Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 24, 1991, HOMES WANTED, Image 11

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    April 2 4 ,1991-The Portland Observer-April 24
in NE Portland
priced from under $60,000
Come and talk with the builder. Let's
discuss floor plans & other options.
J.A.M. Development
Don Jones, owner
R esidential or Business
BB. #58292
We Can Restore
Your Service in Less
than 3 days
"You'll Love our quality and service"
Don Jones
DINING ROOM possible formal
LOT SIZE 50x100
LIVING AREA 1200sq. ft.
Basement 35% partial
STYLE old Portland 2 level
Regardless Of Any Back Bill!
• No Credit Check
• No Cash D eposits
TERMS Seller Assisted Financing
FEATURES/COMMENTS Great investment potential for 1st ti
me home owner or investor. Security lighting with bars on windows and
doors. Easy access to freeways and downtown Portland. Seller ready
to negotiate.]
For As Little As
8040 North Lombard
Portland. Oregon 97203
Business 1503) 286-5826
Fax (503) 286-8675
Rose Marie Davis
Sales Associate
New Location!
901 S.E. Oak Suite #208
Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated
TELEPHONE 503-687-1101
FAX G87-1491
■ i t
■ wir.-*.»» X '««
sagen Company Realtors Is
proud to Introduce Desiree
Moore, a 1991 highly
motivated Sales Associate.
"If you find yourself In need
of professional Real Estate
assistance, allow me the
opportunity to serve you."
As a previous owner of a
small business. “I truly
understand the Importance
of good customer service.
Therefore honesty. Integrity
and dedication Is the very
basts of my career.
attorney at law
240 W illam ette Block
< 5° 3 > 294-1414
722 S.W. Second Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97204
Private practice since 1981, concentrating in the areas o f personal injury,
w orkers’ com pensation, domestic relations; wills and estates
Free initial consultations
Weatherize, increase resale values and save money doing it!
The Portland Energy Office and Pacific Power A Lrghl have a new weaihenration rehale program
for apvtmen. owner, with low income .en .nl. Rebates forms.alhng Mom. windows, insulanon.
caulking and olher energy saving measures can exceed $100« per unit. For more mformanon on
the Low’ Income Weaihenration Program or olher apartment we.them a.ion rebate programs, call
Marcy Wood in Ihe Energy Office. 796 70J.C
State Fair Housing Conference
To Be Held In Portland
The Seventh Annual Oregon Fair
Housing Conference will take place in
Portland on Thursday, April 18,1991,
at the downtown Portland Red Lion,
310 S.W. Lincoln. “ Building Com m u­
nity Through Fair Housing” is the con­
ference theme.
Title VIII o f the Civil Rights Act
of 1968 bans discrim ination in the sale,
rental, finance, advertising and the
brokerage o f housing based on race, re­
ligion, color, sex and national origin.
The 1988 Fair Housing Amendments
Act added non-discrim ination protec­
tions for fam ilies with children and
people with disabilities. The new law
also strengthens enforcement procedures
for fair housing com plaints, as well as
imposes fines ranging from $10,000 to
$100,000 for those who engage in dis­
criminatory housing practices.
The conference will feature panel
discussions and workshops conducted
by experts from government, industry
and non-profit organizations. Some of
the workshops being offered are: Fair
Housing Enforcement: Testing for l air
housing; A ccess for the Disabled:
Housing Accessibility Requirements and
Prolections;Com m unily Reinvestment
Act: Strategies for CRA Im plem enta­
------ --
Desireo Moore
Sales Associale
Hcs 345-5177
Mobile; 954-3231
Company ¿Realtors
Biographical Information
tion; and Housing A ffordability and
Availability : A ssessing and D evelop­
ment o f A ffordable Housing in O re­
The event’s keynote speaker will
be Rachel Susz, a nationally know n
civil rights specialist and a federal fair
housing litigator in cases throughout
the United States. Susz has served as
counsel in a num ber of precedent-set­
ting fair housing cases in W ashington,
D.C., St. Louis and Boston and previ­
ously served as National A ssislant
G eneral Counsel o f the N. A. A.C.P. She
has lectured widely on fair housing law
and served as an advisor and consultant
to fair housing an com m unity housing
resource groups. Also featured will be
M arcella Brown, form er executive d i­
rector o f the Fair Housing Congress o f
Southern California in Los Angeles and
the current D irector o f H U D ’s Program
Division in W ashington, D.C.
The conference will be held on
Thursday, April 18, 1991 from 8:30
A.M. to 5:00 P.M. with a reception to
follow. The prc-rcgistration fee of $40.00
includes lunch, hors d ’ oeuvres and
conference materials. Six hours o f real
estate credit will be gained. Call 248-
3707 for further information.
