Page 8 - The Portland Observer - January 23,1991 i Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS Accounting COUNSELING Counselor-Ill Alpha House $1232-$1350 p e r m o. + b e n e fits . CODA Inc seeks Counselor III for Alpha House Adult Residential Treatm ent Program to provide di­ agnosis and treatm ent to clients, oonduct individual, group and family counseling, coordinate therapeu­ tic activities, maintain client rec­ ords, monitor milieu. Shift varies, but typically works Sun thru Thurs. To qualify: Bachelors degree in health services, psych or related field, and at least 2 yrs human services exp are required. Resi­ dential treatment exp & strong com­ munication skills preferred. Appli­ cant must be cert if ied/cert if i able in CPR. To apply submit standard CODA application form including screen­ ing question responses to address below Application materials available at CODA Inc., 210 NE 20th, Port­ land, OR 97232. Equal opportunity/affirm ative action emplover. COUNSELING Clinical Supervisor C-V A lpha H ouse. S ta rtin g S alary $1644-$2025 per m o n th p lu s e x c e lle n t b e n e fits . CODA Inc. seeks clinical supervisor for Alpha House Adult Residential Treatm ent Facility. Responsibili­ ties include administration of daily program operations .direct clinical supervision to staff of 5 counsel­ ors, co-ordination of client adm is­ sions, diagnosis and treatm ent services, consultation with proba­ tion and parole officers, develop­ ment and implementation of poli­ cies and procedures, training of staff and the general public. To qualify a m aster’s degree in a human services discipline and 2 years supervised human services experience or equivalent are re­ quired. Advanced training/experi- ence in addiction, pregnant ad­ dict, criminal justice client and resi­ dential treatm ent techniques very strongly preferred. Must be trained/ trainable in CPR and capable of adm inistering CPR for 15 minutes continuously. To apply com plete and submit standard CODA appli­ cation form including screening question responses to the address below. Application materials and instruc­ tions are available at CODA Inc., 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. Equal opportunity/affirm ative ac­ tion em ployer jMlWUlitK Through Diversity he innovative spirit at SAFECO built on the idea that involve­ T is ment in several arenas not only expands our options—it expands yours This philosophy is as true in our product and service offerings as it is in our approach to reward­ ing every employee. As one of America's largest diversified finan- cidl corporations, we offer excel­ lent salaries and an innovative benefits package Our commitment to innovation and diversity is also reflected in the unique blend of cultures ond customs in our people. By taking an active role in equal opportu­ nity efforts, we can more readily meet the needs of an increasingly complex marketplace. To that end, we particuldrly invite minority, sen­ ior, and disabled applicants to explore employment opportunities in areas such as claims, under­ writing, and clericdl support In return for your efforts, you can expect a very competitive starting salary, an excellent benefits pack­ age, and saldry incredses based on performance. Please forward your resume to SAFECO Insurance Companies, Attn: Personnel, 4101 S W Kruse Way, Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Counselor Alcohol & Drug certified counselor to work 37.5 hours per week serving minority clients in an outpatient treatment program located in north­ east Portland. Send resum e by 1/ 25/91 to: C.C M.H., 6329 N.E. M L. King Jr Blvd., Portland, OR 97211, Attn: Personnel Accounting Technician II - City of Milwaukie, Oregon. Salary: $1496-$1818/mo. DOQ, plus excellent benefit pack­ age. Sem i-skilled and skilled ac­ counting support position in the Finance Department performing a variety of regular and recurring record keeping and clerical func­ tions. Requires a high school di­ plom a supplem ented by equiva­ lent to one year post high school coursework in accounting, book­ keeping, or data processing. Two years of work experience directly involving full cycle accounting, general office and purchasing pro­ cedures, com puter data entry, cashiering and custom er service. City em ploym ent application form and supplemental questionnaire packets must be received by or before 4:00 PM, Monday, Febru­ ary 4, 1991 at the Personnel O f­ fice, City of Milwaukie, 10722 SE Main Street, Milwaukie, OR 97222; 659-5171 or Fax 652-4433. EEO. M aintenance Converting Maintenance Supervisor Jam es River Corporation is a major pulp and paper manufacturer. Our W auna Mill has an opening for an individual with a maintenance and/ or engineering background. Re­ sponsibilities include planning and scheduling the work of a 12-1G person m aintenance crew and coordinating work and maintenance downs with planners and opera­ tions supervisors. You’ll also pro­ vide training for the crew and conduct regular meetings. O ur