January 2, 1991- The Portland Observer- Page 7 Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDSI EQUIPMENT SHOP SUPERVISOR $1872-$2513 Monthly Oregon State Highway Division is es­ tablishing a list of interested appli­ cants for positions in LaGrande, Bend, and Salem. There is a cur­ rent vacancy in LaGrande. If you are interested in any of these areas, you must apply now Requires, four years of experience in the repair, modification, and adjustm ent of heavy equipment, AND experience in supervision. To apply, contract ODOT Personnel at (503) 378-6281 for announcem ent and application. Applications and test question an­ swers must be returned by 5:00 p.m., January 16,1991. LEGISLATIVE Redistricting Technician (1991 Legislative Session) Positions provide technical assistance to legislative members and staff by operating computer workstations that generate maps for the purpose of redrawing the Legislative District lines. Experience demonstrating knowledge of geography and skill in operating a personal com puter or professional workstation required. Experience with graphic systems desirable. Salary range $2,170 - $2,906 per month. These positions will begin in January 1991 and end at the close of the 1991 Legislative Session. A Legislative Adm inistra­ tion Com m ittee application is re­ quired. Application materials must be received by 5:00 P.M., January 5, 1991. Contact Personnel Serv­ ices, Legislative Administration Com­ mittee, S401 State Capitol, Salem, OR 97310 (503) 378-8530. Equal Opportunity Employer. NURSING SERVICES COORDINATOR COUNSELING C-V FACILITY MILIEU Supervisor Alpha House Starling Salary $1750-$1800 month plus benefits. CODA Inc seeks senior counselor/facility & milieu supervi­ sor for alpha House adult residen­ tial treatm ent facility to: Adm inister daily operations, coordinate client services, consult with PO’s, super­ vise 3-5 counselors, coordinate staff schedules, identify maintenance needs. Position usually works Sun- Thurs 9-5. To qualify bachelor’s degree in human services disci­ pline with post graduate course work towards a master's and 5 years chemical dependency treatment ex­ perience (3 years supervisory ex­ perience) OR a m aster’s degree in human services discipline and 2 years chem ical dependency treat­ ment experience are required. To apply submit standard CODA appli­ cation form including screening question responses to address below. Application materials avail­ able at CODA Inc., 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. Equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. COUNSELING TEM PORARY POSITION C-ll Entry Level Alpha House Starting salary $1109-$1300 mo. CODA Inc seeks tem porary C -ll for Alpha House Adult Residential Treatm ent Facility to diagnosis & treat caseload of 3-4 clients, m oni­ tor and docum ent client behavior, maintain client records, perform stan­ dard C -ll duties as requested. Typi­ cal work week is Tues-Sat 4pm- midnight. This position is created persuant to a current employees military mobilization. Anticipated duration is 90 days. To qualify: An associates degree in health serv­ ices or related discipline or certifi­ cation as chemical dependency counselor (CCDC) and at least 1 year supervised human services experience are required. Residen­ tial treatm ent experience is pre­ ferred. To apply submit standard CODA application form including screening question responses to address below. Application m ateri­ als available at CODA Inc., 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. Equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. Beginning salary $1850-$2200 per month plus benefits CODA Inc seeks full time nursing services coordinator to be respon­ sible for management of m etha­ done dispensary serving 300 clients and for the development and coor­ dination of clinical nursing services. Incumbent must select, train and m onitor staff of nurses and m edica­ tion aides. Provide direct clinical services to dual diagnosis clients, - pregnant clients and others as needed. Insure compliance with all regulations regarding methadone. W ork w eek is flexible but shift is EQUIPMENT SHOP typically Mon-Fri 9-5. Current unin­ cum bered Oregon license as regis­ SUPERVISOR tered nurse and at least 3 years $1872-$2513 Monthly nursing experience are required. Oregon State Highway Division is es­ Supervisory experience is highly de­ tablishing a list of interested appli­ sired. To apply submit standard cants for positions in LaGrande, CODA application form including Bend, and Saiem. There is a cur­ screening question responses to rent vacancy in LaGrande. If you address below. A, plication m ateri­ are interested in any of these areas, als available at CODA Inc., 210 NE