I age 8— I he Portland Observer***April 3, 1991 OLCC Rule Change For Service Permit Applicants, April 1 Beginning A p ril 1, applicants for Oregon Liq uo r C ontrol Com m ission service permits w ill have 90 days in which to complete the alcohol server education course required by state law. “ This amendment to the O L C C ’s server education rule represents a ma­ jo r change fo r bartenders, servers, managers and licensees who apply fo r the license that allow s them to serve and sell alcoholic drinks, “ said Lee Coleman, director o f O LC C Regulator Process. “ No extensions w ill be granted for applicants who have not completed the education requirement w ithin 90 days,” she said. “ I f the applicant does not suc­ cessfully complete server education w ithin the tim e period, the commission w ill deny the service perm it applica­ tio n.” Coleman explained that before April 1 service perm it applicants had only 45 days after signing the application to attend the alcohol Server Education course and pass a w ritten test. “ A lthough we have doubled the time lim it fo r com plet­ ing the course, we w ill not be granting extensions as we did in the past,” she said. “ Applicants may begin serving alcohol after com pleting the application and paying the $23 fee just as always,” Coleman pointed o u t There are more than 87,000 servers, bartenders and liquor licensees who have O LC C service permits, which must be renewed every five years. In 1987, the Oregon Legislature mandated that serv­ ice permit applicants complete an alco­ hol server education course and pass a written exam before receiving the OLCC license. Coleman said more than 60,000 new and renewing service permittees have successfully completed the education course since the law was enacted. Server education courses are offered by 18 p ri­ vate providers in the state. Do You Know Someone Whose Bills Are Larger Than Their Paycheck? v a il L I Jewell Bailey, vice President/Education < ------ M arital problems, jo b loss, m ajor illness or ju s t over-enthusiastic spend­ ing sometimes result in having more b ills than you can pay. I f you or someone you know is having trouble m aking ends meet, a visit to Consumer C redit Counseling Service (CCCS) may help avoid a lo t o f grief. A community-sponsored, non-profit service w ith Pacific Northwest offices in Oregon, W ashington, Idaho and Tlie powvr to owrcume. to arrange reduced regular m onthly payments and ensure that b ills are paid on time. Clients are asked to pay a small m onthly fee for this service - the average fee is $7. I f you’ re having trouble paying your bills, don’t w ait u ntil your debts jeopardize your job , marriage or peace o f mind. C all 232-8139 now fo r an appointment w ith a qualified CCCS counselor. Louisiana Social Club First Annual Pre Easter Party To Compete In The 1991 Toyota Pro/Celebrity Race and Orange County, C alifornia. “ I ’ ve always had a special place in my heart for kids, and this race gives me a chance to give something back to them and the com­ m unity,” Dorsett explains. “ And be­ sides, I like being in the fast lane.” Dorsett grew up in Aliquippa, PA, where he attended the U niversity o f P itts b u rg h and started his success­ ful football career playing o f the Pan­ thers. He was named A ll-A m erica n four times and, in 1976, was named the He­ isman Trophy winner. Selected by the Dallas Cowboys in the first round o f the 1977 draft, Dorsett assisted the team to its victory in Super B ow l X II and capped o ff the When Tony Dorsett battled in Su­ per Bow l X II, he approached the chal­ lenge w ith the knowledge and experi­ ence that made him a champion. In April, he w ill be the “ new kid on the track,” racing against other rookie and profes­ sional drivers in this year's Toyota Pro/ Celebrity Race. Dorsett w ill join the fie ld o f 17 rac­ ers, including stars from television and the big screen, as they speed around the 1.67-mile course in downtown Long Beach, Saturday, A p ril 13,1991. Par- Tony Dorsett ticipants w ill earn approximately $2,000 per minute in the 10-,ap event to bene­ f it “ Racing for K id s,” a national pro­ gram designed to raise funds fo r the C hildren’s Hospitals in Los Angeles Community Meeting in the library o f the Chapman Elemen­ tary School, 1445 N W 26th Avenue (between N W Raleigh and N W Pet- tygrove Streets). The plan has been described as far reaching and revolutionary, and has at­ tracted wide support from the educa­ tional and business communities. Also invited to participate in the press conference are representatives o f the educational com m unity, the private and public sectors, including Secretary o f State Phil Keisling; Karen Famous, President o f the Oregon Education As­ sociation; and Gary Carlson o f Associ­ ated Oregon Industries. Place: Chapman Elementary School 1445 N W 26th Avenue (Between N W Raleigh and NW Pettygrove) In the school library Date: Thursday, A p ril 5th Tim e: 8:45 am sharp roc MWIASTT nFvrrrwrvr COMMISSION- C om m ission M eeting and soft drinks. The Louisiana C lub is involved in many activities including their annual Juneteeth celebration. Louise Water who is president looks forward to this as an annual event.