ideal candidate has five years of experience with paper converting equipm ent; strong leadership, communication and organizational skills; and supervisory experience. The W auna Mill is located on O re­ gon Highway 30 midway between Longview and Astoria. Send your resume to Shelley Prouty, Route 2 Box 2185, Clatskanie, OR 97016. Equal opportunity em ployer James River Corporation P re c is io n C a s tp a rts C orp, is rec­ ognized as a leader in the invest­ ment casting industry. W e seek a Collections Accountant for our Structurals Division located in Portland. The position coordinates Division credit and collection ef­ forts including on-going custom er contact. Also responsible for re­ ceipt and application of custom er paym ents and credits. Requirements include a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting or closely related experience, ability to com m unicate effectively with a variety of individuals and working knowledge of Lotus 1-2-3. W e offer an excellent com pensa­ tion, benefit and bonus program. Please send your resume in con­ fidence to: D iv is io n H um an Re­ s o u rc e s Dept., #D 0010,4600 SE H arney D rive, P o rtla n d , OR 97206. Precision Castparts Corp, is an Equal opportunity Employer. Women and minorities are encour­ aged to apply. General Clerk Georgia-Pacific Corp, has an im m e­ diate opening for an individual to provide clerical support for the accounting department in the areas of compiling, posting, sorting, veri­ fying and recording data for ac­ counting reports, filing, data entry, typing and relieving other posi­ tions. Requires 1-2 years experience in professional office environment and 10-key by touch. Must have IBM or com patible com puter experi­ ence; knowledge of Lotus 123 and W ordPerfect software preferred. Applications accepted Wednesday, 1/23 through Friday, 1/25 from 9am - 4pm. If unable »o apply in person, send resume by January 25th. Please include salary history and indicate specific position. Georgia-Pacific Corporation H um an re s o u rc e s D e p a rtm e n t - 17th Floor 900 S.W. Fifth Avenue Portland, OR 97204 Equal Opportunity Employer Opportunities With Community Psychiatric Clinic Director O f Admissions University Of Oregon Eugene, Oregon Responsible for managing the undergradu­ ate recruitment program, represents the University of Oregon, and the Oregon State System of Higher Education in high schools and com m unity colleges. Will write and edit publications, interview prospective students, coordinate recruitment programs, plan community college visitations, coordinate com pus recruiting programs. Requires bachelor's degree, familiarity with higher education and at least two years admissions office experience. Master's degree preferred. To apply send a letter of application; res­ ume; and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Receivables Supervisor/Financial Analyst M artha P itts, A sso cia te D ire cto r o f A d m is s io n s , 240 O regon Hall, Eugene, O r 97403. Let­ ters of application must be received by February 1, 1991. We don't want much, just a talented supervise^ a skilled accountant, a top notch linancial analyst & a person who gets along well with people...all rolled into one. Join the City of Springfield’s aw ard­ winning Finance Department, at the forefront of many Oregon m unicipal issues. Supervises 5 p a raprofe ssionals, assist the Budget manager, do financial analysis on a wide range of issues and contracts. Requires an applicable college de­ gree; 3 yrs. progressively respon­ sible pi, fessional experience, including 1 yr. as a supervisor. Preference given for an advanced degree or certification (MBA, MPA, CPA, etc.). Apply: City of Spring- field, Human Resources, 225 5th St., Springfield, OR 97477. Dead­ line: 2/8/91. AA/EOE. The anticipated starting date is March 1,1991. The University of Oregon is an Equal Oppor­ tunity, Affrimative Action Institution com m it­ ted to cultural diversity. Women and people o fc o lo r are encouraged to apply. Attorney Lawyer Referral Pro Bono Administrator (Part-Time 20 hrs/wk, 5 FTE) Oregon State Bar This part-time position within the Member Services Division, adm insters both Lawyer Referral and Pro Bono Programs of the Bar, linking members of the public in need of legal services with attorneys willing to pro­ vide those services. Administrator provides technical assistance to local volunteer attor­ ney programs and supervises staff, m ain­ CPC is a rapidly growing Mental Health Center. W e provide services to psy chiatrically disabled children & adults and their families through a variety of nationally recognized tx progs, located throughout Seattle. We are comm itted to a culturally and emnically diverse workplace. Competttive salary & benefit pkg. SUPERVISOR-EL REY (dntn Seattle): full service residential tx facility for the homeless mentally ill seeking supervisor for the CCR and TCF pro­ grams. Challenging opport. to work in innovative, nationally recognized tx facility. Master, or