Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 17, 1991, HOMES WANTED, Page 3, Image 3

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    April 1 7 ,1991—The Portland Observer--Page 3
e Portland Observer
Mattie Ann Callier-Spears
Welfare Reform To Be Scaled Back
To Meet Measure 5 Cuts
Oregon’s Welfare Reform program
lik e ly w ill be scaled down to the m in i­
mum level required by federal law
because o f cuts related to B a llo t Meas­
ure 5.
Although the program survived
nearly intact in Gov. Barbara Roberts’
recommended budget fo r the A d u lt and
Fam ily Services D ivisio n, it probably
w ill be pared back as part o f an addi­
tional $8 m illio n in cuts requested by
Division officials presented the pro­
posed AFS budget to the human Re­
sources sub-committee o f the Ways
and Means Committee in February.
The governor’ s proposed budget
for AFS totals $692.7 m illio n ; o f that
total, $242.2 m illio n comes from the
state general fund.
A fte r about a week o f discussion
o f the AFS budget, the committee asked
adm inistrator Stephen M innich to cut
another $9 m illio n .
The governor’ s budget called for
1,773 employees in AFS, down from
1,954 in the proposed “ continuing level”
budget drawn up before Measure 5
passed; and also below the 1,817 au
thorized by the 1989-91 budget. One o f
the m ajor AFS budget issues is Welfare
Reform, the federally mandated pro­
gram that trains welfare recipients fo r
jobs that pay more than minimum wage,
rather than m aintaining them on public
assistance. Oregon calls its welfare
reform program “ Jobs for Oregon’ s
The governor’ s budget would have
cut 5,000 o f the 27,000 Jobs partici­
pants, but s till w ould have kept Ore­
gon’s program above the minimum levels
required by federal law.
The reduction requested by Ways
and Means would cut $7 m illio n from
welfare reform and $1 m illio n from the
adm inistrative budget.
O f the $8 m illio n cut:
$2.5 m illio n would be used to re­
store a cost-o f-livin g increase fo r w el­
fare recipients in the firs t year o f the
biennium which had been elim inated
from the budget.
*$3 m illio n would cover an in ­
crease in welfare caseload expected
because o f cuts in w elfare reform and a
forecast economic downturn;
*and $2.5 m illio n w ould go into a
Physical Disabilities
Conference Scheduled
pool being funded by a number o f
agencies to restore c ritic a l cuts in other
agencies’ programs-notably the C h il­
dren’ s Services D ivisio n and Vocation
al Rehabilitation D ivision.
The additional $8 m illio n in cuts
w ill not reduce personnel further than
the governor’ s recommended budget.
Under that budget, 151 positions were
cut, and regional o ffice structure was
“ Our aim is to do it through turn­
over-resignations, transfers, retire­
ments,” said adm inistrator Stephen
M innich.
The division set a goal to cut 76
positions by this July, and the fu ll 151
by July 1992. As o f March 22,82 posi­
tions had been cut through turnover, six
more than the target. M innich noted.
“ This is not happy news in the
sense that we are cutting positions. But
as least we are ahead o f schedule in
meeting our staff-reduction target w ith ­
out a la y o ff,” M innich added.
The budget also calls fo r the d iv i­
sion to transfer its Volunteer Program
to the o ffice o f the director o f Human
Families: Little-Known Facts
1 erhaps you haven t gone to
church for some time but think you
might like to explore some church
The family that stays together—
often achieves great things together!
Just consider these examples of fa­
mous families who’ve left a lasting
Perhaps, however, we should
admire more some lesser-known
families who teach their children
from an early age the value of serv­
ing others in a sacrificial lifestyle.
The Hostetlers of Indiana are a
Mennonite family who adopted sev­
eral children from other countries
who needed homes.
Fix up that spare room!
Brand new Thick cut pile
Carpet with built in cushion
Regular price $38 per sq. yd.
Our price $6.99 per sq. yd.
Like new carpet tile
$2.00 sq. yd.
Magic Carpet
2716 NE Martin Luther King, Jr.
Portland, Oregon 97212
Free Health Screenings
For Seniors
There are many groups of Men-
nonites across the country, in both
rural and urban areas, but they all
have several things in common.
