Page 6 The Portland Observer - April 3,1991 Savage Joins Wyden Team Chuck Morrison, (left), vice president, Coca-Cola USA Congratulates Jerry Roebuck, (right), founder and president, Black Expo USA, on a successful kick-off for Black Expo '91 which premiered at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta. School to Observe ‘International Day’ Skyline Elementary, the most iso­ lated and rural o f Portland Public Schools, goes ‘ ‘ international” next Wednesday (A p ril 3). Located southwest o f Sauvie Is­ land at 11536 N .W . Skyline B lvd., the school plans to learn about cultural diversity from speakers and story te ll­ ers representing native Americans and eight foreign countries. Tim ed from 9:20 a.m.-2 p.m., the International Day o f speaker sessions and assemblies also w ill feature stu­ dents, staff members and guests dressed in ethnic and cultural costumes. (Contact: Jan Collins, Skyline prin­ cipal, 645-1212) School Plans ‘Poppin-Fresh Pops Concert’ Femwood M iddle School stages a com m unity ‘ ‘ Poppin’ Fresh Pops Con­ cert” next Thursday evening (A p ril 4). The 7 p.m. performance, sched­ uled in the school gymnasium at 1915 N.E. 33rd Ave., offers vocal and instru­ mental selections o f gospel, jazz, rap and pop music. featured are Fem wood’ s No! K id ­ ding! C hoir, jazz ensemble, jazz trio and rap group, DeVasti Betts and the Fly G irls. Alsoappeanng are Portland’ s Tubman M iddle School Gospel C hoir and Gladstone’s Kraxburger M iddle School jazz ensemble. Admission fees are $3 fo r adults and S2 for students. (Contact: Larry N obori, Femwood music teacher, 281-0089. Congressman Ron Wyden (D-OR), announced the appointment o f Louis Savage as D istrict D irector o f his Port­ land office. Savage assumed his re­ sponsibilities on A p ril 1st. For the last seven years, Savage has been Executive D ire c to r o f M ultnom ah County Legal A id Service, a non-profit agency which provides civ il legal services to over six thousand low - income people. In 1985, the agency was recognized as the most effective legal aid program in the country. In announcing the appointment, Rep. Wyden said, ‘ ‘ I ’ ve watched Lou help Oregonians fig h t through the Byzantine maze o f government for years. Lou is a true ‘ people’ s advocate’ who w ill pull out all the stops to make sure our citizens get a fa ir shake.” Savage said, ‘ T ’ve known Ron since his days w ith the Gray Panthers. I t ’ s ex­ citing to team up w ith an energetic o ffice staff dedicated to serving our com m unity.” Savage is a graduate o f the U niver­ sity o f Oregon and received his law degree from Lew is and Clark College. He served as chairperson o f the board o f Metropolitan Community Action from 1987-89, and is on the board o f Burnside Projects. He is currently serving on a task force which is developing a Hous­ ing Center for the city o f Portland. Savage replaces Rich Brown who has joined Bank o f Am erica Oregon as manager o f corporate affairs. Earl Robinson Musical Review Selected Same Boat, Brother - The Earl Robinson M usical Review has been selected fo r sixth production this sea­ son to replace the originally-scheduled “ W oody G uthrie’ s American Song” . Same Boat, Brother w ill open June 21, 1991, at Artists Repertory Theatre. Based on the music and lyrics o f the intemationally-renowned composer ofsuch hits as “ Joe H ill,” “ The House I L ive In ,” “ H urry Sundown” and “ Black and W h ite ,” this production examines Robinson’ s m oving songs about social turm oil, especially those depicting the struggles o f the labor movement. During his travels through­ out the United States and the w orld, Robinson gathered a wide range o f fo lk material around which he built his works. Blacklisted from his profession ADDRESS, LOT SIZE BEDROOMS 94dsf DINIG ROOM y e s STYLE 2 l e v e l bu n g alo w BATH ROOM one BASEMENT TERMS FEATURES/COMMENTS FHA, CONV, CASH P e r f e c t f o r 1 s t tim e home b u y e r . A p p r o x im a te ly l e s s th a n $ 7 0 0 .0 0 t o t a l c o s t o f move m (in c lu d e s c lo s in g c o s ts ) . T h is c u t i e K u w a it.” “ F inally, I call on American and foreign m ultinational corporations that w ill be prime candidates for rebuilding contracts to make maximum use o f m inority subcontractors.” ‘ ‘The African-Am erican business com m unity includes construction con­ tractors, transportation specialists, computer service firm s, and banking and other financial institutions that can provide important products, serv­ ices and support to prim e contractors. “ The large-scale e ffo rt to rebuild K uw iat is a test o f the sincerity o f the U.S. and K u w a iti governments and o f U.S. corporations.” “ The N ational Urban League was forthright in its support o f the allied effort to roll back aggression. We knew the risks o f casualties to our constitu­ ents in the armed forces were great, but we fe lt those risks were justified by the principles at stake.” “ Today, equally im portant p rin ­ ciples are at stake - equal opportuni­ ties in peace, as w ell as in w ar.” “ Those equal opportunities in ­ clude not o nly fair treatment and pro­ tection from discrim ination fo r return­ ing m in ority servicepeople, but also access to