w * Page 4 - -The Portland Observer > • > M arch 13, 1991 _______________ 1 • » • » > * W *V W « « « O W _ Portland Observer ENTERTAINMENT Portland Com m unity C ollege’ s M onday N ig h t Big Band recently re­ The Jefferson Dancers New Ja ck City PCC Community ty Big Band Brings Home The Prize Created in 1976, The Jefferson Dancers, directed by M ary Vinton Folberg, is the perform ing arm o f the nationally known Dance Department at Jefferson High School in Portland. It is a multi-ethnic company o f dancers, ages 14 - 19. The ensemble is composed o f the school’ s most advanced dance students who have come to the Performing A rts Center at Jefferson for dance training, either through the Portland Public Schools or through the school’ s a ffilia tio n w ith Portland Com m unity College. T heir repertoire includes over 70 works o f tap, ballet, modem, jazz, ethnic and musical theatere dance works. Ten to twenty works are active fo r any season, in c lu d in g in te rn a tio n a lly renowned and award-winning works. Those who have worked w ith the company include Donald McKayle, Lynn D ally, Paul Russell, Brenda Bufalino, L o w e ll Sm ith, Royston Maldoom, Raymond Sawyer, to name a few. These young people come from a ll over the Northwest to study dance at Jefferson. They want to w ork w ith professional choreographers, and they against four-year schools such as Utah State, Washington State, the U niver­ sity o f Idaho, Brigham Young U niver­ sity and A m a rillo College in Texas. M em ory said, explaining his sense o f accomplishment for the PCC band, “ We are unique in that we are truly a com m unity band, made up o f w orking folks, part-time students, retirees, and semi-professional musicians. W e do not have the resources o f the four-year schools.” Students were able to meet such jazz legends as D izzy G illespie, Lionel Hampton and B illy Eckstein. PCC stu­ dent Andre St. James was invited to practice w ith Lionel Ham pton’s group. St. James plays bass. For more inform ation or group bookings, please contact PCC’s Voca­ tional M usic department, Cascade Campus, 244-6111, ext, 5225 or B ill Garbett, 249-3304. turned a w inner from the Lionel Hamp­ ton Festival at the U niversity o f Idaho in M oscow, Idaho, the band is head­ quartered at PC C ’ s Cascade Campus, 705 N. K illin g sw o rth. Thara M em ory, w ell-know n West Coast jazz trumpeter and music direc­ tor o f the PCC jazz band, was pleased w ith his group’ s first e ffo rt at the Idaho com petition. Patrick Lam b won first in the saxo­ phone com petition and also was judged the best overall soloist for the com peti­ tion. Lam b was awarded a silver flute. PCC trom bonist Ed Green took first place in the trombone soloist division. The college took fifth out o f 14 entrants in the Large Group ensemble division. P ortlandandBellevueC om m unity colleges were the o nly com m unity colleges invited to participate. The PCC M onday N igh t B ig Band competed Looking for something new to spice up your workouts? Judd Nelson and rapper Ice-T play streetwise cops on the v a il o f an inner-city crack dealer in New Jack C ity , a Warner Bros. Pictures release directed by M ario Van Peebles. The New Jack C ity soundvack album is available on Giant/Reprise Records and features performances by Ice-T, 2 L iv e Crew, Queen Latifah, Keith Sweat, Johnny G ill, Christopher W illiam s, Guy and newcomers C olor M e Badd, Essence and F.S. Effect S o m e t h in g to b u r n y o u r b u n s , t r y y o u r t h ig h s . k i l l y o u r c a lv e s ? B u t s a le a n d s e n s ib le to o ! BENCH A ERO BICS A h ig h in t e n s it y w o r k o u t w it h a lo w im p a c t t w is t . Beginning March 4 M o n .. W e d ., F r i. , 6 :3 0 a m & 6 :4 5 p m T ues. & T h u rs . 