Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 06, 1991, Page 8, Image 8

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Page b - T h e Portland O b s e r v e r - M arch 6,1991
• Portland Observer
Dispatcher Clerk
plus excellent benefit package. Seeking responsible
transmits emergency and routine voice radio messages
and personnel according io predetermmned policies; performs
clencal work as required EXPERIENCE: Education and
training equivalent to graduation from high school and one
year general office work including radio-tetecommumcations
work. Special condition, no impairment of hearing or
speech. Supplemental Questionnaire and application must
be received by 4 p.m ., Monday, March 25. Apply to C ity o f
M ilw au kie P ersonnel O ffice , 10722 SE M ain Street.
M ilw aukie, OR 97222. Phone 503-659-5171, Fax #652-
4433. EEO
in Salem Responsible f a managing the CADD system f a
the Department. Involves evaluation of system capabilities;
budget preparation. and supervision of the CADD technical
crew If you have five years of experience in supervision,
staff technical, a professional level w o k related to computer
assisted transportation related design, you should apply.
Expenence must have included at leas, one year of project
leader responsibilites. A B a c h e la ’s degree a coursework
m a field related to management, engineering, or com puter
sce n ce may be substituted tor up to three years of the
required experience. To apply, contact O DO T Personnel at
test answers m ust be returned by 5:00 p.m., March 25
$2490-53343 Monthly
fnnge benefits Salary dependent on experience. Send
resume an cover letter to Carla Roberts, Administrator,
Multnomah County Legal Aid Service, 310 S.W. 4th, #900,
in Salem. Responsible for developing and finalizing earthwork
two years of expenence in geotechnical engineering AND
a Bachelor's degree in civil or geotechnical engineenng,
OR three additional years of the required experience. To
apply, contact ODOT Personnel at (503) 378-6281 for an
application packet. Applications and test answers must be
returned by 5:00 p.m., March 27,1991.
________________ AA/EEO EMPLOYER
A e fare Rights Hotline paralegal f a Legal Aid office. Provide
aevxa? and w e s e n ta tio n regarding legal rights in government
benefits programs. Also involves com m unity education
and outreach. Requires demonstrated com m itm ent to
poverty ssues and some expenence with government
benefits programs. B i-a multi-lingual preferred. Excellent
$2153-$2889 M onthly
Oregon State Highway Division seeks applicants for a position
in Salem. Researches, analyzes, and writes reports and
findings on land use impacts and plan conformance of
transportation projects. If you have a Bachelor's degree
with major coursework in land use analysis and planning,
or a closely related environmental or social science field,
the James River Corp., Wauna Mill, Is looking for a
Journey Level Industrial Painter. To be considered,
candidates MUST have at least 5 years experience in
Industrial painting (residential and/or auto parking
experience does not qualify), preferably In the pulp
and paper or related Industry.
Apply at the Washington State Employment Service,
711 Vine, Kelso, WA, or Oregon State Employment
Service, 818 Commercial In Astoria, OR. Include
resume and proof of journey level status (certifica­
tion), If available.
Applications accepted until March 1 at 5:00 pm The
Wauna Mill Is located on Oregon Highway 30 be­
tween Longview and Astoria. Equal Opportunity
Employer m/t.
Earn up to $339.84 per week assembling our products
at home.
Amazing 24 hour recorded message reveals details.
Can today (206)742-1570 or (206)298-5543 Dept.489
can be substituted for the Bachelor's degree. To apply,
$2511 • $3051 m o n th
contact ODOT Personnel for an application packet.
We are s e e in g a multi-talented person to do financial work
Applications and test responses must be returned by 5:00
on a variety of issues: supporting budget and long range
p.m., March 18,1991.
financial dan management, coordinating receivables (Daily
AND two years experience in environmental analysis or
resource management related to land use. you should
apply. An additional three years of the required experience
Economic Opportunity
Committee Of Clark County, Inc.
