Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 01, 1991, Image 1

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S o n i c s S t a y A l i v e in S e r ie s
Volume XXI, Number 18
The Eyes and Ears o f The Community"
Nordstrom Names Charles Dudley
Vice President Of Human Resources
Guest Editorial
by Senator
William McCoy
The New Wave of
Ministry by
Billy Don Moore
Davis and Cooper:
Old Timers by
Ullysses Tïicker, Jr.
Nordstrom, one o f the nation’s lead­
ment, employ men t, prom otion and cus­
ing fashion specialty retailers, named
tomer interaction,” said Nordstrom.
Charles L . Dudley as vice president o f
“ Both by his own example and by
Human Resources.
the policies he has implemented com ­
“ Charles is an outstanding prod­
panywide, Charles Dudley has taken a
uct o f the Nordstrom system,” said
leadership role in developing Nord-
Nordstrom Co-Chairman
Bruce A . Nordstrom .
“ This Vice Presidency
recognizes both his in d i­
vidual and our company’s
com m itm ent to equal em­
ployment opportunity and
cultural diversity in our
Dudley is currently
corporate human resource
director at the Seattle-
based company. He served
in a sim ilar capacity fo r
the Washington region
from 1987 to 1990.
A graduate o f the Uni­
versity o f Washington
School o f Business, a fo r­
mer professional basket­
ball player w ith the Na­
tional Basketball Associa­
tio n ’s (N B A ) Chicago
Bulls, Seattle Superson-
ics and the 1975 W orld
Champion Golden State
W arriors, Dudley started
w ith the company in 1980
Charles Dudley
as a sales person. He
earned honors as one o f the com pany’ s
strom ’ s Equal Em ployment Opportu­
top ten sales producers fo r five con­
nity (EEO) philosophy, making the com­
secutive years and received company
pany better as a place o f opportunity, o f
recognition for excellence in customer
sensitivity and o f fairness-and those
are im portant standards in any large
“ Charles’ experience on the sell­
company that caters to the general public
ing flo o r w ith customers and fe llo w
as ours does,” Nordstrom added.
workers, coupled w ith his experiences
Dudley pointed w ith pride to the
as Human Resource D irector, has d i­
success Nordstrom has made in creat­
rected us all to be increasingly sensi­
ing a wide range o f opportunities for
tive to issues o f diversity in recruit-
m inorities and non-m inorities alike.
“ What is important is the enormous
opponunity that exists for all in d ivid u ­
als in the Nordstrom system. We can
point w ith pride to a w orkforce that
now is more than 26 percent m inority-
up five percent from just four years
ago. As these employees have moved
into the prom otion pipeline, we have
achieved an increase in m in ority man­
agers to 15.7 percent. Such results speak
clearly o f Nordstrom ’ s commitment to
d iversity,” Dudley added.
He praised N ordstrom ’s network
o f regional human resource directors
who focus on employee an manage­
ment training, recruitment, career de­
velopment and com m unity outreach.
These directors work w ith top manag­
ers on setting and tracing EEO goals in
every area o f the company.
Dudley said the company’ s m inor­
ity vendor program has yielded more
than $2.5 m illio n in contracts to suppli­
ers o f goods and services in the past two
years. This includes an aggressive so­
licitation o f qualified m in ority con­
tractors as part o f the company’ s store
expansion program, a new advertising
program through EBony magazine, and
the addition o f the Fashion Fair Cos­
metic line in selected stores.
He said Nordstrom ’s financial
support and participation in m in ority
organizations, colleges and universi­
ties and throughout the entire commu­
nity has increased in all regions o f the
company, reflecting “ a desire to put
dollars and our manpower behind our
“ Being appointed Vice President
is personally very gratifying, but it should
be seen as both a recognition o f the
progress our entire team has made and
a signal that the jo b is far from com ­
plete,” Dudley said.
President Bush Starts
Computer Lessons This Week
Whitney Houston
Bids / Sub-bids
/Vexf Week
News From the
African American
W hat kept you so long? I started
m ine 30 years ago in Los Angels when
an IB M computer and tw o underpaid
females replaced m y position as inven­
tory control supervisor over a sta ff o f
tw elve in a large discount chain. And
the Associated Press d id n ’ t report it.
As in your case, ‘ retraining’ for
gainful employmentpresented no prob­
lem, having m iddle class skills and
commensurate savings. However, what
concerns me, sir, is that your recently
announced “ Education Department
Strategy M anual” makes no financial
provision for the tens o f m illion s o f
Am erican workers being dispossessed
o f the Am erican dream o f a good life -
whether by imports o f goods ‘and’
technicians, by obsolete factories and
tools, by racism, by fa ilin g schools, by
Fast Track Trade Agreements,’ ’ or by
“ Spotted O w ls” ,
M ost o f the “ dispossessed” w ill
have o nly one skill, if, in many cases it
may be called that in this w orld o f so­
phisticated technology. C ertainly, they
do not have the funds to enroll in the
high tech, high price public or private
training institutes that specialize in this
type o f workplace preparation. H a lf o f
this workforce cannot even afford health
insurance, let alone tuition to escalate
their s k ill profile. The cities and states
arc already in dire economic straits so
they are unable to mount massive adult
education programs. These adm inistra­
tions arc hard put to find funds to REP.-MR
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May 1,1991
A Touch Of Elegance”
Janelle Warren
Shunta Thomas-Tate
Les Femmes has chosen 22 high
school seniors to be presented in their
40th Annual Debutante and Cavalier
Ball, “ A Touch O f Elegance.”
