ir V f>¡»V ¿ 4 ♦ # <4 f * ♦ * * • * < < • • • • # « A • *’ ♦ • < W V *■ * • < ”* < M a rc h 2 0 ,1 9 9 1 -The P o rtlan d O bserver Portland Observer i CLASSIFIEDS Japanese Auto Repair Engines, clutches, brakes quality work lower prices. Towing available 9am - 5pm Mon-Sat 284-4190 Director of Social Services ACCOUNTANT HOMEWORKERS NEEDED CELLULAR ONE STAFF ACCOUNTANT Earn up to $339 84 per week assembling our products at home Amazing 24 hour recorded message reveals details. Call today (206)742-1570 or (206)298-5543 Dept.489 McCAW CELLULAR COMMUNICAT IONS, the nation s lead­ ing cellular communications company, is recruiting for this position in its Portland office of Cellular One. Requires 2-3 DATA PROCESSING years Accounting experience with emphasis on financial NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY analysis. Demonstrated knowledge of applying GAAP in pro­ ducing monthly computerized statements, lotus expertiseand Accounting degree are definitely required. Respond in confi­ The information Systems Department has an immediate dence to: open ing for a Com puter Operator to operate the com puter and Cellular One peripheral equipment on established routines or programs Experienced m anager of program s for youth, fam ilies, women, or children. Masters +3 years exp. Resume: VO A-R esidential Services, 537 S.E. Alder, Portland. OR 97214 Equal O pportunity Employer under development. Responsibilities include: setting up equipment, operating Counseling operating tele-processing network; maintaining operational All replies in confidence status of end-user peripheral equipment; performing preven­ An Equal Opportunity Employer Counselor V (DTS) S a la ry $ 1 6 4 4 -$ 1 7 5 0 p e r m o n t h p lu s b e n e fits CODA Inc seeks Senior C ounselor in the drug treat­ ment services program to coordinate and provide structured Intensive outpatient treatm ent to families, children, pregnant wom en and adults referred by the criminal justice system . Responsibilities include: di­ agnosis, evaluation and treatm ent to com plex cases, individual youth and fam ily therapy, administration and coordination of client and program services, ex­ tensive counsultation, coordination and liaison. To qualify: a m aster’s degree or substantial post gradu­ ate course w ork in a human services discipline and 3 years supervised human services experience or equiva­ lent are required. To apply subm it standard CODA application form in­ cluding screening question responses to address below. Application materials available at C O D A Inc., 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. Equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. ___ computer and related equipment for production and test runs; Human Resources Staff Accountant 409 SW 9th Portland, OR 97205 understanding MVS Job Control Language; monitoring and Include resume and salary requirements tive maintenance tasks; performing other data processing- night shifts as scheduled; weekend, on-call and/or holiday Multiprogramming environment with knowledge of IBM 30XX, CICS, VTAM, and MVS Job Control Language. McCAW CELLULAR COMMUNICATIONS, INC, the nation's Preferred Candidates: course work and on-the-job training, or premier cellular telephone company, is seeking experienced equivalent experience in computer operation; ability to accu­ Direct Sales personnel. 'Minimum 2 years proven related sales success. abilities attention to detail, accuracy, and record-keeping 'C ollege Graduate desirable. skills; ability to work under pressure and with frequent inter­ 'O utside sales expe required. ruptions; ability to exercise sound judgment; knowledge of We provide an excellent training program .technical support, telecommunications networks, accounting, and payroll func­ base salary, expenses and benefits. This position extends opportunity for an articulate, organized tions is desirable. Starting salary is $1762/month with full benefit package. of the fastest growing industries in the nation. data sheet for consideration. O nly those selected