Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 27, 1991, Page 5, Image 5

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    March 2 7 ,1991—The Portland Observer-Page 5
Sun World’s Star Sweet Grapefruit
Found To Lower The Risk Of Cancer
Researchers at the Citrus Research
and Education Center in Lake Alfred,
Fla. have found that super-red grape­
fruit varieties contain more than twice
the beta-carotene o f the traditional Ruby
Grapefruit variety, the previous best
citrus source for this nutrient.
Beta-carotene is a nutrient touted
in numerous medical reports which
suggest that populations which con­
sume foods rich in beta-carotene have a
lower risk o f developing certain types
o f cancer. Citrus, until recently, has not
been considered to be a good source o f
beta-carotene. Studies have also shown
that beta-carotene can reduce the risk
o f strokes and heart attacks.
Three years ago, California-based
Sun W orld International introduced its
Star Sweet grapefruit to distinguish its
premium C alifornia Star Bury and Rio
Red super-red grapefruit varieties. These
super red varieties are the latest varie­
ties in the continuing parade o f redder-
fleshed grapefruit. The Indio-based firm
is now C alifo rn ia ’ s largest grower and
marketer o f both super-red varieties,
which were developed by Texas A & I
citriculturalist Dr. Richard Hcnz.
Sun W orld International is cur­
rently harvesting these special grape­
fru it from orchards in southern C a lifo r­
nia; they are packed at the company’s
Irvine, Riverside and Coachella fa c ili­
ties. Star Sweet arc considered to be
sweeter, juice r and more fla vorful than
Golden (white) or Ruby (pink) varie­
ties, and have a deeper red coloring
than the Ruby Red variety.
In addition to being a rich source
o f beta-carotene, grapefruit are an ex­
cellent source o f vitam in C, providing
at least 50 percent o f the recommended
daily allowance as prescribed by the
Food and N utrition board o f the Na­
tional Academy o f Sciences. They
contain no cholesterol and are natu­
rally low in calories, fat and sodium.
The Physicians Health Study, a
10-year on-going study and one o f the
largest studies to test the long term
effects o f beta-carotene on cancer and
heart disease, also recommend carrots,
sweet potatoes, yellow squash, spinach
and kale as foods rich in beta-carotene.
Senior’s Property Tax Deferral
Application Period
Property tax deferral applications
for lower income senior citizens should
be filed w ith county assessors between
now and A p ril 15, reminds the Depart­
ment o f Revenue. Oregon homeowners
age 62 or over who meet all the require­
ments may delay paying property taxes
on their residences. The taxes must
eventually be paid, w ith interest, when
the owner dies, moves, or sells the
' Applications are available at your
county assessor’ s office. I f your appli­
cation is approved, the State o f Oregon
w ill pay your property taxes fo r you.
Once you have been accepted into the
program, you don’t have to apply for
the fo llo w in g years. The deferred taxes
paid by the state become a firs t lien on
your property, except fo r the liens o f
mortgages or trust deeds that were re­
corded before the deferred taxes.
To qualify for the deferral you
must meet the fo llo w in g requirements:
* You must be 62 years old by
A p ril 15 o f the year in which you file
Students Invited
Spring Visits
High School and transfer students
who are interested in attending West­
ern Oregon State College in the 1991-
92 academic year have two opportuni­
ties to vis it campus this spring.
On-Campus Fridays w ill be o f­
fered Friday, A p ril 5 and M ay 10 from
12:30 to4:30 p.m. The events are m in i­
review days, designed to acquaint pro­
spective students and their families with
campus life, said Craig Kolins o f the
WOSC admissions office. He antici­
pates 200-250 participants at each pro­
gram. Students w ill receive inform a­
tion about academics, as w ell as admis­
sions, financial aid and student serv­
your application.
* You must have a recorded deed
to the property or be purchasing the
property under a recorded sales con­
tract. Contact your county assessor for
more details.
* You must live on the property
(except fo r an individual required to be
absent by reason o f health, in which
case a doctors’ s statement is required.)
I f the property is owned by two or more
persons, not husband and w ife, each
owner must apply, live on the property,
and be age 62 years o f older.
