«♦*4^ ly lÿ , April 24, 1991-The Portland Observer Page 7 i Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS planner i Advertising i Employment i Blds/Sub-Bids wL • ‘ • SENIOR PLANNER-CURRENT LIBRARY TECHNICIAN I Resident Director PLANNING, Highly responsible professional posi­ University Housing at the University of Oregon is $7.69 - $9.35/hr tion requiring a Master’s Degree in planning or Variable Shifts - 32 hrs/wk now accepting applications for the position of related field and four years experience in a Resident Director. This is a full-time, live in, 10 Staffs circulation & children’s reference desks, similar local government position (or equivalent). registers patrons & performs other paraprofes­ month, faculty position with the rank of instructor. sional work. Requires: 2 yrs college & 1 yr office Applicants must have a thorough knowledge of The Resident Director is responsible for the exper with public contact. Previous paraprofes­ zoning, subdivision and site planing activities overall administration of a residence hall com­ and their relation to planing principles,. Appli­ sional work with children, in a library, classroom plex consisting of approximately 700 residents. or as a story teller may be substituted for formal cants should have experience in rural and urban The Resident Director is also responsible for the education, or any equivalent combination of educ development. The successful applicant will be selection, supervision and training of the resi­ & training. Apply: City of Springfield, 225 N. 5th responsible for the administration of zoning and dence life student staff and is expected to coor­ St., Springfield, OR 97477. Deadline: 4/26/91. subdivision ordinances for Thurston County. The dinate the student conduct process, facilitate position supervises Current Planning staff and is AA/EOE. programming and work with the student govern­ the primary contact person with County staff, ment. The Resident Director reports to the Hearings Examiner, Planning Commission and Residence Life Director.. POSITION OPENING Board of County Commissioners. Public presen­ The remuneration for the position is $10,000.00 PROGRAM DIRECTOR tation and writing skills, and ability to work with cash, plus a one bedroom apartment and full board during the time that the halls are open for Creative coordinator needed for new, consumer- public bodies and diverse interest groups, are es­ oriented housing information and counseling food service. The room and board package is the sential. Call (206) 786-5480 for application mate­ center. Program planning, resource develop­ equivalent to approximately $6,003.00. All regu­ rials (Thurston Regional Planing Council, Olym­ ment, non-profit administration skills required. lar faculty benefits such as health and retirement pia, WA). Salary Range. $2,757, (Step 1) to Housing background preferred. Full-time posi­ and reduced tuition are also included. $3,720 (Step 10) monthly. Starting Salary de­ tion. Salary $30,000 - $35,000 plus benefits. Po­ pending on qualifications. Application closing Applicants must have completed their Bachelor’s sition may close anytime after May 3,1991- Do degree and have had group living work related date: May 8,1991. Equal opportunity employer. not send resumes. Application available at: experience. Resident Directors may enroll for up Center for Urban Education ADMINISTRATIVE to 6 units of credit per academic term, but are not Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon expected or required to do so. ASSISTANT 0245 SW Bancroft, Suite B Applications and additional information are avail­ Planning & Service Coordination Portland, Oregon 97201 able at University Housing, Walton Complex, Full time management assistant to the Director of EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER____ University of Oregon, Eugene 97403. the Planning and Service Coordination, a major Applications must be postmarked by May 6,1991 unit within this nonprofit educational research Secretary and returned to University Housing,to be guaran­ and development organization. Quality control is NORTHWEST NATURAL teed