9 ■ ' ►V -■. *'«• *>•»•••*•* <*V « t ^■9 •► d «* ■< V V 0 * 4 •» * ■íX-X-IvívX«’ BY MATTIE ANN CALLIER-SPEARS She knew it was wrong. She was in church. She, by her own admission, had a mother who cared about her. So- why was this? I began praying for her, rebuking Satan in the name o f Jesus Christ. Pleading that Satan would lose his bounds on her. She began to cry and started calling me “ M am a” , several times, she said, " I ’m sorry M ama but I can ’t help it. M ama I w on’t do it any m ore.” She w asn’t seeing me but she was seeing her mother. In her drugged state, she knew that she had broken a prom ise. I told her that she could do it- with G od’s help. She was just going to the wrong source. A fter we prayed and she cired, she was still wanting me to give her ten dollars. I realized that this was the only way that 1 was going to stop her from going back out there to those cars as soon as my back was turned. I gave her the m oney and a copy o f the “ Daily B read” . From the booklet, I read her a passage that was so appropriate. I asked her where was she going. I told her if she was going to that house-1 was going , . . . February 6,1991—The Portland Observer - Page 3 Portland Observer by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears • * » * ♦ * * > • < * « * ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ • '» ► < ♦ • ♦ » ♦ » ♦ ♦ * » RELIGION O Freedom SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK: II CORINTHIANS 9:7-15 [The War Within] [continued from last week’s sk’! issue] to take the money back. “ Go get you something to e a t” I told her. I gave her a hug and she waved at me saying “ Good-bye and thank you. I ’m not going to that house.” Just as she got to the com er, here com es the police. They stopped her and put her in the car. They came down to the parking lot, o f the office, where I was still standing. “ W e received a call. Is this the person?” the police asked. “ Yes, she is but I have talked to her, and if you can take her home, I would appreciate it very m uch.” The police said that they w anted to talk to her first and assured me that they would take care o f her. They pulled off with her in the back seat. Until this day, I have never seen this young woman on any com er. Now- whether or not she continues to use drugs and/or alcohol, I have no idea. But-w hat does matter is that I shared C hrist with her in her time of need. My m other always told us that everything, no m atter how good or how bad, happens for som e reason. These young people, whom I have just cited, are classic exam ples of some o f the problems that cause wars inside o f us. They believed that their reason was completely valid and the results were warranted. The Holy Scripture says that we are engaged in spiritual warfare. The wars that we fight and wage are not wars o f the flesh but are wars o f the spirit, o f principalities and powers. Satan is real. But-he does not have the last word. H e’s a liar, a deceiver, a con- niver, and a low down dirty rat who dem ands all that you have and gives nothing back, in return. Why would you w ant to have anything to do with the likes of him. Yuk! Spit him out of your mouth. Rebuke him in the name of Jesus. But-Warning! Warning! D on’t attem pt to go up against him unpre­ pared. If you don’t have the right fight­ ing equipm ent. If you don’t have the right fight clothes. D on’t even try it. H e’ll eat you for breakfast, lunch, din­ ner and snacks. Sounds funny, huh? But, I give you fair warning. Satan will cause you to despise your father and your mother. He will cause you to commit many sins-only if you let him. G ood and evil are speaking to you all the time. You m ustdecide which voice you will listen to. You cannot love both good and evil. You m ust love one and hate the other. Those who have tried to hold on to both have lost their minds; their ability to reason; som etim es they can’t tell night from day. D on’t let G od go! D on’tg iv e upon the Holy Spirit! G od’s W ord is true. Many people can tell you many things and these things are not alw ays true. W e cannot put all o f our trust in m an’s ability. For-as long as we are clothed in this house o f flesh, we are prone to sin. But-only the effectual