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T he show w ill be taped on Saturday February 2 ,1 9 9 1 . Interested singles can c a ll 7 7 5-9218 and leave th e ir name, address, and phone num ber. T h e y w ill be sent an a p p lica tio n . C o m p le te d a p p lica ­ tions m ust be received by January 23 , so w e can evaluate, select, and m ake fin a l arrangem ents by taping tim e. The S ingles O n Parade te le visio n show has been a liv e , c a ll-in show that has successfully fostered w eddings, and m any lo n g term frie n d sh ip s and re la tio n ­ ships. (T he Desert S h ie ld special w ill not be in o u r usual liv e , c a ll-in fo rm a t.) Where Do We Go From Here C o m m is s io n e r G la d y s M c C o y , C hairperson o f the M u ltn o m a h C ounty B oard o f C om m issioners, and the O re ­ gon C o m m issio n on B la ck A ffa irs c o r­ d ia lly in vite s you to jo in us in a reception w e lco m in g Joseph W a tkin s to O regon. things seem to get m ore co m p lica te d ,” New Personal Choice gives you your choice of three easy-to-follow food plans that range from structured to flexible— whatever’s right for you. It's designed to re p o rt These people m ay now use the 1040A fo rm , as m any have long wanted adapt to your lifestyle, so you can lose weight at your own comfortable pace. to d o . A s N o vo n ty notes, “ B y a llo w in g people w ho ju s t have retirem ent incom e I IL rr PERSONAL CHOICE P R O G R A great to have a weight loss plan that tells you what to eat. and when to eat it? Now you can— with the new Personal Choice Program from Weight Watchers. M What's more, Personal Choice allows you to eat the foods you want. Even in a restaurant. From the first week on. to use the 1040A fo rm , w e ’ re g o in g to relieve people form using the 1040 w hich is m ore co m p lica te d and has sm aller p rin t.” If you're looking for a diet program that fits the way you live, now the choice is yours. New Personal Choice. Call Weight Watchers and ask about this exciting program today. T ax-A ide volunteers, w ho are trained in cooperation w ith the IRS and m ust pass an IR S test to be c e rtifie d , w ill spend extra time learning about the 1040A. I f you need assistance w ith yo u r taxes: Safe, sensible weight loss for 27 years. Join Any Class Anytime Plan to get help between February 1 and A p ril 15. C a ll the local IRS o ffic e and ask fo r the lo ca tio n o f Tax C ounseling fo r the e ld e rly sites. B rin g : copies o f last year’ s federal, state, and lo ca l tax re­ For Information Call (collect) weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Singles On Parade: Operation Desert Shield w om en, and address th e ir interests and hobbies. T he purpose o f th is vid e o is to p ro vid e new , interesting, and desirable single pen pals fo r those sin g le in d iv id u ­ “ E ve ry tim e the Internal Revenue Service (IR S ) tries to m ake things easier, muses Rose N o v tn y , T a x -A id e D is tric t C o o rd in a to r fo r O regon. B u t fear not! One change this year m ay actu a lly make things easier fo r people w h o have o n ly Social S ecurity and pension incom e to In tro d u c in g th e R obert B lanchard E ducation Service C enter, 501 N . D ix o n Street. The p u r­ pose o f the m eeting is to -re v ie w the d is tric t’ s educational com puter hardware and softw are a cq u isitio n p o lic y . This notice is p ro vid e d in accordance w ith p ro visio n o f the O regon open meeting law. (503)297-1021 New members please Arrive 20 minutes early NORTHEAST PORTLAND NORTH PORTLAND Marañadla Church Rivergate Community Church 4 2 2 2 N .E . 12th 4 737 N . L o m b a rd St. (E n te r on S kid m o re ) Tues. Sat 7 :0 0 p.m . Tilamook Park Bldg. 2 1 0 8 N .E . 41st A ve . C o lu m b ia H a ll M on. 7 :0 0 p.m . (E n te r fro m P o rtsm o u th ) Tues. 7:00 p.m . W ed. W ed. turns; a ll incom e records, in c lu d in g W -2 form s fro m em ployers, W -2 P pension form s, and 1099 fo rm s fo r incom e, in ­ c lu d in g SS A -1 0 9 9 ; ve rifica tio n s fo r spe­ cia l deductions and credits; and, current federal , state, and lo ca l tax fo rm s i f 9 :3 0 a.m. University of Portland 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. 