Page 10” The Portland Observer-February 6, 1991 Portland Observer Advertising »Employment n Bids/Sub-Bids Secretary Together, we can make a difference Since 1945, the Urban League o f Portland has been working to improve the quality of life for individuals by seeking to achieve economic pantv and self-sufficiency through com­ munity outreach and educa­ tional programs We are currently in a state of transition, increasing and fine tuning our services to more folly serve our constitu­ ents, particularly in the area of Employment Services. It is for this area that we are seeking an Strtiukud PORT LASO O P tb O * "J l x s J q a n c o r p O First Interstate Bank Employment Outreach Coordinator In this highly visible position, you will be responsible for inter­ viewing and screening applicants for referral to Portland area em- plovers and developing com­ munity outreach programs and presenting these programs through­ out the community. You will also provide job counseling and try to find applicants a job that matches their skills and experi­ ence. This is a foil-time position, initially scheduled to last for approximately one year. You'll need a minimum o f 2 years’ Human Resource employment experience, proven PR skills and an en­ thusiastic, “never say die" attitude. A superior organizational ability is a must and pnor experience in program start-up would be highly desirable. This is an outstanding opportunity to im­ prove the community w hile sharpening your employment skills. Nike, Mentor Graphics, First Interstate Bank, U.S. Bancorp and Standard Insurance have teamed up with The Urban League of Portland to bring minorities and others who need special assis­ tance back into the work force. It is through their participation that the Urban League is able to continue our work and develop the resources o f our citizens. We offer a competitive salary and benefits package as well as the opportunity' to make a difference in the life o f our community. For prompt and confidential consideration, please send your resume to: The Urban League of Portland, 10 North Russell Street, Portland, O R 97227. We are an equal opportunity employer. The Urban League of Portland City Of Portland Maintenance Director - to $62,650/yr Systems Planner - to $49,899/yr For more info/closing dates call (503) 248-4573 (24 hr job information) No resumes please Bureau Of Personnel 1220 S .W . 5th Ave., First FI. Portland, OR 97204 Apps also available at: Urban League 10 N. Russell Minorities, females and disabled encouraged to apply Special Services M em orial C oliseum Auditing INTERNAL A U D ITO R Starting Salary: $8.69/huur. Fulltime. W e’re looking for a well-organized person with good clerical and secretarial skills to support the Security, Medical and Admissions department (Special Serv­ ices) based in Memorial Coliseum. Includes word processing, payroll, telephones, and various statistics, permits, etc High School diploma or GED. Two years general office experience required. Law enforcement clerical records-keeping experience preferred. 60 wpm. Ten key. WordPerfect 5.0. Open to residents of First Opportunity Target Area only, February 5-18: Boundaries are Banfield Free­ way, South; NE 42nd Ave., East; N. Columbia Bv., North; N. Chautaqua including Columbia Villa, West. For other job information call JobLine 230-6711. Apply in person at offices of M em orial Coliseum, 1401 N. W heeler. JOB OPPORTUNITY Call our 24-Hour JobLine at 280-4727 for a-lifting of current openings at Emanuel Hospital & Health Center. EMANUEL HOSPITAL & HEALTH CENTER A A L « |* 7 Member Equal Opportunity Employer, MFH. C ounselor N O R TH E A S T C O A LITIO N OF N E IG H B O R H O O D S , INC. YO UTH G ANG S PR O G R A M ADM INISTRATIVE Special A ssistant to the Executive Director O R EG O N STATE BAR < i lA t w W lm r r t C t M ft lk fA R n Responsibilities focus in auditing and financial analy­ ses for the Company and subsidiary operations. Ideal candidates will possess a strong auditing back­ ground; preferably holding a CPA/CIA. Work history exposure to oil, gas and extractive account­ ing issues is highly desirable. A 3+ years audit back­ ground and Big 6 CPA experience are desired. Ex­ cellent verbal/written communication skills are es­ sential. Excellent benefit package. Please direct your resume, salary history/require- ments and a letter of application: Northwest Natural Gas Co. P.O. Box 3410 Portland, Oregon 97208-3410 Equal Opportunity Employer JOB LINE - 503/220-2434 POSITION: PROJECT DIRECTOR The Special Assistant is responsible for performing a wide variety of administrative and management activi­ ties within the Executive Service Division. This posi­ tion will provide general administrative support while coordinating activities of the Executive Director and the Board of Governors of the Oregon State Bar. The Special Assistant is responsible for completing special projects for the executive director in areas of budget­ ing, long-range planning, bar governance and will interact directly with members of the public legal pro­ fession, the judiciary and bar staff. This position requires: an associate degree from a college or university; minimum of seven years pro­ gressively responsible administrative work preferably for management in a corporate or governmental set­ ting; skills in all aspects of administration. Applicants must have excellent interpersonal and communication skills. A Bachelor’s degree in business or public ad­ ministration is preferred. Apply immediately. Send a resume with a cover letter that specifically addresses how the applicant meets the minimum and desired qualifications set for this posi­ tion to: Jack Pessia, Personnel Officer Oregon State Bar, A ttn: SPA 5200 SW Meadows Road Lake Oswego, OR 97035-0889 Deadline for applications is Friday, February 15,1991. Equal Em ployer nt Opportunity Employer The Youth Gang Project is a component of the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods, Inc., funded by the city of Portland's Bureau of Com ­ munity Development, Multnomah County, and United Way. The Youth Gang Project services include: Outreach to your, families, and com m u­ nity and planning/networking with youth serving agencies. The Project D irector’s responsibilities include: ■ Staff supervision ■ Program reports to funding agencies, governm ental agencies and com m unity groups ■ Budget preparation and monitoring ■ Coordination of services with City, County and non-profit agencies B Program and staff development and evaluation B Program evaluation B Reports to funders, Task Force and NEC Board B Makes presentations to community groups, agencies, as needed B is project spokesperson to media Skills Required for Position: B Demonstrated supervisory experience Ability to com m unicate effectively, both written and orally B Demonstrated skills with budgets B W orking knowledge of Inner Northeast/North Portland helpful ■ Familiarity with Youth Serving Agencies and Juvenile Justice System B Experience in working with diverse groups A high degree of confidentiality required for this position. Police security checks will be required. Finalist must have insured vehicle with valid Oregon Drivers License. Apply in person at: Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods 4815 N.E. 7th Avenue, C-25 Portland, OR 97211 Applications must be returned by Friday, February 15,1991,5:00 p.m. No applications will be mailed. No phone calls please. Alcohol & Drug certified counselor to w ork 37.5 hours per w eek serving m inority clients in an o u p a tie n t tre a tm e n t program located in north­ east Portland. Send resum e by 1/25/91 to: C.C .M .H., 6329 N.E. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard, Portland, OR 97211. Attn.: P erson- nel. Piano for sale: W AN TED R esponsible party to take on small m onthly pa y­ ments. See locally. T ra d e -in s a cce p te d . C redit m anager 1-800- 2 3 3 -8 6 6 3 . T h e O b s e rv e r has changed the fo rm at of the classified section. If you have any ques­ tions, please call our office at (503) 288- 0033. Employment Opportunities Multnomah County Senior Management Auditor - $31,111 - $35,788 annually DOE; plan, prepare, and conduct performance audits in accordance with auditing principles for improved effi­ ciencies in a government environment; re­ quires a Bachelors degree in a related field and three years of experience preferably in performance auditing; apply by February 8, 1991. WHERE TO APPLY : Multnomah County Employee Services, Room 1430,1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland, OR 97204. R esource D evelopm ent Project C oordinator Responsible for volunteer recruitment, orientation, recognition, grantwriting, coordination of referrals to social