Aoril 10, 1991 AU The Portland Observer-Page 7 Neil Kelly Names Project Manager Nil Tony Brown Continued From Front Page U n f o r t u n a t e ly , left field. So, it’s sorta like, if we just ignore this guy, what he is might not exist. When I started out, I didn’t have the option of working within the estab­ lishment, thank God, so I had to de­ velop alternatives. The fact that I had to develop alternatives gives me more independence. In his career. Brown has produced, directed, and financed a feature length film, “ The White G irl” , that dealt harshly with drugs and their devasta­ tion of young people. He is an advocate be independent of them. 1 think that they are very threatened by this. It’s kind of a funny thing, if you know what I mean, because they don’ t want you in, but they don’t like you if you don’t care if you’re not in. I think that’s the impact d ow ned of economic self-sufficiency as a strat­ egy for success. When questioned about what advice he would give to all the people aspiring to be the next Tony Brown, he laughed and suggested that it would be a bad idea. “ I wouldn’t aspire to be Tony Brown” , he said. “ I would aspire to be myself because each o f us has such genius within us and it really bothers me that people want to be other people. I don’t think that’s what people should be. 1 can admire you and the things you’ve accomplished, but I don’t want to be you. 1 want to make me a little better. 1 think that as Blacks, we need to get admiration and inspiration in fo­ cus.” that I’ve had. There is really noplace in their minds for me. They can’t make a case that I’m incompetent and they can ’ t make a case that I’m too far out in A product of Wayne State Univer­ sity in Detroit, Ml, (undergraduate/grad school), Brown does believe that he has had an impact on the communications industry despite denying himself role model status. “ 1 think that, in terms of white controlled media industry, I’m the best kept secret they’ve ever had. I threaten them and I know that I threaten them because 1 seek to be independent and I seek to pursuade other Blacks to Any other advice for Black people in general? * ‘Let go the anger you have for the white man. That monkey has been on our backs for a long time and it’s time to let go.” Brown was the dinner speaker at the Association of Black Journalist meeting hosted by the local chapter. -• r . ’ T V •. iCV ■; íÁ .» ' C O M IN G A P R IL SO O N 17 & 24 John H. Frazier, of Neil Kelly designers/Remodlers, was recently named to the position of Project M an­ ager for the firm. John has served the company as Production assistant for the past two years. Neil Kelly Com ­ pany is a residential and commercial remodeling contractor which has been in business in Portland since 1947. .'« c a*. i' ♦>-' »fi*»* • r ». , • • ■*'' » - - ,* • ••• p o w e r lin e s Since this is our first sale in 120 years, you m ight n o t w ant to miss it. y •T î i * ?.• • - • r • com e ,or over a century, Security Pacific has been a forerunner in innovative products and services. We’re not stopping now. 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