March 20, 1991--The Portland Observer-Page 5 Michael Jordan, Dominique Wilkins Dominate NBA As ‘Simply The Best Sheila Banks Appointed Director, Media Affairs Philip Morris U.S.A. has announced ihc appointment o f Sheila Banks as Director, Media Affairs. In this newly created position, Banks serves as senior spokesperson lor Philip Morris U.S.A. and is re­ sponsible for directing a ll comm u­ nications activity w ith the media ton cut-ins fo r CBS M orning News; reporter, Black news; and reporter, 12:00,6:00 and 11:00 p.m. newscasts. During this time, she was also a stringer regarding tobacco-related issues and events. She reports to John R. N el­ son, Jr., Vice President, Corporate Affairs. Banks had hosted the television program, “ This Week in Black En­ tertainment” on the Black Enter­ tainment Television (B E T) network based in Washington, D.C. fo r the past six years. From 1981 to A p ril 1989 she also served as documen­ tary producer and host o f ‘ ‘ M etro Week in Review” fo r W E T A -T V , the PBS affiliated in Washington D.C. During this eight-year period, Banks was also co-host o f the BE T program, “ Video Soul” in 1983, and was a segment producer fo r the PBS program, “ The Lawmakers” in 1981. Before relocating to W ashing­ Sheila Banks ton, D.C., Banks worked as a con­ for Tim e Magazine at its Boston bu­ tributing correspondent fo r ‘ ‘ A liv e and reau fo r tw o years. W e ll” on the U SA Cable N etwork in She received a local Emmy Award H ollywood, C alifornia fo ra year. Prior for the W E T A documentary, “ March to this, she was reporter and co-anchor on Washington: 20 Years Later” in for Newscenter 2 on K T V I-T V in St. 1984, and has received three other lo ­ Louis, M issouri fo r tw o years. cal Emmy nom inations fo r documen­ From 1974 to 1978, she was w ith W N A C -T V in Boston, where she held the positions o f co-anchor, Newsroom 7,12:00 p.m. news; anchor/writer, Bos­ taries. She was honored w ith the Black Communications Aw ard by Business Exchange in Washington, D.C. in 1985, and the Achiever o f Business and Edu­ cation Aw ard by the Greater Boston Y M C A in 1977.She is also a member o f W ho’ s W ho Am ong Black A m e ri­ cans and has been featured in Wash­ ingtonian Magazine (1982) and Ebony Magazine (1979) for her ac­ complishments. Banks has authored feature a r­ ticles in several national magazines, and has produced a wide variety o f industrial film s. She earned a bachelor o f sci­ ence degree in journalism from Bos­ ton U niversity in 1974. She pursued further studies in dramatic w ritin g for theatrical and television film at the U niversity o f C alifornia in Los Angeles. Banks was bom in St. Louis, M issouri. She has relocated from Washington, D.C. to the Philip Moms headquarters in New Y o rk C ity. P hilip M orris U .S.A., an oper­ ating company o f Philip Morris Com­ panies Inc., produces a number o f leading cigarette brands: M arlboro, the largest selling cigarette in the U.S.A. and the world; Benson & Hedges 100’ s, the largest selling free-standing 100 mm brand in the U .S.A.; M erit, the largest selling free­ standing low-tar cigarette; Virginia Slims, the leading cigarette made especially fo r women; and Superslims from V ir ­ ginia Slims, the firs t ultra-thin, low - smoke, low -tar cigarette made espe­ cially for women. Other cigarette brands include Parliament Lights, Players, Cam­ bridge, A lpine and Saratoga 120’ s. Assistance Needed for African American Wilson High Student Coast w ill greatly expand my aware­ ness o f other cultures. I have taken French fo r the past five years, and I ’ m fa irly fluent in speaking it. I am eager to learn more about French speaking people and their culture. The homestay program offers an excellent opportunity to learn the language firs t­ Cacie Cunningham M y name is Cacie Cunningham and I am a 16 year old ju n io r at W ilson H igh School, in Portland. I am w ritin g to ask for your financial assistance. 1 have been accepted by N acel’ s D iscov­ ery Abroad Homestay Program to spend three weeks, J une 8-June 30,1991 in the Ivo ry Coast, A frica . The cost fo r the program is $2190.00, which due to my fa m ily ’ s financial circumstances, I am trying to raise (in contributions.) Since I am an A frican Am erican, I was especially interested in visiting a French speaking A frican country. I feel that the opportunity to v is it the Jvory hand. I w ill share some inform ation about m yself w ith the hope that you w ill fin d me deserving, and w ill contribute any ($10, $25, $50 or more i f possible) amount to help me in this effort. M y accumulative G PA throughout my high school career is 3.94. I am active in womens varsity basketball and tennis, as w ell as the National H onor Society, and D istributive Educational Clubs o f Am erica (D E C A ). M y volunteer com ­ m unity activities include: student re­ porter for Youth Today - a local youth newspaper sponsored by the Oregonian, Jack and J ill o f Am erica, and an active member in the Mt. Olivet Baptist Church group, choir, and usher board. I am grateful fo r any assistance you m ight be able to offer. Please make checks payable to: W ilson H igh School - attention Cacie Cunningham, 1151 SW Vermont Street, Portland OR 97219. For more inform ation or i f you have any questions, please