rÁ-vi * ♦ r * * F * ♦ * ♦ * * * > ♦ ’ i February 27,1991—The Portland Observer -Page 7 Additional Unemployment Insurance Benefits Triggered regon unem ployed workers may O ing unem ploym ent bcneils to the num ­ be eligible for additional unem ­ ber o f workers covered by unem ploy­ ploym ent insurance benefits beginning ment insurance law averages 4.5 per­ Feb. 24, according to stale Em ploy­ cent for 13 weeks. ment Division officials. Few states have this type of addi­ Claim ants who have run out o f tional benefit program , M allon said. benefits but still have active claim s will “ Back in 1983, O regon's legislature be eligible for up to an additional six chose to start making this available to workers when the economy starts weak­ and one-half w eeks o f benfits paid at ening,” she said. “ Although this state their normal weekly benefit amount- with a m axim um o f $247 per week. has not yet fallen into a recession, as Prior to this, 26 w eeks was the m axi­ has much o f rest o f the country, the trig­ mum num ber claim ants could receive. ger o f these addilioinal benefits shows that Oregon’s economic picture is wors­ “ Typically, these benefits are payable during periods o f high unem ­ ening.” Em ploym ent Division Officials ploym ent to Oregonians who have run expect as many as 9,500 Oregonians out o f benefits, but still have unexpired could be eligible initially. Potentially claim s,” said Pamela M attson, Em ­ eligible claim ants will be receiving ploym ent D ivision Administrator. written notices and application forms Additonal benefits are triggered in O reogn when the ratio o f those receiv­ in the mail. Request For Proposals CITY OF PORTLAND PORTLAND OFFICE OF TRANSPORTATION BUREAU OF TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT City Of Portland C onduct A C ultural D iversity Training Program NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS for Proposals due 4:00 pm, March 8 Traffic Data Processing System - TDAT Proposals Due 4:30 p .m. Friday. March 22.1991 The City of Portland, Oregon, Bureau of Traffic Management has acquired funds to hire the services of a consultant or consulting team to develop data base and related applications, The City of Portland is requesting proposals from Consultants to conduct a Cultural Diver­ sity Training Program for the Portland Police Bureau (PPB). The Consultant shall provide detailed curriculum and program desenption. In addition, the Consultant shall provide information regarding his or her qualifications for conducting as described in the proposal to provide for the project goal stated below: The goal of TDAT is to facilitate efficient and cost-effective storage, retrieval, processing and sharing of traffic engineering data. The City proposes to contract with a consultant'consultant team who has demonstrated diversity training for law enforcement officers. expertise in developing data base applications in a VAX/PC network that includes process­ ing of raw data at the PC and in the VAX environment. The easy storage and retrieval of traffic data is vital to a responsive and productive Office of Transportation. In order to satisfy the need for traffic data, the Bureau of Traffic Management conducts over 5,000 traffic The Consultant will conduct the training program from April 22,1991, through May 31,1991, in approximately 25 four-hour sessions during Bureau members on-duty hours, and will train all Sworn personnel and most Non-Sworn employees of the Bureau. The maximum amount available to the Consultant for the development and implementation studies per year. These studies include primarily traffic volume counts, speed studies, vehicle classification counts, and manual turning movement counts. Most of the traffic data from these studies is presently stored on paper in filing cabinets or archived on disk. TDAT of this program is $10,000. will provide a data handling system to improve and enhance the City’s traffic data capabili­ To obtain copies of the Request for Project Director (503-796-3316), or an appointed repre­ sentative at: Portland Police Bureau, Training Division, 1111SW 2nd Ave. Room 1180, Port­ ties. land, Or. 97204,(503)796-3316. The programming environment will consist mainly of a high-level 4th Generation data base language and associated enhancements. Other programs may also be needed to process information on IBM compatible field (laptop) and office personal computers. This $49,990 Proposals received after March 8,1991, at 4:PM, will not be considered. Office Services Clerk project is targeted for the development of one or more applications packages (in the data ★ ★ ★ PPL Has New Rose City District Manager base environment), special purpose programs and the transfer of existing data. The Request for Proposals will be available for distribution starting March 1,1991 from the Bureau of Traffic Management, 