MUUKSI- • - ► ♦ « * ★ ♦ ♦ ■ ♦ • * • 0-4 < ' 0 0 0? 0 0 4 February 1 3 ,1991""The Portland Observer-- Page 5 Portland Observer ENTERTAINMENT *' % JA Black Men Uncertain Futures Nelson, co-anchor fo r NBC News’ “ Expose,” looks at ihese issues and answers these questions. The one-hour special takes a tough look at a generation o f young black There are more than 13 m illio n black men in America. They are fathers and sons, postal workers, lawyers and students. Yet the most fa m ilia r image o f black men today is that seen on the nightly news, as the victim s and perpe­ trators o f crime, violence and drug abuse. Young black men battle more than stereotypes: they face the challenges o f poor education and high unemploy­ ment, despair and frustration. W hat is their future to be? Are there solutions to the problems o f this generation? Black Men: Uncertain futures, a national production o f M aryland Public T elevi­ sion premeiering on PBS Tuesday, February 19 at 10 p.m. (Et; check local listings), hosted and narrated by Noah W ed. FEB. 2 7 th ru S u n . MAR. 3 «MEMORIAL COLISEUM ________ ★ PERFORMANCES^________ Wed. FEB. 27 Are your dental fillin g s poisoning you? Some dentists and researchers say that the mercury in our silver amalgam fillin g s is a toxic substance that doesn’t belong in our mouths and may, in fact, be making us sick. The American Dental Association (A D A ) says these fillin g s have been used fo r more than 100 years and do not pose any proven health hazards. W h o ’ s right? More than 100 m illio n Americans have their teeth cavities fille d w ith s il­ ver amalgam fillin g s. W hile there is no scientific evidence lin kin g amalgam fillin g s to human health problems, new FRED MEYER/KATU FAMILY NIG HT ALL TICKETS $3.00 OFF with coupons from FRED MEYER 7:30P M * Thu. FEB. 2 8 ........................ Fri. MAR. 1 ......................... ,.4 :0 0 P M t.. .. 7:30PM Sat. MAR. 2... 1 2N O O N t.. ..3 :3 0 P M ... .. 7:30PM Sun. MAR. 3 ......................... ..1 :3 0 P M ... .. 5:30PM KPTV KPTV K ID S’ SHOWS SAVE $2.00 O N K ID S U N D E R 12! KGW M IC KEY HIP PACK NIG HT kgwtv The program begins w ith a discus­ sion o f the media’ s portrayal o f black men; i f more whites com m it crimes than blacks why is the prevailing image o f crim inals that o f a young black male? C N N ’s Bernard Shaw and others de­ bate the media’ s impact on the public and on black men’ s images and sense o f themselves. The program also depicts the growth ated. The special meets its own early challenge to the media: it presents black men who are succeeding and who are determined to change the course o f young men’ s futures. It focuses on e f­ forts to change the course o f young men’s futures. It focuses on efforts to change the nature o f their education, employment, crim inal justice, and self- awareness. A ll o f those interview ed fo r the special see the future o f black men as a p rio rity, and challenge young black men, their communities and the coun­ try to make it their p rio rity , too. Black Men: Uncertain Futures documents the tremendous resource that now remains unused and u nfu lfille d . These crises threaten not just a group but the whole- not just a generation but a nation must com m it to pursuing solutions i f a better future is to come fo r a ll Americans. Toxic Teeth? , . 7:30PM Fred Meyer 03 men whose chances o f landing in ja il far outweigh their chances o f attending college. Noah Nelson talks w ith young men across the United States, in inner- city neighborhoods in Baltimore, Los Angeles, Detorit, M ia m i, Washington, D.C., Atlanta and Minneapolis. He also talks w ith black men who are contributing their expertise and en­ ergies to the future o f their young counter­ parts. Participants include Louis S u lli­ van, Secretary o f Health and Human Services; U.S. Representatives John Co­ nyers and John Lew is; Alan Page, N F L Hall o f Fame member and President o f the Page Education Foundation; John Jacob, Executive D irector o f the Na­ tional Urban League; Joshua Smith, President o f M axim a Corporation, and Robert Woodson, National Center fo r Neighborhood Enterprise. o f drug abuse and a drug economy. Participants discuss tw o obvious eco­ nomic options fo r these youths: m in i­ mum wages for unskilled labor and the lure o f quick drug money to purchase the consumer goods the rest o f Am erica buys. Even public assistance programs now seem to contribute to the problem. W ith all o f these harsh realities, what can be done by individuals, com m uni­ ties, and the nation? Black Men: U n­ certain Futures looks at some o f the solutions-theoretical, practical and personal-that exist for young black men, and that their communities have gener­ One FREE Mickey e y Hip Pack will be given to each child under 12! 