1 2 :0 0 p m & 5 :1 5 p m C o m e o n i n a n d t r y a c la s s . C o n v e n ie n t, A ffo r d a b le F a c ilitie s fo r M e n a n d W o m e n C a ll fo r m o re in f o r m a tio n 2236281 YW CA 1111 S.W. 10th Ave. C A R E F R E E V IN Y L H O M E S V IN Y L S ID IN G S A L E 40% OFF REG. PRICE 3 COLORS ONLY, IVORY - BEIGE - WHITE while supplies last, Installed by our experts F i n a n c in g A v a i l a b l e S in c e 1952 2 8 3 - 0 3 4 8 o r (2 0 6 ) 6 9 3 - 9 9 7 0 Speedy Best Cash Prices ertili Service DAD'S OIL SERVICE Heating Oils i ■■ gin .Friendly C a ll for M Quote!!! Russell P o rtla n d , OR 97212 / "N e w J a c k ." A term that’s come to describe a new sound o f music, a new street hustler, a new executive, vital and exciting, emerging from America's inner cities. N ow both the sights and the sounds o f that urban landscape have come to life in New Jack C itv. an extraordinary new film w ith a pow erful original soundtrack album on giant Records. The name 'N e w J a c k " was o rig in a lly coined by journalist and screenwriter Barry M ichael Cooper to describe a new mood and tone that is coming to dominate modem street life. A form er drug addict who has w ritten extensively about Am erica’s urban underclass, it was Cooper’s investigative reporting that provided early impetus for both the story and style o f this Warner Bros. Pictures release. New Jack C itv is described by V a rie ty as “ a provocative, pulsating update o f gangster movies...an action- ladened epic about the rise and fa ll o f an inner c ity crack dealer.” Film ed on location in Harlem and the Bronx by director M ario Van Peebles. W hile drugs and guns form the backdrop fo r a story tom from today’ s headlines, it is the music o f New Jack C itv that provides this extraordinary I.TL! 223 9919 W ednesday M a rc h O TIS C L A Y 13 EASTER SEALS'91 T h u rs d a y M a rch 14 PR O F E S S O R 'E D D IE LU S K F rid a y M a rc h 15 C U R TIS S A L G A D O & TH E S T ILE T T O S S a tu rd a y M a rch 16 C U R T IS S A L G A D O & TH E S T ILE T T O S S u n d a y M a rc h 17 FA S H IO N S H O W 7-7:30 B O N E D A D D IE S 9:30 It’s that time o f year again to choose tw o new courts to rule over Rosaria. The first 1991 Junior Rose Festival princess w ill be selected on March 12, and the first Senior rose Festival p rin ­ cess w ill be chosen on March 26. Eastport district w ill crown its junior princess Tuesday evening, March 12 in the Franklin H igh School auditorium . Seven additional ju n io r princesses w ill be selected to represent different geo­ graphical regions o f Portland. N ine- and ten-year-old g irls at­ tending Portland elementary schools may try out fo r the Junior Court. The girls are judged on poise, speaking ability, an interview and appearance. Once completed, the Junior C ourt w ill make dozens o f appearances to promote the Rose Festival and Portland. The Junior C ourt typ ica lly visits hospitals and nursing homes, meets c ity and state officials, and attends numerous lunches, dinners and special events. The ju n io r princesses also ride on their own floats in the Alaska A irlin es Starlight Parade, the Pacific Power Junior Parade and the Delta A ir Lines Grand Floral Parade. One o f the eight ju n io r princesses w ill be crowned queen at the Junior Rose Festival Queen Coronation on 5 * 1991 Junior Court Selection Schedule Eastport D istrict 5 March 12, 6:30pm Franklin High School H aw thorne D is tric t 6 March 14, 6:30pm Franklin High School N orth D istrict 2 March 26, 6:30pm Roosevelt High School W alnut Park Dlst.3 March 28, 6:30pm Whitaker Middle School Sellw ood/M oreland D istrict 4 April 2, 6:30pm Cleveland High School W est H ills D is tric t 8 April 4, 6:30pm Wilson High School Gateway D is tric t 7 April 9, 6:30pm Madison High School H ollyw ood D istrict 1 April 11, 6:30 pm Blnnsmead Elem.School 1 J u n io r Rose Festival May 22, 7:30pm Madison High School Queen Coronations ^ COMING SOON f|OM ES^ANTED ^ I W n A P R IL 17 & 24 VISA T h e power to overcome. 