Page8 -The Portland Observer—March 13, 1991 i Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS Advertising m Employment í ? Bids/Sub-Bids SUB-BIDS REQUESTED INVITATION TO BID CITY OF GOLDENDALE PHASE 2 SEWER AND WATER PROJECT GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON NOTICE TO BIDDERS Seattle Concourse Expansion Seattle, Washington Bid Date: March 27,1991 @ 2:00 P.M. BIDDING OUT OF OUR SEATTLE OFFICE ON MARCH 26 AND 27 PHONE: (206) 624-8333 FAX: (206) 624-6340 INVITATION FOR BIDS Solicitation No. 91-16 The Portland Developmeni Commission w ill receive sealed Bids for: D em olitio n and Site C learance fo r B lock 89 and Site P re pa ra tion fo r Block 36 until 4:00 p.m., Pacific Standard Time (PST) on March 26, 1991, at 1120 S.W. F ifth Avenue, Suite 1100, Portland, Oregon 97204-1968, at which time and place all Bids w ill be p ublicly opened and read aloud. A mandatory prebid conference w ill be held on March 20,1991 at the Portland Development Commission office. A mandatory jobsite lour w ill be held on March 20, 1991. Contract Documents may be obtained from the Pordand Development Commission. Bids shall be submitted on the forms provided, w ith no changes to these form s allowed. Inquiries should be directed to Larry Roberts, 252-9344. A ll bidders must file fo r prequalification no later than March 26, 1991, 1:30pm, in accordance w ith the Instructions to Bidders, and ORS 279.039(1), in the fo llo w in g C ity o f Portland categories: D em olition and Site Clearance. A 10% bid guaranty as outlined in the Instructions to Bidders must accompany the bid. The successful Bidder w ill be required to furnish and pay for satisfactory Performance and Payment Bond or Bonds. M inim um salaries and wages as set forth in the Contract Documents must be paid on the Project. The bidder must be licensed under ORS 468.883. No bid w ill be considered or received by the Commission unless the bid contains a statement by the bidder as a part o f its bid that the provisions o f ORS 279.350 or 40 U.S.C. 276a are to be com plied w ith. Each bid must contain a statement as to whether the bidder is a resident bidder as defined in ORS 279.029. The Commission may reject any bid not in compliance w ith all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, and may reject fo r good cause any or all bids upoin a fin ding o f the agency it is in the public interest to do so. The Portland Development Commission is committed to acting affirm atively to encourage and facilitate the participation o f Emerging Small Businesses (ESB), M inority Business Enterprises (MBE), and Women Business Enterprise (W B E ) in Commission projects and operations. Responsible bidders must com ply w ith established goals in this project as contained in Attachment A to these bid documents. Bidder shall be certified as an EEO A ffirm a tiv e Action Em ployer as prescribed by Chapter 3.100 o f the Code o f the C ity o f Portland. Portland Development Commission Patrick L . LaCrosse Executive Director Sealed bids will be received by the City of Goldendale at City Hall, 1103 S. Colum­ bus Avenue, Goldendale, Washington 98620 until 2:00 pm, PST, on the 12th day of March 1991, at which time bids will be publicly opened, for the Phase 2 Water and Sewer Project. Bids received after this time cannot be considered. The work includes installation and replacement of approximately 2100 feet of 4", 6" and 8" water lines, 38 gate valves, 21 new fire hydrants, water service lines and 1,360 feet of 4" and 8" sewer lines, sewer manholes, surface restoration and other related work in the City of Goldendak., and is partially funded by a Public Works Trust Loan administered through the Washington State Department of Community Development, and the Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) Revenue Bond. The City of Goldendale is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Minority and women-owned businesses are encouraged to bid. BIDDING DOCUMENTS General Contractors may obtain a set of the bidding documents at the office of R. A. Edwards Incorporated, 125 W. Main Street, Goldendale, WA 98620 (509/773- 5887), upon payment of a $50.00 non-refundable fee. The contract documents may be examined at Goldendale City Hall, Goldendale, Washington, and R.A. Edwards Incorporated, Goldendale, Washington. PRE-BID CONFERENCE A pre-bid conferecne will be held at 1:00 pm March 5,1991, at Goldendale City Hall, 1103 So. Columbus Ave., Goldendale, Washington, to discuss the project and answer any questions. BID SECURITY Each proposal must be accompanied by a Bid Bond In the amount of five percent (5%) of the Bid. REJECTION OF BIDS The owner shall have the right to reject any and all bids, and in particular to reject a bid not accompanined by the required bid security or data required by the bidding documents or a bid in any way incomplete or Irregular. By Betty S. Smith Goldendale City Clerk INFORMATIONAL ADVERTISEMENT DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HIGHWAY DIVISION KIEWIT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CCB NO. 63471 P.O. Box 1769 Vancouver, WA 98668 (503) 285-4687 (206) 693-1478 FAX (206) 693-5582 KIEWIT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1300 Aloha Street Seattle, WA 98109 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from women and minority owned business enterprises,as well as ESB's. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Portland Community College - Southeast Boiler and Roof Replacement 2850 S.E. 82nd Ave., Portland, Oregon Bid Date: March 19,1991 @ 2 :0 0 P.M. SILCO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY □ = n P.O. Box 83299 Portland, Oregon 97283-0299 (503)286-8155 FAX (503) 286-8079 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from women and minority owned business enterprises,as well as ESB’s. ©UU©@ SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Gateway Park and Ride N.E. 99th and Pacific, Portland, Oregon Bid Date: March 19,1991 @ 3 :0 0 P.M. SILCO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY □ © U _ @ SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Sealed bids will be received until 9 a.m. on March 28,1991, for the projects listed below. CITY OF GRESHAM MID-COUNTY N.E. 184TH, 186TH AND GLISAN COLLECTOR SEWERS PROJECT NO. 3067 County Marion Lincoln Multnomah Wallowa Jackson Benton Lane Lane Deschutes, Linn,& Lane Malheur W ashington P.O. Box 83299 Portland, Oregon 97283-0299 (503)286-8155 FAX (503) 286-8079 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from women and minority owned business enterprises,as well as ESB's. CALL FOR BIDS Marion & Linn ® Santiam River (Southbound) Bridge Sec. of Pacific Hwy. (I-5) located approx. 12 mi. S. of Salem. Reinf. cone. & struc. steel bridges grade sep. structurds. DBE Goal. Woodburn Intchge. (Southbound) Off-Ramp Sec. of l-5/Pacif ic Hwy. Traffic Signals. Boiler Bay-Otter Rock Hwy. Sec. of Oregon Coast Hwy. (US- 101). Pave, guardrail. DBE Goal. N.E. Portland Hwy. at N.E. 121st Place, N.E. Portland Hwy. in Portland. Traffic Signal. DBE Goal. Camp Creek Bridge Sec. of Little Sheep Creek Hwy. near Imnaha. reinf. cone. & struc. steel bridges, grade sep. struc ture s DBE Goal. Phoenix-Valley View Rd. Sec. of Rogue Valley Hwy. (OR-99) S. of Medford. Pave & oil. Dist. 4 Overlay Projects of Palfic Hwy. West (OR99W), N. of Corvallis & Corvallis-Newport Hwy. (US 20), bet. Corvallis & Philomath. Pave & oil. Willamette Hwy. Rockfalls Sec. of Willamette Hwy. (Rt. 58) beg. approx. 14.5 mi. W. of Oakridge. Misc. hwy. appurte nances. Willamette hwy. Passing Lane Sec. of Willamette Hwy. (Rt. 58) located approx 10 mi S.E. of Eugene. Pave & oil. M.P. 61.6 - M.P. 83.8 Sec. of McKenzie Hwy. (OR Rt. 242) beg. S.W. of Sisters. Pave & oil O.C.I. Access Rd.-Stanton Blvd. Intchge. Sec. of Stanton Blvd. (Co. Rd.) approx. 2 mi. N.W. of Ontario. Pave & oil, earthwork & drainage. Upper Boones Ferry Rd. Intchge.-E. Portland Freeway Intchge. Sec. of Pacific Hwy. (1-5) S. of Portland. Aggr. bases, pave & oil. DBE Goal. Proposals due 10:00 am, March 26 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Oregon Health Sciences University Laboratory Remodel, Vollum R3412 Glass Wash Remodel, Vollum M502 Portland, Oregon B id Date: March 20, 1991 @ 3:00 p.m. MACKAY CONSTRUCTION, INC. CCB #62800 P.O. Box 219007 Portland, Oregon 97225 (503) 292-2374 F A X (503) 292-2486 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from women and m in ority business and emerging small business enterprises. MARION CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CCB No. 48058 P.O. Box 12218 Salem, Oregon 97309 - (503) 581 .-i 9£0 FAX (503) 399-0823 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from women and minority owned business enterprises,as well as ESB's. MARION Sealed proposals w ill be received by the C ity Engineer, at the C ity H all, 1333 N .W . Eastman Parkway, Gresham, Oregon 97030, u ntil Tuesday, March 26, 1991, 10:00 a.m., Pacific standard Tim e, at w hich time they w ill be opened, for the construction o f the M ID -C O U N T Y N.E. 184TH, 186TH A N D G L IS A N C O LLE C T O R SEWERS, PROJECT NO. 3067. The major quantities involved are as follow s: Project No. 3067: L.F. 80- 10" G ravity Sewer Pipe; L.F. 3600-4/6" Service Lateral Pipe; Each 25- Manholcs. Contractor for this work shall furnish all labor at current U.S. Department o f Labor prevailing wage rates, materials and equipment and services o f all kinds to complete the w ork in accordance w ith the plans and specifications therfor. Plans and specification may be examined at the o ffice o f the Gresham C ity Engineer, 1333 N .W . Eastman Parkway, Gresham, Oregon. Copies o f said plans and specifications may be