consideration. Call (503) 346-4277 with key in this position. This person must be detail- GAS COMPANY questions. oriented, be a team player, and possess excel­ An EO/AA institution committed to cultural diver­ An immediate opening is available in the rates De­ lent organizational skills. sity partment at our downtown Portland location. Specific duties include: assisting the Director in Ideal candidates will have a history of working communication and liaison with committees and MAINTENANCE APPRENTICE successfully in a fast-paced and multiple-task constituent groups, implementing organizational $1396 - $1539/month work environment requiring a high degree of policies and procedures, monitoring progress on The City of Springfield’s Maintenance Division, one accuracy. Customer-oriented background and contracted work, preparing fiscal analyses, main­ of the most progressive in Oregon, has an Ap­ attitude will be necessary in this position. Legal taining unit record systems, and providing assis­ prenticeship Program designed to produce skilled, background with statistical skills will be a plus. tance and clerical support for unit functions. A minimum of 3 years secretarial background will talented & creative journey-level technicians. Qualifications: experience with similar responsi­ be preferred, including strong PC/word process­ Duties include street, sewer, storm drain, grounds bilities, word processing experience (WANG pre­ ing skills; ideally using an IBM PC, WordPerfect ferred), able to type 70 wpm, experience moni­ & building maintenance & record-keeping & report 5.1 desired. Spreadsheet and data base skills writing. A maintenance background is not needed toring expenditure reports and work progress, are desired. for consideration. Exper in a related field or with desirable, able to organize, prioritize and meet Starting salary range is $1782 - $2005/month and computer, record keeping & info management deadlines. Salary $21,041 per annum, excellent includes a full benefit package. Only those se­ may qualify you. Previous exper in maintenance benefits. Letter of application and resume must lected to be interviewed will be contacted. &/or construction work & some exper in operat­ be received by 3 :00 pm, 5/2/91. In letter state you Please direct a resume identifying this position by ing equipment & trucks is desirable. Application are applying for the above position. Apply to: May 1, 1991 to: accepted only thru EMPLOYMENT DIVISION, Personnel Office Northwest Natural Gas Company 210 N 6TH ST., SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Northwest Regional Laboratory P.O. Box 3410 (Hours: 8:30-4:30). Deadline: 4/30/91. AA/EOE. 101 SW Main, Suite 500 Portland, Oregon 97208-3410 Portland, Oregon 97204 STAFF ACCOUNTANT I FAX (503)721-2506 j EquaJJDpportunity Employer An Equal Opportunity Employer $2,483. -$3,031 ./mo. R e sp o n s ib le fo r re vie w of g e n e ra l le d g e r a cco u n ts, JOBS INFORMATION LINE - 503/220-2434. SALES p re p a ra tio n of b a la n ce she et, In co m e a n d e x p e n s e a cco u n ts, in te rn a l and e x te rn a l fin a n c ia l s ta te m e n ts PARAGON CABLE Sales Representative and rep orts. W o rk w ith o th e r d e p a rtm e n ts re g a rd in g o p e ra tio n a l p ro ­ ce d u re s and ch a n g e s. M o n ito r a d e q u a c y of fu n d s in Here’s an EXCELLENT full time Sales opportunity for: • An enthusiastic, self-motivated sales represen­ tative to... • make door to door contacts and invite new customers into the wonderful world of cable television entertainment and... • earn commissions. The successful candidate will have reliable trans­ portation, a good driving record, good written and verbal skills, a history of achieving goals and quotas. Cable installation experience desirable. Please apply to: PARAGON CABLE 3075 NE SANDY BLVD. PORTLAND, OR 97232 Equal Opportunity Employer d e b t s e rvice a cco u n ts a n d o th e r b o n d fu n d a cco u n ts, p re p a re a n a ly s e s of a c c o u n ts fo r a n n u a l a u d it, and perform duties of su p ervisor in he r/h er absence. A ssist in all fu n c tio n s of th e A c c o u n tin