• W * « X» * « r w ir * » ♦ » •1 ► r-»V ., March 2 7 ,1991-The Portland Observer-Page 3 Portland Observer Mattie Ann Callier-Spears continued from 3/20/91 issue The Co-D ependent Program is based totally on G o d 's W ord (Holy scripture). The program began Sep­ tem ber 13, 1989 in the home o f Joyce and Kevin Howard; and, on Tuesdays, Joyce would hold sessions in the Port­ land Building, during her lunch hour. W hen she first made the decision to share with others, it was only one woman and herself. Now, the group has grown to over 20 w om en, in the past year. I asked Joyce what her purpose was in holding these sessions with women she doesn’t even know. Her response was, ‘ ‘I choose to do this, with the help o f my husband and through the guid­ ance of the Holy spirit, to bring com fort and healing to Christian women who have becom e addicted to the pain and hurt caused by a loved one who is ad­ dicted to drugs or alcohol.” She con­ tinued by sharing that she, too, is a co­ dependent woman. “ 1 have experienced a lot o f painful things. During those times, God becam e my trust, my friend, my husband, my provider, my every­ thing and He w anted me to share His hope and His love with women who felt that their situation was hopeless.” Joyce found that she and the women w ere all alike, in one way or another,. The problem s that they each had in common were embarrassment and anger. Embarrassed and angry about how they, Christian women, were being treated. A lso-not being able to let go an let G od handle our loved ones. As co-depend­ ents, Joyce found that they each took on the sam e characteristics as the drug addicts, in their lives. Feelings like; denial, isolation, confusion , anger, not caring about personal appearance, for­ getting to eat and more. Since the groups inaugural m eet­ ing, many positive results have emerged from am ongst them. T hey’ve found out that they are not alone any more; that is “ O K ’ ’ to talk about their situation; that they can pray together; search the scrip­ tures together and get answers-together, But for, more than any other reason, they each learned to be Totally D e­ pendent on God and He delivered and is delivering them from their co-de­ pendent state o f mind. Hallelujah!!! “ Praise G od” says Joyce, " fo r the great things He has done. Since this group started-I've seen ladies com e forth and take a stand against every­ thing the devil was trying to tear up in their lives. I’ve seen minds renew ed in G od’s spirit. I’ve experienced inner healing, m yself, as well as some o f the other ladies. O ut of that group, there have been four m arriages, mine in­ cluded. Finally and foremost, we found that God is the only one who can bring deliverance to our husbands, children and loved ones. If we just learn to place all of our trust in Him and on Him, ALL things are possible. I praise God for al­ lowing me to m inister to these women. 1 am sooverjoyed-because, in m inister­ ing, I w as m inistered to. I was blessed and this has helped me in my recovery. I love them a ll!” Greater S t Stephen Missionary Baptist Church Celebrates Anniversary G reater St. Stephen M issionary Baptist Church will be celebrating the 2nd Pastoral Anniversary of Rev. Robert E. Houston, SR. and honoring his son, R obert E. Houston, Jr. in a series of services, April 7, 10-14, 1991. In addition to his m any pastoral duties at G reater St. Stephen, he serves as President of the Baptist m inisters fellow ship o f Portland Vicinity; Dean o f the Pordand D istrict Sunday School, Baptist Training Union, and Ushers Congress; M issionary, Union District Baptist Association o f Oregon; Record­ ing Secretary of the G eneral Baptist Convention of the Northwest; M usi­ cian, Pastor’s Conference and R ecord­ ing Secretary o f the Home Mission Board, National M issionary Baptist Convention of America. The A nniversary will begin on Sunday, April 7th at 3:00 p.m. with the Rev. Dr. W endell W allace, Pastor, M aranatha Church bringing the m es­ sage. On W ednesday, April 10th, the Rev. Henry Ross o f the M orning Star Baptist Church will speak at 7:00 p.m. On Thursday, April 11th at 7:00 p.m. the Rev. Donald T. Frazier, Pastor, Mt. Sinai Com m unity Baptist Church will bring the message. On Friday, April 12th at 7:00 p.m. the Rev. Johnny Pack, IV, Pastor, Fel­ lowship Missionary Baptist Church will bring the message. A banquet will be held on Satur­ day, April 13th at 6:00 p.m. The Rev. H. Bernard Ings, Pastor o f the G reater Faith Christian Center o f Salem, O re­ gon and