when her
father passed away.
“ Buster helped me thru
the transition of losing
a father I loved very
much. It was a diffi­
cult time in my life and
I don’t think I would
have made it without
the Lord and Buster.”
It was Buster who
made Denise even more
aware of the movement
for it was Buster, Den­
ise explained, who
taught me the only true
movement is that of
Jesus Christ, Father, the Lord God.
“ Buster made me realize I had a per­
sonal responsibility to make a differ­
ence in the lives of others.” Denise
goes on to say, “ When my father died,
I became a Christian because I needed
a Father who wouldn’t leave me. Jesus
was the vehicle that led me to God. I
had always considered myself a Chris­
tian although at that point I had no per­
sonal investment in Christianity. Then
God came into my life in 1980 and
while attending Bible Study one night
in 1982, I realized how much I had
changed my life, from a fun-loving col­
lege student to serious about my God.
While attending Kean College in Un­
ion, New Jersey, my major was Public
administration which makes you a liai­
son between the people and the system.
It was not right for me. God’s presence
in my life was forever calling me to be
a spokesperson for His Word. Yes, I
would still be in public administration,
however, now my role would be the
liaison between God and the people. I
knew then God had changed my life to­
However, Denise still did not un­
derstand the mission the Lord planned
for her. She says, “ I did become a really
good Christian and was deeply involved
and committed to the church, but in
1984 my faith in God was put to the test.
The burden of the church and all the
people depending on me became too
much. I was burned out and came to the
realization that I was serving the church
and not God.” That was disappointing
to a young Christian trying to maintain
the Faith. Denise goes on to quote Mat­
thew 11:28. “ Come upon me all who
are heavy laden,” she continued, “ Some­
thing was wrong with me and the only
way to work this out was thru the Lord.
My problem was my perception of Chris­
tians. All I wanted to do was serve the
Lord and live a life filled with God. It
became very taxing on my young mind
to maintain faith without question. Af­
ter a two week mental overhaul about
my faith, the Lord in all His Infinite
wisdom was able to restore my love for
God for it was He that I serve and no one
else. I took inventory during that time
and realized how much I enjoyed help­
ing people, feeling, listening and heal­
ing them thru the love of God. The
problem was I saw myself as a sacrifi­
cial lamb but thru faith in God I came to
understand that if you have a gift aiiu
don’t exercise it, the gift cannot become
a talent.”
Denise felt there were too many
distractions at home and that in order to
better serve her God, she would have to
relocate. She moved to Denver, Colo­
rado and enrolled in Denver Seminary
School to enhance her knowledge of
Christ. The issue of faith kept com ing up
and Denise felt that she was still not in
touch with the person the Lord was call­
ing her to be. Over the next two months,
with the help of the Lord, things began
to fall into place. Her plan was to go
back to New Jersey after finishing school
and opening a Christian Counseling
Center and to this day people back home
are waiting for her to come back. Says
Denise, “ I am very comfortable in
Portland and so very happy to have my
own Church, Mallory Avenue Church. I
want to make my calling as untradi­
tional as possible, not to speak against
the traditional church, just to add to i t ”
Denise believes that given the prob­
lems we are having today the traditional
ways of the church are not as influential
as in generations past. She goes on to
say at the beginning of the 70’s people
were starting to leave the church, the
church was losing its hold on the younger
generations. She says, ‘ ‘ I think that with
the end of the 80’s we have seen yet
another change in that people are start­
ing to see that you just can’t make it
without the Lord. We as human beings
really cannot make it on our own. We
need all the help we can get and the
balance is on the ministry.”
One of the things Denise brings to
the church is the concept that people
should feel free, and that God accepts us
the way we are but challenges us to
grow. “ I put God in charge to get us
through. A pastor does not know it all.
The answers are in God’s hands. He will
respond to all our needs as long as we
have the faith to trust in Him.” Denise
says people have to understand that
God’s presence is real. His promises are
true and His power is great for all of us
through C hrist
Denise Bell’s Sunday service is a
refreshing change because the focus is
on the Church and not the minister. She
believes that God and the teachings of
Christ make the service. She is there
just to administer His Word. With all
the problems that have rocked the world
of religion, Denise is just what God
wanted for a new beginning in an ever
changing world.
