Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 03, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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April 3 , 1991—The Portland Observer-Page 3
• Portland Observer
by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears
Long faces, silent tears and signs
o f open frustration are all signals show ­
ing defeat. If you are a servant Lord,
d o n 't let it happen to you. Satan is a
defeated foe and each o f you have the
pow er to overcome.
There are several things that we
m ust know about the evil one, as he
lurks about ou r lives.
1. He deludes us with facts by
sight. W e, Christian believers, d on’t
have to see to believe. For-G od put
faith into our hearts. Faith overcomes
w hat our eyes see and don’t see. We
d o n ’t have to see to believe.
W hat is faith? It is the confident
assurance that something we want is
going to happen. It is the certainty that
w hat we hope for is w aiting for us, even
though w e cannot see it up ahead. Men
o f God, in days o f old, were famous for
their faith.
By faith-by believing God-we know
that the world and the stars-in fact, all
things-w ere made at G od’s command;
and that they were all m ade from things
that can* t be seen, such as: atom s, elec­
trons and etc.
It was by faith that Abel obeyed
God and brought an offering that pleased
G od m ore than C ain’s offering did.
G od accepted Abel and proved it by
accepting his gift; and though Abel is
long dead, we can still learn lessons
from him about trusting in God.
Enoch trusted G od, too, and that is
Scripture o f the W eek M icah 6:8
Put On Your Gospel Fighting Clothes
Q ll/Q I )
n o i/n n
why G od took him
ay to h heaven
without dying; suddenly he was gone
because G od took him. Before this
happened G od has said how pleased he
was with Enoch. You can never please
G od w ithout faith, without depending
on Him. Anyone who wants to come to
G od m ust believe that there is a God
and that He rewards those who sin­
cerely look for Him.
Noah was another who trusted God.
W hen he heard G od’s voice warning
about the future, Noah believed Him
even though there was then no sign o f a
flood, and wasting no time, he built the
ark and saved his family. N oah’s belief
in God was in direct contrast to the sin
and disbelief o f the rest o f the world-
which refused to obey-and because of
his faith he becam e one of, those who
God has accepted.
Abraham trusted G od, and when
G od told him to leave home and go far
away to another land which he prom ­
ised to give him, Abraham obeyed.
Away he went, not knowing where he
was going.
Sarah, the wife o f Abraham , too,
had faith, and because o f this she was
able to becom e a mother in spite o f her
old age, for she realized that G od, who
gave her His prom ise, would certainly
do w hat He said.
W hile God was testing him, A bra­
ham still trusted in God and his prom ­
ises, and so he offered up his son Isaac,
and was ready to slay him on the altar of
sacrifice: yes, to slay even Isaac, through
Fix up that spare room!
Brand new Thick cut pile
Carpet with built in cushion
Regular price $38 per sq. yd.
Our price $6.99 per sq. yd.
Like new carpet tile
$2.00 sq. yd.
Magic Carpet
lu k r «
in a r l
A l a — a»
who God k»r»/4
had promised
to give A
ham a whole nation o f descendants!
All these persons o f faith died
without ever receiving all that God
had prom ised them; but they saw it all
awaiting them on ahead and were glad,
for they agreed that this earth was not
their real hom e but that they were just
strangers visiting down here. And quite
obviously when they talked like that,
they were looking forward to their real
home in heaven.
If they had w anted to, they could
have gone back to the good old times
o f this world. But they didn’t want to.
They were living for heaven. And-
now God is not asham ed to be called
their G od, for he has made a heavenly
city for them.
It would certainly take too long to
recount all the accounts of faith through­
out Biblical history-but, through it all
they continued to trust in God. They
waited and depended upon the Lord
and His promises.
So, why is it necessary for us to
see. Anybody can believe when it is
seen. But faith causes us to depend on
unseen evidence because G od said it.
There will be times when your
fellow w orkers, family members, and
friends will think that you are truly
crazy for not panicking and pulling
your hair out-instead of remaining calm
in the m idst o f a storm; but, with faith
from G od...you can overcom e all ob­
stacles placed in your path. God gives
us a peace that an unbeliever just can­
not understand.
Faith looks at what G od has said
and not on our condition. If we would
go on what we see, alone, we would
never accomplish nothing. We can have
the same kind of faith that Abraham
had if we would just BELIEVE and put
all our trust in Christ Jesus.
2. Every failure is final and fatal.
“ There is no way out” says Satan.
