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M oney is not the starting point, as in the old m indset The nearly 100 persons from the U.S. National Council o f Churches, 13 o f the N C C ’s 32-member com m un­ ions, the Canadian Council o f Churches, the Association o f the Churches’ De­ velopment Services (A G K E D ) in Ger­ many, and the Portland-based Ecumeni­ cal M inistries o f Oregon came together here to advance a process that is chal­ lenging the church w orldw ide at all levels, including the local congrega­ tion, to learn to value non-m aterial as much as, or even more than, material resources. The * ‘Consultation on Ecumenical Resource Sharing” was to fo llo w up on a 1987 conference convened by the W orld Council o f Churches (W C C ) in El Escorial, Spain, at which new “ guide­ lines fo r sharing” were developed. Sev­ eral U.S. church bodies already have begun to study and implement the guide­ lines. "T h is is not another program ,” commented one participant at the Port­ land counsultation. " I t ’ s an approach we need to soak in u ntil it permeates every aspect o f our doing and being.” Hubert van Beek, one o f the con­ sultation’s three resource persons from the Geneva, Switzerland-based W CC, provided a synopsis o f the new model o f sharing, which runs to six single­ spaced pages in a document provided to the consultation and which is ex­ plored in greater detail in the book, Sharing L ife , available from the NCC and W CC. Key elements, he said, are: *Solidarity, which begins with pas­ sionate identification w ith the weakest members o f our w orld and our com m u­ nities, those who are victim s o f the system, the marginalized. S olidarity includes analysis o f the reasons fo r societal brokeness. "■Empowerment, which makes it possible fo r people to act fo r them ­ selves and includes shared power and decision-making. This new model o f sharing calls fo r both "g iv e rs ” and "re ceivers” to participate fu lly in dec ision - mak ing about al location o f re­ sources and services. It further asks that all decision -making structures in the church locally, nationally and glo b ­ a lly include 50 percent women and 20 percent youths. *A n entirely new quality o f rela­ tionships, characterized by m utuality, openness, mutual accountability, and mutual correction. Christopher Duraisingh o f the WCC, the consultation’s Bible study leader, said one way to picture the difference between the " o ld ” and "n e w ” models o f sharings to consider the difference between a dinner at a rectangular table and at a round one. A t a rectangular table, he said, the host and hostess sit at the ends, gener­ a lly in special chairs. The food is clus­ tered at the tw o ends, and the host and hostess decide what to serve when, and to whom. Guest are on an unequal footing w ith the host and hostess. In contrast, at a round table there is no "h e a d ” . Everyone sits an equal dis­ tance from the food; everyone is equally positioned to serve and be served. He cited as an example o f true sharing Jesus’ parable a k )u t a rich householder who invited his friends to dinner. He was lonely, Duraisingh said; he longed to break the monotony o f his life , and to f ill his house w ith laughter., B ut fo r his friends, this was just another dinner they could miss, and they all sent excuses fo r not coming. When the householder invited street people in, they could come ju s t as they were, and the host in turn had the company he so desired, Duraisingh said. He continued that the new model o f sharing demands that Christians address unjust local, national and global structures that keep people poor. "T h e m arket has no more human face to it,” he said. ‘ ‘ Its goal used to be the produc­ tion o f goods. Now growth o f capital fo r the sake o f capital has become the ultim ate goal.” An integral part o f the Portland consultation was interaction between participants from national and global ecumenical and denominational bod­ ies and those involved in local ecu­ menical endeavor, in order to reinforce the planners’ conviction that ecumeni­ cal sharing o f resources must first and foremost be applied at the local congre- Pastor Locke Comes to Portland BY MATTIE ANN CALLIER-SPEARS gational level. In an evening panel and fu ll m orn­ ing o f field trips, participants became acquainted w ith Ecumenical M inistries o f Oregon programs ranging from a day center for H IV-infected persons to a home fo r young mothers who want to