Director of the Project for Com m unity Recovery will be the speaker. Tickets are S I 6.00 and avail- Announcement The Portland com m unity is in­ vited to attend G ood Friday and Easter Sunday Services with the Bethel A .M £. Church family. G O O D FRIDAY SERVICE will be held on Friday, March 2 9 ,1 9 9 1 , at 12:00 noon. EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE will be held on Easter Morning, March 31,1991 at 6:00 A.M. Breakfast will be served immediately following Sunrise Service. TH E SUNDAY SCHOOL PRO­ GRAM will be held at 9:00 A.M. on Easter m orning. Fam ilies whose chil­ dren are participating in the Easter Egg Hunt arc reminded to bring a dozen cooked and dyed E aster eggs. The E aster Egg Hunt will be held immediately following the m orning service. REGULAR SERVICES will be held at 11:00 A.M. W e look forward to seeing you on the this im portant day. BETHEL AFRICAN M ET H O D ­ IST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 5828 NE 8th Avenue Portland, O R 97211-3704 288-5429 or 288-5420 m m m h m m i RELIGION Totally Dependent On Jesus BY MATTIE ANN CALLIER-SPEARS m able by calling 283-0466. On Sunday, April 14th will be the grand finale. At 11:00 a.m ., the Rev. Dr. Shelby L. Tate. Sr„ Pastor, Rose- hill Missionary Baptist Church will bring the message. At 3:00 p.m., services will conclude at the Morning Star M issionary Baptist Church, 106 N.E. Ivy Street, and Dr. Tate will speak. Also appearing on program will be Slate Representative M argaret Carter o f D istrict 14. The public at large is invited to come and share in this glorious celebra­ tion. Sis Sue C. Carey is the General Chairperson, Sisters Bcttyc J. Coppage, T. M cN eal, and Nancy J. Kimmons are Co-Chairpersons. Dr. T.B. Boyd, III, Executive Director o f the National Baptist Publishing Board, Nashville, th,, hnnarurv Chairman. North Portland Bible College Offers New Course Scripture o f the ‘Weef^ Scripture o f the W eek M icah 6:8 Women’s Aglow Fellowship Bible Study groups, Intercessory Prayer cells and the Publication and Distribu­ tion o f Christian Literature. A Channel o f G od’s Love and Pow er to W om en’s homes. C hurch’s and Com m unities. Barbara Sffoughter is the Presi­ dent o f the Northwest A rea Board of W om en’s Aglow Fellow ship Interna­ tional. The N orthw est A rea Board oversees thirteen local chapters of W omen’s Aglow Fellowship. The North­ west Area Board will be presenting their annual Spring R etreat on M ay 3- 4-5,1991 at The Canby G rove C onfer­ ence Center in Canby, Oregon. The main speaker will be G loria Kinney. G loria is Affiliations Specialistat W AF International Headquarters. She is a Powerful and witty speaker. She is gifted in the W ord of Knowledge and the W ord o f W isdom. On Friday, May 3,1991 The North­ west Area Board will conduct a Spiri­ tual Enrichm ent Training. Doris Eak- ers, the International Prayer Co-Ordi- nator for W AF will be teaching on Joshua 1:2-3. This Prayer Training Work­ shop will teach us skills in the area of spiritual W arfare and Intercessory Prayer. It will be a special time for each lady to renew her Prayer Life with greater faithfulness and zeal. For more information call Melvia Cunningham at: 282-9398 or Sheila Slagle a t 661-6169. N o r th w e s t O re g o n W om ens 'A Network, o í Caring Women* Spring Retreat Canby. Oregon May 3. 4. & 5. 1991 Rodney Cook Beginning April 1, North Portland Bible College (NPBC) will be offering an exciting new course, “ Lay C ounsel­ ing in Christian Perspective.” The class will be held Monday evenings, 6:30- 9:30, at N PBC’s temporary location, B ercan B a p tist C h u rc h , 4822 N.Vancouver. The course tuition for ten weeks will be $35. Many people in our fast-paced, high pressured society need someone they can talk to, who can help them work through the crises of life, such as grieving, loneliness, dysfunctional families, or co-dependency. But many who would like to help lack the skills o f an effective counselor, or the confi­ dence to extend a helping hand. “ Lay C ounseling” is designed to help non­ professionals gel positive principles and methods for caring, listening and help­ ing. Our instructor for “ Lay C ounsel­ ing” is Rodney Cook, the Executive Director for the Yaun Youth Care C en­ ter in Northeast Portland. He received the M.A. in counseling from W estern Evangelical Seminary, and is presently teaching a similar course at his own church, Milwaukie Foursquare. To register for this course, or for more information, call 288-2919 or 287- 0885. W om en’s