Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 24, 1991, HOMES WANTED, Page 3, Image 3

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April 24, 1991—The Portland Observer-Page 3
Portland Observer
by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears
B attling a terminal illness in your
fam ily? Stressed out beyond belief?
Lost a child to disease? Single and
don’ t know what to do? Do you have
adolescent children who challenge you
beyond your capacity? Struggling w ith
a m id -life crises or an addictive prob­
lem? I f any o f these circumstances are
yours then Rivercrest has a special inter­
est group for you beginning M ay 6th
and M ay 7th.
" I f church is not relevant it is not
uæful” said Deb Wong Rivercrest Group
Co-ordinator. "W e are reaching out to
needs people bring to us. O ur mission is
help where people hurt. Each group
meets fo r seven seeks and is 90 minutes
long. They are based on the nationally
celebrated Serendipity M odel which
continues to be so successful. "T h is
program is completely open to the public
"s a id W ong, “ nochurch connection is
necessary. I f you have a need or want to
help someone who has, then this expe­
rience is fo r you.”
For more inform ation as to group
times and meeting places, call R iver­
crest 254-4400.
Church Women United
Sets Fellowship Day
May 3,1991
Church Women U nited in Port­
land w ill hold its annual M ay F ellow ­
ship Day Friday, M ay 3, at 9 a.m. at M t.
Tabor Presbyterian Church, 5441 S.E.
Belm ont. Theme is "Journey Toward
Jubilee,” in recognition o f Church
W om en U nited’ s 50th year. The event
is open to the public.
A 12:15 p.m. luncheon w ill fo llo w
the m orning meeting. M ay Fellowship
Day is observed nationwide each year
by local units o f Church Women United.
It focuses on com m unity projects in
which local units are involved.
T w o o f the Portland units’ con­
tinuing concerns are the Teen Parent
Program and the Letty Owings House,
a residential fa c ility fo r women in drug
addiction recovery and their children.
Church Women United embraces
a ll women o f Christian faith who wish
to show their unity through fellowship,
study and cooperative action.
M allory Avenue Christian Church
is proud to announce the Pastorate o f
the Reverend Denise Bell effective Janu­
ary 14, 1991. A celebration to honor
this occasion w ill be the o ffic ia l instal­
lation o f Reverend Bell on Saturday,
A p ril 27,1991, at 4:00 P.M . at M a llo ry
What Are You Wearing?
W hile I was watching a movie on
the M ovie Channel, a scientist created
a proto-type garment that a person could
put on over his own body and this
garment would give this person incred­
ible strength and abilities. The scientist
had developed this garment by watch­
ing his friend, o f many years, play the
game o f hockey. He had designed the
garment, in such a way, so each facet,
o f the suit, would m irro r the power an
skills o f his friend-tripled in strength.
On this suit, there was padding (that
had been specially treated), flashing
and tw inkling lights and electronic c ir­
cuitry which transferred energy to the
physical body. There was a helmet, a
jacket, sleeves, and leggings. They were
all detachable and independent o f one
Secretly - the scientist had envied
his friend’s abilities and skills. So - i f
he couldn’ t be him , which his in te lli­
gence revealed to him that he certainly
couldn’t do w ithout help, he would
Th e Black Press belle t ts Ilia I A m erica can best lead the world «way from social and
create a way through scientific ingenu­
ity: computers, lasers, circuits, elec­
tronic an electric configurations. A ll
joined together to duplicate reality; but,
there were unseen weaknesses.
As I sat watching this, it occurred
to me this is exactly the same way man
gets caught in the w o rld ’s trappings.
Instead o f keeping his eyes on Jesus, he
national antagonisms when It accords to ev e r; person, regardless ot race, color, or
creed, fu ll hum an and legal rights. H aling no person, tearing no person, the Black
P re » itrlvc s to help c' cry person In Uic n rm belief that all arc h u rt us long as anyone
la held back.
Fix up that spare room!
Brand new Thick cut pile
Carpet with built in cushion
Regular price $38 per sq. yd.
Our price $6.99 per sq. yd.
puts on the garments o f the w orld which
gives him a false sense o f strength. This
strength, that the world gives, is short
lived and fu ll o f empty promises.
It is possible fo r us to over come
it we w ould ju s t have on the rig h t
equipm ent.
