pH» •♦ *-«►«< i .-* ».*r»>.-. ‘ .».«.«.«.» Page 10—The Portland O bserver-Februarv 13,1991 Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS EMPLOYMENT CITY OF PORTLAND Street Lighting M anager - to $46,238/yr For m ore Info/closing dates call (503) 823-4573 (24 hr jo b inform ation) No resum es please BUR EAU O F PER SO N NEL 1220 S.W. 5th Ave., First FI. P ortland. O R 97204 Apps also available at: U RBAN LEAGUE 10 N Russeli M inorities, fem ales and disabled encouraged to apply. ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT AUDITOR Blue C ross and Blue Shield of O regon is currently accepting applications fo r an assistant a uditor position in the M edicare R eim bursem ent and A udit Dept. Q uali­ fied applicants will perform desk review and filed audits on M edicare cost reports subm itted by providers. Audits are perform ed at the provider site requiring 1-2 w eeks p e r m onth tra ve l with audit team . Q ualified candidates w ill have a college degree with m ajor in accounting including a uditor course credits. P revious w ork in acctg or health care is desired. Blue Cross and Blue Shield Of O regon offers an excel em ployee benefits package, flex-tim e w o rk hours and com petitive salary. Pre-em ploym ent drug screening re­ quired. To assure your resum e is processed im m ediately, place ad #037 at the top of yo u r resum e o r In your co ve r letter. Send resum e to: B lue Cross Blue Shield of O regon H um an R esources Dept., 5th Fir. 100 S.W . M arket Portland, OR 97201 TDD #255-6780 Equal O pportunity Em ployer SAFETY TRAINING MANAGER Thurston County Public Works $2400 • 3200/mo (under review) D evelops and im plem ents safety regulations and tra in ­ ing program s fo r approxim ately 200 public w orks' em ployees for w ork site activities, hazardous m ateri­ als, equipm ent operation, and physical testing. In­ vestigates to ri claim s, vehicular accidents. M anages equipm ent training and certification. M inim um : tow years college level courses In natural or physical sciences, or related fields. A pply by 2.28.91. Applications available at Inform ation Desk Building I, Thurston C ounty Courthouse, 2000 Lakeridge Drive, O lym pia, W A 98502. For inform a- tion call 1-(206)-786-5455. Director Vounteer Services O H SU Hospital seeks qualified applicants for D ire cto ro f vounteers. Relevant experience, successful Im plem entation of innovative projects, interpersonal skills, a b ility to w o rk in academ ic m edical ce n te r param ount. R esum es to: H ospital A dm inistration, 3181 SW Sam Jackson MBS, Portland, OR 97201-3098. Position closes February 10, 1991.O H S U is an EEO /AAE »Advertising w Employment »Bids/Sub-Bids Geographic Information System Technician Programmer Analyst G eorgia-P acific Corp, has an opening fo r a G IS techni­ cian to provide operation support fo r a regional g e o ­ graphic inform ation system . Duites to include d ata­ base entry and editing fo r m aps and attribute files; oversee plotter production and m aintenance: receive and process inform ation requests; provide system technical support fo r off-site users; participate in analysis projects. Requires bachelors degree in fo r­ estry o r related natural resources field. Ideal candi­ date w ill have forestry related com puter applications to include G IS or autom ated mapping. R elational d a ­ tabase usage desireable. Must have strong quantita­ tive and analytic background along with clear concise written and verbal com m unication skills. P lease send resum e along with salary history by 2/20/ 91 to: G eorgia-P acific C orporation Attn: Ann A shton 900 S.W . Fifth A venue P ortland, O R 97204 Equal O pportunity E m ployer Responsible (or program m ing on IBM MVS system in C O BO L, Assem bler, AC /ID EA L; accessing VSAM, ISAM, C A/D atacom relational database files. R e­ quires tw o years progressively m ore responsible e x ­ perience in com puter program m ing and the equiva­ lent of a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college o r university with m ajor course w ork in data process­ ing, com puter science o r related field. This position w ill be 20 - 40 hrs. per w eek to start, full-tim e begin­ ning Ju ly 1, 1991. The half-tim e salary is $1176 - 1497/m o; Ju ly 1 the salary w ill be $2352 - 2994/m o. C LO S IN G DATE: February 2 2 ,1 9 9 1 . A pply at City of Eugene, Human R esource & Risk Services, Rm. 101, 777 Pearl St., Eugene, OR 97401. (503) 687-5061. AA/EOE City of Eugene Warehouse Private non profit seeks energetic person to assist with w arehousing and distribution. Assist with supervi­ sion, inventory & custodial tasks. Must be able to lift 50 lbs. 20 hrs/week, MWF. $5.50-6.25/hr. A pply at C hild’s Path, 3724 N. W illiam s, Ptld. 97227 by 2/14. Equal O pportunity Employer. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Clackamas County Community College Wilsonville, Oregon SILCO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PO Box 83299 Portland, Oregon 97283-0299 (503) 286-8155 FAX (503) 286-8079 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from women and © D l minority owned business enterprises. How to Become a Volunteer SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Portland Bridge V.A. Medical Center Bid Date: Febrary 28, @ 1:30 pm DRAKE GENERAL CONTRACTOR We rely on our volunteers. They are the heart of our Hotline and we could not operate without them. No experi­ ence is necessary. We provide 15 hours of in-class training and an opportunity to observe our hotline operators on-line. The usual commit­ ment is 6 hours a week for 6 months. To become a volunteer, please call us at 234-7532. We need your help. A few hours a week is what we ask of you to help prevent child abuse in Oregon. 