May 4 - 8,1991
For more information: Call Mattie
Neal in Vancouver at (206) 573-9637
or Mallory Church of Christ in Portland
at (503) 288-1092
St Paul Missionary
Baptist Church
8101 N. Fiske Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97203
Church Phone: 289-0147
Study Phone:289-1911
Sunday Service
Sunday School
Bible Study
Evening Service
7:00 P.M.
The North Portland
Branch Library
will be CLOSED for
May 12 >20
The bookdrop will be closed May
12 -16 so that work may proceed. Fines
will be adjusted or you may return your
books to:
St. Johns Branch Library
7510 N. Charleston
221-7716 Open
Tuesday - Thursday, 12:30-8:30 p.m.
Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m-5:30p.m.
or Albina Branch Library
3605 N.E. 15th
Tuesday and Thursday, 1 - 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday and Friday, 1 - 5:30 p.m.
Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Dine in or carry
out & Delivery
Catering Available
Parking in rear
Open 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Let us Cater Your
Next Party
Sunday School 9:30 AM.
Worship Services 8:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M.
Church School 9:30 AM. to 10:30 AM.
Bible Study. Wednesdays, 116 N.E.Schuyler
10:30 A.M. and 6:30 P.M.
Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00 A.M.-KBMS
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Sunday Worship 11:00 AM.
Bible Study, Wednesday 5:30 PM.
Sunday Services
Prayer Service, Wednesday 6:00 PM.
Rev. Dr. J œ S. Hardie, Pastor
He That Loveth Not, Knoweth Not God;
For God Is love I John 4:8
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Governor Roberts to Speak
Saturday, May 4 to the Portland
Organizing Project, at the Westminster
Presbyterian Church, 1624 NE Han­
Scripture of the Week Micah 6:8
Why Paint?
When you don't have to any more.
By Billy Don Moore
The world of religion has been
wracked by scandal of late, Jim Baker
and the fall of PTL, Jimmy Swaggart
and his motel affair, and Oral Roberts
asking his followers to give him X
amount of dollars or God was going to
take him home. We that live in a world
with so many religions may be a little
confused as to
which way is up.
Lucky for us we
may just have the
eye of the storm.
God has been good
to us by giving us
Denise Bell. What
a refreshing change
from the scandal
ridden headlines
that have rocked the
world of religions.
A new minister
from a new era will
be ushered in with
the installation of
Reverend Denise Denise Bell
Bell. The installa­
tion was held April 27, 1991. Denise
Bell brings a refreshing new approach
to the ministry while still getting the
Word of God across to her congrega­
The role of minister is a complex
and challenging job for Denise Bell. It
wasn’t the path she intended to take.
Oh, she wanted to be close to God but
at times she has struggled with her faith
in her walk with Jesus. Denise Bell did
not come from a strong church back­
ground. She attended Clifford High
School in East Orange, New Jersey,
and like most girls her age, she was a
little on the shy side. Unsure of what
life had in store, she began to get in­
volved at an early age with social is­
sues, issues that concern her people.
At the age of 15, Denise began
doing volunteer work for Operation
Push with the help of her mentor and
longtime friend, Buster Soaries, an
Scripture o f the. ‘Wee/i
Jesus Loves You/
Allan J&tqpla W
Psalm 3 4 .3
Sunday School
9:00 A.M.
Morning Worship
10:30 A.m.
Evening Worship
6:00 P.M.
Midweek Service - Wednesday
7:00 P.M.
Saturday - BASIC Youth Service
7:00 P.M.
Rev. Wendall H. Wallace
Senior Pastor
"Maranatha Live" Radio Program/Talk Show KPDQ 93.7 FM 800 AM
11:00 P.M. to 12:00 midnight (Each Sunday)
423Ó NE Eighth Avenue
(comer of 9th * Skidmore)
Portland, Oregon 97211
(503) 287-0261
Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor
For Best Results
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