When w ill man realize that C hris­
tians are the strongest and the most
powerful liv in g creatures in the uni­
verse. Why? Because, as a Christian,
we know that we have the power o f the
L iv in g God stored w ithin us. We know
that we fig h t spiritual battles and in the
Like new carpet tile
$2.00 sq. yd.
Magic Carpet
2716 NE Martin Luther King, Jr.
Portland, Oregon 97212
St. Paul Missionary
Baptist Church
8101 N. Fiske Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97203
Study Phone:289-1911
Sunday Service
Sunday School
Bible Study
Evening Service
7:00 P.M.
Black Educators To
Honor Top Students
Dine in or carry
out & Delivery
Oregon Alliance o f Black School
Educators Wednesday (A p ril 24) hon­
ors 40 top students o f Portland’s middle
and high schools during annual achieve­
ment -awards ceremonies.
The students, African-Am ericans
and other m inorities in Portland Public
Schools, w ill be saluted during a 6:30-
10 p.m. banquet at W estminster Pres­
byterian Church, 1625 N.E. Hancock
Catering Available
Parking in rear
Open 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
S l
(Contact: Nate Jones, O ABSE
president, 280-5783.
103 N.E. Morris Street
Portland, Oregon 97212
Church Phone: 287-7457
Sunday School 9:30 AM.
Sunday Worship 11:00 AM.
Bible Study, Wednesday 5:30 PM.
Prayer Service, Wednesday 6:00 PM.
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Ed Warmoth
Public Relations C onsultant
92 1 9 S o uth w est Line Drive
Cornelius, OR 97113
(5 0 3 ) 628-3 227
4222 N.E. 12 th Avenue, Portland, Oregon
Sunday Services
Rev. Dr. Joe S. Hardie, Pastor
Rev. Wendall H. Wallace
Senior Pastor
"Maranatha Live" Radio Program/Talk Show KPDQ 93.7 FM 800 AM
11:00 P.M. to 12:00 midnight (Each Sunday)
He That Loveth Not, Knoweth Not God;
For God Is love 1 John 4:8
S to n e T o w e r C h u rc h ,
N .E . S a n d y B lvd. & 3 0 t h
W o rs h ip S ervices 8 :0 0 A .M . & 11:00 A .M .
C h u rc h S ch o o l 9 :3 0 A .M . to 10:30 A .M .
B ib le S tu d y . W ednesdays. 116 N .E .S c h u y le r
10:30 A .M . a n d 6 :3 0 P.M .
Jesus Loves You/
AJi-m Tfenqpte O IK
R a dio M in is tr y each S u n d a y . 8 :0 0 A .M .-K B M S
4236 NE Eighth Avenue
(comer oí «Ih « Skidmore)
A T e a c h in g C h u rc h W ith A R eaching M in is tr y
D r. Ja m e s E. M a rtin , S e n io r P a sto r
Portland, Oregon 97211
C h u rc h O ffic e 1 1 6 N .E. Schuy cr,
(503) 287-0261
Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor
1 5 *
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Say you saw It In the
Portland Observer
Psalm 3 4 . 3
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V A / H a b ita t fo r H u m a n ity
II II In te rn a tio n a l
Sunday School
9:00 A .M .
M o rn in g W o rs h ip
10:30 A .m .
E v e n in g W o rs h ip
6:00 P .M .
M id w e e k Service - W e d n e sd a y
7:00 P .M .
S a tu rd a y - B A S IC Y o u th Service
7:00 P .M .
Pastor, Rev. James C.E. Faulkner
A s you have read, there are six
components - a ll serving as one o f the
parts o f the whole suit o f armor, each
having i t ’s own distinct function. But -
how should this arm or be used? How
can we adorn ourselves w ith this armor
and make it work? B y - praying a ll the
time. W ithout ceasing. Having a right
us to overcome i f we would ju s t have
relationship w ith God. As God any­
on the right equipment. Just as that sci­
thing that is in line with the Holy Spirit’s
entist created that suit to defeat his
wishes. Plead w ith him , remind him o f
foes, Jesus has created a suit fo r us to
your needs, and keep praying earnestly
wear that we may be able to stand
for all Christians - everywhere. N ot just
against the wiles (stratagems - tricks,
in Portland, or in your church, or in
schemes, deceiving plans) o f the devil.
