i 1 »V Page 12—T h e P ortlan d O bserver - Jan u ary 15, 1991 f DR. K IN G SAID IT BEST: "I have the audacity to believe that people everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, educa­ tion and culture for their minds, and dignity, equality and freedom for their spirits." (Remembering Œhe (Dream Caring for the Land and Serving People USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region ; f u A | s h Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.--Acceptance speech, Nobel ’ ea ce Prize, Dec. 10, 19M WHAT’S IN A NAME? CONGRESSMAN RON W YDEN Portland’s Highland Elementary School was renam ed fo r the late M artin Luth e r K in g in 1968 — w ith o u t surveys o r o th e r red tape. Paid for and authorized by the Wyden for Congreea Committee T h e n th e P o rtla n d S c h o o l D is tric t, a g a in re s p o n s iv e to c o m m u n ity desires, nam ed the s c h o o l’s a dja cen t N e ig h b o rh o o d F a c ility to co m m e m o ra te Dr. K ing and later nam ed its newest m id d le school to h o n o r H arriet T ubm an. Names, statues and p o rtra its are o n ly sym b o lic, how ever. Is there substance to m atch the dream s o f the slain c iv il-rig h ts leader? C o n sid e r the P ortland S ch o ol D is tric t’s p io n e e r co m m itm e n ts to a ffirm a tive a ction and to deve lop m e n t of d is tric tw id e m u lti- c u ltu ra l/m u ltie th n ic e ducation. P ortland P u b lic S ch o o ls believes all o f its stu de n ts are capable o f e du catio n al excellence. A nd proves it every school day. A re there any b etter b irth d a y presents? "THIS SPACE IS DEDICATED TO A MAN WHO DID NOT SEE THINGS IN BLACK AND W HITE." PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS p, 319 NE WYGANT POKTLAND, OK 97211 1503) 282-3533 CLOTHIER Sewing lo r O rganizations • / M ic i. nions • Weddings • tailoring Costum es • Sewing loi A ny Occasions T' IK Fast • Efficient • Quality Sewing 30 yr», e x p e n d ice PRICES VARY ★ Restyling Available ★ Hems - One day sen it ★ Snme same dav alterations PANTS SHIKTS/liEOl'SES VESTS - TIES JACKETS SklltT S/IIItE SSES COATS - ANI S IN EE ★ 'Misa’Jíuuvu> ★ (fTTMN Rips • Holes • Palet ies • Huttons • Rinding» • I tenis B utton Holes •E m b le m s * Hook & lA-e’ /.ip p e is and m u ch m on " Mon-PTi. 9 ain-5 pm. (May wc a((worf^to make his dream a reaiity." Martin Luther King, Jr. J Sal. 9 a m -3 pin. SSSSW SS1 ; f «f‘„ TtófíÍ *>* <*,*«.* 4* < • * 'I*-* f * * * * .• * f I Z W '-M