Teacher Assistant II - AAin ECE or CDAand 1 yr. expe­
rience with 3-5 yr. olds in preschool setting. Begin­
ning salary $6.06/hr„ 28 hrs./wk., 35.5 wks./yr.
Position requires dependable automobile, insurance,
valid driver’s license. Obtain application, position an­
nouncement and job description 9:00 - 4:00 p.m.,
Mon-Fri., EOC Office, 10621 N.E. Coxley Drive, Van­
couver, WA 98662. (206) 896-9912.
Completed applications must be received in EOC Of­
fice by 4 p.m., Thursday, March 7, 1991. EEOC/AA
Oregon State Highway Division seeks applicants for a position
design recommendations; prepares reports, and provides
guidance and training to geotechnical designers Requires
Opportunities With
Psychiatric Clinic
Oregon State Highway Division seeks applicants f a a position
(503) 378-6281 tor an application packet. Applications and
James River Corporation
cash and investm ent m anagement), managing contracts,
b e n g liaison with other departments, & advising top
m anagement on financial issues.
Cur best can cda te w i haveenthusiansm . a strong technical
Clinical Supervisor C-V
Alpha House. Starting Salary $1644-52025 per month plus
Student Success
background. & an equally strong desire & ability to work
w m oeep e We want a person who will com plement our
excellent benefits.
award-winning financial management team.
CODA Inc. seeks clinical supervisor f a Alpha House A c jft
Residential Treatment Faality. Responsibilities x t o e
•e c - res a s a c h e -a s degree in a related field & 3 years
administration of daily program operations .direct c«~ica
process, .e y ’e so o rso -e professional experience, or a
supervision to staff of 5 counsekxs, co-ordination of caero
admissions, diagnosis and treatment services, consuftaxn
s S s a x n ecu .a e rt combna&or of training and experience.
Ape . C ity o f S p rin g fie ld . 225 5th St., S p rin g fie ld , OR
with probation and parole officers, development a.'xd
97477 Dead tne M arch 22,1991. A A E O E
P o s itio n #88
P o rtla n d C o m m u n ity C o lle g e
S y lv a n ia C a m p u s
P art-T im e T e m p o ra ry th ro u g h J u n e 30,1991
C o n tin u a tio n S u b je c t to B u d g e t A p p ro v a l
High School diploma or equivalent required. One year
recent clerical experience required. Other required
skills Include: Intermediate level typing, word proc­
essing, data entry and filing. Job closes March 12
Contact Staff Employment, 049 SW Porter, Ross Island
Center Room A-1 273-2823, for amended office
hours and or an application packet, an affirmative
action equal opportunity employer.
implementation of policies and procedures, training c ‘ sta-
and the general public. To qualify a m asters degree n a
Financial Clerk
human services discipline and 2 years supervised Human R esp on ses to set client’s charts fo r all clinical pro­
grams. Re e‘ person fo r client data entry, and billing
,n computerized system. Filing and other clerical du-
justice client and residential treatment techniques very
!ies as assigned.
strongly preferred. Must be trained/trainabie in CPR and MuSt 156 w el! ° r9 a n 'z e d Type 50 wpm and operate on-
capableofadm inistenngC P R for15m inutescontnuously
:ne T,a nframe computer program.
To apply complete and submit standard CODA a p a cation M /v Qua:. H,gh School Grad, or Equiv. 1 yearworkexp.
services expenence a equivalent are required. Advanced
training/experience in addiction, pregnant ad dict criminal
screening q u e s s c W
Portland Community College
S te p s to S u cce ss P ro g ra m -
L o ca te d at 26 NE M o rris. F ull-T im e .
T e m p o ra ry th ro u g h J u n e 3 0 ,1 9 9 1 .
S e cre ta ry - J o b #76
Resume to: Rodney R Harry, N. NE Community Mental
Health. 4950 N.E. Martin Luther King Blvd., Portland,
Inc., 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. Equal opportunity/
Oregon 97211.
affirmative action employer
M inorites encouraged to apply. EOE.
