Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 30, 1991, Image 1

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P O R T L fl
R o o it
? n -N e w s p
io n L i b r
u lf
The Eyes and Ears o f The Community"
January 30, 1991
Tubman's Science Fair Features Key Scientists
Photo courtesy of NACME
and staff. The latter a ll wore colorful
“ Options In Science” shirts.
Tight, closely coordinated sched­
uling permitted the Battelle scientists
and staff from the Oregon Museum o f
Science and Industry (O M S I) to carry
out demonstrations in 24 topical areas
o f science and technology. The range
was from earth sciences and biology to
space and ‘ ‘exploring the properties o f
various solids, gases and liquids. There
was hands on involvement by students
and the response was loud and enthusi­
astic. The level o f interest was high
throughout the day and I am sure that
much o f the success was due to a care­
fu lly crafted grade-specific organiza­
tion o f the student body. Principal Paul
Coakley had orchestrated the support
functions to perfection. There were 24
major presentation topics in all and I
w ill list some o f them here. Quite pos­
sibly, other schools in the district w ill
find them o f interest-helpful in the
design o f science programs; "B eing
The Federalization of
The Bitter Fruits of
O Freedom!
War Within) PAGE 3
Options in Science Day: Tubman Students interact with the Northwest's Top Scientists
They all came together M on­
day, January 28 at the Harriet Tubman
M iddle School on North F lin t Avenue;
students, teachers and 24 key scientists
from the Battelle Northwest Laboratory,
the largest technical research center in
the Pacific Northwest.
It was an exhilarating experi­
ence to observe the enthusiastic interac­
tion between the children and several
dozen top professionals. Each group
PFC Eric Spears,
Ullysses Tucker, Jr.
to Lead Panel Dis­
H & S
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FPO New York, NY 09502-0066
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Afexf Week
An in-depth analysis
of the Persian Gulf
war, as seen beyond
the propaganda
a 4♦«
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Private F irst Class Spears enlisted
in the United States Marines in the
w inter o f 1990. He entered boot camp
in June o f 1990 and graduated Septem­
ber 15,1990 from the San Diego, C ali­
fo rn ia ’ s M C R D (Marine Corp Recruit
Depot). He was married on November
21, 1990 to DeShawn Templeton. He
returned on November 26th to Camp
LeJeune in North Carolina. He was
sent to Saudi Arabia January 8, 1991.
His new w ife spent 7 days w ith him, in
North Carolina, before he left.
Eric graduated from Marshall High
School. A fte r com pleting three years
at Umqua Com m unity College, he en­
rolled in Mount Hood Community C ol­
lege to pursue architectural design and
engineering. Eric is one o f fo ur c h il­
dren bom to James and M attie Ann
Callier-Spears. He is a member o f
M ount O liv e t Baptist Church.
When Eric called home last week,
he said “ M om , we had a bomb scare
last night. A missile came so close to
us. We all ran fo r the bunker. Every­
one put their gas masks on and stood in
the dark u ntil we heard the a ll clear
signal. The guys were actually crying.
M om , no matter how much you train,
you s till get scared.” M om told him
no matter what, ju s t keep praying and
praising the Lord. He said,’ ’ Morn i f
there were 48 hours in a day, I would
use all o f them to praise God. We are
not the ones in control over here-God
is. I love you and tell everyone I said
‘ H i!’ "
inspired the other over the entire range o f
technical demonstrations and related
acJvities. Classrooms and the gym were
the sites fo r the fast-paced, colorful pres­
entations which lasted all day and in­
volved every student and all teachers
Corp Terry Kimmons
Army 129 Postal Co.,
APO N.Y.09657
M any o f you reading this column
have friends or acquaintances in the
Persian G ulf. Some o f you have c h il­
dren or grandchildren, brothers or sis­
ters participating in Operation Desert
Storm. Maybe your husband or w ife is
in Saudi Arabia.
The American soldiers serving in
the G u lf arc sacrificing themselves for
our country. They left behind their jobs
and their families. For those who arc
left behind to w ait and w orry, there is
much to do. You need to work just that
much harder to keep your families
together, For our soldiers overseas, they
have even more to w orry and think
Am erican soldiers and their fam i­
lies have enough on their minds now
w ithout having to w orry about dead­
lines and demands back home. Included
among those is our fast-approaching
deadline for filin g tax returns.
T h a i’s why along w ith other Sena­
tors, I introduced legislation to extend
the tax filin g deadline for Americans
stationed in the Persian G ulf.
The legislation gives the men and
women (and their spouses) up to 60
days after com pleting Operation Des­
ert Storm service to file their tax returns
and pay their taxes. They w ill not be
charged interest on taxes owed, but w ill
receive interest on refunds.
For those Americans hospitalized
for injuries sustained in Desert Storm
operations, the 60-day period w ill be­
gin upon being released from hospitals.
The b ill provides temporary relief
from federal lax filings and payments.
And, since Oregon follow s federal lax
rules, Oregonians serving in the Desert
Storm operation w ill automatically
receive an extension fo r Oregon tax
Mondays’ session was the first
formal presentation o f this well-struc-
(The latter agency is and has been the
principal sponsor and prim e mover in
the process).