Aglow Fellowship, an International organization o f renewed Christian women who are committed to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. An Inter-Denominational monthly fellow ­ ship where Women from all backgrounds com e together to worship God, Praise him and to share about the Lord Jesus and what He means to them, a special ministry God is using to touch the lives o f thousands of women everywhere, introducing them to Jesus Christ and encouraging them to live in the Power o f the Holy spirit. An outreach for sharing the Gospel o f Jesus Christ to the world through fellowship meetings, MU J l'iisl lim e in tlie l’avilie Nortliwesl! NATIONAL CONVENTION National Black Evangelical Association V W e d n e s d a y , A p r il 3 through Sunday, April 7 at the Sheraton Airport Hotel ' t'liem e: " In th e m id s t o f th e s e y ears, REVIVE US!" f»r <,<■»»»>•«•/• lltAium» "i.il Fn-utlcHl. Y/.7 t WORKSHOPS A M , L I S ( IILOM S: h i lie held .11 t .111« ms lin.ll 1 lunches. Mullin mult School oi the Bible and Warner Bacille College Maranatha Church Y O U T H PROGRAM: I M ILDR EN 'STR A CK : with Re\ I Icttry Gieenidge. 2H7 S226 with North B inland /Visit. ol Christian Ixlinalors. ¿HR ¿919 RECONCILIATION RALLY smutty. April 7, .11 ~ p m . at the Oregon Convention Center Black and while pastors and congregations join in an 11 a.m. exchange For p rogram s and fu rth er in fo r m a tio n 4222 N.E. 12 th Avenue, Portland, Oregon Sunday Services S u n d ay S chool 9:00 A.M. M o rn in g W o rsh ip 10:30 A.m. E v e n in g W o rsh ip 6:00 P.M. M id w e e k S erv ice - W e d n e sd a y 7:00 P.M. S t Paul Missionary Baptist Church S a tu rd a y - BASIC Y o u th S ervice 7:00 P.M. "Maranatha Live" Radio Program/Talk Show KPDQ 93.7 FM 800 AM 11:00 P.M. to 12:00 midnight (Each Sunday) 8101 N. Fiske Avenue Portland, Oregon 97203 Church Phone: 289-0147 North Portland Bible College Rev. Wendall H. Wallace Senior Pastor Study Phone:289-1911 Sunday Service 10:45 Sunday School 9:30 Bible Study 6:00 Evening Service 7:00 P.M. SPRING TERM ’91 MT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH April 1 — June 14, 1991 WE ARE MOVING SUNDAY SERVICES TO Stone Tower Church, N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 30th Pastor, Rev. James C.E. Faulkner Them e: W h atever yo u ’re going to do fo r the Lord, do it now. R a d io M in is tr y each S u n d a y, 8 :0 0 A .M .-K B M S I Peter iv.ll mi i i i i n ini îooniiifinii i)c ,rii)naoi n i jj¿ j;iLMo w o— W o rs h ip Services 8 :0 0 A .M . & 11:00 A .M . C h u rc h S ch o o l 9 :3 0 A .M . to 10:30 A M . B ib le S tu d y . W ednesdays, 116 N .E .S c h u y le r in - a n a m ’ n n d 6 :3 0 P.M . w w A T e a c h in g C h u rc h W ith A R eaching M in is tr y D r. Ja m e s E. M a rtin . S e n io r P a sto r Jesus Loves You/ Allai! IhQŒQjiâ Œ Time C ourses offered In structors M on. E v e. 6 :3 0 - 9 :3 0 O T SU R V E Y III LAY C O U N SE L IN G P a s to r J a m e s C o le m a n B ro. R o d n e y C ook T u e . M orn. 9 - noon N T S U R V E Y III G E N E S IS II S is. B e th N a n c e B ro . M ic h a e l L in d se y T u e . E ve. 6 :3 0 - 9 :3 0 N T S U R V E Y III I & 11 TIMOTHY & TITUS S is . B e th N a n c e D r. P e te r L aw T h u r . E ve. IN D U C TIV E B IB L E STU D Y M U SIC R E A D IN G / C H O IR IB 6 :3 0 - 9 :3 0 Psalm 3 4 :3 423Ó NE Eighth Avenue (comer of 81h 8 Skidmoi») Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 Phillip S. Ne/son, Pastor Church Office 116 N.E. Schuy ler, PLEASE NOTE; Church Women United Readies Forum The Rev. Joanne Sizoo, pastor of S l M ark Presbyterian Church, will be guest speaker at the spring forum of Church W omen United In Portland. The forum is set for 9:30 a.m. until noon, Friday, April 5, at Colonial Heights Presbyterian C hurch, 2828 S.E. a Phone 288-2919 for registration matenaIs. b Come early to the first session of your selected class Our new, temporary location is in Dcrcan (laptist Church 4822 N. Vancouver Avenue Entrance on Wygant. P.O .Box 11437 t Portland. Oregon 97211 t (503) 288-2919 Stephens. 1 nc event is lee und open to the public. Church W omen United is cele­ brating its 50th anniversary nationally. It is an ecum enical organization join­ ing women o f Protestant, C atholic and O rthodox faith to work for peace, justice and equality. ■ • X' I I S is. F a y e S m ith REGISTRATION AND TU ITIO N - still only $35 00 for the first class, 525 for each additional class HOW TO REGISTER: OCDDßäh B ro . M ich ael L in d se y • w * p ■ zK ’ Mr; • - - Ji . . - ■ ■ ■