get clean o f drugs and alcohol w hile continuing to care fo r their children. Steps Toward Implementing the Sharing Guidlines In general, the consultation chal­ lenged U.S. churches to receive the sharing guidelines fo r study and action at the national, regional and local lev­ els. Consultation participants proposed strategies including development o f re­ sources for use in parish Christian edu­ cation, seminaries, and ecumenical schools o f mission. They shared models, including that o f a cluster o f local congregations shar­ ing common sta ff fo r coordinated com m unity m inistry. M yra B lyth o f the W CC described how European churches have developed resources for congregations in 18 countries to ex­ plore the sharing guidelines. One group o f churches is publishing study m ateri­ als examining m ajor nm inistry chal­ lenges in their countries, including lone­ liness, homelessness, and racism. The U.S. Church o f the Brethren already has adopted the guidelines for sharing and is seeking to implement them at all levels, including through a new Global W om en’s Project admin- istred by women fo r women, said Rev.Donald M iller, that denomination’s general secretary. The United Church o f C hrist and the Episcopal Church are looking for ways to apply the guidelines, and the Christian Church (Disciples o f Christ) w ill submit the guidelines to its O cto­ ber 1991 General Assembly. In the meantime, said Rev. John Humbert, that denom ination’s general minister and president, the Week o f Compas­ sion Committee, key both in parish education and in the denom ination’s ecumenical participation, is seeking to implement the guidelines. Denominational representatives present at the consultation pledged to press for adoption o f the sharing guide­ lines in their structures. The Portland consultation was co-chaired by H um ­ bert and Rev. Donald W ilson o f the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A), and called by the National C ouncil o f Churches. First time in the Pacific Northwest! Iona Locke, assistant pastor o f the Perfecting Church in D etroit, M ic h i­ gan, w ill arrive in Portland this week fo r the sole purpose o f delivering a spiritual awakening message that w ill convict and revive complacent Chris­ tian Believers. It is her hope and prayer to equip each believer and to teach those to teach others. When I spoke to the team sponsor­ ing her arrival, it was stated, “ We really believe that Portland can be changed by a move from God. We need the S pirit o f god to fall fresh on us.” Perfecting Church is pastored by M arvin Winans, o f the Gospel singing D r (¿foiffe D McRtnney National I'rvsidcTH, NULA WORKSHOPS AND LUNCHEONS: to be held al various local churches and Warner Pacific College. Y O U TH TKACK: wilh Rev. Henry Grccnitlge, 287-5226 CHILDREN'S TRACK: witli North Portland Assn, of Christian Educators, 288-2919 RECONCILIATION RALLY Sunday, April 7, at 7 p.m., at the Oregon Convention Center Black and while pastors and congregations join In a reconciliation service! For program s and further inform ation N13EA office - 5736 N. Albina - 289-0143 uwii Utiboft G. Osborne Co-Cbair Rev A Hamlin National Coordinator Rev G. Carney Co-Chair St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church 8101 N . Fiske Avenue Portland, Oregon 97203 Church Phone: 289-0147 Sunday Service 10:45 Sunday School 9:30 Bible Study 6:00 Evening Service 7:00 P.M. Study Phone:289-1911 REV. WALTER HAWKINS t Behold how good and pleasant it is for Brethren to dwell together in unity PSALMS: 133 I Peter iv .ll F W ith Portland ow ns c ity w id e Mass C o m m u n ity C hoir undei the D ire c tio n o f M in iste r Ray Tellis also appearing various choirs, groups and soloists Alex Trebek M a rch 21st - 23rd, 1991 7:00 PM N ig h tly PO R TLAN D FOURSQUARE C H U R C H 1302 S.E. A n keny St. N O COVER CHARGE: A free w ill offering w ill be received so come early to assure a seat FOR CHOIR REGISTRATION & REHEARSAL INFORMATION CALL 285-2100 or 284-0184 CO. S P O N S O R E D Q. Proper insulation of your attic floor can reduce annual energy costs by how much? by m t Dionne Warwick “Jeopardy’s" Alex Trebek and five-time Grammy-winner Dionne Warwick are among the judges who will choose the nation’s top pro­ grams. More than 200 winners will receiv e ch eck s from C o lg a te- Palmolive Co., which started this national youth program in 1972. Past winning projects have included community restoration, senior citi­ zen assistance, anti-drug abuse campaigns, environmental preser­ vation and other community help programs. Youngsters have until March 15, 1991 to devise and execute ideas that will help their communities and send their reports to the Youth for America campaign. Entry forms are now available through regional or local offices of the six organiza­ tions above. For additional forms, send a stamped, self-addressed en­ velope to: C olgate’s Y outh for America, P.O. Box 1058, FDR Sta­ tion, New York, NY 10150-1058. ALL ARE INVITED TO ATTEND Sunday Services . 