* * * February 27,1991-1 ne Portland Observer -Page 11 * 4 v. : < ' 4 •* •rr - » 9 •»r*. » C ongratulations are in order for the students appearing on these 2 pages. T hose w ho are pictured scored in the top 5% and 20% on the Portland A chievem ent Levels T est in m ath an d /o r reading last fall. Students wh,ose nam es are listed scored in the top 50% . In the past we have praised the a c h iev e m e n ts o f A frican A m erican athletes. N ow we dom inate m ost m ajor sports. It is tim e to see that sam e “ p raise” in the pursuit o f aca­ dem ic excellence and the list will grow quiickly. >^< - Í * ¡ a v ‘ y / r MS KING Jacqueline Johnson 3rd Grade Math Ï KING KING KING Boise Eliot Sharonda McCaule Tovia Fornah Michael Wooderson Aiesha Campbell 4th Grade Math 5th Grade Reading 5th Grade Readng 4th Grade Math / ♦ .•V 5-»’ ■rf ÍS»v L B li | Woodlawn Woodlawn Woodlawn Woodlawn Woodlawn Boise Eliot Robert Thomas Solomon Ibe Lawrence Hill Sarah Halford Dawnlsha Arrequin Fenita Potts-Rivers 3rd Grade Reading 5th Grade Reading 3rd Grade Math 4th Grade Math 4th Grade Math 4th Grade Math Vernon Vernon Vernon Vernon Vernon Vernee Streeter Andrea Bowles Abigail Felicia Clay ♦ * « Dawnisha Vought 1 Bell I I I •V-\V Ï MB •«rum« i i X * *■ 1 * 9 iK Congratulations on your achievements of academic excellence i •A *.• ■*<*'•*.* f •* »f. ». S ■ 1 ‘ • . ' X '