1120 S.W. Fifth Avenue, Room 730, Portland, Oregon 97204. The Portland Office of Transportation is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and, as such, especially invites and encourages proposals for professional, at (503) 796-5382. district m anager is Sheila Holden, a 24- 1990. Active in num erous organizations, Holden is a recipient o f the Neil Kelly award for exem plary business and com ­ munity contributions. She serves on the board of North-Northeast Business Boost­ ers and the National Fuel Fund N et­ work, and is co-founder o f the national League o f U tilities and Social Service Agencies. New Rape Hotline Older Women’s League The C itizen s’ Com m ission on Human Rights (CCH R) o f Portland has announced a new Hot-Line Number for psychiatric patients who have been sexu­ ally abused. Bill Franshaw , spokesperson for the Portland C C H R chapter, stated, “ since the recent report from the Board o f M edical Exam iners(D ecem ber 1990 issue) that sexual misconduct by physi­ cians is on the rise, it is up to each and every one o f us to clean this disease from our com m unity. It is also very crucial to the victim s o f this abuse to be able to reach out to someone who is genuinely concerned and willing to h elp.” The Portland phone number is 228- 3279. Saturday March 9, 1991, 10:00a.m. to noon, M id-life and older women are in­ vited to the Portland Chapter o f the O lder W om en’s League (OW L) at the W illam ette Athletic Club, 4949 SW Lansing Drive (1/2 block w est of SW M acadam). Topic: “ Celebrating The Connection: Women Working Together- Black and W hite” . Speaker: Kathleen Saadat, A ssistant to Ci ty Comm issioner Gretchen Kafoury. Program is in honor o f Black History Month (February) and W om en’s History M onth (March). M eeting is open to the public, NO ADM ISSION CHARGE. No-Host cof­ fee available. Ample parking. Tri-M ct and handicap access entrance on M ac­ adam. Call O W L for directions or in­ form ation. (245-4271). Speedy Service .Friendly Call for Quote!!! required. Experienced with a multi-line switchboard is pre­ ferred. Address resumes to Personnel, Route 2 Box 2185, Request for Proposals Holden joined Pacific in 1976 as a customer service representative and has held various positions in the com pany’s Portland customer offices. She was busi­ ness and community developm ent rep­ resentative for Pacific’sPortland Metro Area offices before being named in­ terim Rose City m anager in October of Pacific Pow er’s new Rose City periodic clerical dutites, ordering, stocking, physical inven­ tory of the administrative supplies storeroom and and switch- board/receptionist relief. Candidate must have 1 -2 years of basic office clencal experience and have a knowledge of word processing and spreadsheet applications. A familiarity with computer processing of accounts payable and payroll is also technical and expert services from minority and female owned business enterprises. Please direct questions concerning this proposal to David L. Hutson, (503) 796-5172 or to Bill Kloos year com pany veteran. Sheila Holden The James River Corpration, Wauna Mill, is looking for an Office Services Clerk for a very busy department. Responsi­ bilities include processing accounts payable invoices, regular Clatskanie, OR 97016 Must be received by March 11,1991 Equal Opportunity Employer The Oregon Traffic Safety Commission is interested in contracting for one or more spokespersons to work statewide in promoting safety belt enforcement activities. The spokesperson(s) will work with police executives, professional police organizations, sheriffs Jam es River C orporation and community leaders at state and local levels. To qualify, each spokesperson must be a current or retired police officer. Port Of Portland Em ploym ent O pportunities All individuals and firms interested in receiving a copy of the Request for Proposal should write KC Humphrey, Oregon Traffic Safety Commission, 400 State Library Building, Salem, The Port of Portland is recruiting for an Electrician II - HVAC. Oregon 97310. Letters must be postmarked by March 8,1991. Best Cash Prices DAD'S OIL SERVICE Heating Oils 104 NE Russel St. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 282-5111 The candidate will have primary responsibility for Portland International Airport and General Aviaion Airport HVAC sys­ tems. P&J’s Beauty Supply Extra Flair Nail Salon The closing date for this position will be Friday, March 1, 1991, at 5 0 0 p.m. For additional information, call the Port's Job Hot Line, (503)231-5478. 2948 NE M artin Luther King Blvd. The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 1990 Preliminary Part I Crime Statistics decline in M otor Vehicle Theft ( 1,242 fewer reported cases), 26% decline in murder (10 less murders). 