Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 13, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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M arch 1 3 ,1 9 9 1 --The Portland Observer--Page 3
Portland Observer
by Mattie Ann C allier-Spears
OPB Radio Network To Air ’’World Of Islam" Series
With Introductions By Peter Jennings
Because o f the crisis in the Persian G ulf, global interest in Islamic culture
and history is being aroused, creating a need for public education about this region
o f the world.
Beginning in M arch, O regon Public Broadcasting radio will air N P R ’s
"The World o f Islam," an aw ard-w inning 13-week exploration o f the history,
culture, and future o f Islam.
A BC-TV News anchor Peter Jennings introduces each o f the series’ half-
hour presentations, offering listeners a fascinating glim pse o f the social, political,
cultural, and religious forces that drive the Islamic world.
The series, produced jointly by British journalist Julian Crandall Ilollick,
also the series narrator, and W B U R -FM /B oston, airs on N PR nationwide. (O PB
Radio Network will carry the series W ednesdays during The Noon Report
beginning March 20th.)
Jennings’s introductions to each piece address recent developm ents in the
Islamic world. Beginning with the teachings o f Islam and what it means to be a
Muslim in m odem society, the series exam ines the huge influx o f Muslim
immigrants to the United States, the status and role of women in Muslim societies,
and the current resurgence o f Islam throughout the world.
In the weeks to com e here are a few of the subjects that will be discussed.
“ Islam in America: The Im m igrant E xperience” - Muslim immigrants to
the United States discuss the problem s and the advantages of starting new lives in
this country.
“ Black Islam ” - This exploration of the growth in Islam among African-
Americans features Black M uslims discussing divisions within the movement
between two rivals groups - the Nation o f Islam and the American Muslim Mission.
"W om en and Family in M uslim Societies” - Muslim women and men
talk about the teaching of Islam as it relates to w om en, their rights, and the
influence o f traditional patriarchal values on their lives.
“ W hither Islam: The Future o f Islam ” - Interviews with M uslims of
several nationalities reveal the strength of Islamic values and institutions in their
countries and their relevance to the 21st century.
Stations o f the O PB Radio Network are: Portland 91.5 FM. Pendleton
90.9 FM, Bend 91.3 FM, and Corvallis 550 AM, with translators serving twelve
other areas o f Oregon.
P u b lic Service A nnouncem ent
The Bethel AM E Church, 5828 NE 8th
Avenue will be hosting it’s annual
W om en’s Day program on Sunday,
March 24,1991 at the 11:00 a.m. service.
W e are planning an excellent program
and invite the public to com e share in
this service with us. Our them e for the
day is “ W oman Called, Com m itted,
And Com pelled to Serve God." The
chairm an is Hazel G. Hayes.
For more information contact: Church
Secretary 288-5429.
The power to overcome.
5 th A n n u a l
As Oregon pies to cope with popu­
lation growth, pressure is building to
develop unused land. But private land-
ow ners are being thwarted by state land
use and planning laws. Environm ental­
ists applaud O regon’s conservative
approach to land management. A fter
all, they argue, it’s im possible to re­
claim land once it’s been developed.
But frustrated landowners believe they
should have more options, and more
control, over their property. The battle
lines are drawn over how to use O re­
gon’s land, and who should decide.
The idea behind existing land use
guidelines is to prevent productive farm
and forest land from being elim inated.
B ut some “ secondary ’ ’ lands zoned for
farming are less suitable for that use,
and their owners w ant the freedom to
use the land for other purposes. They
say governm ent regulations, by lim it­
ing their choice, have robbed them of
Vue “ ow nership” o f their land. M ean­
while, environm entalists and land use
planners fear unrestricted developm ent
could forever elim inate scarce and
valuable farm and forests lands. Strik-
ing a balance betw een developm ent
and preservation has not been easy.
Almost everyone agrees O regon’s land
use planning system could be improved.
But does the system need a m ajor over­
haul or merely fine-tuning? T hat ques­
tion is now before the legislature, and
the future o f O regon’s landscape d e­
pends on decisions they’ll make. Which
should receive higher priority: devel­
oping land to m eet grow th, or preserv­
ing land to retain quality o f life? Should
land use and planning decisions be under
state or local control? D o private c iti­
zens have the right to use their land as
they choose? O r is there an overriding
public interest that justifies govern­
ment-im posed lim its? W hat do YOU
think? Join Fack Faust and his guests
for this timely debate on Sunday, March
24th from 6-7p.m. For seatreservatons,
please call Frank M ungeam , Alison
H ighberger or Liza M cQ uade at 231-
4620. Guests should arrive at KATU
studios (21st & NE Sandy Blvd) be­
tween 5:00-5:15 p.m. The public is
welcome, but reservations are required.