(The Easter Party). A ll refreshments, enter­ tainment and g ifts were supplied by the Louisiana Social Club. The youngsters came by word o f mouth. Date: April 10,1991 Place: Portland Building 1120 SW Fifth Ave., 11th FI. Portland, OR Time: 9:30 a.m. Vera Katz, (D) State Rep. State Representative Vera Katz (D- Portland) w ill unveil the fu ll details o f a comprehensive reform o f Oregon’ s education system at a press conference set for 8:45 am, Thursday, A p ril 5th. The press conference w ill take place Commission meetings are open to the public. A complete agenda is available at PDC. Call 823-3200. PDC is the City of P ortland's urban renewal, housing and economic developm ent agency. season earning rookie o f the year hon­ ors. He was named Player o f the Year in 1981 and, the fo llo w in g year, estab­ lished an N FL record racing 99 yards from scrimmage for a touchdown, well on his way to capturing his firs t NFC rushing title. Dorsett served as team captain in 1981,1982 and 1984, and continues to be the Cowboys’ all-time leading rusher, as w ell as the team’ s fourth all-tim e leading receiver. In addition to Dorsett, other par­ ticipants scheduled to make their de­ but in the 15th annual event include Craig T. Nelson (Coach), James B, Sikking (Doogie Howser, M.D.), Donny Osmond (singer), Marsha Mason (Broadway and film star), Bart Con­ ner (O lym pic gymnast), and more. A ll entrants w ill p ilo t identically prepared Toyota Celica GT-S L ift- backs as they partake in the Toyota ProCelebrity Race, a prelude to the Toyota Grand Prix o f Long Beach Indy car event the fo llo w in g day. Vera Katz Sets Press Conference To Unveil Education Reform Package The Portland Cable Access Board o f Directors is scheduled to meet at 7:30 pm on Wednesday, A p ril 3rd, 1991 at 2766 M L K ing Jr. Boulevard. The agenda for ihe meeting is as follow s: -Approval o f minutes -Reports -Com m unity Relations committee resolutions -New business The Louisiana Social C lub Hosted a gala party for 45 to 50 youngsters on Saturday March 23rd at the Elks Lodge. The youngsters were entertained by a ‘ ‘Carter’ ’ , a northwest disk jockey and o f course the Easter Bunny,(Charles Robertson) who gave them Easter bas­ kets fille d w ith candy and other Easter goodies, w hile they danced and played games. T o top the party they had re­ freshments o f hot dogs, potato chips, EASTER SEALS'91 Alaska,CCCS helps people: •Solve debt problems •A v o id bankruptcy •Learn to handle money CCCS counselors help people develop lean but liveable budgets, o f­ ten suggesting ways that people can start saving money. Counseling received through CCCS is free i f you handle your own pay­ ments. The service is funded by contri­ butions from creditors, private compa­ nies and clients. Portland Teachers Credit Union helps support CCCS. For people whose debts require continuing help, CCCS offers a Debt Management Program. In this program, CCCS works w ith clients and creditors Tony Dorsett Switches Helmets Irvington Historic Home Tour The Irvington Com m unity Asso­ ciation w ill hold its annual Tour o f Historic Homes on Sunday, M ay 19, 1991. The self-guided home tour is held in conjunction w ith National H is­ toric Preservation Week. Tour tickets w ill be available star­ ing A p ril 15, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday at Project Linkage, a program o f M etropolitan Fam ily Serv­ ice, located at 2200 N.E. 24th Street, Portland, 97212. Ticket sales w ill be lim ited to 1000 people on a firs t come first serve basis. Tickets may be pur­ chased in person or by sending a self addressed stamped envelop and check or money order to Project Linkage at the above stated address. Please make your check or money order payable to the IC A . A n y remaining tickets w ill be made available fo r sale on the Tour Day, at Project Linkage, starting at 12:00pm. This year the Tour features ap­ proxim ately seven homes, all which are new to the Tour. The tour includes: acharm ing, 1923 English Cottage Style home w hich has been com pletely re­ decorated from top to bottom , a stun­ ning Arts & Crafts home w ith a circular Basalt porch and an amazing Master bathroom and beautifully landscaped yard, and a large, stately 1915 Tudor- style home, beautifully restored, re­ taining its original oak and Honduran mahogany wood work. Many o f the homes contain their original or period lig h t fixtures, leaded or stained glass windows, an elaborate wood moldings. Proceeds from the Irvington H is­ toric Home Tour w ill benefit local charities and the Irvington C om m unity Association, a non - p ro fit organiza­ tion. The Great OPB Bowl-A-Thon Underway Registration is underway for the Great OPB Bowl-a-Thon. The event w ill be held Saturday and Sunday, June 1 and 2 in Portland, Bend and Eugene. Bowlers have their choice o f sign­ ing up in any o f four divisions: corpo­ rate, league, youth or amateur. Corpo­ rate entry fee is $200. A ll other fees are $5 a person, which includes bow ling, shoe and ball rental. Registration forms are available at Portland, Bend and Eugene