February 1 3 ,1991—The Portland Observer—Page 3 Portland Observer by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears “ YOU ARE INVITED TO HEAR” CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST RELIGION (Ürlrbraítnn ©abrntarlr PRESENTS GOSPEL CHOIR 6i IN CONCERT” A Pigili (0f SiShtg tig l]t SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1991 Mt. Olivet Stars Will Shine At North Portland Bible College’s 1st Annual Gospel Music Celebration to m o d ify them fo r N PB C use. as an in s tru c to r in the past, and is c u r­ p.m., N orth Portland B ible College w ill hold its 1 st Annual Gospel M usic C ele­ bration at Maranatha Church. T h is w ill be a b enefit fo r N PBC ’ s B u ild in g Fund. A p p e a rin g in concert, along w ith In sp ira tio n a l Sounds, w ill be the M t. O liv e t M e n ’ s Chorus and S ister M attie C allier-Spears. The event holds the re n tly teaching a course e n title d ‘ ‘Genesis.” Sisters R osie T abb and R ecently, the L o rd has blessed NPCB w ith funds to begin the purchase o f tw o abandoned houses on a d jo in in g lots. T h is is especially im portant in that o p p o rtu n ity fo r you to be a blessing by your support o f both N P B C and M l O liv e t’ s ve ry o w n , ve ry talented vo­ O n Saturday, M arch 2 ,1 9 9 1 , at 7 ow n! The benefit w ill provide funds to calists. A num ber o f M l O liv e t members have attended N o rth Portland B ib le College, and have benefited immensely assist in the renovation o f the two houses, by th e ir learning. D r. M a rtin has served NPBC has been in operation since 1982, w ith o u t the benefit o f a b u ild in g o f its 7:00 P.M. FEBRUARY 22,1991 THEME: “ YOU’VE BEEN GOOD TO ME” 7:00 PM 1854 N. LOMBARD "The dream is one o f equal­ ity o f opportunity, o f privi­ lege and property widely dis­ tributed; a dream o f land where man w ill not take necessities from the many to give luxuries to the few; a dream o f a land where men do not agree that the color of a man's skin determines the content of his character; a dream o f a place where all our gifts and resources arc held not for ourselves alone but as instruments o f service for the rest of humanity; the dream o f a country where every man w ill respect the dignity and worth o f all human personality, and men w ill dare to live together as brothers..." FEATURING 1552 N. KILLINGSWORTH PORTLAND, OREGON 97217 JOHN GAINER AND THE INSPIRATIONAL SOUNDS REV. ROY L. TATE, PASTOR TUE SERMONETTES SIS WILA DORSEY MINISTER EUGENE BLACKMON, MINISTER OF MUSIC PASTOR ELBERT MONDAINE JR THE CELEBRATION SINGERS “ FREE WILL OFFERING” SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK: II CORINTHIANS 9:7-15 BRO CARY SIMS AND MAY OTHER LOCAL TALENTS AND CHOIRS Cora W illia m s serve on the Board o f D irectors fo r the B ib le C ollege. A dvance ticke ts are being o ffe re d fo r a $6.50 d o n a tio n , and m a y be o b ­ tained fro m S ister R osie o r S ister Cora. A dm ission the e vening o f the b e n e fit w ill require a $7.50 d o n a tio n . Please encourage both N P B C and o u r o w n M l O liv e t talent b y y o u r p a rtic ip a ­ tion. C h oral A rts E n sem ble Roger O . Doyle, Musical D u ct um and The M aranatha M essen gers Claude Bowles. Minister of Music jointly present ■Bridges i o ( lie C o m m u n ity : M u s ic o f A f r ic a n - A m e r ic a n C om p osers Saturday, February 23, 8:00 pm First Christian Church, SW Park and Columbia and Sunday, February 24, 4:00 pm Maranatha Church, 4222 NE 12th Ave. For tickets, call 226-0880 Martin Luther King, Jr. I960 Wigland ALL CHURCH GOSPEL ROLLERSKATING NIGHT 1991 NATIONAL BLACK EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION FUNDRAISER FEA TURING: D J JO M O GREENIDGE BUFFET BREAKFAST Saturday, March 16, 1991 8:00 a.ra. and 9:30 a.m. (two sittings) O n e o f the Northwest Largest Wig D isplays Wigs and Hairpieces For all Nationalities E va G abor N aomi S ims R enee of P aris Synthetic & Human Hair For Braiding & Weeving PLAYING THE LA TE S T GOSPEL SOUNDS LYON'S RESTAURANT 1215 N.E. Martin King, Jr. Blvd. Portland, OR MONDAY FEBRUARY 18, 1981 A T OAKS PARK $5.00 per person 1 Mon - Fr. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday 10 - 5:30 pm COST $ 3 .0 0 PER PERSON "Through love we serve one another.' Gal. 5:13 Near Lloyd Center Cy 7:00 - 8 :3 0 PM 282-1664 Tickets Call 289-5754 1105 N.E. Broadway FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: 282-7137 80th Birthday Observed O n January 28th, friends and rela­ tives gathered to celebrate the 80th b irth d a y o f long tim e P ortland resident C h a rlie M . B anks-Y oung. The celebraton was held at St. "Before You Must' - Make a Decision - "Inquire about the services we offer" Cox Funeral Home, Inc. 24 Hr. Service 281-4891 We are interested in your problems MT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH WE ARE MOVING SUNDAY SERVICES TO Stone Tower Church, N.E. Sandy Blvd. ft 3Oth Worship Services 8:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. Church School 9:30 A.M. to 10:30 A.M. Bible Study. Wednesdays. 116 N.E.Schuyler 10:30 A.M. and 6:30 P.M. P h illip s Episcopal C hurch’s Parish H all. M rs. Y o ung has been active in the Portland com m unity since a rrivin g here fro m O klahom a some f if t y years ago. She is an active, fa ith fu l m em ber o f St. P h illip s C hurch. In the past years M rs. Y o u n g sang in the church ch o ir, served as S enior W arden o f the church, m em ber o f the A lta r G u ild , c h a ir-p e r­ son o f the E piscopal C hurch W om an o f O regon. In a d d ition to being n o m i­ nated as M o th e r o f The Y e a r fo r O re ­ gon in 1964. M rs. Y o u n g has served in a v o lu n ­ teer capacity fo r numerous organiztions. She also served as chair-person, and was instrum ental in establishing the N orth-N ortheast S enior C itize n s C en­ ter. She is s till a ctive ly w o rk in g w ith the volunteers o f A m e rica A ssociation, ments, cake and coffee w ere served to her m any friends. Maranatha Church 4222 N.E. 12th Avenue, Portland, Oregon Sunday Services Sunday School 9:00 A.M. Morning Worship 10:30 A.M. 6:00 P.M. Church Office 116 N.E Schuyler, 7:00 P.M. 4236 NE Eighth Avenue (cornei ot 8th 4 Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church 8101 N. Fiske Avenue Portland, Oregon 97203 Church Phone: 289-0147 Study Phone:289-1911 Sunday Service 10:45 Sunday School 9:30 Bible Study 6:00 Evening Service 7:00 P.M. Pastor, Rev. James C.E. Faulkner 7:00 P.M. Saturday - B A SIC Youth Service Psalm 34:3 A u d re y Parsons, gra n d -child re n , and m any great grand-children. R efresh­ Midweek Service - Wednesday A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin. Senior Pastor Tgiqjpfe O 0 Ê G h íiííii b y g iv in g her tim e, and crocheting caps and lap throw s fo r the eld e rly. M rs. Y oung was jo in e d in the b irth ­ day celebration by her ch ild re n , E. Bernice Davis, N ick Banks, w ife Trudie, Evening Worship Radio Ministry each Sunday. 8:00 A.M.-KBMS Jesus L o v e s Y o u / Rev Wendell H. Wallace Senior Pastor "M a ra n th a L iv e ” R adio P rogram /T alk Show K P D Q 9.37 Fm 800 A m 11:00 P .M . to 12:00 m id n ig h t (Each Sunday) Theme: Whatever you're going to do for the Lord, do it now. I Peter i v . l l