W ell, he is a liar. W e are all somebody,
in Christ Jesus. God loves to pick up
failures. Everyone feeling like you’re
a failure know that Jesus will pick you
up and make you victorious over any
and all evil pressures, like: drugs, pros­
titution, gang banging, homelessness,
stealing, lying, cheating, alcoholism,
homosexuality and more. Jesus will
increase where we have decreased.
In your lowest hour, call on Jesus
and He will give you strength. That
strong right arm o f Jesus will pick you
up out of the muck and mire and make
you to receive the VICTORY. Praise
God! Hallelujah!
Are you in a mess? Jesus will pick
you up and turn you around. H e’ll
wash you in His blood and make you
whole. Just turn your eyes on Jesus-the
Son of the Most High God.
Do you have a sickness or a handi­
cap? God wants you well. The devil
wants you sick and blaming God for
your infirmity. However, some per­
sons are bom with deformities, they
may suffer from illnesses, which are
inherited or they may be accidentally
injured thereby causing some physical
disfunclon. Not all illnesses and/or mal­
adies are o f the devil. Christians, who
may becom e ill, stop looking to see
what spiritual calamity may have oc­
curred to have caused this illness. Look
in the book o f James, for it says “ Call
on G od when you are tem pted in divers
places.’’ Be happy! For when your
way is rough, your patience has a chance
to grow. So let it grow , and don ’ t try to
squirm out o f your problems. For when
your patience is finally in full bloom,
then you will be ready for anything,
strong in character, full and complete.
If you want to know w hat God
wants you to do, ask Him, and he will
gladly tell you, for he is always ready
to give a bountiful supply o f wisdom to
all who ask Him; He will not resent it.
But-when you ask Him, be sure that
you really expect Him to tell you, for a
doubtful mind will be as unsettled as a
wave o f the sea that is driven and
tossed by the wind; and every decision
you than make will be uncertain, as
you turn first this way, and then that. If
you don’t ask with faith, d o n ’t expect
the Lord to give you any solid answer.
Happy is the person w ho doesn’t
give in and do wrong when he is tempted,
for afterw ards he will get as his reward
the crown o f life that God has prom ­
ised those who love Him. And rem em ­
ber, when som eone want to do wrong it
is never God who is tem pting him, for
God never wants us to do wrong and
ever tempts anyone else to do it. Tem p­
Mallory Avenue Christian Announces
Pastorate Of Reverend Denise Bell
Mallory Avenue Christian Church
is proud to announce the Pastorate of
the Reverend Denise Bell effective
January 14,1991. A celebration to honor
this occasion will be the official instal­
lation o f Reverend Bell on Saturday,
April 2 7 , 1 9 9 1 ,a t4 :0 0 p .m .a t Mallory
Avenue Christian Church. Rev. Bell is
the second woman pastor and first
A frican-A m erican to serve at Mallory.
Guest speaker will be Rev. Buster
Soaries o f The First Baptist Church o f
Lincoln Gardens, Somerset, New Jer­
sey, an international speaker, lecturer
and preacher. He has done extensive
work in com m unity organizing, youth
tation is the pull o f m a n 's own evil
thoughts and wishes. These evil thoughts
lead to evil actions and afterw ards to
the death penalty from God. So, don’t
be misled! G et rid o f all that is wrong in
your life, both inside and outside, and
humbly be glad for the wonderful
message we have received, for it is able
to save our souls as it takes hold o f our
Remember, these words, that I give
to you today, is a m essage to be obeyed,
not ju st to be read and set aside. D on’t
fool yourselves. For if a person ju st lis­
tens and does not obey, he is like a man
looking at his face in a mirror; as soon
as he w alks away, he c a n ’t see him self
anym ore nor can he rem em ber w hat he
looks like. But if anyone keeps looking
steadily into G od’s law for free men,
He will not only rem em ber it, but He
will do what it says, and G od will
greatly bless him in everything he does.
And now , as the letter to the H e­
brews was ended [Hebrews 13:20-21],
so to an end I too must com e, “ And
now may the God o f peace, who brought
again from the dead our L ord Jesus,
equip you with all you need for doing
his will. May He who becam e the great
Shepherd of the sheep by an everlasting
agreement between God and you, signed
with his blood, produce in you through
the pow er o f Christ all that is pleasing
to Him. To Him be glory forever and
ever. A m en.”
l'iist timc in llie Pacific Noilliwest!
advocacy and urban evangelism. He
has also worked with the Reverend
Jesse Jackson as the national coordina­
tor o f Operation Push.
Rev. Bell and Mallory carry on an
exciting ministry that includes all
members o f the north/northeast and
inner northeast communities o f Port­
land, knowing that together we can
make a difference.