workings o f the Holy Spirit, in your life, can keep you in spiritual check. A daily, earnest striving to know God, and Jesus C hrist whom He has sent, would bring pow er and efficiency to the soul. The know lege obtained by diligent searching of the Scriptures would be flashed into the memory at the right time. But if any had neglected to ac­ quaint themselves with the w ords of Christ, if they had never tested, if they had never known, if they had never asked for the pow er o f His grace in the times o f trials, of war, o f distress, they could not expect the Holy Spirti to bring His W ords to their rem em brance. W e have to serve God on a daily basis with undivided affection and-then, w e’ve got to put all our trust solely on and in Him who died that we might have a right to the tree o f life. Jesus C hrist’s entire life was bared on rational, w holesom e judgem ents. He did not go about conniving and swindling people. C hrist was honest at all times even when he taught his dis­ ciples, as he teaches us today. H e said, “ Ye shall be hated o f all men for My nam es’s sake; but he that endures until the end, the same shall be saved.” [Mark 13:13] D on’t worry about things that we have no control over. W e cannot con­ trol what is happening in the Middle East-but, we can control the war that is happening in sid eo f u sju stb y believing on the worthy King o f Kings. It is Satan’s jo b to fill m an’s heart with doubt. He leads them to look upon God as mean and uncaring. He will tem pt them with sin, and then-he will have them regard them selves as too vile, too dirty, too broken to approach the Heav­ enly Father, God Almighty. C hrist was a man o f PE A C E and all those servants o f C hrist are called to do the same work. Beware! lest, in seeking to prevent discord, they surren­ der the truth. They are to ‘ ‘follow after the things which m ake for p eace” . [Romans 14:19], Real peace can never be secured by com prom ising your p rin­ ciples. And-now man can be true to their principles w ithout exciting o p p o ­ sition. The children o f Light will a l­ ways be opposed by the children o f ‘darkness’. Thus-w e have W AR! O! Freedom! Lord may w e w ork the work o f them that love you. M ay we walk in the path o f righteousness for your nam e sake. And after all the wars have been fought and this old w orld, we know it, has passed aw ay-L ord m ay we, your children, be caught up in the air with you Lord. C aught up in a place that has not been m ade by human hands. A place where there will be no more crying. There will be no more burdens, no more sickness, no more death. And- Hallelujah!! There will be no more W ars. O! Freedom! Faith Tabernacle Church Holds Revival Revival, to some, is a bad word. But during this time o f afflictions, on mankind, the Faith Tabernacle Church extended invitations to Pastors, direc­ tors, groups and participants in various ministires, to be preasent at the “ VIC­ TORY REVIVAL ’91" which was held on Saturday, January 26, 1991. The purpose of the revival was to lift up the name o f Jesus through testi­ mony, praise, and worship. Through words o f exhortation and encourag- ment, the goal is to unite, with one- accord, let Satan and the community know that God is yet on the throne. God is working through the services made Announcement The Lay Organization o f Bethel A .M £ . Church, 5828 NE 8th Avenue, will hold it’s Annual program , February 17,1991 at 4:00 PM. The theme for the day is : “ Let Your Light So Shine.” O ur guest speaker will be Represen- It is the hope and prayers o f C FFD that all G ods’ children would work in one accord to bring about a change in this community. How it must grieve the Master to see how we are handling His creation. All that God made was beau­ tiful and God said, ‘ ‘T hat’s good! ’’ But now, man has made a m ess out of beauty and good. It is up to us to right our wrongs with the help o f the Holy S pirit Anyone w anting to know more about this com m unity outreach, please call 282-8071. May G od be praised. the w ord o f God lets us know in the fifty-ninth chapter o f Isaiah, ‘ ‘So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west and his glory from the rising o f the sun. W hen the enemy shall com e in like a flood, the Holy Spirit, o f the Lord, shall lift up a standard against him ” . Present were representatives from groups in the community such as: CFFD, J ADA, Love Inc., W ings o f Love, Re- Direction, the Gang Task Force, MAGIC, House o f Umoja, Pnuema, the Portland Police Department, the Faith Fellow ­ ship Church M inistry, and several other com m unity organizatons and person- aliites. available by the groups and ministries that were represented that evening. Pastor Osborne and the CFFD [Christian Fellowhsip Freed and D eliv­ ered] M inistry headed by Elder Greg and Cynthia W ilson found that on the onset o f 1991, that the drug, alcohol, gang and crim e problems in our com ­ munity are yet prevalent. A fter evalu­ ating the existence of programs w ork­ ing to com bat these problem s, they found that there were many groups working tirelessly providing ministries in these areas. Bishop G race C. O sborne, pastor o f Faith Tabernacle Church, stated that ' J u Wigland One of the Northwest Largest W/g Displays Wigs and Hairpieces For all Nationalities E va G abor N aom i S ims R enee of P aris Synthetic & Human Hair For Braiding & Weeving 1 The Christian Fellowship Freed and Delivered ministry is sponsoring a workshop for persons wanting to get involved in support services. The ses­ sions will begin at ten, in the morning, on February 16,1991 and will continue until two, in the afternoon. All persons interested should begin registration on February 11th at the church. The fee for the workshjop is $ 10 which will include lunch and an infor­ mation packet. A special rate o f $20 has been set for groups. A group may be 3 or more people from one organization. For more information and registra­ tion, call 282-8071. Mon - Fr. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday 10 - 5:30 pm Near Lloyd Center 282-1664 1105 N.E. Broadway Creole Gumbo Dinner Enjoy the atm osphere and flavorful cuisine of Southwestern Louisiana at Immaculate Heart Church's annual chicken and seafood CREOLE GUMBO DINNER. Saturday, February 9,1991, Noon until 8:00 p.m. • >l 'Before You Must" - Make a Decision - "Inquire about the services we offer" Cox Funeral Home, Inc. 281-4891 24 Hr. Service We are interested in your problems Jesus Loves You/ .Aliali Täiijpiy Œ Orcffáh Psalm 3 4 :3 at 4236 NE Eighth Avenue Immaculate Heart Parish Community Center, 2926 N. Williams Ave., Portland, Oregon, 97227. (c o m * of 8th ft Skidmore) Portland, O regon 97211 (503) 287-0261 Cost: Adults $7.00, Children under 12 $3.00. For tickets, call Bonnie...287-3724 or send check to Immacu­ late Heart Church at the above address. Maranatha Church MT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH WE ARE MOVING SUNDAY SERVICES TO 4222 N.E. 12th Avenue, Portland, Oregon Sunday Services Stone Tower Church, N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 30th Worship Services 8:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. Church School 9:30 A.M. to 10:30 A.M. Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 N.E.Schuyler 10:30 A.M. and 6:30 P.M. Sunday School 9:00 A .M . Morning Worship 10:30 A.M . Evening Worship 6:00 P.M. Midweek Service - Wednesday 7:00 P.M. Saturday - BASIC Youth Service 7:00 P.M. Radio Ministry each Sunday. 8:00 A.M.-KBMS A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin. Senior Pastor ‘M arantha L ive” Radio Program /Talk Show KPDQ 9.37 Fm 800 Am 11:00 P.M. io 12:00 midnight (Each Sunday) Church Office 116 N.E Schuyler, Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church 8101 N. Fiske Avenue Portland, Oregon 97203 Church Phone: 289-0147 Study Phone:289-1911 Sunday Service 10:45 Sunday School 9:30 Bible Study 6:00 Evening Service 7:00 P.M. Pastor, Rev. James C.E. Faulkner Rev Wendell H. Wallace Senior Pastor Them e: W hatever yo u ’re going to do fo r the Lord, do it now. I Peter iv .ll • •* A »N* AA SXol M M M u M t * ’ '’ * . % * -M'.» “ . » * w • • * .1 Ï? • a- a •1 & * Network 91 Workshop tative M argaret Carter, State R epre­ sentative for D istrict 18, and guest so­ loist will be Dr. Carl E. Parker, C oun­ selor at Portland Com m unity College. W e are planning an excellent pro­ gram and invite the public to share in this service with us. /< ft