i January 1 5 ,1991—The Portland Observer—Page7 Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS COUNSELING Counselor-Ill Alpha House $1232-$1350 per mo. + benefits. CODA Inc seeks Counselor III for Alpha House Adult Residential Treatm ent Program to provide di­ agnosis and treatm ent to clients, conduct individual, group and family counseling, coordinate therapeu­ tic activities, maintain client rec­ ords, m onitor milieu. Shift varies, but typically works Sun thru Thurs. To qualify: Bachelors degree in health services, psych or related field, and at least 2 yrs human services exp are required. Resi­ dential treatment exp & strong com­ munication skills preferred. Appli­ cant must be cert if i ed/certifi able in CPR. To apply submit standard CODA application form including screen­ ing question responses to address below. Application materials available at CODA Inc., 210 NE 20th, Port­ land, OR 97232. Equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. Outdoor/Environmental Supervisor City of Eugene Salary Range: $2,063 - $2,596/mo. Responsible for the planning, develop­ ment, and promotion of overall Out­ door Program. Activities include cross country skiing, climbing, sailing, raft­ ing, canoeing, kayaking, ropes course and more. Provides administrative sup­ port for the Outdoor Program and its staff plus provides division-wide sup­ port services. Requires 3-5 yrs. experi­ ence as an activity programmer, super­ visor and administrator of an outdoor program. CLOSING DATE: February 8,1991. Obtain application and supple­ mental questionnaire at City of Eu­ gene, HRRS, 777 Pearl Street, Eu­ gene, OR. 97401. AA/EOE COUNSELING C-V FACILITY MILIEU Supervisor Alpha House Starting Salary $1750-$1800 month plus benefits. CODA Inc seeks senior counselor/facility & milieu supervisor for Alpha House adult residential treatment facility to: Ad­ minister daily operations, coordi­ nate client services, consult with PO’s, supervise 3-5 counselors, coordinate staff schedules, iden­ tify maintenance needs. Position usually works Sun-Thurs 9-5. To qualify bachelor's degree in hu­ man services discipline with post graduate course work towards a m aster’s and 5 years chemical dependency treatment experience (3 years supervisory experience) OR a m aster’s degree in human services discipline and 2 years chemical dependency treatment experience are required. To apply submit standard CODA applica­ tion form including screening question responses to address below. Application materials avail­ able at CODA Inc., 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. Equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. Secretary Major fundraising organization seeks highly motivated individual as Campaign Division secretary. Responsibilities include answer­ ing phones, typing and mainte­ nance of files and records. Re­ quires accurate typing at 55-70 wpm and above average abilities in spelling, gram m ar and punctua­ tion. Competency with DisplayWrite 4 and Lotus 1-2-3, plus skill with 10 key a must. Ability to work com ­ fortably in a high activity environ­ ment for a large number and vari­ ety of people. Must have good telephone personality. Salary range $13,500-$15,000 plus excellent benefits. Send resume by 1/8 to: Carolyn Lewis, United Way/Co- lu m b ia -W illa m e tte , 7 18 W. Burnside, Portland, Oregon 97209, 228-9131. EQUAL OPPORTU­ NITY EMPLOYER. Autos For Sale Government Seized vehicles from $100. Corvettes, Chevys, Porsches, and other confiscated properties. For Buyers Guide (800) 772-9212 ext 4552. Also open evenings & weekends. Medical Part Time Data Coordinator Starting salary $650-$750 mo + benefits. CODA Inc. seeks part time data coordinator to work in clinical support services data proc­ essing section. Duties include col­ lecting and tracking data for statis­ tical reports, preparing, entering and managing data, tracking clini­ cal information including QA & UR statistics, generating reports, assisting in collection and research, planning, developing and imple­ m enting inform ation system s operations. Preparing CPMS re­ ports. Workweek is flexible. To qualify: high school diploma and 2 years data processing experience are required. Excellent keyboard skills and demonstrated skill in data systems also required. At­ tention to detail, ability to set pri­ orities and work independently are strongly desired. To apply com ­ plete an submit standard CODA application form including screen­ ing question responses to the ad­ dress below. Application materials and instruc­ tions are available at CODA Inc., 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232.Equal opportunity/affirm a­ tive action employer. Engineers And Engineer Techs Civil Engineer II - Project Manager: Admin City LID/ULID projects & mgmt of design const projects; develop long/short range plans, day today ops, grant app prep, program budget and supervision of staff. BS in CE + 2 yrs resp exp in PW engr design arena (EIT combined w/2 yrs college level ed in engr + 2 yrs wk exp in field may be sub for degree). $33, 456-$48,828 DOQ Closing date: 2/1/91. Engineering Tech IV - S urvey: Admin, manage & supr city’s survey sec­ tion. 4 yrs exp performing tech engr or surveying w/design, construc­ tion, & boundary survey emphasis. W A State Professional Land Sur­ vey License or equiv required Clos­ ing Date: 1/25/91 $31,836-$40,752 DOQ City of Lacey, P.O. Box B, Lacey, WA 98503 (206) 491-3213 for applica­ tion & additional info. EOE Youth Service Evaluation Specialist Evaluation design, data collection, data analysis and monitoring for 3 federally funded youth service programs. Project coordination and management responsibilities. Must have at least 3 years experience in human services and be able