Oregon, but in the entire w orld. For
Yes! Even in this day and time, the
God made this w orld fo r a ll to enjoy.
garment which Christ designed, in
He told man to “ ...be fru itfu l and m u lti­
Ephesians 6:11-17, is s till fashionable
ply, an replenish the earth, and subdue
and it really, really works.
it: and have dom inion over the fish o f
"W e are not fighting against people
the sea and the fow l o f the air, and over
made o f flesh and blood but against
every liv in g thing that moveth upon the
persons w ithout bodies - the evil rulers
earth.” [Gen. 1:28 K JV ]
o f the unseen w orld, those m ighty Sa­
Satan, however, tells us subtly to
tanic beings and great e vil princes o f
"disregard” , “ misuse” , "abuse” ,
darkness who rule this world; and againct
‘ ‘Everybody else is doing it. W hy don ’ t
huge numbers o f wicked spirits in the
you try it? You m ight like it. A nd i f you
spirit w o rld .” [Eph. 6:12 T L B ]
do , no problem. I ’ll be rig ht there to
We have to use every piece o f the
show you the ropes.” This is nothing
armor, that God has designed fo r us, to
but “ Hog-wash” . D on’t you feel stu­
resist the enemy whenever he attacks.
pid and foolish when you allow your­
That word "w henever” signifies that
self to get sucked into some feeble
we must wear this armor constantly.
minded situation. But - i f you’re pre­
Not just when we feel like wearing it -
pared, you’ve got on the whole armor
but, at all times. And when the Battle is
o f God, you’re studied-up and prayed-
all over, you w ill s till be standing up.
up, there is no power on this earth that
Praise the Lord!
can knock you down. H allelujah!
How can we adorn ourselves w ith
Suit up! Standfast! Be assured that
this armor and make it work?
God w ill have the last Word. M y pas­
B ut - to do this, you w ill need the
tor, Dr. James E. M artin, in one o f his
strong belt o f truth and the breastplate
sermons, said " I f you want to know
o f God’ s approval. Wear shoes (prepa­
w ho’s going to w in, go to the end o f the
ration o f the Gospel o f Peace) that are
book.” Yes! Be assured that you are
able to speed you on as you preach the
the victor. Jesus claimed the victory
‘Good N ews’ o f peace. In every battle,
when he went to the cross, was buried
you w ill need the shield o f faith to stop
and arose on the third day.
the fiery arrows aimed at you by Satan,
Oh, by the way, the scientist’s friend
and you w ill need the helmet o f salva­
was his brother whom he envied. But -
tion and the sword o f the Spirit - which
that’s a whole ‘nother story. Praise God!
is the W ord o f G od.” [Eph. 6:14-17
Order by 11:00 tor 1:00 delivery
minimum order required
St. Mark Baptist Church
I Peter iv.ll
fight, the physical body may become
tattered and tom but these houses, we
call our bodies, are not forever. In our
souls, we have strength that is beyond
The life that we live, upon this
earth, is engaged in a warfare. We not
only have flesh and blood foes - but,
also spiritual enemies. It is possible for
; ;
• ’ > •.
Let us Cater Your
Next Party
3517 N.E. M. I. King Blvd
Theme: Whatever you’re going
to do for the Lord, do it now.
•> " 1
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Avenue Christian Church. Rev. B ell is
the second woman pastor and first
A frican - Am erican to serve at M allory.
Guest speaker w ill be Rev. Buster
Soaries o f the first Baptist Church o f
Lincoln Gardens, Somerset, New Jer­
sey, an international speaker, lecturer
and preacher. He has done extensive
w ork in com m unity organizing, youth
advocacy and urban evangelism. He
has also worked w ith the Reverend
Jesse Jackson as the national coordina­
tor o f Operation Push.
Rev. Bell and M a llo ry carry on an
exciting ministry that includes all mem­
bers o f the North/Northeast and inner
Northeast communities o f Portland,
know ing that together we can make a
We extend an open invitation to
any and a ll to come and jo in w ith us and
become a part o f an exciting m inistry.
Reception follows.
Please call M allory Avenue Chris­
tian Church at 288-5173 for inform a­
tion and/or support.
Denise Bell
Scripture o f the Week M icah 6:8
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Denise Bell
For Best Results
Advertise in the Observer
Church Phone: 289-0147
Scripture o f the W ke/i
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SATURDAY APRIL 13, 1991 11:00AM TO 4:00 PM
116 N.E. Russell Street. Portland Oregon
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