Page 4—1 he Portland O bserver-February 20, 1991 Why Become a Foster Parent? — For the Children THICK SLICED BACON FALLS BRAND SAVE 30* 1 ONE POUND PKG. Call the Children’s Services Division at 238-7577 to find out how you can receive training and certification to become a foster parent. Call today. SHARP CHEDDAR CHEESE IN RANDO M CUTS Roso Mario Davis Peninsula Really 8040 N. Lombard ST. Portland, Or 97203 Business phones 281-8976 289-2471 Pax 286-8675 Main office 286-5826 CHINOOK SALMON OR BROILED LOBSTER TAILS JUMBO PRAWNS FISH & CHIPS CLAM CHOWDER BROILED HALIBUT CRAB STUFFED MUSHROOMS LOBSTER THERMIDOR OR PAN FRIED OYSTERS SAUTEED SHRIMP ROSSI OR STEAK & LOBSTER CRAB AU GRATIN OR FRENCH FRIED SCALLOPS STEAM CLAMS OYSTER STEW CHICKEN STEAKS OR . . . . $089 MARGARINE KIENOW'S CHEESE of the month POUND IMPERIAL Good For One Market Evaluation of Your Properly POUND OF FOUR QUARTERS T h u cerüficalo entitles you to a m arket value analysis o f your property by a C E N T U R Y 21 real estate profession«! To find out what your property is worth today, complete and return tills certificate or call for an appointment j Name___________ _______________ } Addross_________ C«y __________________ ______ P/KXX7________________ Retain this valuable certificate wnli other iiiipoitani documents. This offer is good indcfinctcly. li >•«.» Seafood Restaurant & Bar -- Since 1891 --Lunch & Dinner 1035 S.W. Stark (Corner 11 th & Stark) 226-4171 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ■» tunemly Idled with • irai eaiale bnikm. jdeaw diwegatd tfua o il« SPECIALS EFFECTIVE FEB 19 through 24 1991 MEMBER OF UNITED GROCERS HOURS WEEKDAYS 8A M 10 9PM SUNOAY 9AM lo 7PM 9-1-1 Keep Calm “ Nine-one-one. What is your emergency?” “ I need help! Send Help!” That fairly typical response on emer­ gency phone hotlines actually creates frustration and delays in sending the help that’s needed. An emergency call taker can’t tell what kind of help you need, or where to send it. People calling 9-1-1, however, often don’t state any real information, and they may resent the call taker ask­ ing for it Although 9-1-1 systems vary considerably in varous parts of Oregon and the United States, any emergency call is a social action. When you call, you are asking for help. It’s like a re­ quest or an invitation. It requires an answer. If you call 9-1-1, expect to answer “ what, “ where” and probably more. The call taker will be entering your information in a computer even as you speak. Often, help will be dispatched before your conversation is over. Know your basic information- what is happening and where-before you call 9-1-1. It’s not a bad idea to post a note on your phone with your address and phone number. Hysterical people often can’t remember their address, or they may misspell a street name, or say they live on Mckenzie Drive when they live on McKenzie Boulevard. And they will verify incorrect information because they think they’ll get help faster. What seems like a minor difference-such as “ Drive” or “ Boulevard” can cost, minutes in help arriving. Trust that a call taker’s ques­ tions are necessary. You may be asked, for example, what color your house is or what is parked in the driveway. It’s not chitchat, but information to locate your house when the house number may not be visible. And remember, the call taker will dispatch help or refer your call just as soon as he or she has enough information, but may continue asking additional questions that will assist responders when they arrive. It’s impossible to tell if a downed powerline is hot, or not If you see one. don't touch But do call 911 and ask for assistance Portland General Electric Call takers have to take con­ trol of the call. They are trained to know what to ask because there is no time to listen and sift random information. If you call 9-1-1, the most important thing you can do is stay calm. You can’t help anyone if you’re hys­ terical. Don’t be surprised if a fire engine or even a police car shows up to help you in a medical emergency. In emergencies, speed is of the essence. Emergency medical response basically is an emergency room on wheels. In a cardiac arrest, they have four minutes to get there. The processing of informa­ tion has to be fast. Working in any 9-1-1 center is very high stress, you have to be pre­ pared for any ting. A fair amount of itme is waiting and that’s stressful, too, be­ cause you can’t relax, even for a sec­ ond. The life expectancy o f a career Make Jell-0 Gelatin you can eat with your hands. Try our Jigglers recipe. Jell-O* Gelatin Jigglers JE LLO * *'3* .pisw-T 1 flr 2 family-size pkgs. (8-serv. size) or 4 small pkgs (4-serv. size) Jell-O* Brand Gelatin 2'/ j cups boiling water or apple juice Completely dissolve gelatin in boiling water or juice. Pour into 13 x 9-inch pan. Chill until firm , about 3 hours. To unmold: dip pan in warm water about 15 seconds. Cut into squares or use cookie cutters. Lift from pan. 1991 Kraft General Foods Inc L THEY’RE A HANDFUL OF FUN. J dispatcher is only in the 5 0s.” ( <