U n iv e r s ity o t E u g e n e , Or e g o 97403 PORTL Volume XXI, Number 16 The Mourning of Men in Blue Fails to Stir Public Sympathy for Gates PartHI PAGE 2 Blazers Prepare for Sacramento by Ullysses Tucker, Jr. PAGE 4 Why I Work to Prevent Blindness by Harry Belafonte PAGE 5 Excellent Role Model Keijo at KGW's Teen Hotline »per Re BSERVER Tektronix names William R. Spivey as Vice President For Computer Graphics Group T ektronix named W illiam R. Spivey as Vice-President for its Computer Graphics Group, which is based in W ilsonville, Oregon. Spivey, 44, has a broad back­ ground in engi­ neering, m arket­ ing and business a d m in is tr a tio n within the elec­ tronics industry. He has held nu­ merous m anage­ ment positions at Honeywell, Inc., w here he h a s w orked since 1978. S pivey m ost re c e n tly served as Vice P re sid e n t and General manager William R. Spivey o f Honeywell’s Keyboard Division. From 1979 to 1986, he held a variety of positions in engi­ neering, marketing and planning at the Micro Switch Division. Prior to H on­ eywell, Spivey worked for the Semi­ conductor Products Division of Gen­ eral Electric Co. from 1970 to 1978. At Tek, Spivey will be responsible for managing the newly named Com ­ puter Graphics Group, which includes the Network Display Division and the Graphic Printing and Imaging Divi­ sion. He also will have strategic and operational responsibility for com m er­ cializing promising new display tech­ nologies now under developm ent in TEK LABS. Jashua I. Sm ith, current Chair of the Bush Administration and founder of MAXIMA Corporation, will be Key note speaker at the OAME annual minority Entrepreneurship conference on May 16. Major sponsors o f OAM E Annual Conference are U.S. W est Com m uni­ cations, First Interstate Bank, and U.S. Bank. Inform ation about the confer- ence may be obtained by calling OAME office; 236-1190 or writing to: OAME Center, 847 NE 19th Suite 245, Port­ land, Oregon 97232 25