you must apply now. Requires, four 20th, Portland, OR 97232. years of experience in the repair, Equal opportunity/affirm ative action modification, and adjustm ent of e m p lo y e r . heavy equipment, AND experience in supervision. To apply, contract ODOT Personnel at (503) 378-6281 for announcem ent and application. Applications and test question an­ swers must be returned by 5:00 p.m., January 16,1991. Through Diversity he innovative spirit at SAFECO built on the idea that involve­ T is ment in several arenas not only expands our options—it expands yours. This philosophy is as true in our product and service offerings as it is in our approach to reward­ ing every employee As one ot America's largest diversified finan­ cial corporations, we offer excel­ lent salaries and an Innovative benefits package Our commitment to innovation and diversity is also reflected in the unique blend of cultures and customs In our people By taking an active role In equal opportu nlty efforts, we can more readily meet the needs of an Increasingly complex marketplace To that end, we particularly invite minority, sen­ ior, and disabled applicants to explore employment opportunities in areas such as claims, under­ writing. and clerical support In return for your efforts, you can expect a very competitive starting salary, an excellent benefits pack age. and salary Increases based on performance Please forward your resume to SAFECO Insurance Companies. Attn Personnel. 4101 S.W Kruse Way. Lake Oswego. OR 97035 SAFECO PO R TLA N D OBSERVER 'The Eyes and Ears ol the Community Office: (5 0 3)200 -0 033 F a x # : (5 0 3)200 -0 015 Port Of Portland Em ploym ent O pportunities Inspector II will provide technical, ad­ ministrative, and inspection skills for the construction of new facilities or the refurbishing of existing facili­ ties. This position will close Friday, January 4, 1991, at 5:00 p.m. For additional information, call the Port’s Job Hot Line, (503) 231-5478. The Port is and Equal opportunity MENTAL HEALTH POfmAfltrtfe«VER Call Our Advertising D epartm ent For More Inform ation on Our Advertising Special Today! Buy two ads and receive your 3rd ad of equal value FREE! If first two ads are different prices free ad will be based on the lesser price ad. All other discounts or specials do not apply with 3 for 2 special Employer. WORK AT HOME Earn $2000/mo in spare time, proc­ essing mail at home, now exp. send stamped envelope to: Box 4914, Lancaster, CA 93539. »A d vertising »E m ploym ent » Bid&Sub-Bids Call 5 0 3 /2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 Opportunities With Community Psychiatric Clinic CPC is a rapidly growing Mental Health Center. We provide services to psy- chiatrically disabled children & adults and their families through a variety of nationally recognized tx progs, located throughout Seattle. W e are com m itted to a culturally and emnically diverse workplace Com petitive salary & benefit pkg. SU PERVISO R-EL REY (dntn Seattle): full service residential tx facility for the homeless mentally ill seeking supervisor for the CCR and TCF pro­ grams. Challenging opport. to work in innovative, nationally recognized tx facility. Master, or BA in related field + supv. exp. Knowledge o f res. prog. pref. for mentally ill adults. Day, eve & wkend hrs. BA, exp in acute care. Exp. working w/chem abuser pref. M ENTAL HEALTH NURSES Full-tim e & part-tim e positions in expanding mental health agency serving north central King Co. W A (Seattle). Opportunities to work w/m ulti-disci- plinary teams in com m unity support, crisis intervention, residential programs, providing assessments, medication evals and case mgmt, positions avail lor licensed RNs & Amps w/prescriptive authority and exp. working w/disabled mentally ill adults. PSYCHIATRIST Full-time & part-tim e positions available in expanding community m ental health agency serving north central King Co., W A (Seattle). O pportuni­ ties to work w/m ulti-disciplinary teams providing community support, crisis in te rv t; mon & psychosocial rehab. Min req. W A State license, exp working w /d ^a b le d mentally ill adults. CHILD & FAMILY PROGRAM MANAGER F/T position responsible for program which provides outpatient and day tx services for G.E.D. children & their families. Includes clinical, adm inistra­ tive, consultation & education activities. Previous exp. working with ch il­ dren, youth & fam ilies in a variety of settings is preferred. Salary: $27,437 - 33,215. Min. Req : M aster’s degree & supervisory exp., must qualify as child M.H. Specialist. CRISIS W ORKER - CIS (W allingford area) Crisis walk-in & outreach prog for mentally ill adults. Day, eve, & wk-end hrs. Salary $21,500 - 27,500. BA, exp. in acute care. Exp. working with chem. abuser pref. 2 CASE MANAGER POSITIONS Clean Start (dntn Seattle). Day tx case mgrs in psychosocial clubhouse program. W ork with energetic clinical team to provide case mgmt and pre-vocational activities to mentally ill adults. One position: M.S.W. ($25,500 - 31,500) 2nd position: Min. BA ($21,500 - 27,500). Exp. w/ homeless mentally ill and/or substance abuse tx pref. M ICA CASE MANAGER - (W allingford) Day tx case mgr, member of a team providing case mgmt, groups, sociali­ zation & skill development for mentally ill substance abusing adults, min req: BA. Pref. exp. working w/both mentally ill & substance abusing pop. Salary: $ 2 1 ,5 0 0 -2 7 ,5 0 0 . _ASE MANAGERS - CASE MGMT TEAM (north Seattle). Case mgr & supervisor positions (10) available on new case mgmt team being developed in north King County. This m ulti-disciplinary team will provide assessment service planning, case mgmt, crisis intervention & support to mentally ill adults. Min. req for case mgr positions: AA + 3 yrs relevant exp. ($21,500 - 27,500). Supervisor positions: MHP qualified & supv. exp. ($25,500 - 31,500). Prior exp. working w/m entally ill persons w/special needs is highly desired. For the above positions: Please send cover letter (identify position) and resume to: Attn: Personnel, CPC, 401 Second Ave. W. Suite 400. Seattle, W A 98119. An equal opportunity-affirm ative action employer. P. H SO N N Fl MANAGER For establit and expanding multi-site comprehensive community mental health center with a staff ol 200 +. Applicants must dem onstrate knowledge and experience in wage and salary administration, L -uefits, labor relations, retirement, continuing education, perform ance evaluations and governmental regulations af­ fecting labor. Qualifications: BA in related field and a minimum of five years supervisory experience in personnel, preferably health care. Re­ cruitment closes at 5:00 p.m., Monday, January 14,1991. Send salary requirements, cover letter, resume and three employment references to Com m unity Psychiatric Clinic, Attn: Personnel, 401 Second Avenue W est, Suite 400 Seattle, WA, 98119. TECHNICAL SUPPORT SPECIALIST Entry level processing Technical Support Specialist for non-profit agency. Hardware/software support (installation and programming: maintenance, repair coordination, training, etc. Two-year degree and two yrs develop­ ment exp. in data base, spreadsheet, macros and 4th G.L. (Pro IV pref ). TECHNICAL SUPPORT SPECIALIST Entry level processing Technical Support Specialist for non-profn agency. Hardware'software support (installation and programming; maintenance, repair coordination, training, etc. Two-year degree and two yrs develop­ ment exp. in data base, spreadsheet, macros and 4th G.L. (Pro IV p re f.). Starting $18 - $19K D O E. Send resume and job history to: C PC , Attn: MIS, 401 Second Avenue W., Seattle 98119. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE SPECIALIST (SARA Title III Coordinator) $2,081 - $2,665/month Im m ediate opening in the Gresham Fire Department for a Hazardous Substance Specialist to perform ad­ m inistrative functions ensuring City com pliance with SARA Title III, Oregon OSHA and related state ano federal right-to-know laws and regulations. Requires two years experience in regulatory work or in conducting classroom and/or work­ shop instruction. Submit a com pleted city application, resume, supplemental questionnaire and cover letter stating your experi­ ence, education and training rele­ vant to the Hazardous Substance Specialist position to the Human Resources Division, 501 NE Hood Ave., Suite 100, Gresham OR 97030 by 5:00 p.m., January 4, 1991. A pre-employment physical examina­ tion and drug screen are required. CITY OF GRESHAM IS AN EQUAL O P P O R T U N IT Y /A F F IR M A T IV E ACTION EMPLOYER. FACILITIES SUPERVISOR P A R A G O N C a B L t DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Oversee all warehousing func­ tions. Ensure that proper inven­ tory levels are maintained for plant, installation and construc­ tion materials. Control the order­ ing, issuing and receiving of m a­ terials according to company policy. Oversee fleet mainte­ nance operation, and repair and maintenance of building facili­ ties. Supervise, direct and moni­ tor performance of employees assigned to warehouse/fleet and facilities maintenance. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS' Two years facilities experience and two years supervisory expe­ rience. Ability to work indepen­ dently. Demonstrated ability in problem solving and implement­ ing procedural changes. Excel­ lent verbal and written com m u­ nication skills. Must be highly organized. 3075 NE Sandy Blvd Portland, OR 97232 Equal Opportunity Employe