March 20,1991- The Portland Observer -Page 3 Portland Observer Mattie Ann Callier-Spears RELIGION Scriptur e o f the Wke^ Lu£e 20:27-40. Can the Institutional Church Survive Some Radical Changes? A United Methodist Becomes a ConfirmedCatholic: Retaining a Religious Duality BY A. LEE HENDERSON Have you ever w on­ dered if the institu­ tional church is strong enough to sur­ vive the seismic shocks that shake its foundations w ith radical changes? Perplexing as it A. L m Henderson might seem, that question surfaced for me as I was doing research for my new book “ Crisis, Conflict and Challenge To The Church.” Yet the more I pondered, the more postive I felt about these changes. At first they portended to be life- threatening. But as I studied the issues, I gradu­ ally came to realize that as within a human patient, the seeming “ disease” can create vigorous anti-bodies within the patient, rallying the invalid to better health and even longer life expectan­ cies! The institutional church can also rally, stronger than ever, from the test­ ing. W hether the church responds with stronger ecumenical issues or re-builds its original foundations upon a dom i­ nant fundamentalism, depends upon one’s analysis and will be borne out as time evaporates the misty frontiers o f our debatable future. But I would like to share a unique experience. My own precepts were challenged when I discovered the fas­ cinating case o f W illiam R. Farm er, a United M ethodist o f im peccable pro­ fessional credentials who elected to combine Catholicism w ith M ethodism in a Christain adventure that is more significant to the way we perceive reli­ gion than it apperas to be. For this is more than a superficial leap into dual “ citizenship” as a professed member o f two substantial churches individu­ ally rooted in differing doctrinal w or­ ship practices! T he religions, says Farm er, have"m utuality” in Protestant-Catho­ lic dialogue, but Farmer acknowledges that the reality he lives is “ still hidden to most peoople.” He believes that he is setting seeds for officialdom to deal with...even if the “ oneness’ ’ of the Christian church, beyond denominational precepts, fails to take place in his lifetime. With growth o f aw areness centered in all people to self-express and stand up and be counted, the desire to dem ocratize can be con­ fusing within the church. Here, too, we all count. But to those o f us who have become the pro­ fessional church, the hierarchy can be used to expedite the full objective of the church: to render strong, inviolate, and dependable the church body that must serve our absolute spiritual, and even our secular needs! I do believe that change can m od­ ify the institutional church without tearing it down! W illiam R. Farm er’s example is a prime exam ple of duality that did not destroy either denomination. His official stand on espousing two denominations took place on January 25,1 9 9 0 . An associated Press article by George W. Cornell quoted him as say­ ing: “ I don’t regard it as a conversion or that I ’ve put away my Methodist heritage at all.” A fter the Rev. W illiam R. Farmer, assistant pastor at St. L uke’s Com m u­ nity Methodist Church in Dallas, Texas, NATIONAL CONVENTION N ational Black Evangelical Association W e d n e s d a y , A p ril 3 . Sunday, April 7 at the Sheraton Airport I lolel I heme: />r /> .IfiAiHMit "In t h e m id s t o f t h e s e y e a r s , REVIVE US!" .\alu>n,d 1'nsuh‘ni. \IU -\ WORKSHOPS ANO LUNCHEONS: to I k held ill unions It k ; e r/ person In lb * firm belief that all arc hurl as long as sn/onc held back. H O W T O REGISTER: Sunday School 9:00 A.M. M orning W orship 10:30 A.m. Evening W orship 6:00 P.M. M idweek Service - W ednesday 7:00 P.M. Saturday - BASIC Youth Service 7:00 P.M. Worship Services 8:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. Church School 9:30 A.M. to 10:30 A.M. Bible Study. Wednesdays. 116 N.E.Schuyler 10:30 A.M. and 6:30 P.M. Radio Ministry each Sunday. 8:00 A.M.-KBMS A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin. Senior Pastor C hurch O ffice 1 1 6 N.E S ch u y icr, From Rough Cut To Polished Piece What: When: Where Video Showcase Saturday, March 30, 1991 7:3 0 -9 :30 pm Portland Cable Access (PCA) 2766 NE MLK, Jr. Portland, OR 97212 NOTICE Youth Arc The M ost Im portant People In O ur Lives But W e’re Losing O ur K id's to G ang Violence!! Black and white comes together in the °ortland Observer 4747 N E M L K ^ Iv d Portland OR 97211 (503) 288-0033 Tax. 288-0015