Application materials and instructions are available at CODA
High school diploma or equivalent and advanced train-
Ing/education in secretarial science/office administra­
tion required. Two years secretarial experience re­
quired. Other required skills include: advanced typing,
microcomputer, strong organizational skills and ex­
cellent verbal and written comunication skills. Job
closes March 15, 1991.
Contact Staff Em ploym ent, 049 SW Porter, Room A-1,
273-2923 tor an application packet. PCC is an Af­
firmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution.
Strategic Planning Admin Aide
$2367-53333 MONTHLY
C ity o f E ugene
$6.07 - 8.32/h o u r
Oregon State Highway division seeks applicants f a a current
vacancy in LaGrande. Applicants may also be considered T h e City Manager's Office is filling a temporary (12-
ifi ir n vacancies as they x c u .. r m
_ Bend and Salem.
to i fill
fill f, future
Apply now if you are interested in any of these positions,
responsible to manage a heavy equipment repair facility.
This includes fabrication of new and existing equipm ent
modification, and repairs, storeroom m anagem ent oencat
administrative, and equipment body and fender repair
repainng. If you have five years of experience in an
automotive or heavy equipment repair facility, you should
apply. Expenence must have included management
participation in areas such as development of rules and
policies; long and short range goals and plans: program
evaluation; a budget preparation A Bachelors deg-ee or
coursework in a field related to management may be
substituted for up to three years of the requred experience.
To apply, contact ODOT Personnel at (503) 378-6281 for
an application packet. Applications and test answers must
be returned by 5:00 p.m. March 18,1991.
month) position to provide secretarial and clerical
ass stance for a Strategic Planning program. Re­
sponsive f a amanging meetings, prepanng and mailing
agendas, keeping program files, word processing,
and other clerica! support. Duties also include high
interaction with public and elected officials. Requires
two years clerical and/or secretarial experience.
CLOSING DATE: March 15,1991. Obtain application
and supplemental questionnaire at City of Eugene,
Human Resource and Risk Services, 777 Pearl St.,
Current openings with the Dept. of Revenue.
Rm. 101, Eugene. AA/EOE
Revenue Agent 1 - $1478 - $1942/m + benefits. Based
in Salem. Requires 6 mo. collection experience.
Revenue Agent 3 - $1762 - $2344/m + benefits. Port­
land & other locations. Requires 1 yr. field collection
For required application & job announcement contact
C ity o f B ellevue, W A
your local Employment Division Field Office, for more
information call 378-3384
$2612-$3392/m o
Nursing Management
Reg exp in installation, design & mntnee of heating/
ventilation/air conditioning (HVAC), and high-rise
engineering systems. Must know UMC & be will­
ing to obtain ICBO certification in UMC. App due
3/22 For app materials send stamped self-addr
busns envto: Personnel-MI, box 90012, Bellevue,
WA 98009-9012. the City of Bellevue values di­
versity in its workforce and is committed to af­
firmative action.
M a n a g e r-In te rn a tio n a l H ealth S e rvice s
M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty H e a lth D iv is io n
Opportunity to serve as statewide mgr of the tip
accounting technicians in Oregon state govt $36 600
?.51 ™ 6. W'th 1 ° ° % s,a,e Paid PERS and excl bene­
fits. CPA preferred. Expertise in governmental ac­
counting, financial statement preparation generally
accepted accounting principles, personal computer
skills, automated accounting systems, federal ac­
counting and reporting issues, management skills are
mandatory. To obtain an application packet, call 503-
378-3156 or write Administrator, Executive Dept Ac­
counting Division, 155 Cottage St. NE, Salem. Or.