obtained upon application to the C ity Engineer and by posting a non-refundable fee o f $25.00 w ith the C ity Engineer for each set o f plans and specifications requested. Contractors must prequalify for sanitary sewer construction w ith the C ity o f Gresham, as required by the laws o f the State o f Oregon, before the date o f a bid opening. Otherwise, their proposal may not be given consideration. A ll proposals must be submitted on the regular forms furnished by the C ity o f Gresham, addressed and m ailed or delivered to the Engineering D ivision, C ity o f Gresham, in a scaled envelope plainly marked, “ S E A LE D B ID ON M ID -C O U N T Y N.E. 184TH, 186TH A N D G L IS A N C O LLEC TO R SEWERS, PROJECT NO. 3067” bearing the name and address o f the bidder. Each must be accompanied by a certified check, cashier’s check or bid bond in an amount not less than ten percent (10%0 o f the total bid. A performance and payment corporate surety bond in the fu ll amount o f the contract shall be required to guarantee fa ithful performance o f the terms o f the contract at the time o f contract execution. Each bid must contain a statement as to whether the bidder is a resident bidder, as defined in ORS 279.029. In determining the lowest responsible bidder, the public contracting agency shall, for the purpose o f awarding the contract, add a percent increase on the bid o f a nonresident bidder equal to the percent, i f any, o f the preference given to that bidder in that stale in which the bidder resides. Each bidder must file w ith his bid an a ffid a v it o f non-collusion. The C ity o f Gresham reserves the rig ht to reject any and/or a ll bids, waive inform ation or to accept any bid which appears to serve the best interests o f the C ity. The C ity o f Gresham is an equal opportunity employer. BY ORDER OF T H E C IT Y C O U N C IL 1333 N.W. Eastman Parkway Gresham, Oregon 97030 SUB-BIDS REQUESTED The Shoreline Hotel Renovation 123 West Burnside Street Portland, Oregon Bid Date: March 18,1991 @ 5 :0 0 P.M. CITY OF PORTLAND INVITATION FOR PROPOSALS PROPOSALS DUE 2:00 P.M. ON VARIOUS DATES Sealed Proposals w ill be received at the Bureau o f Purchases and Stores, Room 1313, Portland B uilding, 1120 SW F ifth Ave., Portland, OR 97204 fo r the (Com modities) (Equipment) (Projects) detailed below u n til 2:00 p.m. on the dates indicated. Plans and Specifications may be obtained at the above the address. For additional inform ation, telephone Buyer at number listed. Unless otherwise stated in the individual proposals listed herein, no proposal or bid w ill be considered unless accompanied by a bid surety fo r an amount not less than ten perfeent (10%) o f the aggregate amount o f the proposal. The C ity encourages M BEs and FBEs and w ill assist such firm s to understand and participate in form al bidding process. N O N -D IS C R IM IN A T IO N : No proposal or bid w ill be considered unless the bidder is certified as an EEO A ffirm a tiv e A ction Em ployer prescribed by Chapter 3.100 o f the Code o f the C ity o f Portland PROPOSAL NO. C-9745 105 D ESC R IPTIO N O P EN IN G D A T E Linn Park Sanitary Sewer System. C all M ichele Ackerman, 796-6854. Prequalification in Class 8-Sewer Lines Required 3/26/91 A utoport Structural Repair. Call Susan Housscr, 796-6853. Prequalification in Class 19-building Construction Required 3/21/91 C-9743 C on st . t Adventist Sanitary Sewer System. C all M ichele Ackerman, 796-6854. Prequalification in Class 8-Sewer Lines Required 3/21/91 111 12-lnch M ain Im porvcm cnt, N Center & N Jantzcn. C all M ichele Ackerman, 796-6854. Prequalification in Class 11-W ater Lines Required 3/19/91 • SUB-BIDS REQUESTED The Shoreline Building Downtown Housing Preservation Project 123 W. Burnside Street, Portland, Or. Bid Date: Monday March 18,1991 @ 5 :0 0 P.M. R&H Construction Co. 338 NW 5th, P .O .B ox 3989 Portland, Oregon 97208 (503) 228-7177 Fax (503) 224-3638 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from minority, women and emerging small businesses. CITY OF PORTLAND PORT OF PORTLAND ‘ Electrician - $3,006/mo ‘ Public Works inspector 1 - to $3,068/mo For more info/closmg dates call (505) 823-4573 (24 hr job information) No resumes BUREAU OF PERSONNEL 1220 S.W. 5th Ave., First FI. // flC jA Portland, OR 97204 apps also available at: URBAN LEAGUE 10 N Russell Minorities, females and disabled encouraged to apply. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES The Port o f Portland has an immediate opening for a Computer Operator to operate the computer and peripheral equipment on established routines or programs under development. The closing date fo r this position w ill be Friday, March 15, 1991. For additional inform ation, call the Port’s Job H ot Line, (503) 231-5478. the Port is an Equal O pportunity Employer. Say you saw It In the Portland Observer