»'« m t » * * » * » *■ * » ♦ ♦ * March 1 3 ,1991—The Portland Observer—Page 5 THE LOCKER ROOM David Robinson: He Has A Dream Too BY ULLYSSES TUCKER, JR. Recently, the Locker Room re­ ported that star center D avid Robinson o f the San A ntonio Spurs donated $108,000 to the " I Have A Dream F o u n d a tio n " fo r scholarships. The program, which adopts a fifth grade class, is set up fo r students at Gates DAVID ROBINSON Elementary School in San Antonio. However, there’s one catch to the schol­ arships, the students must graduate from high school and enroll in college to receive the money. Robinson took a few moments after his Spurs broke a 13 game home w in ­ ning streak against the T ra il Blazers recently. The Spurs won 95-88 behind the scoring and rebounding o f Robin­ son. ‘ ’The I H A D Foundation is a great foundation,” he said. “ It tells the kids to work hard, w ork hard, that it w ill all w ork out for you. Instead, it tells them that i f you work hard and want to go to college, we are going to help you be­ cause i t ’ s worth that to us. In San A n to ­ nio, we only had one class and 1 wanted to see them sponsor a black class there. I think that i f you point the k id in the rig ht direction and tell them that you’re w illin g to help them, I think that they w ill take it from there. I t ’s ju s t exciting to see the looks on their faces and their parents crying, sim ply because they could not afford college. I t ’ s a great feeling.” L ike Ken L ew /i/C E O /LA S C O Shipping and Attorneys Leonard G i­ ra rd (Portland General Corporation) and Pam Jacklin (Stoel, Rives, Boley, Jones, & Grey), the prim ary sponsors o f three 5th grade classes at M artin Luther K ing Elementary School in Northeast Portland, Robinson is active w ith his class. Though his N B A sched­ ule is active and the demands fo r his tim e very high, he s till finds the tim e to drop in on his students. “ I do not donate money to any­ thing that I don’ t feel strongly about,” he said. ‘ ‘Last year, I d id a lot o f public appearances and posters fo r them. I knew then that I wanted to sponsor a class, but I wasn’ t at that point yet where I wanted to give everything. This year, I ’ m at that point. M y mother and father have helped me a great deal also. I t ’ s really fu lfillin g .” Robinson, who spends a consider­ able amount o f time in N ikes’ Beaver­ ton neighborhood, said that he would like to meet the Cass at M L K oneday. He w ill get his chance this summer or sooner, since the N B A finalist from the West m ight have to come through M e­ m orial Coliseum. More on D avid Robinson'. R obin­ son says that he has always been a com petitive individual, whether it was academic or athletic. A graduate o f the U.S. Naval Academy, Robinson talked about how he formulated his drive and energy. “ I don’t like to lose at anything. I don’ t want to say i t ’s pride in yourself, because I think that the word is over­ used, but i t ’s being able to feel good about yourself. When I was a kid, I did a lo t o f different things. I tried so hard to find something I was great at. Not ju s t good, but really great. So when I grew to be 6-foot-8 inches in high school, and I started developing as a basketball player, I told m yself, ‘This is your th ing ’ . N ow that basketball is m y job , I ’m zeroed in, thinking mostly o f that. This is my chance to be great.” New North Portland Office Opens D»oo The Employment D ivision’s North Portland office has moved to a new location. It is located in a fa c ility hous­ ing fiv e Department o f Human Re­ Stmhah sources agencies. The new address is 30 N. Webster St. The new location was specifically designed w ith E m ­ ployment D ivision customers in mind and w ill offer easy access to these serv­ ices as w ell as those provided by other agencies. Contact Jerry Fugere, 280- 6004, or M artin Burrows, 280-6810. Brenda Williams named Employee Of the Year! Human Resources’ Brenda W il­ liams was named Em anuel’ s Employee o f the Year for 1990 at the annual Service Awards Banquet February 28. The honor comes w ith a special park­ ing space fo r a year as w ell as a trip to Hawaii. Congratulations, Brenda! D e s i a A M “ *‘ J (Left) First team all­ tournament selecton, Damon Stoudamire of Wilson led his team to the state title by beating West Albany 104-87. Stoudamire scored 25 pints, grabbed 5 rebounds, had 11 assist and 3 steals. Photo by Veronica Green i •ry - êr < aà ? i, ; * . Henderson could learn class from Sandberg bv A a ro n Fentress A year ago Oakland Athletics left fielder Rickey Hendrson was a happy man w ith his new four-year S12 m illio n dollar contract. N ow he’ s unhappy. When Henderson signed his con­ tract he was one o f only two players receiving S3 m illion -a -yea r to play baseball. Since then everybody and their grandmother has signed a $3 rrfllion-a-year contract, some ex­ Henderson’s statement is easy to dis­ cover in looking at the contracts o f Nolan Ryan, Andre Dawson, Wade Boggs, and Chicago Cubs' second basemen Ryne Sandberg, to name a few. A ll ofw hom make the same or less then Henderson and are all locks for the Hall o f Fame. None have complained ceeding $4 m illio n and one player ev£n receiving over S5 m illion-a- year. Needless to say Henderson’ s ego has been bruised. He just feels that he is the best player in baseball and should be paid the most money. The argument over whether or not Henderson is the best player in baseball, o r whether he deserves the fiv e -m illio n dollars a year he’s asSing is not what concerns me or my purpose for w riting this article. He jderson is undoubtedly one o f the best all-around talents in the game and definitely deserves four- to-five m illion dollars a year as much as anyone. But must he cry