They’re members of a church of
warm, caring people, where others,
of all races and backgrounds, are
alw ays welcome—unlike most
families, you don’t have to be born a
Mennonite to belong! They believe
in God’s love, the world’s need for
justice and peace, the Bible, Jesus
Christ and each other. The Menno-
nites serve God and the people in
their comm uni ties. Caring members
of the Mennonite church have helped
out at flood sites, earthquakes, soup
kitchens and youth centers. They’ve
learned from Jesus that ordinary
people can make a difference—and
that a life of giving is more reward­
ing than a life of getting.
(Offered at Neighborhood
Sites Age 55+)
May 10, Eastco Loaves and Fishes,
St. Aidans Episcopal Church, 17405
N.E. Glisan. Please Call 255-9775 for
an appointment (9 a.m. to 12 noon).
Am ong services at the screenings
are blood chemistry tests which in ­
clude cholesterol, glucose and amenia
measurements, blood pressure, colorec­
tal cancer take-home test k it, lung func­
tion and hearing testing, Vision and
glaucoma assessments, nutritional
counseling and foot care evaluation are
also usually offered. Appointments are
necessary and may be made by calling
the screening site. There is no charge
fo r the screenings.
S t Paul Missionary
Baptist Church
103 N.E. Morris Street
Portland, Oregon 97212
Church Phone: 287-7457
Oregon Commission On Black Affairs
Acknowledges Passage Of Proposed Budget
The fu ll Ways and Means C om ­
mittee passed by an 11-5 vote, the budget
presented by its ’ General Government
W hile expressing re lie f that some
o f the earlier proposals, including a
proposal to completely defund the
Commission and other m inority advo­
cacy groups were not approved. The
Oregon Commission on Black A ffairs
notes the HB 5053 which passed out o f
the Ways and Means Committee does
not positively resolve the budgetary
p lig ht the Commission has attempted
to bring to ligh t throughout this legisla­
tive process.
Senators Kerans, Roberts and Trow
voted negatively and indicated that they
were doing so to call attention to the
woeful underfunding o f the Oregon
Commission on Black A ffairs, Chair
Wade Acknowledged their expression
o f support and appreciated that they
continued to vote their conscience.
Commission o fficia ls were dis­
mayed by comments made during the
proceedings which im plied that there
has been a lack o f coordination and co­
operation between the Commission on
Black Affairs, Commission on Hispanic
A ffairs and Commission fo r Women.
The Oregon Commission on Black
A ffairs continues to look positively to­
wards w orking in concert w ith the other
Commissions whenever appropriate.
Commission Chair Joseph Wade
promises that Commission on Black
A ffa irs w ill continue to m onitor pro­
ceedings and attempt to speak to some
concerns which s till exist relative to the
budgetary problems o f the C om m is­
sion, i.e.,
* unfunding o f support staff in the
Commission o ffice (the b ill authorizes
but does not fund a 1/3 tim e classified
* underfunding in the supplies and
services area; and
* lack o f recognition o f personal
financial commitments required o f
Commission members.
F inally, Wade is seriously con­
cerned about the harm ful impact on the
morale o f Commission members, the
A frican Am erican com m unity, and
Oregonians in general o f the negative
dialogue that has permeated these pro­
Information /Support Groups For
Adults Molested As Children
The Adults Molested As Children
Program o f Lutheran Fam ily Service o f
Oregon and Southwest Washington is
offering 13 week inform ation and sup­
port groups for men and women who
have been sexually abused as children
beginning the early part o f June.
The groups are designed to help
women and men when they are ready io
look at and deal w ith the ways in which
past abuse affects their lives in the
present and generate choices and op­
tions fo r the future. Participants w ill
receive inform ation on a variety o f
topics which w ill include: the impact o f
unresolved trauma; offender dynam­
ics; survival mechanisms; relationship
issues; and stages in the healing proc­
In addition, group members w ill
be able to identify w ith the stories and
trauma o f other participants and dis­
cover a source o f support that fills the
void and isolation that is so fam iliar to
people who have been abused.
“ When someone is abused as a
child or adolescent,” states M yna
Sommers, supervisor o f the A M A C
Program, “ the pain does not disappear
w ith the passage o f time. Unless the
person is able to share his or her story
w ith others, to one degree or another
they remain stuck in the past. The o ri­
entation groups provide a safe place
either to begin or to continue w orking
through these issues.”