15% to 50% O FF 100% H um an H air w igs! 100% H um an H air fo r B ra id ing and W eaving N aom i S im s W igs Stationary Brochures Programs ETC... Sales items subject to stock on hand. No Reorders BEAUTICIAN & STUDENT DISCOUNTS 281-6525 ,00% HUMAN HAIR FOR BRAIDING A WEAVING 7th & F rem ont ( 707 N .E. F re m on t ) The Professional Who Cares. Specialiiing in Northeast Portland Rose M a rie D avis CHINOOK SALMON OR BROILED LOBSTER TAILS JUMBO PRAWNS FISH & CHIPS CLAM CHOWDER BROILED HALIBUT CRAB STUFFED MUSHROOMS LOBSTER THERMIDOR OR PAN FRIED OYSTERS SAUTEED SHRIMP ROSSI OR STEAK & LOBSTER CRAB AU GRATIN OR FRENCH FRIED SCALLOPS STEAM CLAMS OYSTER STEW CHICKEN STEAKS OR . . . . W orld Beat M o n d a y M a rc h 18 M A D H A TTE R P R A G M A T IX Reggae House X USED Rap Blues Soul Cospel 286-5826 Folk Jazz jum p “ Jump Music TC H 249-1018 .M G» Peninsula R ealty 8040 N. Lom bard ST. Portland, O r 97203 Ousmc.ss pitones 281-8976 289-2471 R ix 286-8675 CVS M a m o l l ic e 2 8 6 -5 8 2 6 Good For One M a rk e t Evaluation of Y o ur Property z T u e s d a y M a rc h SC AR LETT 7 Wednesday evening, M ay 22 at M ad i­ son High School auditorium. The dates o f the 1991 Portland Rose Festival are M ay 31 through June 23. The theme is “ A Celebration o f C o lo r.” CLEARANCE SALE Betty Cabine proprietor TUES - SAT 11:30-6.00 31 NW First Junior And Senior Princess Selections Begin In March MRS C’ s WIGS 104 N E (503) 282-5111 film w ith its crackling rhythm and pace. The connection between the story and the music is underscored by yet another "N ew J a c k " star, Ice-T, m aking his acting debut. One o f rap’s most relevant and riveting rappers, Ice -T ’s role as undercover cop Scotty Appleton utilizes a ll the form er gang member’s sveet savvy to bring down mobster N ino Brown. “ We wanted someone who could be a positive role model and yet go easily undercover and be believable as a gangster,” says director Van Peebles. “ Ice is a natural inhabitant o f the urban landscape sketched in the film .” As m ight be expected, New Jack C ity also features some o f the founding members o f the "N e w J a c k " sound. Leading the pack is Teddy R iley him self w ith his group Guy perform ing the title song, "N ew Jack C ity.” Following closely are chart-toppers Keith Sweat singing "T h e re You Go (Telling M e N o A g a in )," " T m S till W a itin g " by Johnny G ill, " I ’ m D re a m in '" by Christopher W illiam s and "F a c ts O f L ife " by Danny Madden. The New Jack C ity soundvack also offers an array o f prom ising newcomers from Giant Records serving up some o f the screen’s most memorable musical moments. may very w ell choose to pursue careers in dance. A lu m n i o f The Jefferson Dancers are currently perform ing professionally in many U.S. and foreign cities, including New York, Los Angeles, Montreal, Denver, Kyoto, and M ilan. Dancers for this young company are auditioned in the spring and those selected make a commitment to perform w ith the group for one school year. They attend classes u ntil 5:00 p.m, everyday. T heir day includes dance technique classes, a tw o-hour rehearsal, and academic classes in w hich they must attain a strong grade point averages. Their training is intended to be broad as well as deep and unlike most professional dance companies, the Jefferson Dancers perform works in all dance styles. The com pany p e rfo rm s extensively throughout the West Coast, Northwest, and Western Canada for community concerts, school assemblies, cu lm ina ting each spring in tw o completely different programs at the H u lt Center in Eugene and their popular home season concerts at Portland’ s Intermediate Theatre in the Portland Center for the Performing Arts. % 19 prop«, % T c ,o o u w . h u yoor by . C E N T U R Y 21 real r t . * i . p ro fo ..lo i..l. T o find o fy ool property la worth to d .y , con.plow ond rolum O il. c c n lik o lo or a l l foe ■o ■ppoinlmcnt

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