business opportunities aris­ ing from the post-war reconstruction e ffo rt.” “ Because the rebuilding process appears to be taking o ff at great speed, we urge the President, the head o f our government departments concerned, the K uw aiti government and purchas­ ing representatives, and m ultinational corporations to move w ith great ur­ gency to include minority-owned firms in the reconstruction o f K u w a it.” 1. Do you really need the money? □ yes □ no 2. Do you have a good history of paying your bills? □ yes □ no 3. Do you have a steady income? d yes q n o FIREPLACE/W00DST0VE 1007. d ry skills and experience.” “ This Adm inistration has often spoken o f the importance o f economic development to the African-Am erican community. Government is tradition­ a lly an important facilitator for large corporations bidding for international contracts, so it would be consistent for our government to provide whatever help is necessary to enable m inority businesspeople to participate in this rare international business opportunity.” “ I also call on the government o f K uw ait and its purchasing organiza­ tions to be responsive to m inority busi­ nesses seeking to establish relations w ith them. They must be m indful o f the great sacrifices made by A frican Americans and other minorities in the liberation o f Kuw ait, and o f the expec­ tations o f those groups as we enter a tim e o f peace and reconstruction.” “ I also urge African-American and m inority businesses to carefully ex­ plore business opportunities presented by the reconstruction e ffo rt.” “ W hile many o f our businesses may not have the capacity to partici­ pate, some clearly have the experience and the knowhow to make an im por­ tant contribution, and others can form jo in t ventures to pool their skills and play a role in the reconstruction o f QUALIFIED FOR A two LIVING AREA John E. Jacob, president and ch ie f executive o ffice r o f the National Urban League, today called for a concerted ef­ fort to assure black-and-minority-owned businesses a role in the m u lti-b illio n dollar Kuw ait reconstruction effort. M r. Jacob said: “ It is important that African Am eri­ cans play as basic a role in helping to rebuild K uw ait as we did in liberating it. “ R ight now, contracts amounting to as much as $100 b illio n or more are being let to Am erican and international companies to repair the damage to Kuw ait. “ Given the sacrifices minorities have made to free K uw ait, it is only fa ir that special efforts be made to reach out to include m inority-ow ned and operated businesses in sharing the rewards o f peace. “ A key component should be an e f­ fective outreach program by U.S. agen­ cies coordinating the rebuilding effort. The Commerce Department has estab­ lished a G u lf Reconstruction Center to assist American businesses interested in competing fo r contracts in K u w a it and in the G u lf area. Other agencies in the Department o f Commerce, the State Department, and the Pentagon are in ­ volved in this e ffo rt as well. “ I call on President Bush to direct those agencies to initiate contact w ith m inority-ow ned firm s capable o f play­ ing a role in the rebuilding process and to assist those firm s to prepare bids and to help them make the best use o f their PASS THIS SIMPLE TEST. AND during the McCarthy era as an unAmeri- can radical, Robinson and his music regained attention w ith the folk-m usic revival o f the 1960’ s. His songs have been made famous by recording artists such as Frank Sinatra, Joan Baez, Pe­ ter, Paul and M ary, Three Dog N ig h t and Paul Robeson, just to name a few. D irector Lyn T y rre ll brings Same Boat, Brother to A .R .T. after the tre­ mendous success o f a sim ilar produc­ tion she and M r. Robinson put together in Seattle in 1989. The Earl Robinson show received rave reviews from c rit­ ics and played to sold-out houses at PST’ s Firststage o f Pioneer Square. Earl Robinson, a Seattle area resi­ dent, w ill appear at benefit perform ­ ances fo r the Theatre during the run o f the show. 1ÜÖ N. G o in g S t . ONLY $ 3 1 ,0 0 0 3 , dOOsf National Urban League Calls For Minority Role In Kuwait Rebuilding h a s s to r m w in d o w s, n e w e r r o o f , d r a p e s , 3 c e i l i n g f a n s and i s p a rtia lly f e n c e d . I t ' s v i r t u a l l y re a d y to move i n . P E N IN S U L A REALTY INC. 8040 N orth Lom bard P ortland, Oregon 97203 Business (503) 286 5826 Fax 286-8675 Residence (503) 281-8976 If you answered yes to those questions up there, you should talk to us about a loan. mem ber FDIC. And, we can’t actually promise you the N o kidding. You see, we’ve come up with something called T he O pportunity Loan. It’s a more flexible version of the E tch Ottica is Independently Owned and Operated regular way we lend money. O f course, w ere still a bank. And banks have to Bhekud White say legal stuff like we’re an equal opportunity lender, money in this ad. But, if you call or com e fill out an application, your odds of getting the money you need go up considerably. © 1991. United States National Bank o f Oregon Come Together in the Portland Observer h # • « • • ;• - ’ ‘ * Si A - ,A , t>* < ' * * ♦ A < -* A . ’ I f 1 . r ■ J L,