4222 N.E. 12 th Avenue, Portland, Oregon
Sunday Services
S u n d ay School
9:00 A .M .
M o rn in g W o rsh ip
10:30 A .m .
E v e n in g W o rsh ip
6:00 P .M .
M id w e e k S ervice - W e d n e s d a y
7:00 P .M .
S a tu rd a y - BASIC Y o u th S ervice
7:00 P .M .
Rev. Wendall H. Wallace
Senior Pastor
J r u i i i i j T m k C o m m un ity
‘Tennis ¿Association
•Children 9 and under must be atvompamed by an adult, no babysitting provided
ríim n írn afr^/.- (
f Saturday, April 6,1991, 9:00 am-l:00 pm )
ou ore CordioUg ¿Jnviled to attend a special meeting to lielp luilli tlie
onnatlon a} the ¿Irving ¿Park Community 'tenuis »dissociation. 'llie
¿Irving ¿Park C'Ldl Is a group comprised oj cltzeus o, llie ¿Irvington,
»Albina, »dllbcrta, and 'Woodland ¿Park ConununlUes mlio are Interested
in taking a more active, role lu llli 'len tils. ¿Please read attached letter.
• Mount Scott Elementary' School - 11201 S.E Stevens Road for 5tX.
• Ockley Green Middle School - 60.(1 \ Montana
• Reedwood Friends' Church - across from Eastmoreland Hospital at S.E. 28th 6 Steele
Get hands-on training in:
Fluer De Lis Club
Celebrates Black History Month
On Thursday, February 7,1991, at
216 North V ancouver Avenue-Sumner
C ourt, the Fluer de Lis Club, a branch
o f the Oregon Colored W om en’s Clubs
o f America, held it’s annual “ Black
History W eek O bservance’’.
The program was very informative
and very spiritual. The quest speaker
was Mr. James C. Mason, Adult Parole
Probation O fficer with the State of
Oregon D epartm ent o f Corrections, he
choose to speak on the byocott o f o f the
Black United Front. He stated that we,
as adults, need to become educated.
And - the youth, o f Portland, need to
stay in school and receive their high
school diplom as. He, also, stated that
the blacks, o f O rcogn will all be af­
“ Researching To Discover O ur T alents’’
April 13,1991 @ 7 PM
First A.M .E. Zion Church
4304 N. Vancouver
Rev. W illie B.Smith Pastor
Tickets are on sale through the church office for a donation o f $20 for adults
and $10 for children twelve and under. Call 287-4946
A lle n T em ple C h u rc h Celebrates
Pastor Phillips S. N elson’s
25 Y ears in the M inistry
Saturday, M arch 16, 1991 A 6:30 PM
A irport-Shilo Inn
The congregation o f Allen Tem ple Church will hold a banquet celebration for
Pastor Nelson. Everyone is invited to attend this festive occasion. Tickets are
on sale for a donation o f $20 for adults and $7 for all children age 12 &
under. Call the church office 287-0261
Portland, OR
will hold it’s annual Concert
at 7PM Saturday, March 23, 1991
The public is cordially invited to attend. Come! Help lift up the name of
Jesus in songs and praise.
M o u n t O liv e t B a p tist C h u rc h
116 NE Schuyler Street
Portland, Oregon
w ill celebrate it’s
M aundy Thursday Service
Thursday, March 28, 1991 @ 6PM
Come celebrate the serving o f the Meal in the Upper Room. Experience the
last words spoken before the Cross. The service begins prom ptly at six. Place
this moving cerem ony on your calendar o f events. D on’t miss it. R.S.V.P.
I 'n s t li m e in l i t e P a c if ic N o r t h w e s t !
Black Evangelical Association
Wednesday, April 3
th ro u g h
Sunday, April 7
at the
Sheraton Airport Hotel
• Fire Safety
'With die lielp oj tlie 'United ¿tales Tennis .¿Association. CUTS are
designed Io help kids, adults, and seniors form community programs.
Inuits leagues, atul soonsar s|tedal tejuils related activities. vMembers
of C U ls uLso act as ¿Advocates for ¿umtner ‘leiuils Camps and tlie
utilization of 'Portland ¿Parks and die ¿Portland Tctuils Center.
CPR • Babysitting
• Drug and Alcohol Awareness
Personal Safety • Emergency Telephone Skills
Registration Deadline: 4/3/91
Call 293-6675
(Because space is limited,
pre-registration is required.)
Presented as a public service by the osteopathic' medical community.
