Page 6 -T h e Portland Observer - January 2, 1991 Washington Square Wedding Show Case roc Gold M arket A n alysis C ertificate - r o w iA s n " nrvn.öpsrcvr A must-see w edding showcase fo r Good For One Market Evaluation of Your I’ropirty C rotu iyc. JÌÌ ~Tr; i T ' C o m m is s io n M e e t in g Zl Date: January 9,1991 Place: Portland Building 1120 SW Filth Ave., 11th FI. Portland, OR Time: 9:30 a.m. Peninsula Really 8040 N. Lombard ST. Portland. Or 97203 Business phones 281-8976 289-2471 Fax 286-8675 Main office 286-5826 Commission meetings are open to the public. A complete agenda is available at PDC. Call 823-3200. a ll brides-to-be w ill be at W ashington Square, T hursday - Sunday, February 21 - 24, 1991, th roughout the m a ll. O ve r fo rty e xh ib ito rs fro m every aspect o f planning a w edding w ill be on hand to answer questions and assist you in m a k­ ing your day a little m ore special. Brides- to-be m ay register to w in o ve r $2500 in g ifts in clu d in g a H oneym oon W eekend at Salishan Lodge. MRS C’S WIGS Wholesale & Retail Hundreds of Wigs For your everchanging lifestyles • Naomi Sims • Bornfree • Michael Weeks Betty Cabine proprietor TUES - SAT 11:30-6:00 World Beat Reggae House Rap Blues Soul Cospel Folk Jazz ju m p ~ Jump Music & Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote!!! C O 'S A, 7775 N.E. Broadway % 503-284^4828 And other name brands Everything from current styles to specialty wigs unique hair ornaments Hair beads & beauty supplies Mrs. C's Ebony Essence Cosmetics BEAUTICIAN Zuri Cosmetics 4 STUDENT DISCOUNTS 281-6525 V IS A 7th & Fremont ( 707 N.E. Fremont ) 100% HUMAN HAIR FOR BRAIDING » WEAVING m ilk fo r extra ca lo rie savings w ith o u t any sa crifice o f fla vo r. Steamers arc sold at cookw are, departm ent and specialty stores. They DAD'S OIL SERVICE Heating Oils 104 NE Russel St. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 282-5111 cup. F or liq u e u r-fla vo re d d rin ks, add 2 tablespoons o f any liq u e u r to the co ld m ild , then steam and fro th it. G arnish w ith lem on peel. There are oth e r creative w ays to make steamed m ilk d rin ks. L o o k b e lo w to fin d recipes fo r, W h ite V e lv e t, B la ck Forest Steamers, and Mocha Toddie M ix . And i f you don’ t have a steamer...heat y o u r spiced and fla vo re d m ilk in the m icro w a ve o r on the stove top, then garnish w ith w hipped cream . A n y w ay you make them , steamed m ilk d rin ks are a great way to w a rm yo u r w in te r days. W h ite ve lve t 6 ounces m ilk 1 tsp. w h ite o r b ro w n sugar 1/4 tsp. a lm o n d fla v o rin g by the operator in to co ld liq u id to heat and/or fro th it. Pressurized steam can be dangerous, so yo u m ust operate the m achines as directed in the manual. Basic d ire ctio n s are as fo llo w s . F ill the co m partm ent o f the steamer w ith recom m ended am ount o f w ater, close M ix ingredients in a cup o r m ug; steam u n til hot and fro th y . T o p w ith toasted alm onds.M akes one serving. B la ck Forest Steamers 4 ounces m ilk 2 ounces strong coffee steam tube, heat u n til steam pressure b u ild s up. F ill a deep, narrow , heat-resistant cup o r p itch e r h a lfw a y w ith m ilk . P ut the tip o f the steam tube about h a lfw a y in to m ilk , then open va lve to release steam. It w ill take about one m in u te to heat a cup o f m ilk . T o create foam , b rin g tip ju s t to the surface o f m ilk and h old there u n til 1 Tbsp. chocolate syrup 1 tsp. m araschino ch e rry ju ic e C om bine m ilk , coffee, syrup, ju ic e ; steam until hot and frothy. Drop a marasch­ in o cherry in to the cup, garnish w ith shaved dark chocolate, makes one serv­ ing. M ocha T o d d ie M ix 3 cups n o n -fa t d ry m ilk 1 1/2 cups instant coffee m ilk is fro th y . M ocha steam ed-m ilk d rin ks begin w ith 1 1 / 2 - 2 tablespoons o f chocolate flavored d rin k pow der o r chocolate syrup added to c o ld m ilk . Instant co ffe e p o w ­ der and spices such as cin n a m o n , n u t­ meg, cardamom or allspice are then added to the cu p and a ll are steamed together. Steamed chocolate m ilk is an even easier Best Cash Prices Portland, Or. 97232 Frothy, foam y and soothing, steamed m ilk by its e lf o r w ith a d d itio n a l fla vo rs makes w o n d e rfu l c o ld weather drinks. They can be made w ith