g D e p a rtm e n t. A m in im u m of five y e a rs ’ a cco u n tin g e x p e rie n c e in c o n ­ ju n c tio n w ith e q u iv a le n t skills a n d k n o w le d g e of a tw o - y e a r b u s in e s s d e gre e, o r tw o ye a rs; e x p e rie n c e w ith a b u s in e s s d e g re e (or e q u iv a le n t) fro m a fo u r-y e a r colleg e. F o r in fo rm a tio n co n ta ct: E u g e n e W a te r & E le ctric B oa rd, 500 E. 4th A ve n u e , P .O . Box 10 148, E u g e n e , O R 9 7 4 4 0 -2 1 4 8 , A ttn : H u m a n R e so u rce D e pt., o r (50 3) 4 8 4-2 411 ext., 30 12 . P o sitio n c lo s e s - M o n d a y, A p ril 29, 1991 - 5 :0 0 p.m . E Q U A L O P P O R T U N IT Y E M P L O Y E R ADMINISTRATOR DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY & IMMUNOLOGY EDUCATION Program Development Specialist to coordinate delivery of courses through the Professional De­ velopment Center. Bachelors required, Master’s preferred. Demonstrated ability in program administration and supervision in a fiscally self- supporting environment. The ability to relate in a multi-cultural environment is expected of candi­ dates. Letters of application, resume, names and telephone numbers of three references by May 10,1991,5 PM. For detailed position announce­ ment contact: (503) 725-4820 Search Committee Professional Development Center Portland State University PO Box 751 Portland OR 97207 Equal Employment Oppor’ty/Affirmative Action Employer. PSU is committed to increasing the ethnic & cultural diversity of the faculty. ALASKA (.O L D M IN IN G JO B S $75,000 to $100,000/yr. Traveling & Housing Provided by employer For details send $20 to: B. E. Klecha P.O. Box 931 Brisbane, CA 94005 I I I ■ I I I I I I I I I I I OREGON HEALTH SCIENCES UNIVERSITY PORTLAND, OREGON Duties will include daily and long-term organization and running of department affairs, tracking grants, assisting in fund raising, preparing brochures, assist in editing of textbooks, computer network­ ing: A degree in biological sciences with ad­ vanced degree in business administration with subspeciality in accounting preferred. Salary: $35,000 to $50,000 depending on experi­ ence and qualifications. Start date: June 15,1991 OHSU is an Equal Opportunity Employer Resume to: Dr. Maggie So, Department of Micro­ biology & Immunology, L220, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, OR 97201 SUB-BIDS REQUESTED I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Portland, Oregon Bid Date: April 25,1991 @ 4:30 P.M. A ll Trades 1740 Northwest Flanders Street Portland, Oregon 97209-2283 (503)226-3991 FAX (503) 228-3019 $75,ooo to $xso,ooo/yr. T ra v e l and h o u s in g p ro v id e d b y e m p lo y e r. T a x freeze o n stay o f one yea r o r in o ré . (S u b je c t to IR S ru le s .) F o r d e ta ils , send $ 2 0 .0 0 to: business, minority and women owned business and disadvantaged business CITY OF PORTLAND TRANSPORTATION PLANNING REGIONAL RAIL PROGRAM B. E. Klecha P.O. Box 931 Brisbane, CA. 94005 i ?? * - t . • » > • • * • " r • • Jantzen Beach Oregon and 2. Analyze possible alternative light rail alignments ' / - ''I on Jantzen Beach. The Division proposes to engage the consultant on a time and materials basis. If you are interested in being considered, a Request for Qualifications can be obtained by contacting Stuart Gwin, Project Manager, City of Portland, 1120 SW kA* 5th Ave., Room 702, Portland, Or. 97204, telephone (503) 796-7788. The Regional Rail Program staff within the Office of Transportation will administer the by 5:00 p.m., Friday, May 3,1991. Submissions should be mailed of delivered to Stuart Gwin, Project Manager, at the above address. INFORMATIONAL PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENT PUBLIC SCHOOLS CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids w i l l be received u n t il 1:00 p.m. on the d a te s in d ic a t e d in th e P u rc h a s in g D e p a rtm e n t, Multnomah County School D is t r i c t #1J, 501 N. Dixon, P o rtla n d , Oregon f o r the item s lis t e d h e re in : BID FILING DATE BID TITLE A p r il 30, 1991 Roofing Work At Various Schools Expansion J o in t