▼ ♦ ♦ ♦ /• ♦ li January 30,1991—The Portland Observer-Page 5 Black Males Have Positive Attitude Toward Education M ost black male high school stu­ dents have positive attitudes about academic accomplishment, according to a study by a member o f the faculty o f Transylvnia, U niversity in Lexington, Kentucky. Louis B. G allien, Jr., an assistant professor o f education, says universi­ ties and colleges need to do a belter job in preparing w hite teachers to teach and interact w ith black males. “ L ittle attention is paid to an ex­ amination o f the environment, history, culture and learning styles o f black youth, especially males,” Gallien said. Noting that most teachers are white females, he said, “ Institutions o f higher learning must shoulder the responsibil­ ity fo r adequately preparing their stu­ dents fo r this population.” G allien said black males are the most at-risk segment o f the population. I f current trends continue, he said, it ’ s conceivable that by the year 2000, up to 70% o f the black men in this country w ill be either dead, in prison or ad­ dicted to drugs. He also said black males suffer from debilitating health problems to a greater degree than males in other ethnic or racial groups. G allien began the study when he was on the faculty o f M illsaps College in Jackson, M ississippi. He joined the Transylvnia faculty in the fall o f 1969 and completed the study in the fa ll o f 1990. He surveyed black male students at fiv e Jackson-area high schools with d iffering backgrounds and approaches to education. An incident in a Jackson class­ room helped inspire the project. Gal- lien, w hile on the Milsaps faculty, was observing a student teacher in a pre­ dominantly black public school. When the teacher asked the students, all o f whom were black, to turn in their homework assignments, all the females did so. None o f th males turned in any work, and were asked to go out to the hall to complete the assignment. G al­ lien examined that work, and discov­ ered that their w ritin g had a great deal o f potential. He then decided to study the attitudes o f the males toward school, their academic potential, and career as­ pirations. * ‘ I sensed that their attitudes about the school were good, but they s till weren’t getting involved academically,” said Gallien. For his study, he chose five Jackson-area high schools that offered a very unusual variety o f envi­ ronments: -Bailey Alternative Secondary School, an alternative magnet school that emphasizes cooperation and group learning; -Piney Woods Country L ife , a boarding school outside the city w ith a strong history as a predominantly black school; -Lanier High, an inner city school; -Murrah High, which was all-white before desegregation and now is pre­ dominantly black; -St. Joseph’ s Catholic H igh, a ra­ cially integrated suburban school. He found that overall attitudes to­ ward school were good; most black male students felt they could do s ig n ifi­ cantly better academically; and most wanted to be known as men o f charac­ ter and purpose, a finding Gallien says was especially heartening in the midst o f a lack o f economic and advanced educational opportunity. He also found that no one environ­ ment was clearly best in promoting academic success.” It is clear that many different school cultures may w o rk ,” he said. “ The issue is options. I f black communities are not given the same educational opportunities and diversity in choice as their w hite counter parts, then we w ill fa il in our attempts to reach a ll black youth.” Gallien hopes his study w ill serve as a starting point fo r some construc­ tive programs. “ I want to get the research out there and then do something about it where we liv e ,” he said. One project now under way is a scholar/mentor program in which Tran­ sylvnia students arc matched w ith ele­ mentary school students in an e ffo rt to promote academic progress. Gallien supports the concept o f peer tutoring, where a black male who is doing w ell in school works w ith one who isn’t “ Research has shown tim e and tim e again that a ll some students need is a m odel,” Gallien said. Gallien also advocates opening schools in the summer and providing more summer programs for youth. “ You have to b uild a broad-based coalition to address the problem ,” he said. “ I tell white people ‘ unless you get involved, we w ill have a national catastrophe on our hands, and everyone w ill be affected.” Tektronix Employees Eligible For