3 WAYS TO GET YOUR TICKETS animal research studies raise questions. Most American scientists say there’ s no reason to panic, pointing to the b il­ lions o f amalgam fillin g s already in place as proof that there’ s no problem. But critics think the mercury vapors in ­ haled every time people w ith the f i l l ­ ings chew may accumulate over tim e to . cause a serious health risk. Some den­ tist go so far as to advocate removal and replacement o f amalgam fillin gs. In the midst o f the amalgam fillin g debate, other dental health issues are in the news: A ID S transmission between dentist and patient and the safety o f dental x-rays, fluoride and teeth bleach­ ing. Are patients well-inform ed when they go to the dentist? Is dental amal­ gam safe? What are the known and possible risks o f common dental proce­ dures? W hat do YO U think? Join Jack Faust fo r this discussion on Sunday, February 24 from 6-7 p.m. For seat res­ ervations, please call Frank Mungeam, Alison Highberger or L iza McQuade at 231-4620. Guest should arrive at the K A T U studios (21st & N £ . Sandy Blvd.) between 5-5:15 p.m. The public is welcome, butreservationsare required. IN PERSON: MEMORIAL COLISEUM BOX OFFICE and all G.l. JOE'S (U locations including CIVIC AUDITORIUM and M ALCOLM X TALK Tl NG P E O P L PCPA BOX OFFICES (service ch a rg e a d d e d a t outlets) BY PHONE: (5 0 3 ) 2 4 8 -4 4 9 6 (service charge a d d e d to p h o n e orders) T BY MAIL: Send self-addressed, stamped envelope with check or money order payable to WALT DISNEY'S WORLD ON ICE, Memorial Coliseum, P.O. Box 2746, Portland, OR 97208 ($1.50 service ch a rg e p e r m a il order) Information: (503) 248-4496 Group Rates: (503) 235-8771 or (503) 230-6702 * * * * * * * * * YOUR BEST ENTERTAINMENT V A L U E !********* ALL SEATS RESERVED $ 7 . 5 0 - $ 9 . 5 0 - $ 1 1 .5 0 PRICE INCLUDES TAX C O t o e y • A H o M ay O n Ic e ® Pr— n w io n • C 1990 lc » Foltta« and Hoftday On tea Inc CHINOOK SALMON OR BROILED LOBSTER TAILS JUMBO PRAWNS FISH & CHIPS CLAM CHOWDER BROILED HALIBUT CRAB STUFFED MUSHROOMS LOBSTER THERMIDOR OR PAN FRIED OYSTERS SAUTEED SHRIMP ROSSI OR STEAK & LOBSTER CRAB AU GRATIN OR FRENCH FRIED SCALLOPS STEAM CLAMS OYSTER STEW CHICKEN STEAKS OR . . . . C o v e r o f P a t h f in d e r s n e w book, M a lc o lm X T a lk s l a Y o u n g People • R e p rin te d b y p e rm is s io n o f P a th fin d e r P re ss, 4 1 0 W e st S t., N e w Y o rk N Y 10014. Seafood Restaurant & Bar -- Since 1891 --Lunch & Dinner 1035 S.W. Stark (Corner 11 th & Stark) Speedy Service Friendly C all for Quote!!! 226-4171 W orld Beat Reggae House Rap Blues Soul Gospel Best Cash Prices DAD'S OIL SERVICE Heating Oils 104 NE Russel St. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 282-5111 M u s ic Place y o u r a d v e rtis e m e n t in th e P o rtla n d O b s e rv e r O ffic e # (503) 288-0033 Fax# (503) 288-0015 • >■ c O 's % 503-284-4828 7775 N.E. Broadway V« «»«**♦ ' W i A ll Jazzed U p : Sources say actress-singer Jasmine G uy was not all that pleased w ith her R &B showing, though by a ll indications it was more than respectable. It seems she fe lt that her self-titled debut debut album, project should have gotten more p la y on pop -»•■» 4 UVjpivV -4 fr«W a*Vrl ’ UlUJUlVUJ 11- • lUUlO, €1**0 acting career and hit T V show, what G uy is really after is the number one slot on the nation's record charts. To that end, Guy fired her fo rm e r m anager, and fo r the moment, current steady Dominique Hoffman (who played her boyfriend last year on "A D ifferent W o rld ') is managing things on the business end, and she's just released another s in g le , "A n o th e r L o v e r". A sizzling video w ill fo llo w . For now, G uy has a h it senes to keep her busy. Incidentally, G uy and steady beau D o m in ic k H offm an recently co-wrote a special episode o f " A D ifferent W o rld " that guest starred pal, B la ir U nderw ood.... M e a n w h ile , D iffe r e n t W o rld co m rad e, D eb bie A lle n was la b e le d the " fa s h io n fia s c o o f the y e a r", as M r. B la ckw e ll reveaied the new iist o f the worst- dressed women. A lle n wasn't in bad com pany th ou gh . Others named included J u lia Roberts, Elizabeth Taylor and Ivana Trump. Flash In The Pan: N e ll Carter's "Y ou Take The K id s" has to rank among one o f the shortest-running shows on T V , as the already USED MM Folk Jazz O ** * »-»**« • * « * • * t ' • .. ; • Portland, Or. 97232 cancelled, sitcom is among the first o f the m id-season casualties. ..M eanwhile, B E T s Bob Johnson and actor-producer Tim Reid, who recently entered into a business pact to develop bla ck-o n en ted p ro ­ gramming for cable, network and T V syndication, launched their jo in t ven:_rc at a gala raceptior. in Lea Angeles that drew key industry d ecision-m akers.... Links Starlight Cotillion The Portland Chapter o f L in ks Incorporated w ill host its 14th A nnual Starlight C o tillio n on Sunday, Febru­ ary 17,1991, in the Grand B allroom , at the Portland H ilto n H otel, 921 S.W. 6th Avenue at 7:00 p.m.. This year, fifteen debutantes and their escorts w ill be presented. The chairperson o f this year’ s ball is Jeanne Hartzog, She is planning fo r this to be one o f the best balls L in k s has sponsored. The commentators fo r this year’ s ball w ill be Dr. D arryl T ukufu o f the Urban League and Kay Toran, Presi­ dent o f the Portland Chapter. M usic w ill be provided by One w orld Founda­ a-",.-* £ te s •áV;- .7 r- < A y }- tion Attitudes Presents Al Goidsby and Phil Reid Attitudes o f Portland A rt G allery is proud to present metal sculptures and prints by sculptor A1 Goidsby and oils, pen and ink and pencil drawings by Phil Reid. M r. G oldsby’ s many exhibits, c o l­ lections, and commissions include: Sal- ishan Lodge, U niversity o f Oregon A rt Museum, Haseltine collection, W ash­ ington Park Zoo, L lo yd Center Corp., Pope & Talbot, and Central Gregon Welcome Center in Bend Oregon. M r. R eid’ s many exhibits, co lle c­ tions, and commissions include: Russell Senate O ffice Bldg. Rotunda, in W ash­ ington D.C, Howard U niversity, Inter­ state Firehouse Culture Center, B road­ way G allery, Lakewood Center G al­ lery, Renshaw Gallery. He also pro­ vides art lectures at Grant H igh School, and Sunset High school. • p •• •? .. * i . A • *• -• 0..^: - r;: ■.* » » •V, y as - ¿►•X if * : ,e ■ •u- W - 21 N W F irs t 223 -9 91 9 W ED N ESD AY 9 D ays W o n d e r THU R SD AY The B e a u ty S tab FRIDAY C u rtis S a lg a d o & the S tile tto s SATURDAY C u rtis S a lg a d o & the S tile tto s SUNDAY P e rfe c t 10 M ONDAY Lew J o n e s ' W ain W rig h t the III TU ESD AY S h e lle y & th e F ie rw o rk s W ED N E S D A Y L ittle W o m e n PSU Presents Play on Black Suicide Colored G irls! Portland State University Black Cultural A ffairs Board presents Ntozake Shange’ s renowned Broadway play “ For Colored G irls W ho Have Considered Suicide When The Rainbow is E nuf.’ ’ A excerpt from this play fea­ turing the Lady in Red, Lonnie Nettles and the Lady in Blue, Sandra Cochran, can be seen on C ityscope M onday, February 18 at 10:30 p.m . Colored G irls is directed by Lisa M ijig a . Also meet Portland State U n i­ versity’ s dynamic new President Judith Ramalcy. Ms. Ramaley discusses her plans fo r the future o f Portland State m regards to measure 5. Each week Cityscope features a photograph o f a missing youth last seen in the Oregon and W ashington area. This e ffo rt is accom plished in. conjunction w ith O P E R A TIO N L O O K - OUT/National Center for Missing Youth home based in Seattle, W ashington. Viewers who may have seen these youth are asked to call 1-800-771-SF.FK. KPDX-FOX 49’s 1991 program movies include C ityscope’ s leap into prim e-tim e movies. Check your local listings fo r details. Cityscope is hosted by Steve Leader and produced b y S y lv ia M cDaniel. ,{ & & !- w w JB.'t : a B a: ■& xO ; C 8 *5 6 f i g