Concurrent w ith group, members
are also required to be in individual
therapy. Also, people w ith substance
abuse problems must be in recovery for
a least a year. The group fee is based on
a sliding scale depending on gross in­
come and number o f people supported.
A Partners’ Group is also available
for people who are in a relationship
w ith someone who has been abused
and who want to learn how to be more
supportive, w hile being clear about his
or her own issues.
For more specific inform ation on
group times or to schedule a screening
appointment for an orientation group,
call the appointment’s office at 231-
7480 between 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday.
Study Phone:289-1911
Sunday Service
Sunday School
Bible Study
Evening Service
7:00 P.M.
Scripture o f the Week M icah 6:8
For Best Results
Advertise in the Observer
St. Mark Baptist Church
8101 N. Fiske Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97203
Church Phone: 289-0147
The D isabilities Advisory C oa li­
tion is pleased to announce that a semi­
nar on Independent L iv in g fo r Persons
w ith Physical D isabilities w ill be held
Saturday, A p ril 20th, from noon to 2PM
at the Hillyard Community Center, 2580
N. H illya rd in Eugene. The topic o f this
seminar w ill be W orking Out Problems
w ith Fam ily and Attendants. The next
five seminars w ill be held the third
Saturday o f every month from May-
September 1991. A ll persons with
physical disabilities, fam ilies, friends
and any other interested persons are
invited to attend these FREE seminars!
The D isabilities A dvisory C oali­
tion has also begun a series o f free peer
support groups fo r persons w ith dis­
abilities and their fam ilies, friends,
children, parents and other significant
persons. The peer support groups are
held the first and third Saturday o f
every month through September, 1991.
The peer support groups are held from
2:30-4:00 PM at the H illya rd C om m u­
nity Center, 2580 N. H illy a rd in Eu­
gene. The specific focus o f these sup­
port groups is determined by the mem­
bers o f the groups and the correspond­
ing facilitators. Come and make a group
happen fo r you!
An interpreter fo r the hearing
impaired w ill be available for either the
seminars o f the peer support groups
w ith 48 hours advanced notice. Trans­
portation inform ation is available fo r
either the seminars or the peer support
groups by calling the D A C o ffice fo r a
referral. Please call D A C at 485-7718
fo r more information.
Scripture o f the W’eek.
Sunday School 9:30 AM.
Sunday Worship 11:00 AM.
Bible Study, Wednesday 5:30 PM.
4222 N.E. 12 th Avenue, Portland, Oregon
Prayer Service, Wednesday 6:00 PM.
Rev. Dr. Joe S. Hardie, Pastor
Sunday Services
He That Loveth Not, Knoweth Not God;
For God Is love 1 John 4:8
Pastor, Rev. James C.E. Faulkner
Theme: Whatever you’re going
to do for the Lord, do it now.
I Peter iv.ll
Thmgüs O2Œ Ciïü/fih
Psalm 3 4 : 3
4236 NE Eighth Avenue
(comer of 8th A Skidmore)
Portland, Oregon 97211
Stone Tower Church,
N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 3Oth
Worship Services 8:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M.
Church School 9:30 A.M. to 10:30 A.M.
Bible Study. Wednesdays. 116 N.E.Schuyler
10:30 A.M. and 6:30 P.M.
Radio Ministry each Sunday. 8:00 A.M.-KBMS
A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry
Dr. James E. Martin. Senior Pastor
Church Office 116 N.E. Schuy eT,
~ ~ i
Jesus Loves You/
(503) 287-0261
Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor
Sunday School
9:00 A.M.
M orning W orship
10:30 A.m.
Evening W orship
6:00 P.M.
M idweek Service - W ednesday
7:00 P.M.
Saturday - BASIC Youth Service
7:00 P.M.
Maranatha Live" Radio Program/Talk Show KPDQ 93.7 FM 800 AM
11:00 P.M. to 12:00 midnight (Each Sunday)
Say you saw It In the
Portland Obssrwar_
D ad ’ s O il S ervice
heating oils
Best Cash P rices
104 NE Russel St.
Portland, Or 97212
(503) 282 5111
Call for Quote!
Rev. Wendall H. Wallace
Senior Pastor
SATURDAY APRIL 13, 1991 11:00AM TO 4:00 PM
116 N.E. Russell Street. Portland Oregon
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