to be inter­ Environmental Specialist viewed will be contacted. All replies in confidence An Equal Opportunity Employer JOB INFORMATION LINE: JANITORIAL B U IL D IN G M A IN T E N A N C E DRAFTING JOBS JOBS JOBS JOBS JOBS N O R TH W E S T N A T U R A L G AS SSSSSSS 6.90/HR SSSSSSSSS UNION BENEFITS FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES The Computer Graphics Section of the Engineering Depart­ INCLUDING STROKE, ALCOHOL & DRUG AND LEARNING DISABLED EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY, DESIRE PERSONS)| WHO ARE MOTIVATED WILLING TO LEARN. TRAINING AVAILABLE ment has an Immediate opening for a Computer Graphics O p­ Two years of experience with projects or programs regarding environm ental issues. Utility experience desired, but not required. BA or BS degree in public policy, environm ental studies, biological or physical science, or an equivalent com bination of education and experience. Valid driver's license. For information contact: Eugene Water & Electric Board, 500 E. 4th Avenue, P.O. Box 10148, Eugene,OR perform manual drafting tasks. Ideal candidates must possess no less than 2 years of draft­ ing school/equivalent experience, including mechanical and/ training, preferably AutoCAD will be desirable. Must have ability to interpret and produce maps, drawings and records to !» '■ *,-• accepted standards. Starting salary is $1,762/month with a full benefit package. Please identify this position when submitting your resume/ Im m ediate opening fo r full charge bookkeeper to work in a non-profit organization. W ill be responsible for month-end closing, preparation of monthly financial statem ents on a com puterized system . Must be able to reconcile general ledger, maintain subsidiary rec­ ords. Prepare payroll, tax report, and benefit pay­ data sheet for consideration. Only those selected to be N orthw est N atural Gas C om pany P .O .B o x 3410 ments, etc. M inim um qualifications: A.A. degree in accounting, plus three years bookkeeping experience. Be fam iliar with lotus 123 and main fram e com puter software. Com prehensive salary & benefits. R esum e to: Rodney R. Harry, Personnel O fficer N/NE Com m unity Mental Heatlh, Inc. 4950 N.E. Martin Luther King Blvd. P o rtla n d , OR 97211 Closing: March 22, 1991 Minorities Encouraged to Apply EOE P ortland, O regon 97208-3410 An Equal O pportunity Employer JOB INFORMATION LINE: (503) 220-2434 Counseling resume by 3/25/91 to: Tio Nick's 7025 N. Lombard Portland, OR 97203 Temporary Counselor III (DTS) Starting salary $1300-51350 A nticipated duratio n 3 m onths from date of hire. New Construction Energy Analyst CODA Inc seeks C ounselor in drug treatm ent services program to diagnosis, evaluate and treat caseload of m andated clients, conduct individual group youth and fam ily counseling, provide training, participate in program marketing and pi umotion and in policy d e ­ velopm ent. Position w orks M onday-Fri, m ostly con­ ventional hours with 2 or 3 early evening groups per week. To qualify a bachelors degree in appropriate discipline and 2 years human services experience or equivalent required. To apply subm it standard C O D A application form in­ cluding screening question responses to address below. Application materials available at CODA Inc., 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. $ 2 ,4 8 3 - $ 3 ,0 3 1 /m o Two years’ experience as a Conservation Energy Ana- lyst/lnspector or similar experience in residential energy efficiency, com bined with experience in residential building design and construction. Associate of Sci­ ence tw o-year degree in Energy M anagem ent or equivalent com bination of education and experience. Valid driver's license. For inform ation contact: Eugene W ater & Electric Board, P.O. Box 10148, 500 E. 4th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97440, (503) 484-2411 ext., 3012. Position closes: March 2 5 ,1 9 9 1 - 5:00 p.m. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Oregon Dept of Transportation City of Portland Santiam River Bridge, Autoport Structural Repair Construct One (1) New Bridge, Portland, Oregon Widen Four (4) Bridges Bid Date: March 2 1,1991 @ 2 :0 0 P.M. Bid Date: March 28,1991 @ 9:00 A.M. D O N A LD M. D R A K E C O M P A N Y C C B #00377. 1740 Northwest Flanders Street K IE W IT C O N S T R U C T IO N C O M P A N Y C C B N O . 634 7 1 Vancouver, W A 98668 2 4 -H o u r Job L in e 239-3116 A Legacy Member f e ’.¿VA? r Z : ■ SUB-BIDS REQUESTED .» y. 1) Middle Oregon Indian H istorical Society Museum 2)Heritage of The Confederated Tribes of Warm S prings (E xhibits) Warm, Springs, Oregon Bid Date: March 28, 1991 @ 4:00 P.M. M A R IO N CCB No. 48058 P.O. Box 12218 Salem, Oregon 97309 (503)581-1920 FAX (503) 399-0823 l/Ve are ') equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from women and m „ ¡ority owned business and emerging small business enterprises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Trojan Central Office Building Trojan Generating Facility Rainier, Oregon Bid Date: March 28,1991 @ 2:00 PM D O N A L D M. D R A K E C O M P A N Y C C B # 0 0 3 7 7 . 1740 Northwest Flanders Street Portland, Oregon 97209 (503)226-3991 FAX (503) 228-3019 We are an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub-bids from women and minority owned business enterprises,as well as ESB's. Team Manager at the above referenced address. ' ■ • . i i ; » » ■- ‘f 'e>?. -7' a y -X-.' ■ fe s ? ? Bid Date: April 2,1991 @ 7:00 P.M. L. D. M A T T S O N , IN C . C C D # 6 3 1 2 2 P .O . Box 12335 Salem, Oregon 97309 (503) 585-7671 Fax#: 585-4364 For Bids Only We are an equal opportunity em ployer soliciting subcontractor and supplier ENTERPRISES. fe x * 45 J ». SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Sub and supply bids for divisions 1 through 16 work are requested tor: K N IG H T L IB R A R Y A D D IT IO N S & A L T E R A T IO N S P A C K A G E O N E University of Oregon - Eugene, Or Bid Date: April 2,1991 @ 7:00 P.M. WILDISH BUILDING CO CCB #34429 P .O . B o x 7 4 2 8 E u g e n e , O r e g o n 974 0 1 (5 0 3 ) 4 8 5 - 1 7 0 0 FAX (5 0 3 ) 6 8 3 -7 7 2 2 We request bids and encourage pre bid contact from small, disadvan­ taged, minority, and women owned businesses for the subcontract and supply opportunities if this project. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Knight Library Addition & Alterations University of Oregon Eugene, Oregon Bid Date: April 2, 1991 @ 7:00 P.M. JOHN HYLAND CONSTRUCTION INC. CCB#46071 P. O. Box 7867 Eugene, OR 97401 (503)345-8100 Fax#:(503) 741-0896 W e are an equal opportunity employer and request Sub-bids from disad­ va n ta g e d m/nor/fy, women and emrgrng sma// busrness enferphses. BIDDING OUT OF OUR SEATTLE OFFICE ON MARCH 26 AND 27 PHONE: (206) 624-8333 FAX: (206) 624-6340 K IE W IT C O N S T R U C T IO N C O M P A N Y C C B N O . 634 71 P.O. Box 1769 Vancouver, W A 98668 (503) 285-4687 (206) 693-1478 FAX (206) 693-5582 K IE W IT C O N S T R U C T IO N C O M P A N Y 1300 Aloha Street Seattle, W A 98109 W e are an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub-bids fro m w om en and minority owned business enterprises,as w ell as E S B ’s. ' . í. quotations from W BE/MBE firms, and from EMERGING SMALL BUSINESS Seattle, Washington Bid Date: March 27,1991 @ 2 :0 0 P.M. Division Region 1 office in Milwaukie, Oregon, will administer the contract. If you are interested in being considered, a Request for Qualifications can be obtained by contacting William Ciz, Project Team Manager, region 1,9002 S.E. McLoughhn Boulevard, ’ ** Knight Library Addition & Alterations University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon minority owned business enterprises,as well as ESB's. Division proposes to engage the consultant on a time and material basis. The Highway ■ * > r ‘ CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Seattle Concourse Expansion The Oregon Department of Transportation, Highway Division, is seeking a consultant to develop a Scope of Work for a Corridor Environmental Impact Statement on the Mt. Hood Highway between