to use statistical techniques and com puterdata base management systems. $20,000-22,500/year plus 14% flexible fringe. Start 2/1/91. Send resume to Tri-County Youth Services Contsortium, 2000 SW First, Suite 100, Portland 97201. Closes 1/28/91. Principal Executive/ Manager C (Field Office Manager) Current opening, State of Oregon Employment Divi­ sion located in Grants Pass. $2,513 - $3,538/mo. plus liberal fringe benefits including contributions to family health and dental insurance, and a fully paid retirement pro­ gram. To qualify you must have five years of progressively responsible ex­ perience in supervision or staff technical or professional level work related. Experience must have included at least one year of supervision and m anagement of a program, sec­ tion or unit which included such area as: developm ent of program rules and policies, long and short range goals and plans, program evaluation or budget preparation. A Bachelor’s degree or coursework in a field related to management (such as Business or Public Administration), OR a field related to human resource program, may be substituted for up to three years of the required experience. For recruiting announcement and required State application call 378 3253. Applications must be re­ turned to Employment Division, Personnel and Training Unit, 875 Union St. N.E., Salem, OR 97311 by 5:00 p.m., February 1, 1991. AN EOE/AA EMPLOYER DATA PROCESSING Programmer/Analyst New development/enhancem ent activities in a team environment support­ ing both a large IBM system and a 9370 IBM system.Qualified candi­ dates will have a minimum of 2 years experience in business applications dedicated to COBOL development. Technical com petence in TSO/ ISPF, OS/JCL and VSAM utilities is required. Knowledge of DOS/VSE ICCF and DOS/VSE JCL is a definite plus. Blue Cross and Blue Shield Of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-tim e work hours, and competitive salary. Pre­ employment drug screening required. To assure your resume is proc­ essed immediately, place ad #497 at the top of your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume to: B lue C ross B lue S hield o f O regon H um an R e so u rce s Dept. 5th F lo o r 100 S.W. M arket P o rtla n d , OR 97201 B lue C ro ss B lu e S hield INSURANCE MEDICAL CLAIMS ANALYSTS Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications for Medical Claims Analysts. This position is responsible for accurate and timely payment of blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon's medical claims. Experience necessary to perform this task will include: 1 year recent clerical work experience in a doctor’s office or hospital setting Demonstrated knowledge of m edical term inology and anatomy. This may be obtained through a classroom setting or office experience ICD-9/CPT-4 Coding A minimum of 6-12 months experience using a C RT in a production oriented environment Fast, accurate use of a 10-key calculator Previous claims processing or insurance billing experience highly desirable. Starting salary $1347/mo. Training classes will begin Feb. 4 ,1991 . Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee bene­ fits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. Pre-employ­ ment drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #499 at the top of your resume or you m ay apply in person between 9 AM-4PM Mon-Fri. B lue C ro ss B lue S h ie ld o f O regon H um an R e so u rce s Dept. 5 th F lo o r 100 S.W. M arket P o rtla n d , O r 97201 T dd #225-6780 E qual O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo ye r DATA PROCESSING PROFESSIONALS There Are a Million Reasons Why We Speak Your Language Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications for Programmer Analysts. Several large projects and new business efforts will be requiring individuals with experience working in a large scale IBM environment. Successful candidates will have strong communication, interpersonal and user skills. Positions require 2-5 years experience in performing systems analysis and design, coding, testing and implementation assignments. CICS skills a definite plus. Candidates must also have experience in the following: ‘ COBOL ‘ VSAM ‘ OS/JCL ‘ TSO/ISPF Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em ployee bene­ fits package, flex-tim e work hours, and com petitive salary. Pre-employ­ ment drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #449 at the top of your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume to: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 TDD #225-6780 Equal Opportunity Em ployer JOB O P P O R T U N IT Y Call our 24-Hour JobLine at 280-4727 for a listing of current openings at Emanuel Hospital & Health Center. EMANUEL HOSPITAL & HEALTH CENTER A L tp ry Mrnrter E q u il O pportunity Em ployai MFH. Advertising I Employment « Bids/Sub-Bids Employment Opportunities M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty P ro je c t C o o rd in a to r - Preschool Curriculum Grant (Granted position funded for 20 weeks) $11.70 per hour; develops, plans, and creates curriculum kits for preschool children and professional developm ent/ information collections for preschool care givers for use in Libraries; requires Master’s degree in Library Science and related knowledge, skills,and abilities; apply by January 25,1991. E arly C h ild h o o d S p e c ia lis t (Grant position funded through June 30, 1991) $9.76 per hour; develops early childhood development program for Library department, requires BS in early childhood developm ent/ education and related knowledge, skills, and abilities; apply by January 25,1991. Data A n a ly s t - Sales Ratio $13.16 per hour; assists with the production of yearly sales ratio study