Sponsored by :
St. Paul Missionary
Baptist Church
W lio mill attend dlls Initial meeting and tulio may attend?
¿am 'Dlbblns. Cxc. 'Director. 'Pacific ¿Nortluucst Tnuiis »dissociation, 'Don
Johnson, Tennis ‘Unlimited, ¿Inc., 'Dan <Ttoore, ¿Players ¿Racquet ¿llop,
and ¿Kev. ¿KeUy Cluilman, ¿Augiistauu Pudierau Church. Anyone t u lio
is Interested til h elp in g lu llli die forinatianof C l j l r 'Bring a friend.
/»r ( mvuri * /) ( I d n t n c i
XalntHOl I'n fu len t. \IU .1
"In tlie m id st o f th e se
y ea r s, REVIVE US!"
WORKSHOPS AM ) LUNCHEONS: to lx.- held .11 taut his local elm uhes
Multnomah Scliool ol the Bible and Warner I’aeilie College
YOUTH PROGRAM: with Ilex I la i n Greenidge. 287 522<i
CHILDREN'S TRACK: with North Kirtland A smi of Christian Educators, 288 2919
W liats on die .'Agenda?
¿ign-up for Ulembcrs, election of 'Board .Ucmlters and ap|K>lnt Utcinbers
at-large. Joiliiutlnil of committees: 'By- H an ts, 'N o m in a tio n of O fficers,
J u iu l 'Raising.
Sunday. April 7. at “ p in . at th e O regon C onvention Center
Black am i w hile |\tsto rs and etingtegations join in an 11 a an. exchange!
For program s and further inform ation
NBI-A o ffice - 5736 N. Albina - 289-0 I I I
8101 N . Fiske A venue
P o rtla n d , O regon 97203
Church Phone: 289-0147
Study Phone:289-1911
Sunday Service
S unday School
Bible Study
Evening Service
7:00 P.M.
fected by the passing o f M easure 5. The
young people who w ere bom in Port­
land and w ent to school here did not
receive the rich experience o f the Black
Culture like those who cam e here in the
early forties and late thirties.
Several well-know n personalities
received recognition, such as: Mary
M cLeod Bethune, M alcom X, Maggie
L. W alker, and others. Mr. Ford and
Mrs. Stone were recongnized as being
the first Black T eachers in the city o f
Portland, O regon. All o f these persons
helped to pave the w ay for future gen­
The program was riddled w ith the
singing of old N egro Spirituals which
served as a firm anchoring.
Carrie L. H olliday, State President
W o m e n ’ s Day Banquet Them eq
'Wliat Ls a CT>1?
• First Aid • Traffic Safety
T he Gospel C h o ir o f
F irs t A .M .E . N . V ancouver
'W 'JO l't: CoiHiiiuiiltu'ten n is Utcelbig
'w a t c 'j i t ’: j j i j j u ¿' i »> v jo i £ 't r r j i c 'o v j \ i c 'j i t r j t c 'i i
2710 ¿Nt Mill »?lvc. - ¿Portland, OCR 97212
'W'Jlt'JV: 'luesdaij, U turch I'Jlh, 1991
6: JO to S:OO p.m.
The award-winning children’s awareness program for kids 4-12.
Lufa 20:27-40.
Oregon’s Ground War
"Maranatha Live" Radio Program/Talk Show KPDQ 93.7 FM 800 AM
11:00 P.M. to 12:00 midnight (Each Sunday)
Scripture o f the ^ e e t^
S tone T o w e r C h u rc h ,
N .E . S an d y B lvd . & 3 O th
W o rs h ip S ervices 8 :0 0 A .M . & 1 1:00 A .M .
C h u rc h S ch o o l 9 :3 0 A .M . to 10:30 A .M .
B ib le S tu d y , W ednesdays, 116 N .E .S c h u y le r
1 0 :3 0 A .M . a n d 6 :3 0 P.M .
R a dio M in is tr y each S u n d a y. 8 :0 0 A .M .-K B M S
/esus Loves You/
Thuqpfe O IE @iinräh
Psalm 3 4 .3
4236 NE Eighth Avenue
(comer of 8th 8 Skidmor»)
Pastor, Rev. James C.E. Faulkner
Them e: W hatever yo u ’re going
to do fo r the Lord, do it now.
A T e a c h in g C h u rc h W ith A R eaching M in is tr y
D r. J a m e s E. M a rtin , S e n io r P a s to r
I Peter iv.ll
" * * ** w* * î f ■* V * V-* t î *
C h u rc h O ffic e 1 1 6 N .E. S ch u y ler,
Portland, O regon 97211
(503) 287-0261
Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor