Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 09, 1991, Page 4, Image 4

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    Page 4 The Portland Observer--January 9,1991
Mychal Thompson:
The Lakers Are Fine
Third Annual
Black Managers Forum
A live Satellite teleconference presented by
Portland Community College
and the American Management Association
Wednesday, January 16, 1991
Bernard King
Jay Humphries
points between them). As for the “ Plug­
gers, that’s Jack Sikma, Fred Roberts,
Frank Brickowski, Dan Schayes <jpd Brad
Lohaus average 47.2 points per contest.
. .Speaking of point production, the
Golden State W arriors trio o f Mitch
Richmond, Chris M ullins, and Tim Ha-
roaway are averaging 71.3 o f the 117.9
points their team is scoring. The W arri­
ors are only two games behind the Lak­
ers in the Pacific Division.
If Bernard King does not get se­
lected to the NBA A ll-Star game next
month in C harlotte, the players should
boycott the contest. King, currently
averaging a league leading 30.2 points
per gam e for the W ashington Bullets,
shows no signs o f the career threatening
knee injury that sidelined him for al­
most two seasons. R ecendy, he busted
the Denver N uggets for 52 points and is
well on to one o f his finest seasons as a
professional. “ No one ever thought I
could play at this level again,” he said.
He should definitely be selected by the
coaches because King is not the media
darling like Magic or Air Jordan. The
system of fans voting for the All-Star
starters should be changed.
Phoenix Suns Coach Colton Fitzsim­
mons, on the Dec. 7 u.ule that sent
Xavier “ The X M an” M cDaniel from
the Seattle Supersonics in exchange for
Eddie Johnson and two N O .l draft picks:
* * I know a lot of teams in the W es t d idn ’ t
appreciate it, but I didn’t appreciate it
when the Lakers got Terry Teagle and
Sam Perkins. 1 didn’t appreciate it when
the Jazz got Jeff Malone. 1 didn’t appre­
ciate it when the Spurs got Paul Pressey
and Portland got Danny A inge.” W hat
does Cotton appreciate? The Suns are
10-2 since the trade for M cDaniel.
M ychal Thom pson, the resident
philosopher and team comic for the Los
A ngeles L akers laughed when a Port­
land sportswriter suggested that his team
was struggling this season under new
coach M ike D unleavy. “ W e started off
a little slow , but we are on pace to win
sixty gam es this year. We have a vCTy
solid basketball team .”
T hom pson refused to accept the
notion o f Los Angeles being just an
average basketball team and no longer
ran k s as one of the elite teams in the
N BA . “ People in Portland are a little
blinded by the success of the Blazers
this season. They have to m aintain that
type o f play for an entire season, not for
ju st a couple of months. All teams go
through highs and lows. The W estern
Conference, especially our division is
highly com petitive, and any team can
go on a roll at anytim e.”
Thom pson, the former U o f M in­
nesota and Trail Blazer star, has some
w ords o f advice for the locals as they
trek through their schedule. * * D on’t get
caught up in your own success. You are
as good as your last win in this league. ’
Take heed from a man who has won his
share of NBA (two) championship rings.
Call it the “ Brothers Tlv e ” and
the Pluggers if you will, but -ue M il­
waukee Bucks (21) are playing some
excellent basketball this season. Pre­
dicted to finish in the bottom o f the
Central Division, long dom inated by
Chicago and Detroit, they are led by
Ricky Pierce, Alvin Robertson, and
H um phries-’’The Brothers” , as they
are called by some in the Milwaukee
black community (they average 52.6
Join us as four outstanding black achievers share their special
insights and knowledge of what it takes to succeed. The observa­
tions of Lee Thornton, Randolph W. Cameron, Michelle Hooper,
R. Roosevelt Thomas, Jr. and Glegg Watson are especially mean­
ingful for a changing American workplace, one that reflects richer
human diversity and more opportunities-and pitfalls-for black
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seven other topics will be: Auto A cci­
dents and O ther Personal Injuries, D o­
mestic Relations, Em ploym ent Rights,
M edical and other Professional m alprac­
tice, Child and Sex Abuse, W orkers
Com pensation and Social Security and
Estate Planning, W ills and Probate.
If you would like to gain practical
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8760 betw een 8:30 a.m. and 5p.m.
M ake Everyday
A Day For M LK.
#23 Denmark Reid, a sophomore at Jefferson High School, scored 27
points to lead the Demos to an 81-53 win over Marshall last Friday
Photo by: Veronica Green
Friday January 11,1991,7:30pm
Benson at Cleveland
Franklin at M arshall
G rant at Jefferson
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