agencies, and com pletion of special project. Requires effective com m unication skills, ability to work as a team member, good public relations skills, and recent com puter experience. Requires two years experience in a com m unity health care setting, and a com m itm ent to the com m unity served. Course level work in business preforred. Salary to $1,666/month. Mail cover letter and resume to: NPCHC 5311 N. Vancouver Avenue Portland, Oregon 97217 By: Saturday, February 9 ,1 9 9 1 . Multnomah County is an Equal Opportunity Employer offering an excellent benefit pack­ age. Nursing Licensed Practical Nurse/ Educational Assistant Substitutes N o rth east Coalition Of N eighborhoods, Inc. Youth G angs Program Buy a HUD home in a hurty with Express Bid! P o s lto n : O u tre a c h W o rke r O ne (1) P erm anent F u ll-T im e P o s itio n and One (1) T e m p o a rty P o s tio n Forty (40) hour work week. Salary is $8.50 per hour. Some flexibility in hours based on needs of the program. Health benefits and vaction and sick leave after six (6) months of em ploym ent included in the permanent position. High degree of confidentiality is required for this position. Employee will be working with youth, parents, schools, juvenile jusitce system, police, com m unity residents and agencies involved with the Youth Gang Force. Applicants should possess the ability to articulate ideas effectively, both in written form and orally, before groups o f citizens parents, public entities, schools and com m unity-based organizations. Should have knowledge of and be fam iliar with, the Inner North/Northeast N eighborhood Area Police security checks will be required of all finalists. Finalists must have insured vehicle and valid Oregon Drivers License. Applications must be returned by: Friday, February 15, 1991, 5:00 p.m. No applications will be mailed. No telephone calls please Apply in person at: Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods, 4815 N.E. 7th Avenue, Portland, OR 97211 Our tremendously successful Express Bid program makes the process o f bidding for and buying a HUD home faster and easier than ever. That’ s because now when you bid full price* or better on any H U D home, that bid w ill be opened at our daily (Tues.-Fri.) 2:00 p.m. bid opening. Express Bids end the usual l()-day wait, speeding up decisions on every full price or better bid submitted. ( If more than one Express Bid arrives for the same property at the same bid opening, the highest net bid is considered for acceptance.) Place your advertisement In the Portland Observer / , Office# ^503) 288-0033 Fax# (503) 288-0015 ' . ___ —_______ tl . . ____ __ . So if you're looking for a real home­ buying bargain, and you’ re in a real hurry, then ask your real estate agent to Express your hid on a H U D home. It's another great reason to go with The Home Team" advantage! For a listing o f H UD homes available now . cheek the real estate classified section o f the Sunday Oregonian. *A minimum full price hid is list price less a maximum b'A broker commission and a maximum V/, closing cost paid by HUD if requested. âH U D , DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING ANO URBAN DFVFLOPMFNT «01991 by HUD, Portland Office Current licensure as a licensed Practical Nurse with the State of Oregon required. $9.85/hr Required MESD employment applications can be obtained in person at MESD’s Re­ cruitment Office at 11611 NE Ainsworth Circle, (Airport Way), hours are 8:00-5:00, Monday thru Friday. To receive application materials by mail, please send a self-ad­ dressed, stamped envelope indicating posi­ tion of interest to Multnomah Education Service District, Attn. Recruitment Of­ fice. P 0 Box 301039, Portland, Oregon 97220-1039. An Equal Opportunity Employer Druq Free Work Place Volunteers Of A m erica Position Openings FAMILY W ORKER in shelter for homeless wom en and children. Bachelor’s degree, experience with high risk children/families, know l­ edge of domestic violence issues required. Minorities encourage to apply. Call Molly 232-6562 EOE CASE MANGER in shelter for home­ less women and children. Bache­ lor’s degree in psychology, sociol­ ogy, social work or related field; experience with high risk childen/ families, knowledge of casework methods, com munication skills required. Minorities encouraged to apply. Call Molly 232-6562. EOE. < /-/Af.' r. -