W e extend an open invitation to
any and all to come and join with us and
become a part o f an exciting ministry.
Reception follows. Please call Mallory
Avenue Christian Church at 288-5173
for information and/or support.
National Black Evanuelical Association
Wednesday, April 3
th ro u gh
Sunday, April 7
at the
Sheraton Airport Hotel
Them e:
\<Un"i,il I 'nsuicnl. \U K I
"In t h e m id s t o f t h e s e
y e a r s , REVIVE US!"
W ORKSHOPS AND LUNCHEONS: in l x held at various lix a l churches.
Multnomah Sclmol ol the Bible and Warner Paeilk College
Y O U T H PROGRAM: w ill, Itev Menu Greenidge. 2H7 5226
2716 NE Martin Luther King, Jr.
Portland, Oregon 97212
St. Paul Missionary
Baptist Church
8101 N . Fiske Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97203
Study Phone:289-1911
Church Phone: 289-0147
Sunday Service
Sunday School
Bible Study
Evening Service
7:00 P.M.
C HILD R EN 'S TRACK: w ill, N orth It inland Assn o f Christian Eduealors. 2HM 2919
Sunday. April 7. at " pan . at the Oregon Convention Center
Blaik and while pastors and congregations join in an 11 a in exchange!
Tor program s and further iiiforniation
NBEA office - 57 36 N. Albina - 289-0143
4222 N.E. 12 th Avenue, Portland, Oregon
Sunday Services
Hisl*l> .1.1 to ,7fr
r.«»«n•H/ioM ch a ir
S u n d a y S chool
(a, < b t lt r
t f, i
i , C a rn e y
1.0 t./M U ’
K ti 1 /lu m iin
\u lio n a l ConnhntMor
9:00 A.M.
M o rn in g W o rsh ip
10:30 A.m,
E v e n in g W o rsh ip
North Portland
Bible College
6:00 P.M.
M id w e e k S erv ice - W e d n e sd a y
7:00 P.M.
S a tu rd a y - BASIC Y o u th Service
7:00 P.M.
Pastor, Rev. James C.E. Faulkner
I Peter iv .ll
Rev. Wendall H. Wallace
Senior Pastor
Jesus Loves You/
Æffltai “E ta q jite
April 1 — June 14, 1991
Tim e
Courses offered
In s tru c to rs
M on. E ve.
6 :3 0 - 9 :3 0
P a s to r J a m e s C o le m a n
B ro. R o d n e y C o o k
T u e . M orn.
9 - noon
S is. B e th N a n c e
B ro. M ic h a e l L in d s e y
S is. B e th N a n c e
D r. P e te r L aw
4236 NE Eighth Avenue
(comer of 8th 4 Skidmore)
Portland, Oregon 97211
T u e . E ve.
6 :3 0 - 9 :3 0
T h u r . E ve.
(503) 287-0261
6 :3 0 - 9 :3 0
Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor
Stone Tower Church,
N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 30th
R adio M in is tr y each S u n d a y . 8 :0 0 A .M .-K B M S
(S ta ta i
PSaJm 3 4 :3
W o rs h ip S ervices 8 :0 0 A .M . & 11:00 A .M .
C h u rc h S ch o o l 9 :3 0 A .M . to 10:30 A .M .
B ib le S tu d y . W ednesdays. 116 N .E .S c h u y le r
1 0:30 A .M . a n d 6 :3 0 P.M .
"Maranatha Live" Radio Program/Talk Show KPDQ 93.7 FM 800 AM
11:00 P.M. to 12:00 midnight (Each Sunday)
Them e: W h atever you're going
to do fo r the Lord, do it now.
i 1
Scripture o f the fWeel<i
B ro. M ic h a e l L in d s e y
S is. F a y e S m ith
REGISTRATION AND TU IT IO N - still only $35 00 for the first class, $25 for each additional class.
D ad ’ s O il S ervice
heating oils
A T e a c h in g C h u rc h W ith A R eaching M in is tr y
D r. Ja m e s E. M a rtin . S e n io r P a s to r
B est C a s h P ric e s
104 NE Russel St.
Portland, Or 97212
(503) 282-5111
Church Office 116 N.E. Schuy ler,
Call for Quote!
a. Phone 288-2919 for registration materials, b Come early to the first session of
your selected class.
Our new, temporary location is in Bcrcan Baptist Church
4822 N. Vancouver Avenue. Entrance on Wygant.
P .O .B ox 11437 t Portland. Oregon 9721 1 t (503) 2 8 8 -2 9 1 9
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