Page 4-T he Portland Observer -April 24,1991 Portland Observer ENTERTAINMENT Ebony Fashion Fair: Fantastic! THE LONG WALK HOME Key LdRGcl 31 NW First Ï- "5 . F ' The Best Is Yet To Come 2 2 3 -9 9 1 9 WEDNESDAY APRIL 24 Nine Days Wonder THURSDAY APRIL 25 11th Dream Day ♦ FRIDAY APRIL 26 Dub Squad ♦ Ronald Fuller Roderick Fuller BY TONY WASHINGTON D o ris H a ll, em ployee at Reed C ollege: “ T h is was m y th ird o p p o rtu ­ n ity to see the Fashion F air. I enjoyed it The E b o n y Fashion F a ir Freedom E x p lo s io n came to P o rtland, A p ril 19, 1991 at the H ilto n H otel. The h ig h lig h ts o f the 33rd A n n u a l F a ir was the outstanding perform ances by R o n a ld and R o d e rick F u lle r. The F u lle rs have been w ith the F a ir since 1985.(S ix years) “ T h is is a d e lig h tfu l experience to be called fo r service a g a in ” , com m ents Ronald. R onald and Rod enjoy m odeling very much. There’ s a great future fo r them . C o m in g fro m a large fam ily, Dallas, Texas is their home. R o nald was selected as an extra fo r 227 in 1989 and enjoys a ctin g as w e ll as m o d e lin g . The F u lle rs created a lo t o f energy during the Freedom Explosion, and made the audience really feel at home. Ronald is ve ry a ctive and energetic. He seems to have a great in sig h t and focus on his present and future aspirations. B eing tw in s is a plus. T hey create “ D ouble T ro u b le ” ! The nine m onth tour ends M a y 20. “ Y o ” ! See you n e xt year. F rom the e ntertainm ent editor: “ W h ile v ie w in g the Freedom E x p lo ­ sion I had a chance to get a couple o f o ther p oints o f vie w o f the F a ir.” BY TONY WASHINGTON very m uch. I ju s t w ish the tic k e t prices were ju s t a little b it lo w e r. H ow ever the accom m odations were o u ts ta n d in g .!! ’ ’ A n ta n g ia Presley, student at PCC, m a jo rin g in Business C le ric a l: “ T h is was m y firs t o p p o rtu n ity to attend the Ebony Fashion Show. D ue to fa m ily co m m itm e n ts m y a v a ila b ility is lim ­ ited. I was able to attend this evening by a d ra w in g at school (PC C Cascade). I enjoyed 50% o f the fashions. They were nice. I re a lly enjoyed m eeting the m odels and acquiring th e ir autographs from a ll the models. 1 had a great tim e. ’ ’ W hen one thinks o f glam orous fashions, outstanding m odels and de­ signs beyond the imagination. The Ebony Fashion Fair (Freedom Explosion) comes to m ind. I presented fashions in C rea­ tive E xpression, sports wear and lounge The L o n g W a lk H om e is a film that focuses on the busing desegrega­ tio n in M ississip p i in the 1950’ s, Stars W h o o p i G oldberg w h o portrays the maid o f a southern fam ily. Sissy Spaceck is the m istress fig h tin g fo r busing rights. T he film seemed to get m ixe d feelings fro m view ers. Here are some o f th e ir com m ents. M rs. Y oung N o rth ­ east P ortland: It was sad to see another film p ublished on the busing m o ve ­ ment. 1 grew up in the south, and I ” m try in g to fo rg e t it ever happened.Karen Stewart Northeast Portland: It was very dem eaning to B la c k men to m e, It SATURDAY APRIL 27 Dub Squad again! U n id e n tifie d : It