report used to trend the value of real property that has not been physically reappraised; requires the equivalent of a BS in statistics, com puter science, or a related field and two years of related ex­ perience; and Oregon State Certified Appraiser certificate and driver’s license are also required, apply by January 25,1991. C lin ic H ealth A s s is ta n t $8.31 per hour; performs paraprofessional health assistance duties in a clinic setting; one year of health care experience and specialized training in health care or a related field are desirable; apply by January 25, 1991. M edicaid P ro je ct C o o rd in a to r $32,176 - $41,844 annually; standard hir­ ing range up to $37,020, depending on qualifications; coordinates relations between the State Medicaid program and each of the divisions within Multnomah County's Department of Human Services; provides technical assistance; participates in program planning, developm ent of policy; requires the equivalent of a BS with m ajor course work in com m u­ nity health, public health administration, o ra related field and three years of progressively responsible, related experience; apply by January 18, 1991. D ire cto r, E m ergency M edical S e rvice s $35,475 - $46,124 annually; standard hiring range up to $40,779, depending on qualifications; directs the administration and enforcement of ordinance and rule provisions regulating ambulance service and other aspects of pre-hospital care, and the planning and implementation of future EMS system development; requires the equivalent of a BS in business, public administration, or an emergency service related field and five years of progressively respon­ sible, related experience; apply by February 1,1991. W HERE TO APPLY Multnomah County Employee Services, Room 1430, 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland, OR 97204. Multnomah County is an Equal Opportunity Employer offering an excellent benefit package. Letter of Credit Analyst Our shoes are for people who want the best and are serious about what they do. T hat’s also the type of person we want at AVIA, talented, in­ novative individuals who thrive in a challenging environment. This position will be responsible for collecting necessary docum entation to effect invoice payment, tracking letters of credit and other payment from overseas distributors and com m unicating with domestic opera­ tions regarding factory letter of credit requirements. It is necessary for this person to operate from established procedures with little supervi­ sion. Minimum 2 years documentation experience with international import and standby letters of credit required. Good communications skills and an associates degree or relevant bank certificate are required. O ur innovative benefits package includes a Flexible Paid Time Off Plan, an on-site Child Care Center with subsidized rates, fitness area, and a non-smoking environment. This is in addition to Group insurance coverage, a 401(K), and Profit Sharing and stock Purchase plans. The salary range for this position is $21,000 - $28,000. Please forward your resume with salary requirements to: AVIA, P.O. Box 23309, Portland, OR, 97223, Attn: Director - Human Resources. Feel free to call our Job Hotline 620-5027 for other opportunities. A VIA is an equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. Secretary Major fundraising organization seeks highly motivated individual as Cam paign Division secretary. Responsibilities include answer­ ing phones, typing and mainte­ nance of files and records. Re­ quires accurate typing at 55-70 wpm and above average abilities in spelling, gram m ar and punctua­ tion. Competency with DisplayWrite 4 and Lotus 1 -2-3, plus skill with 10 key a mu st. Abi I it y to work com ­ fortably in a high activity environ­ ment for a large number and vari­ ety of people. Must have good telephone personality. Salary range $13,500-$15,000 plus excellent benefits. Send resume by 1/8 to: Carolyn Lewis, United Way/Co- lu m b ia -W illa m e tte , 7 1 8 W. Burnside, Portland, Oregon 97209, 228-9131. EQUAL OPPORTU­ NITY EMPLOYER. Laboratory Analyst Holladay Park Medical Center 1225 Northeast 2nd Avenue (503) 233-4567 Committed to Carter Opportunity Jor A d Americans 24-Hour Job Line 239-3116 An Equal Opportunity Employer A Legacy Member R e y n o ld s M e ta ls C o m p a n y, Longview, Washington, has open­ ing for a Laboratory Analyst. BS in Chem istry is required. Possibility of rotating shift work. Equal O p­ portunity Employer, minorities and females are strongly encouraged to apply. Send resume and col­ lege transcript to Personnel De­ partment, P.O.Box 999, Longview, W A 98632. Through Diversity he innovative spirit at SAFECO built on the idea that involve­ T is ment in several arenas not only expands our options—It expands yours This philosophy is as true In our product dnd service offerings as it is in our approach to reward­ ing every employee As one of America's largest diversified finan­ cial corporations, we offer excel­ lent salaries and an Innovative benefits package Our commitment to innovation and diversity is also reflected In the unique blend of cultures and customs In our people By taking an active role in equal opportu­ nity efforts, we can more readily meet the needs of an increasingly complex marketplace To that end. we particularly invite minority, sen­ ior. and disabled applicants to explore employment opportunities in areas such as claims, under­ writing, and clerical support In return for your efforts, you can expect a very competitive starting salary, an excellent benefits p a ck­ age. and salary increases based on performance Please forward your resume to SAFECO Insurance Companies. Attn: Personnel 4101 SW Kruse Way, lake Oswego OR 97035