Rhododendron and Highway 35 in Clackamas County, Oregon. The ■ « Committed to Carter Opportunity Jor AU Americans W e are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from women and NOTICE OF INTENT - x A 1225 N ortheast 2nd A ven u e (503) 233-4567 SUB-BIDS REQUESTED minority owned business enterprises,as well as ESB s. K #• , ' I a " s . C Holladay Park Medical Center (503) 285-4687 (206) 693-1478 FAX (206) 693-5582 (503)226-3991 FAX (503) 228-3019 Milwaukie, Oregon 97222, telephone (503)653-3240. Eight copies of the consultant s response to the Request for Qualifications are due by 12 p.m. (noon), March 29,1991, and should be mailed or delivered to William Ciz, Project -y-, i ' P.O. Box 1769 Portland, Oregon 97209 We are an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub-bids from women and • SUB-BIDS REQUESTED •.#«, • Bookkeeper Application deadline is March 22,1991. MENTAL HEALTH Program Coordinator for adolescent day treatment facility serving SED youth with special education needs. MSW or master's degree in related field required and 2 years supervisory experience. Send ís & í CALL SHERRI JONES AT 777-2215 PORTLAND HABLITATION CENTER or mapping and surveying background. Computer Graphics interviewed will be contacted. AUpqrMMtar Oyynu««T Enytoyn MW. « • ys* r 'l Portland, OR 97205-3208 erator, Mapper to operate the computer graphics system or EMANUEL HOSPITAL & HEALTH CENTER «Mm» «MU» f e * ■ . *'•* ... «A Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. Market Portland, O r 97201 Equal O pportunity Employer Tdd #225-6780 An Equal O pportunity Employer 409 SW 9th Equal Opportunity Em ployer Call our 24-H our JobLine at 280-4727 for a-lifting of current openings at Emanuel Hospital & Health Center. vironm ent Fast, accurate use of a 10-key calculator Previous claim s processing or insurance billing experience highly desirable. Starting salary $1347/m o. Training classes will begin April 2 9 ,1 9 9 1 . Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package, flex-tim e work hours, and com petiti-'e salary. Pre-em ploym ent drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed im mediately, place ad #056 at the top of your resum e or you may apply In person between 9 AM -4PM .« »■ Hum an R esources/D irect Sales Northwest Natural Gas Company P.O. Box 3410 JO B O P P O R T U N IT Y £ -U x- Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Is currently accepting applications fo r M edi­ cal Claim s Analysts. This position is responsible fo r accurate and tim ely paym ent of blue Cross and Blue Shield of O regon's medical claims. E xperience necessary to perform this task w ill include: 1 year recent clerical work experience in a doctor's office or hospital setting D em onstrated know ledge of medical term inology and anatom y. This m ay be ob­ tained through a classroom setting or office experience ICD-9/CPT-4 Coding A minim um of 6-12 months experience using a C RT in a production oriented e n ­ C e llu la r O n e Application deadline is March 22,1991: $2,907.-$3,545./mo. 97440 (503) 484-2411 ext., 3012. Position closes: April 8, 1991 - 5:00 p.m. EQUAL O PPO R TUN ITY EMPLOYER - Please address your resume to: (503) 220-2434 Project fo r Com m unity Recovery 3525 N.E. M.L. King Jr. Rlvd. Portland, OR 97211 Attn: Bernard Ings EOE t. selfstarter to become a professional with a career path in one Please identify this position when submitting your resume/ 1991 to: O '» : I. . • « . • .. .” - r- . /A A s - -«•V k.. ■’ ».T¡ MEDICAL CLAIMS ANALYSTS CELLULAR ONE Direct Sales rately input numbers for computer processing; basic math • '7 - ♦ ' INSURANCE McCAW CELLULAR COMMUNICATIONS, INC. work; experience as a computer operator in an IBM MVS A & D certified counselor to w ork with m inority clients In an outpatient program located in northeast Portland (37.5 hours per week). Send resume by March 25, »Advertising »Employment Bids/Sub-Bids Mon-Fri. SALES related functions as required. Minimum Qualifications/Requirem ents; ability to work day/ Alcohol & Drug Page 9 - . »? i