* Your total household income must
be less than $19,500 fo r the preceding
New legislation requires that once
you are in the program, you must meet
an annual income lim it not to exceed
$24,000 federal adjusted gross income
to continue having your taxes deferred.
Contact your county assessor if
you need an application or more in fo r­
Henry Weinhard
Party Cruises
K irk Green and the Chrystal Rose
Band Quartet w ill replace the W ild er
Wards Singers aboard the Stemwheeler
on Easter Sunday. K irk Green has been
described as having an outstanding voice,
his brother K icth and Brian Idol w ill
jo in him on backup vocals. George
Low w ill be featured on drums, Randy
Smith on base guitar, Johnny Sanders
on Keyboards, and Charles Lew is on
the saxophone. Spend an evening cruis­
ing aboard the Stemwheelcr Columbia
Gorge on Easter night. Call 221-0244
for more information.
Minority Business Boosters
John F. Robin­
son, President o f the
N a tio n a l M in o r ity
C o u n c il
(N M B C ), greets Har­
riet R. M ichel, Presi­
dent o f the National
m inority supplier De­
velopment Council,
during the N M B C ’ s
recent Eleventh A n ­
nual Business Awards
Luncheon at the Grand
Hyatt Hotel in New
Y o rk C ity . P h ilip
Morris Companies Inc.
was one o f seven busi­
ness firm s to receive the N M B C ’s Outstanding M in o rity Business Awards. A c­
cepting the award, C. Eric Pogue, Vice President, Employee Relatoins, Philip
M orris Companies Inc., told the luncheon guests: “ Philip M orris is committted to
the success o f m inority vendors. W e are pleased to accept this award from the
N M B C , an organization that helps m inority vendors to understand the needs o f
major business corporations.”
A Lion at Bay, II:
School District "Soap Continued
Continuedfromfron page
and implemented by the Task Force. It
seemed natural to suppose that these
points were drawn from the successful
experiences o f those 22 nationally-ac­
claimed urban educators detailed in the
book, Partners fo r Success: Business
and Education (These were the principals
from urban districts around the nation
who were welded into an organization
by Ron Herndon; The National Asso­
ciation fo r Schools o f Excellence).
M ost o f these people were angry or
confused, and made comments to the
effect that they had purchased “ the
book” and videotape after reading fa­
vorable articles. “ W e spent a lot o f
tim e examining this material and we
were favorable impressed w ith real
w orld, proven techniques. Several o f
us have even w ritten some o f these
successful educators o f poor and m i­
nority children fo r advice that would
help us achieve these remarkable re­
sults in our own comm unity. Were we
naive in sharing these thoughts w ith
our P.T. A ., cluster groups and others?”
I could not furnish much o f an
answer since I have heard nothing from
the “ Excellence” group in months.
O bviously, this is not lik e ly to satisfy
people who, fo r one reason or another,
were in my face shouting, “ This com ­
m unity expected a process w ith struc­
ture, coherence and continuity, since
the Acknowledgements Page o f the book
listed the region’ s top educators, indus­
trialists and foundations.”
frustrated persons have vowed to call
people or organizations listed on that
illustrious roster.
Now, for what appears to be every­
one’ s fly in the ointment, that ephem­
eral “ Idaho Education Project.” This
concept being as new to the Observer
staff as anyone, we asked an o ffic ia l at
the school district fo r clarification, “ It
is a proposal for a statewide overhaul o f
Idaho’s education system, one designed
to prepare their students to meet inter­
national competition BY TH E Y E A R
2000. The plan has not been finalized,
approved, or a ccep ted -it’s a recom­
mendation! A projection has no track
record, therefore we can ’ t offer an opin­
ion or make a valid assessment.” This
newspaper has obtained a copy o f the
Idaho Plan (104 pages), and the preced­
ing comment would seem to be a fa ir
statement. We have arranged for sev­
eral community-committed parents and
teachers to review the document and
lend their opinion.
Next week: what concerned c iti­
zens are doing on their own (including
this w riter) w hile making sense o f a
runaway process, no longer a quick fix.