97310 Completed applications due Mar. 21, 1991.
Manages and coordinates international Health Services
for refugees; duties include supervising a staff of 27;
performing program assessment, planning and evalu­
a tion serving as coordinator, consultant and advisor
in providing health services to refugees; and repre­
senting the agency to other agencies and commu-
nitgy groups; requires the equivalent of three years of
increasingly responsible community health experi
er|ce. including expenence woiking with refugees. Part-time relief worker, 7 a.m. Mon, at a five bed CMI
and a Bachelor's degree in community health, nurs-
,reatmen, faciltiy. Duties: Household chores, per-
ing, p ub ic health administration, or related field
sonai care, meal preparation, dispense meds, Rec­
$32.176-541.844 annually, plus excellent fringe bene-
reational activities.
ing; X 1 X ~ ^ a n X Ì ^
$9’6° ° an" Ual HacÎ Ï T ®
Mental Health
»1__ _ .e
i i ?n sw\,h S
oiovee Services,
S e r v e s 1120 SW 5th, Room 1430, Portland
Or 97204. 248-5015.
Equal Opportunity Employer
National financial products marketing company seeking
career oriented Individual with leadership ability and
and a desire to quickly accept major responsibilities
Send resume to 8980 SE Sunnyside Rd. suite 176
Clackamas, Or. 97015
5* *
plinary team s in com m unity support, crisis Intervention, residential pro­
grams, providing assessm ents, m edication evals and case mgmt, posi­
tions avail for licensed RNs & Am ps w/prescrlptive authority and exp
working w/disabled m entally ill adults.
Full-time & part-tim e positions available in expanding com m unity mental
health agency serving north central King Co., W A (Seattle). Opportunities
to work w /m ulti-dlsciplinary team s providing com m unity support, crisis
intervention & psychosocial rehab. Min req. W A State license, exp
working w/disabled m entally ill adults.
C RISIS W ORKER - CIS (W allingford area)
Crisis walk-in & outreach prog, for m entally ill adults. Day, eve, & wk-end hrs.
Salary $21,500 - $31,500. BA, exp. in acute care. Exp. w orking w ith chem
abuser pref.
M ICA CASE M AN AG ER S-C ASE M G M T TEAM (north Seattle).
Case mgr & supervisor positions (10) available on case m gm t team being
developed in north King County. This m ultl-dlscipllnary team will provide
assessm ent service planning, case mgmt, crisis Intervention & support to
m entally ill adults. Min. req for case m gr positions: AA+3 yrs. relevant
exp.($21,500-31,500). Prior exp. working w/m entally ill persons w/special
needs is highly desired.
Unique opportunity to be Involved in the start-up of an 8-bed crisis respite
program that will serve the Seattle area. W ill include start-up of sam ll 3- I
bed facility and service to som e scatter site beds. Prefer com bination of
residential and crisis intervention exop. Must have BA+exp. w /m entally ill
adults, or AA+5yrs.exp. Salary. $21,500-27,500.
New pilot program to divert m entally-ill m isdem eanants from inappropriate I
jailing M ultidisciplinary team to provide assessm ent, crisis intervention
and linkage to services. Exciting opportunity to work with m ultiple systems
including law enforcem ent, crim inal justice, drug and alcohol, and mental
health, this is a 24 hr service w/rotating shifts. Now hiring 4 crisis positions
& 1 supervisor, Min. reqs Crisis worker. B A + 5 yrs acute care exp: Super­
visor: MHP qualified plus 2 yrs supervisory exp. Prior exp w orking with
MICA consum ers with ethnic & culturally diverse backgrounds highly
Please send cover letter (identify position) and resum e to: ATTN: Person­
nel, CPC, 401 Second Avenue W. Suite 400. Seattle, W A 98119. Equal
Opportunity Employer.
There A re a M illion Reasons
W hy W e Speak Your Language
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications lor
Program m er Analysts. Several large projects and new business efforts
will be requiring individuals with experience working in a large scale IBM
environm ent.
Successful candidates will have strong com m unication, interpersonal and
user skills. Positions require 2-5 years experience in perform ing system s
analysis and design, coding, testing and im plem entation assignm ents.