like a little baby to get it. W hat concerns me is Henderson’s lack o f class over money. Henderson should honor his current contract and just play ball. T w o weeks ago Henderson was a no show at Oakland’ s training camp fo r tw o days. Henderson voiced his opinion about his lack o f financesanddidn’ tshow up to camp until the third day and d id n ’ t do so under h ap py c ircu m sta n ce s. Henderson has let it be known that his stay may not be permanent. Upon showing up Henderson was given a ja r fille d w ith SI bills from his teammates who put to­ gether the “ Rickey Henderson ap­ preciation fund” asa little joke which Henderson accepted but offered no jo k in g attitude towards Oakland management. “ I ’ m the only player going to the H all o f Fame m aking that much less then Jose,” griped Henderson the day o f team mate Jose Canseco's signing fo r over $4 m illion-a-year over eight months ago. The ignorance shown by I Í I about their present contracts except for Sandberg. Who, despite his gripes, could teach Henderson a thing or two about class. When spring training opened for Chicago Sandberg let Cubs' manage­ ment know that he wanted a contract extension worth close to five -m illio n a year. Cubs management failed to com ply so Sandberg went on about his business, preparing for the 1991 season. The comparisons between Sandberg and Henderson's situation are this- Both players are arguably the best ever to play their position; Both players are underpaid com ­ paratively to their peers and both want to be compensated. But that’s where the comparisons end. "I'm going to put the contract talks behind me and prepare even harder to try and bring a w orld series championship to Chicago," said Sandberg. "I may h it only .250 i f I have to play the season w ithout a new contract," said Henderson who batted .325 last season. Comparing these two state­ ments it is obvious which player is a winner and which is a whiner. Sandberg w ill take his S2.2 m illion and play hard while Henderson w ill take his S3 m illion and snivel until October. "Chicago management has been good to me," said Sandberg despite not getting the contract he wanted. Sandberg is right, manage­ ment has been good to him. They have given him life-long financial security. What Henderson fails to see is that Oakland management has been as good to him. Now Henderson should repay the favor and play baseball I f Henderson does decide to w alk out o f camp again because he can't live on S12 m illio n (I know how hard that could be) then the A ’s should trade him to Houston. Let him finish in last place year after year w ith his S5 m illion. Be­ cause from the cellar we won't be able to hear his w hining anymore. Toll-Free Number On Job Rights For Returning Reservists And National Guard Members The U.S. Labor Department today announced a toll-free telephone line to provide inform ation on jo b rights fo r relum ing reservists and National Guard members called up for the Persian G u lf War. Those w ho call the number, 1-800- 4422-V E T, w ill be sent inform ation on their rights under the Veterans’ Reem­ ploym ent rights Act. Persons may also contact the Seattle Regional VETS O ffice at (206) 553-4831 for inform a­ tion. ‘ ‘As those called up fo r the Persian G u lf co n flict begin com ing home, our attention w ill turn from the war to their reentry into c iv ila in life. That return includes resumption o f their jobs and careers, ‘ ‘ said Secretary o f Labor Lynn M artin. “ Under the federal law, they have a rig ht to return to the jobs they left to go on m ilita ry duty. N ot only are they entitled to their old jobs or an equiva­ lent jo b , the law requires they be rein­ stated w ith the seniority, status, pay and other benefits they would have earned had they remained on the jo b ,” M artin said. The Veterans’ Reemployment Rights A ct, passed in 1940, covers all personnel ordered to m ilita ry duty at any lime. The law is based on the so-called ‘ ‘escalator principle,: which means veterans step back into their jobs at the precise point they would have occu­ pied had they kept w orking. The same escalator principle applies in reverse, however. I f there were layoffs at their place o f employment, reservists or National guard members may not be entitled to their old job. Even so, they w ill have accrued seniority fo r recall and areentitied to unemployment bene­ fits. The toll-free number w ill be staffed by operators between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., EST, but w ill have 24-hour message­ recording. < ▲ A ft* Flyers C Stationary Brochures Programs ETC... (Right) #50 Duray Thirdgill of Wilson gets the salm during the first quarter of the championship game. Thirdgill scored 16 points, grabbed, 12 rebounds, and blocked 4 shots. Portland Record Still The Best In The NBA Jerome Kersy gets fouled by Larry Nance o f Cleveland as Brad Daugherty looks on. Kersey scored 21 points and pulled down 9 rebounds as Portland got by Cleveland 104-96 Monday night. The w in moves Portland’s record to 46-15. Photo by Veronica Green SECOND ANNUAL Inner City Blues Festival Thurs, March 21, 6:30-11 Norman Sylvester Jim Mesi Janice Scroggins and the Portland Blues All-Stars (Benny Wilson, Paul Jones, Dave Kahl) with special guests Paulette Davis & Power Street Corner Singers Ralph Black, Al Hickey, Lloyd Jones Eddy McGee, Bill Rhoades, J C Rico Margo Tufo, Johnnie Ward, & others beans & rice included, no host bar BBQ dinners for sale by Chuck Hinton's Ribs Express $7.50 advance, $8.50 door, children under 12 - free (under 21 out by 10 PM) T E X A S II (form erly Royal Esquire club), 1708 NF. Alberta Benefit for the P O R T L A N D R A IN B O W C O A L IT IO N tickets available at Music M illenium , laughing Horse