Trade Act Assistance The U.S. Department o f Labor announced today that approximately 100 employees o f Tektronix, Inc.’s Waveform D ivision, C R T Operation, and approximately 19 employees o f the company’s Integrated C ircu it Opera­ tions, both located in Beaverton, Ore., have been certified as eligible to apply for assistance under the Trade A c t o f 1974. Under the A ct, employees who are adversely affected in employment due to increased imports o f products may petition the Secretary o f labor fo r certi­ fication to apply for benefits,which may include job search assistance, cash bene­ fits and relocation allowances, among others. Employees in the W aveform D iv i­ sion, CRT Operation, produce cathode ray tubes and those in Integrated C ir­ cuit Operations produce integrated c ir­ cuits. The department’ s investigation showed that Tektronix, Inc.’ s major customers increased their purchases o f imported cathode ray tubes and inte­ grated circuits while decreasing pur­ chases from the company, w hich con­ tributed substantially to the total or partial separation o f workers. Employees o f Tektronix, In c .’s W aveform D ivision, C R T Operation, who became totally or partially sepa­ rated from employment on or after July 24, 1989, and employees o f the com ­ pany’s Integrated C ircu it Operations who became totally or partially sepa­ rated from employment on or after August 30, 1989, are e ligible to apply for benefits. Benefits are administered by the Em ployment D ivision, State o f Ore­ gon, w ith funds provided by the federal governm ent Need To Read Benefits Oregon Literacy More than $40,000 was raised during November and December for the “ Need to Read” program to bene­ fit Oregon Literacy, Inc., in its e ffo rt to continue to reach people in Oregon and Southwest Washington to read. “ Our sponsors, Safeway, Inc., Coors Brewing Company and KG O N Radio, spearheaded the month-long drive to increase awareness o f our program to teach people to read and help fund our programs,” said Shirley Randles, ex­ ecutive director o f Oregon Literacy, Inc. “ There are more than 450,000 Oregon adults who cannot read, and we call these people functionally illite r­ ate,” said Randles. “ Tw enty-four per­ cent o f adults in this state did not com­ plete high school. “ There is a real need out there to reach these people and help them help themselves by learning to read. “ In November, phone calls to the toll-free statewide hotline doubled,” said Randles. About h alf o f the callers volunteered to teach, and the others asked fo r help in learning to read. Funds raised w ill be given back to the literacy councils in communities across the state and in Southwest Wash­ ington. Local councils w ill apply to Oregon Literacy,Inc. fo r grants to meet their local literacy needs. In addition to the fundraising e f­ forts by Safeway, Coors and K G O N , Security Pacific Bank offices statewide hosted a book drive, gathering more than 10,000 books to be distributed to local literacy councils throughout the area. James River Corporation also made a donation o f $1,500 to O L I to help support their programs. For further inform ation regarding Oregon Literacy, Inc. and it programs, to volunteer to reach or to learn to read, call (503) 244-3898 or 1-800-322-8715. zacz <^zA/{zinoruaL> d z n t t ’i 128 NE RUSSELL PROTLAND OREGON 97212 (503) 281-6930 Black Studies’ New Star To Speak In Portland Dubbed “ Black Studies’ New Star” by The New Y o rk Times Magazine, Henry Louis Gates, Jr. addresses a Portland Arts & Lectures audience Wednesday, February 13,1991, at 7:30 pm. The evening w ith Gates is sup­ ported by the Black Studies Depart­ ment at Portland State University, Catbird Seat Bookstore, the Collins Foundation, Portland Public Schools, the Rose E. Tucker Charitable Trust, and the US West Foundation. Tickets for the Special Event are $10 and avail­ able at Catbird Seat Bookstore, or by m ail through Portland Arts & Lectures (812 SW Washington St., Suite 225, Portland,OR 97205,241-0543). In his lecture, Gates w ill talk about m ulticul­ turalism in the humanities. Gates speaks at the First Congregational Church, 1126 SW Park Avenue. Professor o f African-Am erican literature at Duke U niversity, editor, scholar, writer, m ajor proponent o f autonomous black studies programs, Henry Louis “ S kip” Gates, Jr. has risen to the top o f African-Am erican Literature at Duke U niversity, editor, scholar, w riter, m ajor proponent o f au­ tonomous