Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 27, 1991, Image 1

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B erver
Volume X X I, Number 9
February 27,1991
"The Eyes and Ears o f The Community"
Portland Loses An Institution
□ The Northeast community pauses for breath as local legend George Page passesa
By Prof. McKinley Burt
President Bush Gets
History Lesson
Lynette Hawkins
Stephens Releases
New Album
Mt. Olivet Baptist
Church Grants Two
George Page, the ‘ soul’ factor
in the Portland Jazz Scene has left us
and we have great d iffic u lty in dealing
w ith that. M r. Jazz and Blues o f K B O O
Radio died o f a heart attack last Thurs­
day. One cannot begin to imagine how
this void is going to be fille d . THE
M A S TE R B LA S T E R is gone.
We are left to reflect, can twenty
years o f solid on-the-air and on-the-
tube contributions have passed so
s w iftly -s in c e those days on the OPB-
T V Public A ffairs program and “ Third
W o rld ” on K A T U -T V ? George was a
caring mentor to many a neophyte and
many sought to emulate his award­
w inning style, but no o n e -n o one-ever
surpassed his a b ility to deliver and de­
lineate the finest o f that classic A m e ri­
can cultural genre, Jazz.
M y own associations w ith
George were interm ittent over the span
o f years but I was always listening to
him or hearing o f him ; o f his decades o f
solid com m unity contributions, in the
classroom, in the forum and seminar,
and o f his strong advocacy where m i­
nority issues were at stake (or the rights
o f ‘anyone’). And I would not neglect
to cite his solid support o f the many
public affairs (and artists) who have
made up Portland’s entertainment scene.
How much we owe to him.
A simple eulogy w ill not suf­
fice at all. W c must find a way to ‘ insti­
tutionalize’ the insight and concepts
this comm itted man brought to our
comm unity. How can we do this? W hat
form o f P E R M A N E N T M E M O R IA L
can be developed to carry forward the
tradition that George pioneered w ith
his dedication to that great American
music genre. Jazz? Scholarship? U n i­
versity Chair? What?
Readers, let us hear from you,
and soon. Call 288-0033 or better s till
w rite us o f your ideas; 4747 N.E. M ar­
tin Luther King Jr. Blvd. 97211.
* * * * *
The Oregonian, in its eulogy
o f the 47 year-old personality, described
Page as such: "A role model, mentor
and promoter, he gave black music a
place to be heard. In addition, his show
offered a forum fo r issues o f concern to
Portland's black com m unity." The Ore­
gonian also quoted Page as saying (last
fa ll), "I have an obligation to let people
know that things aren't as they've been
portrayed to be...that's w hy I do my
In an article that ran last A p ril
in the now-defunct A frican American
Journal, w riter Eugene Rashad referred
to Page as "orator, g rio t” and "Black
conscious", and stated that his public
George Page in the KBOO-FM studio
voice "evolves into an instrument” .
The Oakland-born deejay is
survived by his w ife, Glenna; daughter,
GeAnna; and brother, Philip, a ll o f
Portland. The memorial service is at 7
p.m. on Thursday (the 28th) at the
Immaculate Heart Church, at 2926 N.
W illiam s Ave. Per Page's request, he
was cremated.
* * * * *
(from the A frica n Am erican Journal, 4/
27/90, w ritten by Eugene Rashad)
Jazz radio in Portland. Twenty
George Page, 1970-1990 Jazz Rap
s till here
D o you hear, can you hear
dig that groovey sound
Share yo ur ears, man shed your
fears jazz rap is s till around
play some b ird, spin some stilt
Share some oscar in the next set
Bop some diz, blare some sarah
It's not six o'clock, so don't stop
M ilk your guest o f the facts
Let us know what is hip
Do your show, show your stu ff
Ah, that's it, kick man, kick
Almost six, time to close
I t was sweet music you played
George, congrad, man you bad
Just don't p la y no L D J !
United Way Taps Portland's
NAACP President
Portland Man Helps Liberate
Kuwait Island In Desert Storm
Northeast Portland resident Ed Washington has been elected to a three-
year term on United W ay o f the C olum bia-W illam ette’ s board o f directors.
W ashington, customer support specialist fo r government and educational
services at US W EST Communications, was selected at the organization’s 71st
Annual M eeting. He also was recently named president o f the Portland chapter o f
Aboard USS Curts In the
they have ever seen in their en­
M iddle East-Life on the guided-
tire careers. It took six hours for
missile frigate USS Curts has
the crew to take over Qurah.
been a tightrope between dan­
“ The crew did a terrific job,”
ger and trium ph since war in the
said M ontgom ery. “ Their aver­
M iddle East began. From sup­
age age is 20 or 21, and they did
porting the United N ation’ s
their jobs superbly.”
embargo sanctions, to its part in
Star is a Navy operations
the liberation o f Qurah Island
on Jan 24, the Curts has played
“ M y jo b is to help provide
a significant role in Desert Storm.
surveillance o f enemy air and
Lamar T. Star, the 21-year-
surface targets, said the 1988
old son o f V ic to r Barber o f Port­
graduate o f Madison High School.
land, is a crew member aboard
For the more then 200 men
the Curts, a ship that w ill be
aboard Curts, operating in this
remembered fo r its role in the
area o f the w orld presents vari­
liberation o f the first speck o f
ous d ifficulties.
K uw aiti soil since the war be­
“ The biggest challenge fo r
me is being away from my f i­
Since arriving in the Middle
ance in Japan,” said Star.
East, the C urts’ jo b has been the
Star, like many other sailors
intercepted o f ships heading for
over here, would like to thank
Iraq. Curts interdicted more the
everyone for their continued sup­
100 vessels in the region. De­
p o rt
signed for anti-submarine war­
“ I ’d like to tell my fam ily
fare, the Curts had to adapt to its
and friends that I ’ m a ll right, and
role o f m aritim e interception. It
w ill be home as soon as pos­
Serving in Desert Storm-Petty Officer 3rd class
was w hile perform ing in this
sible,” Star said.
Lamar T. Star from Portland is serving aboard
* * * * *
capacity that the Curts met w ith
its moment o f triumph.
Contributing to this story
Middle East. Star is the 21-year old son of
‘ ‘ I ’ ve always wanted to do
were Tarek Hamada o f the De­
Victor and Brenda Star of Portland. (U.S.
th is ,”
said C apt. G lenn
partment of Defense Media Pool,
photo by Joe Gawiowicz.)
Montgomery, the commanding
and Jeffery Perron and Rachel
officer. “ I ’ ve always wanted to
J. Steele o f Navy Public Affairs
get involved i f there was a major op-
Star and the other crew members
Center San Diego.
»ratirtn ”
probably saw more action that day than
Roberts Sees His
Responsibility with
Black Students
Paulette Davis
Debuts with Power
Jefferson High
School Presents
"Romeo & Juliet"
Ed Washington (left) and Ronald Gould
Bids/Sub Bids
African American Stars 11
Next Week
Keeping up with
Jesse Jackson
the National Association fo r the Advancement o f Colored People (N A A C P ).
A d ditio na lly, Washington is a member o f the M etropolitan Chamber o f
Commerce/Business Youth Exchange, T ri-M e t’ s C itizen ’s A dvisory Budget
Committee, the Portland State U niversity A lu m n i Association board o f directors,
and chairs the Finance Committee at M t. O live t Baptist Church.
Joining Washington as a new member o f the United W a y’ s board is Judith
A. Ramaley, president o f Portland State U niversity. Ronald B. G ould, partner-in­
charge o f audit at Deloitte and Touche, was elected chairman o f the board. Other
officers elected include Richard Durrett Jr., executive vice president o f Far West
Federal Bank, chairman-elect; Terry W . C liffo rd , treasurer o f Tektronix Inc.,
treasurer; and Carol Schatz, administrator o f the state o f W ashington’ s Department
o f Social and Health Services, secretary.
PSU Announces Minority Student Tuition Waivers
M in o rity students w ith good academic records are e ligible fo r special tuition waivers at Portland State U niversity,
according to Dan F ortm iller, D irector o f the Academic Support Center at PSU.
30-35 scholarships w ill be available to students in each o f tw o groups, Fortm iller said.
The Underrepresented M inorities Achievement Scholarship awards tuition waivers to entering freshaman. The
Underrepresented M inorities Achievement Scholarship fo r College Juniors awards waivers for students w ith ju n io r level
Deadlines fo r scholarship applications for academic year 1991-92 are March 1 (for entering freshman) and A p ril 1,
1991 (for juniors).
For more information or to receive a scholarship application; call PSU’s offices o f Admissions, 725-3511, M in o r­
ity Students Recruitment, 725-4457, or Academic Support Center, 725-4005.
The Beaumont Bulls will have a car wash at the
Observer office, 4747 N.E. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Blvd., this Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The objective is to raise funds for an upcoming
tournament and team party. The price is $4.00 per car.
Please come and support your community basketball
... . A W ,