CICS skills a definite plus.
C andidates must also have experience in the following:
and full health benefits.
Chi,dren’8 Day Treatment
Experience with Pre K to 1 st grade preferred. Cultural
competency and ability to work with team desired
Oregon Certificate with Handicapped Learners en­
dorsement required Minorities are encouraged to
Resume To: Rodney R. Harry, Personnel Officer, North
Northeast Mental Health Inc., 4950 N.E. Martin Lu­
ther King Blvd . Portland, Oregon 97212, Phone: 249-
0066, CLOSING: March 8, 1991. Minorities encour­
aged to apply EOE.
Siad; and Vilite
. g g </</' g ÿ
■*. 4-
* f .
• <
a s
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em ployee bene­
fits package, flex-tim e work hours, and com petitive salary. Pre-em ploy­
ment drug screening required. To assure your resum e is processed
im m ediately, place ad #449 at the top of your resum e or in your cover
letter. Send resum e to:
Blue Cross
Blue Shield
of Oregon
Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor
100 S.W. Market
Portland, OR 97201
TDD #225-6780
Equal Opportunity Employer
Mechanical Inspector
l J
Experienced Teacher openings 91-92 Elem entary M ENTAL HEALTH
Librarian, love & knowledge of children & children's
literature with wide-ranging interests & ability to work
with all ages; 2nd Grade Hom eroom , team taught,
one year position, familiar with individualized reading;
manipulative, problem solving math, process writing
CPC is a rapidly growing Mental Health Center. We provide services to psy-
& experiential education. High S chool E nglish. 1/2
chiatrically disabled children & adults and their fam ilies through a variety
time, expenence in teaching writing & literature grades
nationally recognized tx progs, located throughout Seattle. W e are
9-12; knowledge of poetry, theater, school publica­
com m itted to a culturally and em nically diverse workplace. Com petitive
tions important Kindergarten. 1/2 time & Preschool.
salary & benefit pkg.
1/2/ time. Both require team teaching, group & indi­
vidual instruction. Must be versed in developmentally Its. BA, prev exp w/m entally ill crim inal must system.
appropriate practices. Narrative writing skills neces­ M ENTAL HEALTH NURSES
sary. Send resume Personnel Office, Catlin Gabel Full-tim e & part-tim e positions In expanding m ental health agency serving
School, 8825 SW Barnes Rd, Portland 97219. Dead­
north central King Co. W A (Seattle). Opportunities to work w/multi-disci-
line March 15.
$2614-53680 Monthly
persons(s) who under general supervision, receives and
concerning police and fire department, dispatches equipment
Experienced Teachers
City of Milwaukie. Oregon Salary $1550 - $188 6 mo. DOQ,
te Employment
» Bids/Sub-Bids
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications for
M edical Claim s Analysts. This position is responsible for accurate and
tim ely paym ent of blue Cross and Blue Shield of O regon’s m edical claims.
Experience necessary to perform this task will include:
1 year recent clerical work experience in a doctor’s office or hospital setting
Dem onstrated knowledge of m edical term inology and anatomy. This may be
obtained through a classroom setting or oflice experience
ICD-9/CPT-4 Coding
A m inim um of 6-12 m onths experience using a CRT in a production oriented
environm ent
Fast, accurate use of a 10-key calculator
Previous claim s processing or insurance billing experience highly desirable.
Starting salary $1347/mo. Training classes will begin Feb. 4, 1991.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em ployee bene­
fits package, flex-tim e work hours, and com petitive salary. Pre-em ploy­
ment drug screening required. To assure your resum e is processed
im m ediately, place ad #499 at the top of your resume or you m ay apply in
person between 9 AM-4PM Mon-Fri.
B lue C ro ss
B lu e S h ie ld
o f O regon
H um an R e so u rce s Dept. 5th F lo o r
100 S.W. M arket
P o rtla n d , O r 97201
T dd #225-6780
E qual O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y e r
’t 'fis