call me at 246- 4011, or John Mays, S.I.S. coordinator at W ilson H igh School 280-5280 x428. U * i - r 1 B T he Í P r o fe s s io n a l W h o C a re s . Specializing in Northeast Portland Rose Marie Davis 286-5826 249-1018 asketball greats Michael Jordan and Dominique W ilk in s score big as two o f the most successful basketball players in the history o f the game, w hile projecting positive images o f Black men. A lso in the A p ril issue. Ebony Man (E M ) offers advice on women who manipulate men, discusses ‘ ‘A fterp la y,’ ’ w ith suggestions on H ow T o Play It R igh t,” examines the star quality o f actor Danny G lover, and B n s z l Peninsula Realty 8040 N. Lombard ST. Portland, Or 97203 Business phones 281-8976 289-2471 Pax 286-8675 Main office 286-5826 showcases fashion, Italian style. Chicago Bulls star Michael Jordan, the N B A top-scorer who is also know n as the most recognizable athlete in the w orld, and Dom inique W ilk in s , the Atlanta Hawks player w ith a golden three-point threat, have each garnered sky- high salaries and endorsement contracts as w ell as respect for their positive im ­ ages. Although originating from distinctly different areas-Jordan was bom in Brooklyn, New Y o rk, w hile W ilk in s sprang from France-the two share disap­ pointing stories o f their early years, their interests in humanitarian activities JUVENILE CORRECTIONS Gang Transition Program Update & Community Input Gathering Wednesday, March 27th, 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. King Neighborhood Facility Juvenile Parole Conference Room Please come and invite other interested individuals and their consistency fo r being the best on and o ff the c o u rt Also in the A p ril EM ; One author explains how women easily manipulate their mates and why they are the power centers in most relationships; experts say that good sexual after play involves asking a woman about her satisfaction, rather than lighting a cigaette or slipping o ff to sleep; and superstar actor Danny G lover tells w hy the next fours years w ill be a ‘ ‘passionate’ ’ tim e for Blacks in the film industry. Plus, E M reports on the Italian fla ir fo r timeless men’ s wear and the latest in fo ul weather fashions; takes a closer look at beautiful singer and dancer N ia Peeples o f T V ’ s “ The Party M achine” ; details “ Foods That Feed A Healthy H eart” ; and offers the latest news on camcorders. The D w e r To Overcome. A HOME 10AH FOR PEOPLE WHO THINK THEY CAN’T GETONE N ot everyone has the money it takes to take out THICK SLICED BACON FALLS B R A N D It gives you the money you need to buy a house without costing an arm and a leg. O r even a foot. Heres how POUND PKG. SLICED MEATS < D flIS fttC T « a hom e loan from a bank. But right now, a lot ot people in Portland who think they can’t qualify7 lor a home loan, can. W ith a Home- Partners loan from U.S. Bank. HILLSHIRE FARMS DELI SELECT Assorted V arieties EACH JUMBO HOT DOGS ARMOUR M EAT o r BEEF it works. W ith a HomePartners loan, the amount of money you need lor a down payment is one third less than even the usual federally insured home loan requires. And most clos­ ing costs, lor tilings like title insurance and other lees, don t have to be paid up front— A they can be borrowed with the rest of the money. N o t only does this A HOMEPARTNERS CONVENTIONAL v re home loan cost less, its easier HOME LOAN HOME LOAN v2 to qualify for. A steady income DOWN PAYMENT 5% 2% and a good history o f pay­ H O \\ DO YOl GET YOl R DOWN PAYMENT.'1 ing your bills might be all M ust be from your Can be a gift from ow n savings a relative NECESSARY REPAIRS M ust lx- do n e before -Ml repairs (except those required loan is given for health o r safety reasons) can be d one after loan is given ADDITIONAL CLOSING COSTS All costs must be paid up front M ost costs can be financed TOTAL ( ASH REQCIRID AT CLOSING FOR A HOI SE WITH A SALES PRICE OF $30.000 (For down payment, up front closing costs, estimated taxes and insurance) $3,652 $2,160 DO YOl QUALIFY? OF MONTHLY INCOME ALLOWED FOR HOUSE PAYMENT 28% U p to 33% CREDIT HISTORY Previous ktan experience W ithout p n o r loan on cars, credit cards, etc. experience, landlord references o r a g o o d record ot paying utility bills can be used to establish credit history The I S Bank HomePartners Program can help you purchase a house in P, ,rtland t.>r up to $49,000. You are eligible to apply .1 your annual how ehoU income does not exceed the following income guidelines: I Person - $24,000. 2 People-$ 2 8 ,5 0 0 . 3 orm orcpeoplc-$31,700. HomePartners is ottered through I S Bancotp Mortgage Company.______________ 1 ” \ \ y \UN\BO HOT^POCS_ 1 "| U l l . S s . J i B " RiseRvt T TO Hf right LIMIT quantities THE FRIENDLIEST STORES IN TOWN SINCE 1908 SPECIALS EFFECTIVE MARCH 19 through 24 1991 MEMBER OF UNITED GROCERS w h « d *» s SUM)** |«U lo 19911 mted State s National Bank o f Oregon ’*’5* A N K you need. Now, we aren’t exactly giving away these loans to everyone who walks in the door. But, we guarantee that a lot of people w ho thought they’d never be able to get a home loan will get one. So, before you give up on the idea o f owning your own home, take a look at what U S. Bank’s H o m e Partners loan has to offer. It could save you from a lifetime o f rent.