D ad ’ s O il S ervice
heating oils
Best Cash P ric e s
104 NE Russel St.
Portland, Or 97212
(503) 282-5111
Working Parents Require
Our Help And Support
Continued from front page
which the Bureau o f Labor and Indus­
tries has the responsibility to enforce. I
strongly endorse the law as I consider it
to be p ro-fam ily and pro-business.
As im portant as the law is, it is not
enough. I have submitted a Family Medi­
cal Leave B ill, Senate B ill 39, which
w ould grant up to 12 weeks o f unpaid
leave to deal w ith seriously i ll children
or other fa m ily members. The im por­
tance o f addressing this type o f leave is
Balancing work and fam ily respon­
sibilities is d iffic u lt because evei yone
thinks it is someone else’ s problem.
Former Secretary o f Labor B ill Brock
stated, “ We s till act as though workers
have no families. Secure parents who
aren’ t worried about their kids are bet­
ter workers.”
It is clear that w orking parents feel
a strong need fo r societal supports, a
need w hich thus far has not been met in
many areas.
The real conflicts between w ork
responsibilities and fam ily responsi­
b ilities must be addressed through real­
istic personnel policies.
As the labor force changes in na­
ture and shrinks in numbers during the
next decade, a business p rio rity w ill be
attractingand retaining skilled em ploy­
ees as w ell as m axim izing labor pro­
d uctivity. To do this, business must
plan for, anticipate and accommodate
this changing w orkforce because i t ’ s
the reality o f our future in Am erica.
In a nationwide survey o f 10,000
business executives, the U.S. Sm all
Business A dm inistration found that the
costs o f permanently replacing an
employee far exceed those o f granting
a w orker’s request fo r a leave-demon­
strating that fa m ily and medical leave
may actually reduce costs to business.
It found that term ination costs, recruit­
ing and training replacements, lost output
and productivity during the transition,
and severance packages cost an em ­
ployer anywhere from $1,131 to to
$3,152 per terminaton. Average costs
for and employer providing leave ranged
from $.97 to $97.78 per week o f leave.
Fam ily M edical Leave recognizes
Oregon ’ s and the nation ’ s startling sh ift
in demographics. It recognizes that rec­
onciling fam ily needs w ith the demands
o f the workplace means more produc­
tive workers. It recognizes that re cru it­
ing and retaining valued workers is a
p rio rity fo r business. And it recognizes
the im portant role o f fa m ily in our
It is in everyone’ s best interest to
remove impediments to pro du ctivity in
the workplace. The end result w ill be a
stable w orkforce that is productive and
a society that puts its money where its
heart is, when it comes to the w e ll­
being and happiness o f the fam ily.
Travel Roberts’
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Phone: 287-1745
Low Air Fares from Portland
Fares are each way based on Roundtrip purchase
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Call Travel Roberts’ for other Low
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by April 8th.
Call for Quote!
Preregistration is suggested by
March 29 for the A p ril program; M ay 3
for the second program. For inform a­
tion, contact the Admissions O ffice,
Western Oregon State College, M on­
mouth, Oregon, 97361, telephone (503)
Delegation Seeks
From Universities
On Natural
In a e ffo rt to find a comprehensive,
long-term plan for managing the fo r­
ests in Oregon and Washington, 15
senators and Representatives from the
region today asked four area universi­
ties to put together a pool o f experts to
conduct a review o f inform ation ad­
dressing old growth and tim ber supply.
Senators Bob Packwood, M ark O.
Hatfield, and Slade Gorton wrote and
circulated the letter among the mem­
bers o f the Northwest Congressional
delegation. The Senators hope that the
information provided by the universi­
ties w ill help the Northwest Congres­
sional delegation put together a com­
prehensive solution to the ongoing
problems in the Northwest because o f
Be Sure To Look
In Your
for your Safeway
Shopping Guide for
a complete list of
specials on sale this
week at Safeway!
Bone-In Shank
Portion, full of
flavor. Excellent
for your Easter
holiday dinner.
Serve with your
favorite dishes.
Cook’s Premium.
the uncertainty over the management
o f the region’ s forests.
The letter was sent to the presi­
dents o f Oregon Slate U niversity, the
University o f Oregon, Washington State
University, and the University o f Wash-