skim o r lo w -fa t range from sm a ll co rk arid tube assem­ blies that f i t in to lid le ss tea kettles to expensive expresso machines. N ew on the market are electric steamers designed s p e c ific a lly fo r hot m ilk drinks. A ll w o rk in a s im ila r w ay. Steam, ■ b u ilt up w ith in the m achine, is released PDC is the C ity of Portland's urban renewal and economic development agency. USED Steamed Milk Drinks Warm Winter Meals w ay to please y o u r fa m ily . L iqueur-flavored drinks are a simple w ay to serve an elegant b u t lo w ca lo rie 2 tsp. cinnam on 1 1/2 cups b o ilin g w ater 1 can (1 6 oz) chocolate syrup 1 tsp. v a n illa Place d ry m ilk , instant co ffe e and cinnam on in a b o w l, add b o ilin g w ater and m ix u n til d ry ingredients are d is ­ solved and a th ic k syrup is form ed. A d d chocolate syrup and v a n illa to the m ilk dessert. Each n o n -a lco h o lic d rin k co n ­ tains o n ly 90 calories w hen made w ith skim m ilk . Use 1 /4 -1 /2 teaspoon o f rum , m ixtu re , blend th o ro u g h ly. Store, c o v ­ ered in re frig e ra to r. F o r each serving, blend 3-4 tablespoons mocha syrup w ith alm ond, brandy o r other fla v o rin g s per 1 cup m ilk . Steam u n til h o t and fro th y . » i Milk...America’s Ageless Beverage Free Visions Exams Available Dairy Specialty Products-Performing in the ’90s O regonians w ho cannot a ffo rd v i­ sion care m ay receive it free fro m D o c­ tors o f O p to m e try in M arch. V IS IO N U S A , a pro je c t o f the O re­ gon O ptom etric Association (O O A ), pro­ vides exams and fo llo w -u p care to those w h o have not had a v is io n exam in at least a year and w h o do n o t have health insurance. Interested O regonians m ust sign up d u rin g January, 1991. Th e y can c a ll th e ir local Salvation A rm y fo r e lig ib ility screen­ ings o r ca ll to ll-fre e at 1-800-766-4466. A b o u t 440,000 O regonians have no health insurance, a ccording to a new re p o rt b y the state E conom ic A n a lysis D epartm ent. The same re p o rt fin d s that approxim ately 23,000 residents w o rk but are not insured b y p riva te o r governm ent programs. Oregon has approximately 2.75 m illio n residents. V IS IO N U S A occurs on M arch 6 d u rin g O O A ’ s observance o f Save Y o u r Support O ur Advertisers! ; Say You Saw It In The * Portland O bserver!.... SAFEWAY’S STOCK-UP SALE! V is io n W eek. 115 optom etrists around the state are donating th e ir professional services and, in m any cases, are p ro v id ­ ing co rre ctive lenses i f needed. Each d o cto r w ill contribute eig h t exam ina­ tions. O p tica l laboratories are also d o ­ nating m aterials. V IS IO N U S A is a na­ tio n w id e project o f the A m e rica n O p ­ To Our Valued C ustom ers... to m e tric A ssociation, o f w hich O O A is a mem ber. Press Conference Schedule For Anti-Gangs Due to poor weather conditions in the growing areas we w ill be unable to offer the navel oranges at the featured price in our weekly shopping guide effective JAN. 2 THRU JAN. 8, 1991 in it's place we w ill offer: In December 1989, the State Y o u th Gang S trike Force, the F in a n cia l In s titu ­ tio n Task Force, the M e tro p o lita n H u ­ man Relations Commission, and the Youth Gang Task Force agreed to jo in t ly de­ velop a p u b lic relations program to deal Be Sure To Look In Your w ith the youth gang problem s. O n Janu­ ary 2,1 9 9 1 the results o f this jo in t e ffo rt w ill be announced. A press conference is scheduled on January 2, 1991 at 9 :0 0 A M at O regon State Police, D istrict I Headquarter, 3700 MAGAZINE press conference w ill h ig h lig h t a new gang e ffo rt. Volunteer for the Literacy Program! PORTLAND OBSERVER ‘The Eyes and Ears ot the Community Office: (503)200-0033 Fax#: (503)200-0015 I Red or Golden Delicious Apples I - - " , 1' SE 92nd Avenue, P o rtland, O regon. The bus poster and p u b lic service announce­ m ent as a result o f this a n ti-c rim e , a n ti­ NORTHW EST GROWN I for your Safeway Shopping Guide for a complete list of specials on sale this week at Safeway! E X P E C T THE BEST! 48 c Lb. Itu apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused in your shopping experience... See the D iffe re n c e . . .E xp ect th e B est! SAFEWAY COPYRIGHT 1978. SAFEW AY INC 4 * * *• f - 9 •* .« 4