1740 Northwest Flanders Street Portland, Oregon 97208-2283 (503) 226-3991 FAX (503) 228-3019 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business, and small disadvantaged business subcontractors and women and minority business enterprises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Brooks Community Sewerage System Schedule T Brooks, Oregon MARION CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PO Box 12218 Salem, Oregon 97309 MARION (503) 581-1920 FAX (503) 399-0823 CCB# 48058 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from women and minority owned business enterprises. Wildish Building Co. PO Box 7428 Eugene, Or. 97401 CCB #34429 Contact: Bob McDonald phone: (503)485-1700 fax: (503)683-7722 We request bids and encourage pre bid contact from small disadvantaged, mi­ nority, and women owned businesses for the subcontract and supply opportuni­ ties of this project. Holladay Park Medical Center ■ 1225 Northeast 2nd Avenue (503) 233-4567 Committed to Carter Opportunity Tor AU Americans “I need to lose weight without losing my social life.” You live a hectic life. Wouldn't it be Introducing the P A Legacy Member VEGETATION SPECIALIST O G R A you what to eat, and when to eat it? Now you can— with the new Personal Choice Program from Weight Watchers. New Personal Choice gives you your M that range from structured to flexible— whatever s right for you. It's designed to adapt to your lifestyle, so you can lose weight at your own comfortable pace. W hat’s more, Personal Choice allows you to eat the foods you want. Even 234-7532 in a restaurant. From the first week on. If you’re looking for a diet program that fits the way you live, now the choice is yours. New Personal Choice. Call Weight Watchers and ask about this exciting program today. February 12, 1991 T o The Citizens o f Portland: Safe, sensible weight loss for 27 years. Several members o f Portland C ity C ouncil have received letters and telephone calls protesting the appearance o f A ndrew Dice C lay at Arlene Schnitzer H all, February 15th. Citizens have contacted our offices to complain about the racist and sexist messages contained in Andrew Dice C la y ’ s “ hum or” . Andrew Dice C lay has come under fire nationally, fo r his “ jokes” which tr iv i­ alize and make fun o f violence against women, people o f color and children. His brand o f “ hum or” is seen as helping to perpetuate attitudes o f racism, sexism and violence against a ll women, a ll children and a ll people o f color. As members o f the C ity C ouncil, we support the F irst Amendment rights o f all Americans, includiing Andrew Dice Clay. W e do not support racism, sexism and humor based on violence against people because o f race, gender, sexual o ri­ entation, a b ility , age, o r national origin. Because we in Portland arc concerned w ith the w ell being o f a ll o f o u r citizens, we must raise our voices in protest against “ entertainment” which perpetrates negative attitudes and stereotypes. W e take seriously our responsibility to speak out against bigotry in any form and in meeting this responsibility we denounce those who would benefit financially from the dehumanization o f women, children and people o f color. We urge Portlanders not to go to the concert. We ask you to turn in your tickets. W e ask that you refuse to econom ically reward those who try to make a liv in g o f f o f hatred and violence. Sincerely, Thurston County Public Works $1915 • 2564/month (under review) Inventories and classifies existing roadside vegetation. Recommends methods of vegeta­ tion control such as botanical, biological, mechanical, herbicidal in conformance with the County Pesticide Use Policy, Supervises the work of vegetation maintenance crews. Pro­ R great to have a weight loss plan that tells choice of three easy-to-follow food plans 24-Hour Job Line 239-3116 An Equal O pportunity Employer I lL ii PERSONAL CHOICE Waveriv Childrens Home Sub-Bids Requested Parker Stadium Improvements -1991 construction Oregon State University - Corvallis Bid Date: March 5,1991 @ 2:00 pm Malcolm X talking with students at Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, where he addressed several thousand students February 3, 1965 • Reprinted from Malcolm X Talks to Young People by permission of Pathfinder Press. Photograph courtesy of Tuskegee University Archives. JOIN BY MARCH 2ND AND SAVE (Pay $8 Weekly Fee until May 4th) Through March 2nd After March 2nd Registration $17 Registration Weekly Fee $8 Weekly Fee Total $25 Total (No increase in registration fee) This offer good in participating areas only ‘ B ud” C lark $26 (503)297-1021 New m em bers please Arrive 20 m inutes early N O R TH E A S T PO R TLA N D N O R TH P O R TLA N D M aranatha C hurch 4222 N.E. 12th (Enter on Skidmore) Sat 9:30 a.m. Rivergate C om m unity C hurch 4737 N. Lombard SL Tues. 7:00 p.m. T ilam ook Park Hldg. 2108 N.E. 41st Ave. Mon, U niversity o f Portland 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. Columbia Hall (Enter from Portsmouth) Wed. 5:00 p.m. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Gretchen Kafoury $9 F o r In fo rm a tio n C all (c o lle c t) w e e k d a y s 8 :30 a.m . to 5:00 p.m . Tues. J.E. $17 9:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m. vides pubic information and assistance regarding vegetation maintenance and control. Minimum: Public Pest Control Consultants'license or ability to obtain within 6 months. Two Temple Baptist C hurch 1319 N.E. 7th Fireside Room Tuesday 1 2 :1 5 p m years college level courses in biology, botany, ecology, or related fields. Three years experience in vegetation management. Apply by 2/2& 91. Applications available at Information Desk Building 1, Thurston County (Brown Bag Lunch Class) Cowhouse, 2000 Lakeridge Drive, Olympia, WA 98502. For information call 1-206-786- Weight Watchers is a registered trademark ol WEIGHT WATCHERS INTERNATIONAL, INC copyright 1990 WEIGHT WATCHERS INTERNATIONAL, INC 5466. v Q 1 ¿ tvfjfijk '■ 4 W M ,- , . / . • T . •- I t < . ■ ' • ■■