5 I N A I C .O .G .I.C . A. Up to $342. Q. Leaving the damper open in the fireplace can increase your annual energy bill by how much? A. By as much as $34.00. These energy saving tips were prepared by the experts at Texaco, a company that recently launched a multi-million dollar public informa­ tion campaign designed to encour­ age consumers to save energy in cars and homes under the theme: “Let’s Put Our Energy Into Saving It." CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST Sunday School 9:00 A .M . M o rn in g W o rs h ip 10:30 A .m . E v e n in g W o rs h ip 6:00 P .M . M id w e e k S ervice - W e d ne sda y GOSPEL C H O IR ( í IN CONCERT” S A T U R D A Y , M A R C H 9, 1991 7:00 P .M . S a tu rd a y - B A S IC Y o u th Service 7:00 P .M . Rev. Wendall H. Wallace Senior Pastor "Maranatha Live" Radio Program/Talk Show KPDQ 93.7 FM 800 AM 11:00 P.M. to 12:00 midnight (Each Sunday) IUIT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH WE ARE MOVING SUNDAY SERVICES TO W o rs h ip Services 8 :0 0 A .M . & 1 1:00 A .M . C h u rc h S ch o o l 9 :3 0 A .M . to 10:30 A .M . B ib le S tu d y , W ednesdays. 116 N .E .S c h u y le r 1 0 :3 0 A .M . a n d 6 :3 0 P.M . Theme: Whatever you’re going to do for the Lord, do it now. » Pastor of Love Center Church in Oakland California Stone Tower Church, N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 3Oth Pastor, Rev. James C.E. Faulkner C om m unity service projects planned by clubs and troops of the nation’s Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Camp Fire, 4-H, Boys Clubs and Girls, Inc. are eligible for cash awards as high as $2,000 in Colgate’s 18th annual Youth for America campaign. “ Y O U A R E IN V IT E D TO H E A R ” 7:00 P .M . Convention Chair Cash F o r C o m m u n ity S e rv ic e FEATURING 4222 N.E. 12 th Avenue, Portland, Oregon "In th e m id st o f th e s e y ea r s, REVIVE US!" OF YO UTH GOSPEL REVIVAL Theme: Sunday, April 7 manner. This is what we need to hap­ pen in Portland. Come out, on the 7th and 8th o f M arch, 7 PM n ig htly at the Maranatha Church, to receive a blessing. Come and abe “ slayed in the s p irit” ! Come and have your life shaped by G od’ s chosen maiden o f the Gospel. Are you liv in g in the Spirit? I f not, find your way to the open-doors o f Maranatha, N E 12th and Skidmore Streets. A BACK H O M E at the Sheraton Airport Hotel through away. People began shouting and speak­ ing in tongues. According to great theo­ logians and scholars, this was the first time, since scripture, that the H oly Spirit had manifested itself, again, in this PKOUDIY PKSNT5 Maranatha Church Wednesday, April 3 Winans. H ow does the Question go? “ Oh, no! N ot another re v iv a l!” Port­ land needs a giant bucket o f cool, spiri­ tual water thrown in it ’ s face. “ Wake up! Wake up Portland!” This is what the m inistry team o f Maranatha Church is attempting to convey. Churches (various denominations) are uniting as Christian brothers and sisters, as during the time o f the o f the return o f the “ Day o f Pentecost” . The Pentecost Church was bom out o f this happening, in the 1930’s. It was on Azuza Street, back east, when the H oly S p irit fe ll on a group o f Believers, during a worship service. It was so pow erful that the people, being lifted un in nraver. were healed far distances GOSPEL M USIC M IN IS TR Y NATIONAL CONVENTION National Black Evangelical Association Page 3 THEME: ‘YOU’VE BEEN GOOD T O M E ’ 1552 N. KILLINGSWORTII PORTLAND, OREGON 97217 REV. ROY L. TATE, PASTOR MINISTER OF MUSIC MINISTER EUGENE BLACKMON “ FREE WILL OFFERING” /esus Loves You/ Älhm Jyjffigitä Œ Sbnräh Psalm 34:3 R adio M in is tr y each S u n d a y. 8 :0 0 A .M .-K B M S 4236 NE Eighth Avenue A T e a c h in g C h u rc h W ith A R eaching M in is tr y D r. Ja m e s E. M a rtin , S e n io r P a s to r Portland, Oregon 97211 Church Office 116 N.E. Schuy ler, (corrrer ol Wb » Skidmore) (503) 287-0261 S. Ndson. Pastor