Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 17, 1991, HOMES WANTED, Page 11, Image 11

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April 17 , 1991— The Portland Observer—Page 11
Equity Maximizer:
It’s making all
other home equity
loans obsolete.
We want the
Homes that need Painting and Insulation
A ttention, h om eow ners in this area w ill be g ive n the o p p o rtu n ity o f having new P rem ium V in y l S id in g
by A lc o a a p plied to th e ir homes w ith o p tio n a l decorative w o rk at a very lo w cost. T h is am azing new p ro d u ct
has captured the interest o f hom eow ners throughout the U n ite d States w ho ate fed up w ith constant p a in tin g
and other m aintenance costs. It w ill last fo r the life tim e o f the hom e and provides fu ll sum m er and w in te r in ­
sulation, as w e ll as fire p rotection. O u r new p ro d u ct can be used over every type o f home in c lu d in g fram e,
concrete b lo ck, stucco, etc. I t comes in a choice o f colors and is now g o in g to be introduced in y o u r m arket.
Y o u r home can be a show place in you v ic in ity . L e t us e xp la in this lo w cost program to yo u , e specially
designed fo r yo u r area.
Mike Morton's
Lager Construction Co.
M an
In business since 1964
1400 NE 37th, Ptld. 97232
Even ours.
D|sco u n ts!
Best time to call □ Morning □ Afternoon □ Evening
Member of BBB Since 1964
You know mo, "I like my cofee with cream & surgar.’
Serving the metro area
Since 1964
License No. 28015
U n lik e all other home equity loans, Equity Maximizer is
a loan and line of credit that work together. Which means
you have numerous options in how to structure the loan, and
just as many in how to pay it back.
Equity Maximizer. It’s so innovative, no other major
Northwest bank can match it. Call 1-800-551-FAST.
Security Pacific Bank Celebrates
120th Anniversary
Security Pacific commemorates 120
years o f p ro v id in g fin a n cia l products
and services to com m unities th ro u g h ­
out C a lifo rn ia , A laska, W ashington,
Oregon, Idaho, Nevada and A rizo n a
w ith the in tro d u ctio n o f several a n n i­
versary product o ffe rin g s. The featured
payments automatically w ithdrawn from
a Security P a cific checking account.
“ F o r m ore than a century, Secu­
rity P a cific Bank has pro vid e d custom ­
ers w ith a safe, co n ve n ie n t place to
save and invest th e ir m o n e y,” said
Richard A . Martens, chairman and ch ie f
products are a vailable A p r il 8 through
executive o ffic e r. “ W e consider our
120-year anniversary celebration a trib ­
A p ril 13 at any branch in O regon and
SW W ashington.
S i m
p l y
B e tte r "
Member FDIC. ©1991 Security Pacific Bancorporation Northwest Registered trade and serv ice marks are property o f Security Pacific Corporation. As
of 3/4/91, Variable rate credit line 11.0%** APR. Fixed rate option $5000 to $19,999 - 11 45% ** APR; Fixed rate option $20,000* - 11.20%**
APR Maximum APR - 16.0%** Second year annual Membership fee $65 00. Fixed rate conversion fee $50 for second and subsequent
conversions. ‘ Applies to loans of $50,000 or less where total liens do not exceed 80% of taxed assessed value Required hazard/fhxxl
insurance may be extra. **APRs reflect .5% discount for automatic payment from a Security Pacific checking account
A m o u n g the special anniversary
o ffe rin g s are a standard checking ac­
ute to o u r m any lo ya l custom ers over
the years, and a w a y to thank them fo r
count free o f m o n th ly service charges
fo r one year plus the firs t order o f
do in g business w ith us.”
Security P a cific O regon Bancorp,
w ith 47 o ffice s statewide, is a subsidi­
checks at no charge; no annual m e m ­
bership fee fo r one year on an approved
ary o f S ecurity P a cific B ancorporation
N orthw est in Seattle. B oth companies
classic V IS A o r M asterC ard; and E q ­
u ity M a x im iz e r home e q u ity loan fo r
no points, no loan fees and o n ly S99
are a ffilia te s o f S ecurity P acific C o rp o ­
ra tio n in Los Angeles, the fifth largest
h o ld in g com pany in the U.S. w ith o ver
clo sin g costs: and a 10.45 percent A P R
on a new car loan plus no loan fee, w ith
$84 b illio n in assets.
Senate Confirms Arthur J. Hill
For HUD’s Top Housing Post
Mortgage A ssociation (G N M A ) since
they m ay share in the A m e rica n dream
o f hom eow nership.” K e m p said.
H ill w ill be responsible fo r d ire c t­
in g H U D ’ s housing p o lic ie s and p ro ­
grams fo r the p ro d u ctio n , fin a n cin g ,
and management o f government-assisted
H is re sp o n sib ilitie s also in clude
management o f the government-backed
m ortgage insurance program s o f the
March 1990. W orking closely w ith H U D
Secretary Jack K e m p , H ill in itia le d
Federal Housing A dm inistration (F H A ),
the preservation and re h a b ilita tio n o f
numerous re fo rm s at G N M A to en­
hance G N M A ’ s co n trib u tio n s to the
fe d e ra lly assisted housing, and the
management o f H U D ’ s in ve n to ry o f
A dm inistration’ s housing goals. G N M A
foreclosed properties.