BA in related field + supv. exp. Knowledge of res. prog. pref. for m entally ill adults. Day, eve & wkend hrs. BA, exp in acute care. Exp. working w/chem abuser pref. M ENTAL HEALTH NURSES Full-time & part-tim e positions in expanding mental health agency serving north central King Co. W A (Seattle). Opportunities to work w/multi-disci- plinary team s in com m unity support, crisis intervention, residential programs, providing assessments, medication evals and case mgmt, positions avail for licensed RNs & Am ps w/prescriplive authority and exp. working w/disabled mentally ill adults. PSYCHIATRIST Full-time & part-tim e positions available in expanding com m unity mental health agency serving north central King Co., W A (Seattle). Opportuni­ ties to work w/m ulti-disciplinary teams providing com m unity support, crisis in te rv t.• ition & psychosocial rehab. Min req. W A State license, exp. working w/d,cabled mentally ill adults. CRISIS W ORKER - CIS (W allingford area) Crisis walk-in & outreach prog, for mentally ill adults. Day, eve, & wk-end hrs. Salary $21,500 - 27,500. BA, exp. in acute care. Exp. working with chem. abuser pref. M ICA CASE M ANAGER - (W allingford) Day tx case mgr, m ember of a team providing case mgmt, groups, sociali­ zation & skill developm ent for mentally ill substance abusing adults, min req: BA. Pref. exp. working w/both mentally ill & substance abusing pop. Salary: $ 2 1 ,5 0 0 -2 7 ,5 0 0 . CASE M ANAGERS - CASE MGMT TEAM (north Seattle). Case mgr & supervisor positions (10) available on new case mgmt team being developed in north King County. This m ulti-disciplinary team will provide assessm ent service planning, case mgmt, crisis intervention & support to m entally ill adults. Min. req for case mgr positions: AA + 3 yrs. relevant exp. ($21,500 - 27,500). Supervisor positions: MHP qualified & supv. exp. ($25,500 - 31,500). Prior exp. working w/mentally ill persons w/special needs is highly desired. , For the above positions: Please send cover letter (identify position) and resume to: Attn: Personnel, CPC, 401 Second Ave. W. Suite 400, Seattle, W A 98119. An equal opportunity-affirm ative action employer. tains data base for program support and handles markting and advertising for related programs. Position provides occasional legal Port Of Portland Employment Opportunities advice lu client callers as needed. Skills needed: Knowledge of program ad ­ ministration, including supervision, budget­ The Port oi Portland is recruiting for Admin­ istrative Coordinators to fill future o p e n in g ! ing, program planning and evaluation. Abil­ ity to maintain com puter data base, and ex­ Administrative Coordinators provide admin- cellent interpersonal skills. strative and office support to one or more individuals. Requires graduation from afouryearcollege or university; graduation from an accredited For additional information, call the Port's school of law; mem ber of a state bar, pref­ Job Hot Line. erably Oregon. (503) 231-5478. The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Salary Range Starts at: $1,121 to $1,513 per month. Excellent benefits Included. Engineers And Engineer Techs Apply Immediately, send resume and cover letter to personnel Officer, Attn: LPB, 5200 Civil Engineer II - Project Manager: Admin City LID/ULID projects & mgmt of design const projects; develop long/short range plans, day to d a y ops, grant app prep, program budget and supervision of staff. BS in CE + 2 yrs resp exp in PW engr design arena (EIT combined w/2 yrs college level ed in engr + 2 yrs wk exp in field may be sub for degree). $33, 456-$48,828 DOQ Closing date: 2/1/91. Engineering Tech IV - Survey: Admin, manage & supr city’s survey sec­ tion. 4 yrs exp performing tech engr or surveying w/design, construc­ tion, & boundary survey emphasis. W A State Professional Land Sur­ vey License or equiv required. Clos­ ing Date: 1/25/91 $31,836-$40,752 DOQ City of Lacey, P .0 Box B, Lacey, WA 98503 (206) 491-3213 for applica­ tion & additional info. EOE S. W. Meadows Road, Lake Oswego, O re­ P i RSONNFL MANAGER For establit and expanding multi-site comprehensive community mental health center with a staff of 200 +. Applicants must dem onstrate knowledge and experience in wage and salary adm inistration, L nefits, labor relations, retirement, continuing education, perform ance evaluations and governm ental regulations af­ fecting labor. Qualifications: BA in related field and a minimum of five years supervisory experience in personnel, preferably health care. Re­ cruitm ent closes at 5:00 p.m., Monday, January 14, 1991. Send salary requirements, cover letter, resume and three employm ent references to Com m unity Psychiatric Clinic, Attn: Personnel, 401 Second Avenue W est, Suite 400 Seattle, WA, 98119. TECHNICAL SUPPORT SPECIALIST Entry level processing Technical Support Specialist for non-profit agency. Hardware/software support (installation and programming; maintenance, repair coordination, training, etc. Two-year degree