was a film fro m the w o m a n ’ s pespective, not fo r men. Sad, H o w e ve r the a ctin g was ve ry w e ll done. N ote F rom The E nte rta in m e n t E d ito r: W h ile the film tried to po rtra y the courage o f the A n g lo Saxon (W h ite W om an) fig h tin g fo r the rig h ts o f A fro - A m ericans in the deep south d u rin g a tim e when d is c rim in a tio n was at i t ’ s peak. There was another u n d e rlin in g message arising from the film . It seemed to show black men as being unproduc­ tive , unsupporti vc and not able to make decisions.Mr. John C ork (screen w riter) fo r T H E L O N G W A L K H O M E d id an BY TONY WASHINGTON ♦ I had the o p p o rtu n ity to speak w ith B -A n g ie B o n A p r il 2 2 ,1 9 9 1 , w h ile she SUNDAY APRIL 28 Tragically Hip was on tour. B o m in N o rto n , M issis­ sip p i, and the daughter o f a m inister, w h ich gave her the desire to pursue a singing career, A n g ie considers h e rse lf a singer ♦ MONDAY APRIL 29 Madhatter/Pragmatrix instead o f a star. Quote: “ I lo ve sin g in g and w ould lik e to consider m y s e lf as a singer rather ♦ TUESDAY APRIL 30 Lip to Lip than a star. Stars seem to fo rg e t where they came from . T h a t’ s w h y I ’ m B- outstanding jo b o f putting this together, based on h is ow n p e rs o n a l d id n ’ t show the B la ck man v o ic in g his Angie-B. It means being m yself.” Angie is one o f 5 fa m ily mem bers, and w ould experience.This is a classic exam ple o f n o n -u n ity among blacks in the early 5 0 ’ s. T h is is an in d ica tio n o f the need o p in io n o r e x e m p lify in g his stre n g th .lt presented them as weak, and n o t in ­ volved. U n id e n tifie d : It was A sad age you to w rite the Pordand Observer fo r yo u r opin io n . m y s e lf w h y is this story being to ld wear. The ladies were m a g n ific ie n t in their v is it to the Portland H ilto n H otel someday. W o rk in g w ith M cH am m er since 1988, is how she started. A fo r­ m er B ank O f A m e rica em ployee, she The School o f to overcome adversity when confronted w ith these type o f issues. W e encour­ po rtra ya l,T h e acting was ve ry good, but it made me angry and I said to lik e to o w n her ow n record company Summer Workshop O regon w ent on her ow n w ith the help o f m an­ ager James E arly. A n g ie ’ s m usic is, dynam ic in content, and she re a lly gets ballet THEAT n James Canfield busy. R esiding in Frem ont, C a lifo rn ia , since 1984, her to u r started February July 8-August 10, 1991 B a llro o m , A rp il 19, 1991. G raceful professional and b e a u tifu l they were. Achieving their goals in modeling should be a d e fin ite asset in th e ir liv e s and we at the P ortland O bserver w ish them the best. 21 and w ill end M a y 2 1 ,1 9 9 1 . She w ill Artistic Director be appearing at the S tarry N ig h t C lub Joseph Wyatt on A p ril 26. She w ill be a sight to see. G et w ith the program and check her School Director out. I t w ill be beyond liv e . It w ill be B- A n g ie -B being herself. CHINOOK SALMON OR BROILED LOBSTER TAILS JUMBO PRAWNS FISH & CHIPS CLAM CHOWDER BROILED HALIBUT CRAB STUFFED MUSHROOMS LOBSTER THERMIDOR OR PAN FRIED OYSTERS