Replacement For B.E.S.C. May 7, 1991 B a ll Elementary School O ffic e Remodel May 14, 1991 Meek Elementary School Foundation Repair Formal announcement, d e ta ile d s p e c ific a tio n s and b id d in g document may be obtained a t the above address. For a d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n , please co n ta ct M. J. Hutchens, D ir . o f Purchasing; 249-2000, E xt. 581. “I need to lose weight without losing my social life. Introducing the liLW PERSONAL CHOICE P R O G R A M Birthdays Cookoutt Family get togethers How do you lose weight without losing your mind? Easy —with the new Personal Choice Program from Weight Watchers new Personal Choice gives you your choice of three easy • to follow food plans that range from structured to flexible—whatever s right for you. It s designed to adapt to your lifestyle, so you can lose weight at your own comfortable pace What's more. Personal Choice allows you to eat the foods you want, when you want. Even in a restaurant So you can lose weight without losing friends If you're looking for a weight loss program that fits the way you live, now the choice is yours New Personal Choice Call Weight Watchers and ask about this exciting program today Safe, sensible weight loss for 27 years. JOIN ANY CLASS ANYTIME For Information Call (collect) weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ca llin g 796-5130. (503) 297-1021 »*’ ASK ABOUT OUR GOLD CARD Tillamook Park Bldg. 2108 N.E. 41st Ave. Tues Wed. 9:30 a m. & 5:00 p.m. Sav Fri. 9:30 a m. !s Fireside Room Tuesday 12:15 p.m. (Brown Bag Lunch Class) send $20 to: , * .-•••' • I : 11 • contact. Seven copies of consultants response to the Request for Qualifications are due in s tru cto rs $6.00, w ith e x p e rie n c e d e m p lo y e e s re ­ ' » The City of Portland, Transportation Planning Division is seeking a consultant to: 1. Evaluate a river crossing for light rail between Vancouver, Washington and c e iv in g m ore. A p p lic a tio n s and jo b d e s c rip tio n s m a y be ob tain ed fro m P ortla nd P a rks a nd R e cre a tio n , 1120 S W 5th A ve n u e , R oom 1302, P ortla nd , O R 9 7 2 0 4 , o r by c n the À*. • f NOTICE OF INTENT tim e se a so n a l w o rk. T h e e m p lo y m e n t se a so n runs J u n e 13 tho ugh L a b o r Day. A p p lic a n ts m ust m eet q u a lific a tio n s liste d in the jo b de scrip tio n s. S ta rtin g sa la rie s fo r life g u a rd s is $ 5 .4 0 an ho ur, sw im 'm . •Z -W enterprises. a n d co lle g e stud ents, and o th e rs w h o d e s ire part- B. E. Klecha P.O. Box 931 Brisbane, CA 94005 ¡n W ? CCB #00377 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small P o rtla n d P arks and R e c re a tio n s is hiring life gu ards and s w im in stru cto rs fo r th e 10 o u td o o r and 3 in d o o r sw im m in g fa c ilitie s use d in th e sum m e r. J o b a p p lica tio n s are w e lc o m e fro m hig h s ch o o l Earn up to $30K within 6 months. Travel & Housing provided by employer w -X > s ä *" DONALD M.DRAKE COMPANY Summer Jobs Available At Portland Swim Pools Seasonal Jobs In Alaska *•- i-.ii-’-L'. "C " Wing Elevator Upgrade New Members Please Arrive 20 Min. Early REBUILDING KUWAIT f *• .A •.•" Oregon Health Sciences University EMPLOYMENT HEARINGS REFEREE One current opening, State of Oregon Employ­ ment Division located in Salem. $2,835 - $3,779/ mo. plus liberal fringe benefits including contribu­ tions to family health and dental insurance, and a fully paid retirement program. To qualify you must have a Bachelor’s degree AND two years of experience conducting administra­ tive hearings, OR. Two years of preparing written administrative deci­ sions based on laws and regulations AND one year of conducting contested case hearings; OR graduated from and accredited law school AND one year of experience conducting contested case hearings or presenting cases before admin­ istrative agencies. For recruiting announcement and required State application call 378-3253. Applications must be returned to Employment Division, Personnel and Training Unit, 875 Union St. N.E., Salem, OR 97311 by 5:00 p.m., May 20,1991. An EOE/AA EMPLOYER «i .3