and two yrs develop­ ment exp. in data base, spreadsheet, macros and 4th G.L. (Pro IV pref.). Starting $18 - $19K D.O.E. Send resum e and job history to: CPC, Attn: MIS, 401 Second Avenue W., Seattle 98119. CRISIS BED CLINICIAN ■ 3 POSITIONS gon 97035. Deadline fa application is Monday, Unique opportunity to be involved in the start-up of an 8-bed crisis respite program that February 1,1991. will serve the Seattle area. Will include start-up of small 3-bed facility and service to some scatter site beds. Prefer combination of residential and crisis intervention exp. Must have BA + exp. w/m entally ill adults, or AA + 5 yrs. exp. Salary: $21,500 - 27,500. Equal Oportunity Employer CUSIÙMtRCARE MAINTENANCE/REPAIR C ellular One® Full-time m aintenance person needed for a fast-growing, non-profit mental health Customer Care Field Manager agency. $8.75/hr plus excellent benefit pkg. carpentry/electrical/plumbing/vehicle exp. desired. Send resumes w/references to: CPC, 401 Second Ave. W., Suite 400 Seattle McCaw Cellular Communications, Ihe nation's premier cellular communica­ tions company, is recruiting lor a unique and highly qualified individual Io as­ sume responsibility lor the following Cel­ lular One Service Centers Activities: W ash. 98119. EOE. Our now Field Manager w ill: CUSTOMER SERVICE • Direct ond coordinalo ocftvllles related Io m anaginq cuslonior c a ro in all Cellular One Sorvlco Cenlors CONNECT WITH A CAREER IN CABLE » Solocllvoly hire o n d m aix»yo Sorvico Cenlors Customer Care porsonnol. » Monitor and consistently m anage Service Centers workflow a n d procedures » Interlace with Sales a n d main o lllce Customer C are Deportment to ensure maximum teamwork, productive working relationships a n d expression o f continuing extraordinary customer care to delight Iho customer P A R A G » Provide leadership for personnel a n d introduce creative procedures to minimize churn and maximize subscriber longevity. Secretary/Receptionist • Demonstrated skills In Marketing, Planning and Porsonnol M anagem onl. and friendly to greet clients and visitors. Answer phone and route calls. Type 55- » Familiarity with a d vane o d com puter sysloms and processes wpm from dictaphone-error free. Computer/ We offer a comprehensive benefits package, free parking and free Cable TV. Please apply to: ► Excellent customer sorvlco background In a service Industry. word processing skills desired. Filing and processing mail, schedule clients appoint­ » C o ilego level an a lytical and com m unication skills ments, and fee collection. PARAGON CABLE 3075 NE Sandy Blvd. PORTLAND. OR 97232 Please send resume and salary requirements Io: Equal Opportunity Employer Minimum qualification’s 2 years secretarial/ 1•••■ ■ ■ receptionist experience in a mental health setting preferred or equivalent knowledge Cellular One. Mary DuPain PhD. Cellular One " n ■•■■■■■■ and experience. Send resume to: People Developm ent/ Customer C are Field M anagor 4 0 9 SW 9lh Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 5 -3 2 0 8 Holladay Park Medical Center A4 ZW«f li* »I »I « r mlk rt A» i f t f » 4 O ry « » h mtfy I ny * w K £ y -, IfC A C V Government Seized vehicles from $100. Corvettes, Chevys, Porsches, and other confiscated properties. For Buyers Guide (800) 772-9212 ext 4552. Also open evenings & weekends. Closing January 25,1991 «. A .* N Enjoy working with people! Assist our customers on the telephone by explaining our services and products, answering billing ques­ tions and providing general customer service P/T employees may expect to work an average of 25 hours per week. Work schedule will vary. Previous customer service experience preferred. Key­ boarding and 10-key by touch required. This outstanding Cellular One Customor C are Field M anager must possess; mental health setting. Must be personable O CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE » Inc teoso organizational productivity In areas of Customer Care. Activations and Sales Needed to work with children's program in a \ '- i - MENTAL HEALTH Senior Assistant Oregon Department Of Energy The State of Oregon is seeking a Director for the Oregon D epart­ ment of Energy based in Salem, Oregon Requires leadership and m anagem ent skills to act as the S tate’s representative in meeting today's em erging energy chal­ lenges. Salary $46,356-$65,208 annually. To receive information, contact Susan B ibelheim er, recruitm ent and C areer Services, Personnel and Labor Relations Division, 155 Cottage Street NE, Salem, OR 97310, (503) 373-7431. Applica­ tions must be received no later than 5 p.m., Tuesday, February 12, 1991. Equal O pportunity/Af­ firm ative Action Employer. S tate o f O regon ’Z- '? ; Education Director Accountant Collections Accountant »A dvertising »E m ploym ent » Bids/Sub-EHds Committed: to Carter Opportunity fo r AUAmericans 24-Hour Job Line 239-3116 a Legacy Member An Equal O pportunity Employer I , ■ : •;< ’ ■ ’ ■ - . V . , I ■ » . ’ • : ' . ► 5 .a« .c -■................. ■