“ I am e xcited abo u t the o p p o rtu ­
n ity to co n trib u te fu rth e r to the re a liza ­
tio n o f the A d m in is tra tio n ’ s goal o f
The U .S. Senate Thursday unani­
m ously co n firm e d President Bush’ s
nom ination o f A rth u r J. H ill as A ssis­
tant Secretary fo r H ousing-Federal
H ousing C om m issioner at the U.S. D e­
partm ent o f H ousing and Urban D evel­
opm ent
H ill has been serving as H U D ’ s
President o f
G overnm ent
N ational
o f C orporate L e n d in g . He also served
as V ic e P resident and R egional M a n ­
ager fo r C orporate L a n d in g at the
A m e rifirs t Federal Savings and Loan
in M ia m i.
m illio n s o f A m e rica n fa m ilie s and to
A n ative o f Ja ckso n ville , F lo rid a ,
H ill is w id e ly recognized as a leader in
R epublicans fo r Bush in 1988.
He m aintains residences in W ash­
em power lo w -in co m e fa m ilie s so that
the banking industry. He was C h a ir-
in g to n , D .C . and M ia m i, F lo rid a .
A rt H ill b rin g s the experience and lead­
ership to m ake h im a key p la ye r in the
Bush A d m in is tra tio n ’ s strategy to e x­
pand hom eow nership o p p ortunities fo r
p ro v id in g a ffo rd a b le hom eow nership
o p p o rtu n itie s to increasing num bers o f
low -and-m oderate-incom e
fa m ilie s ,” H ill said.
For Best Results
Advertise in the Observer
Why Paint?
When you don't have to any more.
the F lo rid a State C hairm an o f B la c k
The City Has Options In
The Dominion Capital
C o m m issio n e r G retchen K a fo u ry
announced today that her o ffic e had
contracted w ith housing specialist Sam
G albreath to lo o k at o ptions the C ity
m ay have in the D o m in io n C a p ita l case.
The C o m m issio n e r’ s goal is to
Why Pay High Fuel Bills?
prom ote the a v a ila b ility and m a in te ­
nance o f a ffo rd a b le housing. W ith
When you can lower'em
dom inion capital currently in bankruptcy
co u rt, the fu tu re o f a p p ro xim a te ly 200
Why Move
When ther’s no reason to
Cover Your Home With
Insulated Vinyl Siding
Buy Direct & Save Money
100% Financing
Call Caiwfraa Vinyl Homes
For Free Estimate & Consultation
(No Obligation to Buy Anything)
Q: What exactly does detergent
A: Its main jobs are to loosen soil,
break down fat, suspend soil in the
water and hold it there to prevent
its redeposition on dishes.
Q: Can’t I just add more deter­
gent to soften my water?
A: You can fill your disiiwasher’s
dispenser cup to capacity if you have
moderately hard water. However,
it’s not possible to add enough de­
tergent to soften water that’s very
Q: Can I use regular hand­
dishwashing detergent in my dish­
A: No. It can cause the dish­
washer to overflow and wii; require
a service cal! to restore it t > operat­
ing condition.
partm ent and served as V ic e President
A m e rica n
more than $54 m illio n in F Y 1989.
“ A s m y senior housing o ffic ia l,
G etting To Know
D ishw asher D etergents
man, President, C h ie f E xe cu tive O f f i­
cer, and a D ire c to r o f the P eople’ s
N a tio n a l B ank o f C om m erce in M ia m i,
F lo rid a , U n d e r his d ire c tio n , the fin a n ­
c ia lly distressed in s titu tio n was to ta lly
re ca p ita lize d and returned to a p r o fit­
able p o sitio n. A t Southeast B ank, N . A .
in M ia m i, he spearheaded the d e ve lop ­
m ent o f the b a n k’ s M o n e y M a rk e t D e­
H ill, 4 2 , received a B .A . Degree
fro m F lo rid a M e m o ria l C ollege, a M . A .
Degree fro m the U n iv e rs ity o f F lo rid a ,
and holds a G raduate D ip lo m a fro m
Southern M ethodist U n ive rsity’s Gradu­
ate School o f B a n kin g . H ill served as
realized a net increase in p ro fita b ility
to over $380 m illio n in F T 1990 from
XA77H ome
W orks
rentals and 100 plus hom e-ow ner p ro p ­
erties is uncertain. G alb re a th ’ s respon­
s ib ility w ill be to assess w hether o r not
the C ity should become in v o lv e d in the
d isp o sitio n o f those properties. He w ill
lo o k at the p o s s ib ility o f the C ity h elp­
ing to p re ve n t s ig n ific a n t fin a n c ia l
damage to innocent fa m ilie s and in d i­
v id u a l hom e-ow ners, and creating a
sustainable w ay to m a in ta in the rental
W h a t happens to these properties
w ill have s ig n ific a n t im p a ct on m any
o f o u r c ity ’ s “ a t- ris k ” neighborhoods.
I t ’ s c ritic a l that we m ap o u t a ll o f o u r
o p tio n s ,” K a fo u ry said.
Buy a HUD home
in a hurry
with Express Bid!
Our tremendously successful Express
Bid program makes the process of bidding
for and buying a HUD home fasier and
easier than ever. Thai's because now
when you bid lull price* or belter on any
HUD home, lhal bid will be opened ai our
daily (Tues.-Fri.) 2:00p.m. bid opening
Express Bids end the usual Id-day
wail, speeding up decisions on every full
price or belter bid submitted. (II more
than one Express Bid arrives for the
same property at the same bid opening,
the highest net bid is considered lor
acceptance 1
So if you're looking for a real home-
buy tng bargain, and you're in a real
hurry. then ask your real estate agent to
Express your bid on a HUD home. It s
another great reason to go with The
Home Team' advantage!
Eor a listing of HUD homes available
now. check the real estate classified
section of the Sunday Oregonian.
•A minimum full price bid is list price less a
maximum tr t broker commission and a
maximum V* closing cosi paid by HL'D if
O fF M rm iK N î O» MOUSING
ano ikw ax o n u o m o n
Q-.I h\ Hl D. Pi inland Office