1990 Part I Offenses Offenses such as mur­ 1990 % Change der, aggravated assault and 1989 Offense rape, tend to be crimes tied -26% 28 38 M urder to personal frustration, +4% 427 41 2 R ape troubled relationships and -5% 2551 2 6 9 2 R obbery economic conditions which A g g rav ated have an effect on such -3% 4808 4 9 3 6 A ssault emotions which people act -28% 9 0 0 2 12461 Burglary on and carry out their ag­ 26049 -5% 2 7 3 5 3 L arceny gressions. This makes it M otor V ehicle hard to determ ine the -17% 5949 7191 Theft impact o f these variables -3% 547 56 6 A rson upon these crimes. O f­ -11% 49361 55649 Total fenses such as burglary , The prelim inary crime statistics decline and we believe the following report reflects a 28% decline in Bur­ have had an impact on these particular glary (3,459 fewer reported cases), 17% Preliminary Report Portland Police Bureau crimes. 1) Citizens organizing into neigh­ borhood groups and engaging in prob­ lem solving strategies with police to address crime in their communities. This has resulted in solutions, as well as citizens utilizing crime prevention pro­ grams and techniques (i.e., neighbor­ hood watch, site hardening o f their homes and neighborhood response teams.) Such partnerships and problem solving methods are some o f the goals o f Community Policing. 2) Additional jail space has kept o ffe n d e rs, in c lu d in g re p e a t offenders,locked up and off the street. The additional jail space has also des­ ignated more beds for treatment of those persons who abuse drugs and alcohol and who often com m it property crimes to obtain drugs. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/ AFFIRMATIVE ACTON These are more than fust words, they are a goal. Portland Observer Phone: (503)288-0033 1 » Fax: (503) 288-0015 ■M» A ' I ’l'Il.A and fill this bag with reusable items. Goodwill needs reusable family clothing, small electrical appliances, toys, books and housewares Your donations Black History Month is Almost Over! ve w aited the time out to see if anyone w ould remember any of the great pioneers in Hair Designing. Let's salute a few pioneers. M adame C.J. Walker: M adame Walker one of the great, great pio­ neers of all time. M adame Walker gave us beauty with a capital "B." Those of us that don't have w hat you call 'good' hair (smile), will al­ ways love the ground that this great wom an walked on. She was the first Black wom an to enter in a beauty school in the early 1900s. Not just the first black woman, but the first Black person to graduate from a beauty P school at that time. She also was the first Balck wom an millionare. Every time you pick up a press­ ing comb, or any type of hair prod­ uct, think of M adame C.J. Walker. Dr. Margorie Joyner: Dr. Joyner helped to also bring self-esteeem to the black woman. To look in the mir- row and see a soft beauty looking back at you is great. We as sorority of the Alpha Chi pi Omega salute you ladies. We also salute our male pioneers Johnson and Johnson, S.B. Fuller, Willie Morrow, and Mr. Dudley. Dudley products has made a great impression on the N.W. Unity of Love Beauty Saloo 6720 N.E. M. L.K. Jr. Blvd. 283-5440 (Lonnie) provide jobs and training A programs for people with 3 ) Continued law enforcem ent efforts in targeting and arresting pro­ lific burglars who often com m it more than one burglary prior to their being identified and apprehended. 4) Finally, there are still a number of property crim es (i.e., burglary and larceny) that are not reported to the po­ lice. The reasons could include apathy, and concerns o f increased insurance prem ium s may outweigh the concern to report the crime. In regard to m otor vehicle theft, since the autom obile is the single larg­ est investment many persons make, they will usually report a stolen auto. Therefore, we conclude that (1) auto theft usually is reported, and (2) there truly has been a decline in the num ber of auto thefts attributed to the aforem entioned reasons (1,2,3 and 4.) LETS DO BUSINESS TOGETHER INFORMAL AFTER HOURS NETWORKING Wednesday Feb. 27, 1991 6:00pm - 9:00pm Best Western Inn at the Coliseum 10 N W e id le r (across from Memorial Coliseum) Sponsored By: disabilities, A scout wilt return after 9 a m. on G ood fum Day. igon M a c h 2. to pick up the filed ______ S c : Bus/ness bag off your porch RtlMNISS tONIACIS « SAItS UAIJS « CUSIOMm RlfmitAlS (5 0 3 ) 2 4 4 -5 7 9 4 E x t . 6 6 MARCH 2,1991 FREE ADMISSION For members & non-members * No Host Bar * Business Attire Please II» » I) putte jrivec ol to u P tx/txtin xx) Bo ScaX twop a ft»:» tta jo r Ai™» Nutun» Guard ftikrv CU) ol I uO i\xikn d and the Oegon true B y n l i t y Black and white comes together In the Portland Observer 4747 N E. MLKJ Blvd. Portland, OR 97211 (503) 288-0033 Fax: 288-0015__ Your opportunity to get valuable contacts, sales leads, and referrals. B rin g p le n ty o f b u sin ess ca rd s or b ro c h u re s to p a s s o u t.