Mondays’ presentation w ill not
be the end o f the interaction at this
school. The Battelle Laboratory is
looking at such innovations as a ' ‘ Sci-
entist-In-residence ’ ’ and “ Teacher In ­
ternships” at the organizations head­
quarters in Richland, Washington. I ’m
sure I speak fa irly when I state that
students, teachers, staff and the com­
m unity are a ll appreciative o f this
m otivation an direction fo r youngsters
maturing into a w orld o f increasing
And I am especially appreciative
to the two members o f Battelles’ staff
who provided me w ith the inform ation
and orientation for this article: Ms
Susan Baver, Public Relations Dept.
and Jeff Estes, Science Education
Re-Cap of War Events
•March 1990: Kuwaitian oil minister accedes to charge o f ignoring
OPEC's allotment of oil
•August 2, 1990: Iraq invades Kuwait
•September 10, 1990: U.S. Secretary of State James Baker pleads
for wider international buildup in the Middle East, six days after he
announced he foresaw a long stay for U.S. troops in the Middle East
•September 23: Hussein threatens to attack Saudi Arabian and
Israeli oilfields if Iraq is "strangled" by the U.N. economic sanctions
placed on Iraq
•Last week of September: Hussein warns his people in a televised
broadcast to ready themselves for "the mother o f all battles"
January 15,1991: Hussein's deadline to either give the nod to the
U.N. sanctions, or plot a recourse of action...he plots
•January 15, 1991: Bush, with Congress' okay, declares war
Milestone Moves
Twenty-three year old Terry is the
son o f J. V. and Nancy Kimmons. Terry
has a sister, Kim berly Black o f Patter­
son, C A , tw o nieces and one nephew.
Terry who is a graduate o f Benson High
School (1985)loves reading, music, and
traveling. This his second tour.
Tax Extension For Storm Soldiers
aware o f the earth around you-soil chem-
istry-fossils-pioneering space-robotics
and machine design-Geology-Marine
Animals-Arid Land Ecology-Waste Man­
agement-Radiation in the environment
and you-Properties o f L ig h t Environ­
mental Toxicology-Antarctic research-
M aterials Science."
tured program though it is hoped that it
can be developed into a model which
can be replicated cross the country. The
concept was introduced to Tubman back
in October by Department o f Energy
Secretary James Watkins and Oregon
Senator M ark Hatfield. The conceptual
framework was developed in 1989 at a
“ Math-Science Action Conference”
attended by representatives o f industry,
education and governmental agencies
such as the National Science founda­
tion, and the Department o f Energy
returns as well. Some states which do
not fo llo w federal rules w ill need to
enact sim ilar legislation as quickly as
As the senior Republican on the
Senate Finance Committee, which has
jurisdiction over tax issues, I w ill be
responsible fo r bringing this legislation
through the Senate committee process.
I hope, and expect, to have the coopera­
tion o f Congress to pass this legislation
into law quickly.
American servicemen and women
have made gre; sacrifices, leaving
behind their job .nd their fam ilies. It
w ill give them a ;nse o f re lie f to know
the paperwork 1 .ck home w ill w ait for
their safe rc tu n .
These men and women did not ask
for a lot when they went to the M iddle
East to risk their lives. I think Congress
owes them at least this small favor.
Saudi Arabia's King Fahd decided to permit female medical volun­
teers (which is unprecedented in Saudi Arabia-generally, females
are only permitted to provide medical attention to other females)
President Bush opted to allow gays to enter the army to serve during
the w ar-after which, they shall be forcibly discharged
Edward J. Washington Sworn In As
President Of NAACP
Edward J. Washington a life-long
resident o f Portland, was sworn in as
President o f the local chapter o f the
N A A C P on Sunday, Jan. 20,1991.
The National Association fo r the
Advancement o f
C olored People,
founded in 1909, is
the oldest and larg­
est c iv il rights or­
ganization in the
country. The Port­
land chapter, char­
tered in 1911, is the |
oldest branch west o f the Mississippi
and largest in the state.
Washington isa 16-year employee
o f U.S. West, currently w orking with
the Government and Education M arket
group w ith account responsibility for
private colleges, secondary and ele­
mentary education, and community col­
He graduated from Portland State
U niversity in 1974 in Liberal Arts and
Social Sciences. He has been involved
w ith com m unity activities throughout
his professional life, and has run for
elected office.
Washington has been a member o f
the N A A C P fo r more than 20 years. He
said his first p rio rity during his two-
year term “ is to make sure the N AA C P
continues to have the cred ib ility and
v is ib ility they have fought so hard to
earn.” “ The Portland branch is a fig ht­
ing chapter” , he said. During the late
‘ 50’ s and early ‘ 60’ s we helped get
blacks employed in retail and grocery
stores, government offices, and helped
pass the state's fa ir employment act.”
Washington is also looking to in
crease the chapter’s membership, cur­
rently at about 500; revitalize the ac­
tivities in the chapter's division, and
reach out and work closely with other
organizations in the comm unity who
have sim ilar goals.
“ We shouldn't stop striving just
because there are no more visible signs
o f discrim ination,” he said. “ There is
s till racial harassment going on. We
need to provide support fo r a ll people. ”
Judge Ancer Haggerty administered
the oath of office at Mt. Olivet Baptist