’ ▼ ▼ ▼ X ~ T ~ ~ - Page 1 4 -T h e Portland Observer -January 15, 1991 Magic Carpet MLKJ Day Activities Planned Quality kitchens, baths and new additions. is offering a 10% discount 2716 N.E. on all carpet in M artin memory of Dr. Luther King, Martin Luther Jr. Blvd. King, Jr. 288-0878 Dr. M artin Luther King Jr.’s stirring “ I Have a D ream ” speech, and a presentation by a local black studies instructor will be highlights o f C lacka­ mas Com m unity C ollege’s celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day on M on­ day, Jan.21. While K ing’s birthday is Jan. 15th, the official holiday in the U.S. is Jan. 21. A num ber o f other ac­ tivities have been scheduled on cam pus to mark the life and times o f the noted civil rights leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner. The * * I Have a Dream ’ ’ speech video will play at 11:30 a.m . and 6 p.m. in the Fireside Lounge o f the C om m u­ nity Center. At 8 a.m . and 2 p.m ., the film “ Glory” will be shown. The movie depicts the struggles o f an all-black- regim ent during the civil W ar. At noon, guest speaker Dr. Darrell M ilner, chair­ man of the Black Studies D epartm ent at Portland State U niversity, will discuss NEIL KELLY D E S IG N E R S /R E M O D E LE R S NOW WITH TWO DESIGNER SHOWROOMS. EAST ANO WEST. 804 N Alberta (2 blocks east of 1-5) 288-7461 (Vane. 696-2204) 8101 SW Nimbus Koli Business Center Beaverton (Off Hall Blvd.) 644-0445 Oi Reg 1663 Wasn Reg NEIlKCi 18702 SINCE 1947, THE REMODELER FRIENDS RECOMMEND In Honor of His Dream ; UN»ON'AVENUE4 XgtASSf COMPANY > All Typos of Auto. W om an O w ned We are Proud to Serve Our C om m unity W ith H e a lth c a re C a re e r O p p o r tu n itie s M a n y o f th e p e o p le w h o h e lp d e liv e r E m a n u e l's h ig h q u a lity m e d ic a l care a re re s id e n ts rig h t h e re in o u r o w n n e ig h b o rh o o d . E m a n u e l w o rk s w ith local sc h o o ls a n d service a g e n c ie s to p ro v id e job tra in in g , sc h o la rsh ip s a n d o p p o rtu n itie s fo r c a re e rs in h ealth care. E m a n u e l— h e lp in g to m a k e o u r c o m m u n ity stro n g . Emanuel Hospital & Health Center HR A Lutheran-Affiliated Center of Caring it Excellence Health System 2801 N orth Gantenbein Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97227 • Ä t The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from social and national antagonisms when It accords to every person, regardless of race, color, or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black P re» strives to help every person in the firm belief tba* all arc hurt as long as anyone Is held back. 4709 NE MLK,JR. Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97211 Phone 249-5886 LORRAINE HLAVINKA "The dream is one of equal­ ity of opportunity, of privi­ lege and property widely dis­ tributed; a dream of land where man will not take necessities from the many to give luxuries to the few; a dream of a land where men do not agree that the color of a man's skin determines the content of his character; a dream of a place where all our gifts and resources are held not for ourselves alone but as instruments of service for the rest of humanity; the dream of a country where every man will respect the dignity and worth of all human personality, and men will dare to live together as brothers..." CREED OF THE BLACK PRESS Plate and Window Glass Storm Doors and Windows o * . * "The dream is one of equality of opportunity; a dream of a land where men do not agree that the color of a man's skin determines the content of his character; a dream of a’ place where all our gifts and re­ sources are held not for our­ selves alone but as instru­ ments of service for the rest of humanity; the dream of a country where every man will respect the dignity and worth of all human personality, and men will dare to live together as brothers___" ’ Martin Luther King, Jr. 1960 i The Port of Portland honors Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. » «, t‘ /i ; i. ; * Í * v” >.. < '.5 •’ .<«v i • ÍT* kit « •Í » 'if -J T & % r' --Martin Luther King, Jr., 1960 B ureau of L abor and I ndustries Commissioner Mary Wendy Roberts by celebrating our cultural history In recognition of King’s struggle for civil rights for all people. The Port is an equal oppor- tunity em- ployer, com- mitted to af- flrmatlve ac­ tion. For Informa­ tion on em­ ployment op­ portunities with the Port, call the 24- hour job Hotline at (503) 231-5478. Civil Rights Division, Wage and Hour Division, Apprentice ship and Training Division, Support Services Division The Bureau q f Labor and Industries is charged with the responsibility o f protecting the civil rights q f Oregonians, erforcing wage and hour and youth employment laws, and promoting skilled training through appren­ ticeship. We Join in celebrating the memory q f Martin Luther King and pledge to continue working with the goal q f making his dream an Oregon reality. 1 4 0 0 SW F i f t h A v e n u e • 2 2 9 - 5 7 3 5 O regon Public B roadcasting salutes the spirit of M artin L uther King, Jr. C om ing this February for Black H istory M onth EYES O N THE PRIZE February 3-5 & 10-12, 10 PM d. t o $ Port of Portland M O Y E R S/SO N G S ARE FREE WITH BERNICE J O H N S O N REAG O N February 6 ,1 0 P M LOCAL COLOR February 18,10 P M I BLACK MEN: U N C ER T A IN FUTURES February 19, 10 PM GREAT PERFORM ANCES: THE C O LO R ED M U SEU M February 9 ,1 0 P M THE A M ER IC A N EXPERIENCE: A D A M CLAYTON POWELL February 21, 10 P M THE R O A D TO BROW N February 13, 10 P M THE D EATH TH R O ES OF A PARTH EID February 28, 10 P M V _ ^ 3 ORB 1 t ’s 4-- M « * 9 4 - ’ S ' • . . t ' ' ’i • * * ■ Î, W- ' « ' • ♦ t • ' ■’ ■' . • ; ■•• • ‘‘The Dream or the Nightmare: Black A m erica in the 1990s." A reception will follow Dr. M ilner’s presentation. All events take place in the Fireside Lounge. In addition to taking part in the events scheduled for Jan. 21, CCC students have been viewing “ Eyes on the Prize,” a television history o f the civil rights m ovem ent o f the 1960s. A c c o rd in g to A n d reas Luehring, CCC student and Martin Luther King,Jr. C elebration Com m ittee chair­ man, every generation needs to recom ­ m it to K ing’s legacy-and m ake it a reality. ‘‘K ing’s stand for civil rights and hu­ man dignity is a m essage that has m ean­ ing for the whole world,” said Luehring, 28, a native of W est Germ any. ‘‘Igno­ rance knows no boundaries,’ ’ he added. “ A chieving equality is a learning proc- ess-and not just one generation’s re­ sponsibility,” said Luehring. . * ft ■* «♦ » .« • * * * K > X 7 " 7 10 13 W h e re • • / « * » 28 Y ou B e lo n g