» i n b » » ». « ¿ t V # « V * 4 » J »> + * •> F •» I February 6 ,1 9 9 1 —The Portland O bserver -Page 5 Portland Observer ENTERTAINMENT Actor From Do The Right Thing The O’Jays, R & B’s Legendary Greats To Speak On Racism At Willamette University Giancarlo Esposito, who played the character “ Buggin’ O u t” in the Spike Lee m ovie Do the Right Thing, w ill speak on the subject o f racism at 8 p.m., Feb. 21 in Smith Auditorium at W illam ette University. Esposito, 31, has appeared in such plays as Maggie Flynn, M errily We R oll A long and D on’t Get God Started. He has appeared in television on soap operas and in guest roles on M iam i Vice, Spenser: For H ire and Legwork. H alf Italian and h a lf black, Espos­ ito has borne the brunt o f o f racism a ll his life and the message he takes to his audience is that racism must end now. His lecture at W illam ette is sponsored by the O ffice o f M u lticu ltu ra l Student A ffairs and is free to the public. For more inform ation call Joyce Greiner at 370-6265. Arrangements can be made fo r the hearing impaired. Jefferson High School Presents Jazz Night Jefferson High School presents its annual Jazz N ight this year on February 7, (Thursday) at 7:30 pm in the Jeffer­ son Auditorium , 5210 N. Kerby S l This year’s program features the Jef- fersound Jazz Band, directed by David Bryan; the Jazz Im prov Combo, under the direction o f M att S c h iff and David Bryan; and the Jefferson Jazz-Artists Combo with its outstanding professional musicians: David Bryan, trombone; Dean Comely trumpet; Dee W iggins, drums; Tim Gilson, bass; Earle M inor, saxophone; M att Schiff, guitar, and Gordon Lee, piano. These artists are all widely-known performers and teachers and together, represent a fine collec­ tion o f local jazz ta le n t This is a benefit concert fo r the Jef- ferson Concert Band's European T our and w ill fund its participation in the 20th International Youth and M usic Festival in Vienna, Austria, in July 1991. Students and parents are w orking hard to raise the $125,000 that is re­ quired to make this trip a reality. A Dinner/Dance and Reno N igh t is sched­ uled for A p ril 13 at the Red L io n /L lo y d Center and a final Bonvoyage Concert at the Intermediate Theater o f the Port­ land Center fo r the Perform ing Arts is planned for June 3. Tickets fo r Jazz N igh t are a vail­ able at Jefferson High School and may be purchased at the d o o r $2.50/Stu- dents and seniors; $5 Adults; and $10 Families. Oregon Public Broadcasting It's A Whole ‘Nutha Thing for Eddie Levert, Walter Williams, and Sammy Strain-who together make up THE O'J AYS, a threesome who over the course of a quarter of a century, has consistently made music that is fresh, innovative, and passionate. It is that idiosyncratic O'J AYS sound, the sultry, gut-wrenching and sheer power of Edie Levert and Walter Williams; vocals, coupled with the ability to grow, change, and mature with the times, which has given THE O’J AYS the legendary status which they fully deserve. With a brand new EMI album titled IT'S A WHOLE ‘NUTHA THING due out in January, THE O'J AYS are warming up with a few select shows across the country to preview some of the new material, and also rehearse some classic O’J AYS. NOW' FRESH FRYERS W ed. FEB. 2 7 th ru S u n . MAR. 3 Lvnden / - «MEMORIAL COLISEUM whole fryers farms ★ P E R F O R M A N C E S * Wed. FEB. 27 OREGON GROWN 7:30PM Fred Meyer FRED MEYER/KATU FAMILY N IG HT ALL TICKETS $3.00 OFF with Coupons from FRED MEYER Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun. t FEB. 2 8 ............................................... 7:30P M * MAR. 1 ...........................4 :0 0 P M t.... 7:30PM MAR. 2... 12N O O N t ...,3:30P M 7:30PM MAR. 3 ...........................1:30P M 5:30PM KPTV KIDS’ SHOWS U2J SAVE $2.00 KPTV ON KIDS UNDER 12! KGW TV KGW M IC KEY HIP PACK NIG HT One FREE Mickey Hip Pack will be given to each child under 12! POUND h M 3 WAYS TO GET YOUR TICKETS locations including CIVIC AUDITORIUM and $ PC PA BOX OFFICES (service charge added at outlets) BY PHONE: (5 0 3 ) 2 4 8 -4 4 9 6 BY M AIL: Send self-addressed, stamped envelope with check or money order payable to WALT DISNEY’S WORLD ON ICE, Memorial Coliseum, P.O. Box 2746, Portland, OR 97208 V ($1.50 service charge per mail order) * * * * * * * * * YOUR BEST ENTERTAINMENT V A L U E !********* $ 7 .5 0 - $ 9 .5 0 - $ 1 1 .5 0 PRICE INCLUDES TAX Mo«»» OH» Pr turnon IC» ml • Ciwo PolM « 2 HM M , OU K THIGHS I S e a fo o d R e s ta u ra n t & Bar -- S in c e 18 9 1 - -L u n c h & D in n e r 226-4171 Reese’s Oil Company Wish You A Happy Holiday Best Price In Town 7 Day/ Service 287-2121 - A . . ‘ . /i*-* ,V. .... ~ M orning Edition 5am-9am Monday-Friday “ L iv e ” reports from the g u lf in every hour, plus “ liv e ” m ilita ry briefings daily. C all-in and Discussion lla m - lp m Daniel Shore and M iddle East scholars w ith briefings from the Pentagon in V irginia. Marketplace 4pm-4:30pm M onday-Friday Business news dealing w ith the war in the war in the gulf. ‘ L iv e ” reports every hour. A ll Things Considered 5pm-6:30pm Monday-Friday Fresh A ir 6:30pm-7:30pm Monday-Friday Providing an historical, religious and often personal prospective on the war in the Persian G u lf w ith leading scholars, journalists and government officials. K O A C -A M O N L Y 11pm-12pm Rebroadcast o f M cN eil/Lehrer Newshour. out Oregon and Southwest Washing­ ton.” The radio statioins o f Oregon Public Broadcasting serving Oregon and south­ west W ashington are Portland 91.5 FM ; Pendeleton 90.9 FM ; Bend 91.3 F M and C orvallis 550 A M , w ith translators serving twelve additional communities throughout the state. Nineteen hours every day o f hourly newscast w ith live reports from the gulf: OPB radio w ill carry all live re­ ports throughout the day as they be­ come available. “ W ith our national and local re­ sources OPB radio is providing the most in-depth radio coverage o f the war in the g u lf to the listeners through- W orld Beat Reggae House Rap Blues Soul Gospel Folk Jazz DRUMSTICKS $4 69 POUND $1 39 ju m p w Jump POUND THE FRIENDLIEST STORES IN TOWN SINCE 1908 iolimit SPECIAL EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 5 through 10 1991 ouantiws MEMBER OF U'llTED GROCERS In a m ajor e ffo rt to help kids want to read fo r pleasure. Burton, nine-year host o f Reading Rainbow, has joined forces w ith Bozell A dvertising, M pls., T D I (Transportation Displays Incorpo­ rated), the National Science Foundaton and Reading R ainbow’s firs t ever out- of-home public service advertising campaign. The campaign’ s goal is to make in ­ fluential adults o f at-risk kids aware o f Reading Rainbow-a public television program that encourages 5 to 8 year- olds to read for pleasure. We want parents and adults to encourage c h il­ dren to watch the show and in turn get excited about reading. To reach this goal. Burton w ill drive the message “ A T V Program T ha tT u m sK id sO n T o R ea din g: Read­ ing Rainbow” home on exterior bus posters and billboards located in three m ajor U.S, cities, M pls./St. Paul, New Y ork and Los Angeles. M ore im por­ tantly, the message w ill appear in both English and Spanish in New York and Los Angeles. Follow ing the success o f the campaign in these test markets, the creative design w ill be provided to PBS stations aertoss the country enabling them to plan their own localized out- of-home campaigns. CHINOOK SALMON OR BROILED LOBSTER TAILS JUMBO PRAWNS FISH & CHIPS CLAM CHOWDER BROILED HALIBUT CRAB STUFFED MUSHROOMS LOBSTER THERMIDOR OR PAN FRIED OYSTERS SAUTEED SHRIMP ROSSI OR STEAK & LOBSTER CRAB AU GRATIN OR FRENCH FRIED SCALLOPS STEAM CLAMS OYSTER STEW CHICKEN STEAKS O R ----- 1035 S.W. Stark (Corner 11th & Stark) hcw FRESH FRYER PARTS LeVar Burton has been seen “rolling” around several U.S. cities. Information: (503) 248-4496 Group Rates: (503) 235-8771 or (503) 230-6702 CD.^y • A 39 POUND (service charge added to phone orders) ALL SEATS RESERVED â n SPLIT FRYER BREASTS IN PERSON: MEMORIAL COLISEUM BOX OFFICE and all G.l. JOE'S 77 « ice carries the whole gamut o f live , up- to-the-minute coverage o f the war and the best analysis o f the activities in the M iddle East,” she said. O P B’ s radio coverage o f the war includes the fo l­ lowing: “ Radio listeners intrested in the most comprehensive coverage o f the latest developments in the Persian g u lf war should tune in to Oregon Public Broadcasting radio.” according to V irgin ia Breen, V.P. fo r O P B ’ s state­ wide radio network. “ O ur radio serv­ HOURS WHAUAVS 8AM to 4PM SUNDAY •AM lo 7PM Music USED re y 31 NW F irs t •& , MÍAN l / irgc I a > 223-9919 W ednesday Little Women Thursday Ohio Players Friday Dub Squad / Little Women Saturday Dub Squad / > Little Women Sunday Carol Mack Band Monday Lew Jones Tuesday S Little Women ft Í c o ’s Portland, Or. 9723?. 503-284-1828 2225 N.E. Broadway Best Cash Prices Speedy Service DAD'S OIL SERVICE Heating Oils Friendly C all for Quote!!! 104 NE Russel St. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 282-5111 Enriched Stim ulating Learning Environm ent * Safe * Certified * Q uality I t ’s A Small W orld 225 N. Killingsworth Portland, OR 97217 Carolyn Sims Owner -/ f 285-9008 * ? ; * • . »>- : ' 1 v ‘ V • *