bow ling centers and at most Fred Meyer stores. Bowlers can also call 227-4580 or 233-1224 to request registration forms. Deadline fo r regis­ tering is May 10. According io Yvonne D eligiorgis o f the Oregon Public Broadcasting Foundation, “ the event is designed to allow participants to have a good time w hile raising funds to support quality programming on O P B .” Bow l-a-Thon rules require five- person teams bowling three games each. Bowlers w ill solicit pledges o f an amount per pin knocked down or a fia t fee. Bowlers who raise more than $100 in pledges w ill receive a $10 g ift c e rtifi­ cate fo r each $100 raised from Fred Meyer, Inc. Other prizes include a moun­ tain bike from The Bike G allery to the bow ler who collects the greatest num ­ ber o f pledges, and a three-night stay and a round o f g o lf at Sal ishan Lodge to the bow ler who collects the greatest amount in pledge dollars. Dave Husted, a top Oregon profes­ sional bow ler, has agreed to bow l three lines w ith the w inning league team. W inners in each division w ill receive trophies. Volunteer committees are w o rk­ ing to promote the event in each city. Kathy DeGree chairs the Bend com ­ mittee and Les Anderson the Eugene group. Portland has four chairs: Rod Boucher, corporate; Dorothy Oberg, league; Linda W ells, youth; and Anna Swindells, amateur. B ow ling centers participating in ­ clude Southtowne Lanes in Eugene, Sun M ountain Lanes in Bend, and Jantzen Beach Lanes and Brunswick Sunset Lanes in the Portland area. C elebrity M.C.s and bowlers w ill ap­ pear at all sessions to help promote the general fun. Mitsubishi Agrees to Refund Consumers Attorney General Dave Frohnmayer announced that approximately 3,500 Oregonians who purchased certain M itsubishi or M GA-brand televisions in 1988 may be eligible for as much as $130,000 in refunds. A ll 50 states and the D istrict o f Colum bia reached a set­ tlement w ith M itsubishi Electronics America, Inc., regarding alleged price fixin g violations o f antitrust laws. “ M itsubishi has agreed to refund $7.95 m illio n to consumers as a result o f this settlement,” Frohnmayer said. “ We expect e ligible Oregonians to receive refunds ranging between $20 to $54. This case again underscores the importance o f an open and com petitive marketplace where retailers can set their own prices and consumers can shop for the best buy.” Frohnmayer said Oregon joined ? the other p la in tiffs in a law suit alleging that M itsubishi enlisted electronics retailers in a nationwide conspiracy to fix retail prices and elim inate discount prices on certain television, models. The complaint and settlement agree­ ment were file d today in U.S. D istrict C ourt in Baltim ore, M aryland. M itsub­ ishi did not adm it any law violations in the settlem ent Television sets involved in the set­ tlement arc models CS1345, CS1945, CS2O45, CS2O13, CS2014. CS2054. CS2653, and CS2654. Oregonians who purchased one o f the 242,654 units sold in the United States during calendar year 1988 arc entitled to refunds. Oregonians who fille d out war­ ranty cards fo r these televisions pur­ chased during 1988 automatically qual­ ify fo r refunds and w ill receive their refunds directly from the settlement administrator. Other consumers who can be identified from M itsubishi sales records w ill be notified but must return claim forms establishing e lig ib ility . Other Oregon consumers wishing to file claims should call the Depart­ ment o f Justice Consumer Hotline, 378- 4320 between 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. week­ days. C laim form s w ill be mailed as soon as the court approves the settle­ ment. Claim inform ation also w ill be published in newspapers throughout Ore­ gon. According to the states ’ com plaint, M itsubishi threatened to terminate dealers who sold certain M itsubishi or M G A televisions at less than the manu­ facture suggested retail price. This action w ould violate state and federal anti­ trust laws. Equity Maximizer. It’s making all other hom e equity loans obsolete. Even ours. U n lik e all other home equity loans, Equity Maximizer is a loan and line of credit that work together. Which means you have numerous options in how to structure the loan, and just as many in how to pay it hack. No other Northwest hank can match our Equity Maximzer. Stop by Monday through Saturday or call 222-FAST. security i £?• ’• g? * * p mane bank I y B t t e r‘ NO P O IN T S - NO LOAN FEES - $99 C L O S IN G COSTS.* Member FDIC 01991 Security Pacific Bancnrporati<>n Nonhw ext R e e n te re d tr.ide and service marks are property of Security Pacific Corporation. A# of J/4/91, Variable rate credit line I I 0 % * * A P R Fixe d rat. p r io n $ 5 0 0 0 to $19,999 11 4 5 % * * APR, Fixed rate option $20.000* - 1 1 2 0 % ** APR Maximum APR 16.05b** co n v e rs io n s ‘ A p p lie s t . • Ioans $ 5 0 for accoral and mbaaqaani Maeaaed value R e q u ire d h,K.»rd/fl«x»d nverakmfa - f $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 f ta x e d insurance may be extra. •*A P R s reflect 5% discount for automatic payment from a Security Pacific checking account. r I tn "rW