Dedicated to im proving the lives
o f African-Am erican youth, w hile pre­
paring them for life after high school is
one goal o f Les Femmes. As a reward
for fo llo w in g a strict code o f ethics and
a rigorous curriculum , each participant
who demonstrates academic success
and completes com m unity service w ill
be presented in a form al ball at the end
o f their senior year.
Jason Goss
and M ath and was selected to attend the
Rotary Business Camp. He is also a
member o f Immaculate Heart Church.
Goss w ill study business adm ini­
stration at either Southern or Louisiana
State University.
Thomas-Tate is a Health Occupa­
tions major at Benson Polytechnic High
School and is the daughter o f Roy and
Dianne Tate. A t Benson she is active in
Junior Achievement, Health Occupa­
tions Students o f America (HOS A) and
was an outdoor school counselor for
handicapped children. Thomas-Tate was
also a member o f Benson’ s 1991 Rose
Festival Court. As a member o f Christ
M em orial Church o f God In Christ, she
is a Sunday School teacher. Youth
Ensemble president and helps organize
Operation Blessings - a project to feed
and cloth the homeless during the h o li­
days. Thomas-Tate plans to earn a mas­
ter’ s degree in speech pathology and
Warren is a senior at Benson Poly­
technic H igh School and is the daugh­
ter o f Em m ett and Eloise Warren. A t
Benson she is a member o f the National
Honor society, M ESA and was appointed
to the Portland Public Task Force. Voted
“ M ost L ik e ly to Succeed” by her sen­
ior class, Warren is president and co­
founder o f Sisters G aining Equality
through Excellence (SGE), and was
selected to Benson’s 1991 Rose Festi­
val Court and Portland’s first African-
Am erican Court. Warren is a member
o f M t. O livet Baptist Church and par­
ticipates in their youth group, Building
Lives Together. She w ill attend either
Hampton or Oregon State U niversity
and m ajor in education. W arren’ s u lti­
Each week through June, Les
Femmes and the Portland Observer w ill
feature three young people who were
chosen as 1991 debutantes and cava­
liers. This week meet Jason DeNell
Goss, Shurita Robette Thomas-Tate and
Janell Denice Warren.
Goss is a senior at Grant High
School and is the son o f Adam and K im
Richard. A t Grant he has earned varsity
letters in baseball and wrestling. Goss’
dream is to play baseball in the major
leagues, but his goal is to become a top
manager fo r a Fortune 500 company.
To prepare for his professional career,
Goss is active in Future Business Lead- mate career goal is to become the Port-
ers o f Am erica, Institute for Science land Public Schools superintendent
SAT Exam Countdown
Your parents too are in trouble
We find it strange, M r. Bush, when
we read headlines, ‘ ‘ Bush Unveils School
Reform s” ; strange that you and your
spokesperson say that M O N E Y IS NOT
TH E PR O B LE M and it w ill not be
forthcom ing from the federal govern­
ment. The 690 m illio n you have asked
congress for w ould barely bail out the
education system o f C alifornia alone-
and tem porarily at that. You say that a
good part would be used to develop
‘ m odel’ schools; prototype “ New
Am erican Schools” . W hat happened
to the w onderfully successful urban
schools o f excellence that have been
featured on national television the past
few years? Haven’ t the competent
American (not imported) administra­
tors o f these institutions already dem­
onstrated what is necessary and ger­
mane to prepare students for this ‘ brave
new w o rld ’ ?
Speaking o f those p itifu l cries from
the adm inistration that there were no
federal monies to “ throw at the prob­
lem ” , we note that cable network inter­
views indicate that 95% o f the A m e ri­
can public are unaware that we have
50,000 troops in Japan at a cost o f 9
b illio n a year-to defend against what?
And then, o f course, there are the P h il­
ippines, the other h a lf o f the island oc-
Continued on page 6
The SAT, taken by more than a
m illio n and a h a lf high school juniors
and seniors each year, is ju s t around the
com er/M ay 4,1991. To help make this
crucial test easier to take, the Stanley
H. Kaplan Educational Center, the
nation’ s largest test preparation spe­
cialist, recommends thorough, profes­
sional review o f both test content and
format. Barbara Caplan, adm inistrator
o f the Portland, Oregon branch o f the
nationwide kaplan chain, recommends
the fo llo w in g test tips to reduce your
S A T “ anxiety quotient” .
Before the test:
1. When you register fo r the test,
you receive the Registration B ulletin.
Read it carefully, underlining any in ­
form ation o f particular interest to you.
2. Take a practice released test
under test conditions a few days before
the examination.
3. D O N ’T study the day before the
test. Get a good n ig h t’s sleep.
4. D on’ t gorge yourself w ith a ten-
course breakfast the morning o f the
test. Blood rushes from your head to
your stomach, and you’ ll need to think
w ith the first, not the second! (You
should probably pack an "energy” snack
like raisins or cheese for the long test
On test day:
1. Bring a sharp mind, but not a
sharp pencil, to the test! A #2 that’s
been sharpened too much can break
underpressure. So can you, i f you don’ t
give yourself tim e to unwind by arriv­
ing at the test-site w ith time to spare.
2. Know the directions that pre­
cede each test questions so you w on’ t
have to spend one second rereading
them when you could be answering
questions.(You can review directions
ahead o f time in any S A T booklet with
a fu ll practice test.)
3. Fam iliarize yourself w ith the
structure o f the exam. Each o f the five
test sections is th irty minutes in length.
(M any students find it easier to keep
track by setting their watches back to
the hour mark after each section is be­
Continued on page 5
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