X f X
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RoseMarie Davis of Century 21 Peninsula Realty Inc.
wants you to know....
Whether you have never purchased
a home or your family has outgrown your present home......
In todays real estate market some exciting things are happening.
Interest rates are lower than they've been in years, lenders are putting
together loan programs for 1st time home values & home values are
up. With all these eliments existing, there may not be a better time to
Gerald M. (Jerry) Chase
Jefferson High School - 1966 to 1968
Beaverton High School - Class of 1970
Harvard University - Class o f 1974
University o f Oregon Law School -
Class o f 1977
Associate with the law firm of
Lindstedt & Buono from 1978 to 1980
ADDRESS 5212 NE 23rd
Once you’ve decided to buy it’s important to what you can afford &
what opportunities are available to you. The very first thing that you
must do is to sit down with Rose Marie Davis at Century 21 Peninsula
Realty. As a knowledgable & experienced realtor I will help you to
determine what type of property would best fit your needs & what
financing opportunities are available to you.
Purchasing a home can be a frustrating experience. Trying to
coordinate lenders, appraisers, repairs, escrow & insurance officers &
sellers can be a difficult task in itself. Rose Marie has the training &
experience to make your purchase flow as smoothly as possible. You
have very specific needs & your particular situation is unique. You need
a realtor who w>ll take the time to find out what those needs are. It is
important that you call me today so you too can realize the dream.
Rose Marie Davis
Sales Associate
Specializing in
Century 21 Peninsula
8040 N Lombard
Portland, OR 97203
249-1018 Direct
286-5826 Office
286-8675 FAX
Century 21 CEO
Predicts Strong
Northwest Real Estate
Market In 1991.
The Northwest residential real estate
m arket will rem ain strong in 1991 ac­
cording to Richard J. Loughlin, presi­
dent and CEO of Century 21 Real E s­
tate Corporation. This is despite earlier
fears o f a national recession resulting
in depreciating home values.
During a recent visit to celebrate
the 15th anniversary o f Century 21’s
N orthw est region, Loughlin spoke to
over 1,200 fellow agents and brokers:
“ Housing prices will continue to rise in
the Puget Sound area. Real estate activ­
ity has increased substantially in the
last 60 days. Housing starts are on the
rebound and there should be a turn­
around from a buyer’s to a scllers’s
m arket.”
High em ploym ent rates and con­
tinued strong perform ance by the Boe­
ing Co., high-technology com panies,
m ilitary bases and the University of
W ashington will keep inflationary pres­
sure on the booming Puget Sound market
according to Steve C arter, director of
special services for century 21 N orth­
west Region.
“ You can look for a 10- to 12-
perccnt appreciation rate next year,”
C arter said. * * Puyallup and Everett will
be especially strong as a result of subdi­
vision planning in Puyallup and Boe­
ing’s expansion in Everett.
A lthough many parts o f the coun­
try arc in a recession, the Northw est has
been a good m arket for the past 24
m onths. Real estate prices rose in 37
states in 1989. W ashington (8.4 per­
cent), O regon (12.5 percent) and Idaho
(8.2 percent) were in the top six.
“ The housing industry is on the
verge o f com ing out of the recession,”
said Loughlin. “ A renewed confidence,
along with lower m ortgage rates and a
heal the economy in the N orthw est
point toward a good 1991.”
In 1990, Century 21 Northwest
Region led all U.S. Century 21 systems
in production increases o f hom e sales.
This is another indication o f the strong
Northwest housing market. Closing
transaction increased 18.4 percent and
commission income to brokers and sales
associated jum ped 30.4 percent.
Seven homes in Portland neighborhoods w ill be offered to those who
qualify at the upcoming Homestead Open House.
The Portland Development Commission operates the Homestead
Program to provide home ownership opportunities to low-income Portland­
ers who m ight not be able to afford their own home.
Homesteaders agree to accept a low-interest home repair loan from
PDC to make necessary repairs, and live in the house fo r at least three or five
years. Your loan payment may be about $350 each month, including taxes
and insurance.
Open houses on Sunday, May 5, 1991, 1-4 p.m.
You must visit the homes you want in order to be
considered for homeownership. PDC will hold a
random drawing for each house.
716 N. Webster, 2 bedroom
3921 N. Borthwick, 2 bedroom
8515 N. Curtis, 2 bedroom
4135 N.E. Mallory, 2 bedroom*
I 4538 N.E. 6th, 3 bedroom
I 4911 N.E. 11th, 2 bedroom*
I 1433 N.E. Portland Blvd., 3 bedroom
♦Five year residency requirement
For more inform ation, contact PDC’s Eastside Office at 823-3422
between 8:00 and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
PDC is the City's agency for urban renewal, housing and economic development.