•■ri Congratulations are in order for the students appearing on these 2 pages. Those who are pictured scored in the top 5% and 20% on the Portland Achievement Levels Test in math and/or reading last fall. Students wh»ose names are listed scored in the top 50%. In the past we have praised the achitevements of African American athletes. Now we dominate most major sports. It is time to see that same “praise” in the pursuit of aca­ demic excellence and the list will grow quiickly. Look for these students and let themi know how proud you a r e . KING KING KING KING KING Boise Eliot Jacqueline Johnson Sharonda McCaule Oretua Storey Tovia Fornah Michael Wooderson Aiesha Campbell 3rd Grade Math 4th Grade Math 4th Grade Reading 5th Grade Reading 5th Grade Readng 4th Grade Math Woodlawn Woodlawn Woodlawn Robert Thomas Solomon Ibe Lawrence Hill 3rd Grade Reading 5th Grade Reading 3rd Grade Math Vernon Vernon Vernee Streeter Felicia Clay Woodlawn Woodlawn Sarah Halford Dawnisha Arrequin Fenita Potts-Rivers 4th Grade Math 4th Grade Math 4th Grade Math Vernon Vernon Vernon Andrea Bowles Abigail c X ♦ Í • * Vought Dawnisha Bell Congratulations on your achievements of academic excellence