SAUTEED SHRIMP ROSSI OR STEAK & LOBSTER CRAB AU GRATIN OR FRENCH FRIED SCALLOPS STEAM CLAMS OYSTER STEW CHICKEN STEAKS OR . . . . Powell’s Books & Powell’s Books For Kids Programs To Promote Literacy Guest Faculty: Stephanie Adelman Lorraine Graves Haydee Guttierrez Cherie Noble Bruce Smith For registration and information contact: The School of Oregon Ballet Theatre 1120 S.W. Tenth Avenue Portland. OR 97205 • (503) 227-6890 ADVERTISE CHE Seafood Restaurant & Bar -- Since 1891 --Lunch & Dinner 1035 S.W. Stark (Corner 11 th & Stark) 226-4171 th e « ■ » T W IC T 1 O 12- g ,, . j«ot* MQu ats accoN’t« '- ï i STARTS FRIDAY APRIL 26th LLOYD CINEMAS MjtiT~ 748-6938 _V i t i l i CUÎCKAMASCINEMA^ I ________ 248-6985 V I II1 1 [ ] MALL 205 248-6978 GRESHAM CINEMAS 748 6978 -X I 111 248-6984 J j'llll y H ill 1 L.TO 15% to 50% OFF 100% Human Hair wigs! 100% Human Hair for Braiding and Weaving Naomi Sims Wigs Betty Cabine proprietor TUES - SAT 11:30-6:00 r TANASBOURNE 248-1604 M o st rew arding fo r us, how ever, are the program s w h ich prom ote lite r­ acy in o u r co m m u n ity. F o r m ore in fo r­ m ation about the P o w e ll’ s B ooks fo r K id s program s o r articles, please con­ CLEARANCE SALE nestnvto WASHINGTON SQUAREl [ g ig ] 248 6980 Y, I lit f I JANTZEN BEACH GRAND PARKWAY [ ________ 77B-8O66 Còlivi (5) Can Blacks Survive in Oregon? (12) Parole and Probation is it a Revolving Door? (19) Trials and Tribulations of Higher Education (26) Dr. Tukufu Speaks star pictures inc all bights business partnerships and several co m ­ m u n ity related programs. MRS C’ s WIGS A Til STAR RELEASE A Efc '9 9 ' tbi open, w e ’ ve hosted numerous success­ fu l events in c lu d in g author events, tact M e lin d a O lson o f P o w e ll’ s B ooks fo r K id s at (503) 6 7 1-0671/(503) 643- 3131 « « w 4M Effl Ä m , I ’ ■ ffl! füll CM « . W Mite ■.jjuüÁmrmwuí m rr.ii aaoTí» rwrAntes Topics For May: À TOY SOLDIERS Radio Talk Show KBOO 90.7 FM Proverbial Perspectives What’s going on in the community? Every Sunday between 7:30 and 8:30 P.M. in nr 1 m KKJK. 111 P o w e ll’ s Books fo r K id s in B eav­ erton is now in the m id st o f its second year. In the short tim e that w e ’ ve been V I III Sales items subject to stock on hand. No Reorders BEAUTICIAN A STUDENT DISCOUNTS URBAN ENTERTAINMENT COALITION V IS A PRESENTS PORTLAND'S OWN APOLLO NIGHT AT THE ROSELAND THEATER KING NEIGHBORHOOD Show Pride In Your Neighborhood And Help Fight Crime Volunteer For 281-6525 7th & Fremont ( 707 N.E. Fremont ) 100% HUMAN HAIR FOR BRAIOINQ A WEAVING World Beat Reggae House Rap Blues Soul Gospel Folk Jazz (FORMERLY STARRY NIGHT) MAY 18, 1991 a t 8:00 PM “ King Neighborhood Foot Patrol” For More Information, Contact: Officer Harry Jackson Crime Prevention Committee Chair 823-2122 Or Fred Stewart King Neighborhood Chair 289-4970 S7.00 ADVANCE Music $10.00 DOOR DON'T MISS THIS NIGHT OF FUN TO SEE PORTLAND'S FINEST TALENT! ! COME AND BE PART OF THE AUDIENCE WHO WILL SELECT THE WINNERS’! USED X % 2225 N.E. B roadw ay FO R IN FO R M A TIO N PLE A S E CALL: 284 2435 -'.Vf. M 3 . ' * * A,f- ♦- Î-* 1 ' * '. ? • I» - • * • • • » co’* .-M»*«’ 4 A ‘ ‘ • f » 503-284-4828 P ortland, O r. 9723?.