black studies programs, Henry Louis “ Skip” Gates, Jr. has risen to the top o f African-Am erican studies in America. Controversial in his beliefs as w ell as in his “ entrepreneurial P.T. Bamum” style, this young, energetic professor has done much to improve the emerging discipline o f African- American studies-on campus and in the bookstores. General editor o f the 30- volume The Schomburg Library o f Nineteenth Century Black Women W riters, Gates is also editor o f several seminal resources: The O xford Com­ panion to Afro-A m erican Literature, co-edited w ith Houston A . Baker; A D ictionary o f G lobal Literacy, and, he is editing six volumes o f critica l essays for Warner Books, and books for V in ­ tage and New Am erican Library. Gates is also putting together The Norton Anthology o f Afro-A m erican Litera­ ture, the firs t o f its kind and destined to be required reading in every black stud­ ies department. The reputation as an entrepreneur is w ell earned. In addition to his pub­ lishing credits, Gates has worked ex­ haustively on the advancement o f black studies and literature. He was partly responsible fo r the h iring o f nine black faculty members at Cornell, his place o f employment before being lured to Duke U niversity this fall. W hile he is courted by prestigious universities across the country, Gates continues his many causes, largely un­ fazed by those critical o f his methods and beliefs. In his efforts to create a “ ‘ revised canon,’ a broader representa­ tion o f non-European cultures in the basic university curriculum and a con­ current emphasis on the contribution o f women to Western c iv iliz a tio n ” (The New Y o rk Times Magazine), he walks a fine line between the staid conven­ tions o f academia and the unchartered territory o f a developing canon. But, as he concedes, “ You have to have a canon so the next generation can come along and explode it.” Bitter Fruits from page two school boards w ill use this decision to void the im pact o f Brown, accelerating educational inequality. The way forw ard beyond the cur­ rent impasse created by the Rehnquist C ourt may be provided in a recent legal suit file d on behalf o f 37 children in state c irc u it court in Montgomery, Alabama, against the Alabama Depart­ ment o f Education and other agencies supervising public schools. The suit challenges the amount o f money given per student allocated in Alabama ’ s 129 school districts. Litigants pointed out that students in one w hite district re­ ceive $4,302 per student, compared to o nly $2,563 in a poor predominately Black school district per child. Nearly tw o thirds o f a ll local school district f i ­ nancing comes form the state govern­ ment, and o n ly one sixth comes from property taxes. The suit charges that the state o f Alabama’s form ula fo r allocating edu­ cational funds i f inherently discrim ina­ tory, and should be declared unconsti­ tutional. Alabama is the fourteenth state in the past four years which has been sued concerning the issue o f school f i ­ nancing. It is clear that the m ajority o f white Americans no longer support busing fo r school integration. In order to im ­ prove urban schools fo r m inority c h il­ dren, our most effective means is the unequal allocation o f financial resources between districts, to upgrade the qual­ ity o f schooling in low income areas. This is the next challenge in the struggle for educational equality YMCA To Hold N.E. Meeting The Northeast Y M C A is hold­ ing a com m unity meeting. Resdients o f N.E. Portland are invited to attend and make recommendation about how the Y W C A may best serve our comm unity. The N.E. Y W C A w ill also be recruiting A dvisory Committee members. The meeting w ill be held on Tuesday, Feb­ ruary fifth from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the N.E. Y W C A at 5630 N.E. M artin L u ­ ther K ing, Jr. Blvd. For more inform a­ tion, call M ary Sanders-Miller at 223- 6281. tlftpe, delicious Bananas Be Sure To Look In Your Bananas are arriving fresh from the tropic breezes ready for any use you can dream up for them. Go bananas over cereal, in a nutty bread or luscious fruit compote. Dress up a fruit salad, happy up a lunch box, or freeze a chocolate covered snack. But, go bananas! They’re ripe and ready. MAGAZINE for your Safeway Shopping Guide for a complete list of specials on sale this week at Safeway! EXPECT THE BEST! SAFEWAY COPYRIGHT 1978, SAFEWAY INC 4, 4 I a je a a A ♦ • A .* ♦ < ♦ ♦