9 :3 0 a.m . Thurs. F ri. & available. W rite fo r a free T a x Record E nve­ lope (stock #D 12225) that lets you keep a ll y o u r tax in fo rm a tio n in one handy packet that doubles as a c h e c k -o ff list. Y o u can also o rder free S tock R ecords (stock #D 14158). G et one o f each o f 5 :0 0 p.m . 5:00 p.m . 7:0 0 p .m . 9 :3 0 a.m. your stocks o r m utual funds and track th e ir a c tiv ity th roughout the year. N ote Temple Baptist Church that T a x -A id e counselors are trained to assist you w ith basic tax fo rm s and ques­ 1319 N .E . 7th F ire sid e Room T uesday 12:00 noon tions. In d iv id u a ls w ith co m p le x tax as­ sistance needs may be referred to profes­ sional tax preparers. (Brown Bag Lunch Class) Weight Watchers is a registered trademark of WEIGHT WATCHERS INTERNATIONAL INC copyright 1990 WEIGHT WATCHERS INTERNATIONAL, INC , ‘Donme. s CHINOOK SALMON OR BROILED LOBSTER TAILS JUMBO PRAWNS FISH & CHIPS CLAM CHOWDER BROILED HALIBUT CRAB STUFFED MUSHROOMS LOBSTER THERMIDOR OR PAN FRIED OYSTERS SAUTEED SHRIMP ROSSI OR STEAK & LOBSTER CRAB AU GRATIN OR FRENCH FRIED SCALLOPS STEAM CLAMS OYSTER STEW CHICKEN STEAKS OR . . . . A C C E S S O R IE S w ith the crip p lin g and, in fiv e percent o f a ll cases, fa ta l disease. In 1954, m edical pioneer D r. Jonas Salk introduced his breakthrough p o lio vaccine. The subse­ plus (503) 249-7204 Raleigh and Donnie Lewis GOING ST. MARKET - A side fro m physical problem s, v ic ­ tim s o f p o lio m ay face an enorm ous stigma. In A fric a and other parts o f the developing w orld, d a ily survival requires hours o f g ru e lin g labor. In these coun­ tries, p h ysica lly disabled people are o f­ ten perceived as a burden on desperately poor fa m ilie s whose fin a n cia l resources already strained to the breaking p o in t as tetanus, measles and w hooping cough, w hich takes the lives o f m ore than three m illio n ch ild re n each ye a r.” Shadow Masters & Sound The B la ck Leadership Conference R eception is m eeting to share the 1991 L e g is la tiv e A genda o f the B la ck Leader­ ship C onference w ith o ther organiza­ tions. The m eeting w ill take place T hurs­ day, January 10,1991 at 5:30 pm , at the O regon C onvention Center. For Your Shopping Convenience Photography (503) 629-5930 P.O. Box 6311 A loha, OR 97006 Rick P ratt Lesley E. H am notul Seafood Restaurant 4 Bar -- Since 1891 --Lunch 4 Dinner 1035 S.W. Stark (Corner 11 th & Stark) 226-4171 YOU ARE INVITED TO •I HAVE A DREAM" FOURTH ANNUAL TRIBUTE TO Pakzad o f Portland. DP. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. Tax Information Mailed to Oregonians 1929 - 19C8 "I HAVE A DREAM" AND A lm o s t a m illio n tax packets are being m a ile d to O regonians w h o file d REVEREND JOHN W. GARLINGTON, JR. 1937 - 1986 state incom e tax returns last year. The packets in clu d e an in stru ctio n b o o klet "THE BRIDGE BUILDER" IN OUR COMMUNITY and fo rm s to f i l l out. The 400,000 Oregonians whose 1989 JANUARY 13, 1991 incom e tax returns w ere done by a p ro ­ fessional tax return preparer may receive a postcard instead o f a tax booklet. Each postcard w ill have tw o m a ilin g labels attached that should be used when filin g 4:00 P.M. 1990 tax fo rm s to speed processing re­ turns. I f you receive a postcard, b u t plan to prepare yo u r ow n return fo r 1990, you can p ic k up a tax b o o kle t at yo u r local FEATURING MUSIC: MARANATHA CHURCH CHOIR SPEAKERS: Dr. Marshall K. Christensen President, Warner Pacific College The Drown Sisters Chaplain Rodney E. Alexander Oregon State Penitentiary Dorothy Dutlor *Rov. Henry Grecnidge, Pastor Irvington Covenant Church Tamara Barnott Dishop Grace Osborne, Pastor Faith Tabernacle Church PRE-SERVICE MUSIC - 3:30PM post o ffic e , bank o r lib ra ry . W hen filin g returns, everyone should Attorney Rey Ramsey, Director Oregon Housing Agency Wilson High School Ensemble Mr. Greg McKelvey, Director use the preprinted labels, w hether they are attached to a tax b o o k le t o r to a postcard. A cco rd in g to D on O ’ Meara o f the D epartm ent o f revenue, “ Y o u should put the labels on each fo rm you file . PORTLAND OBSERVER 'The Eyes and Ears of the Community Office: (503)200-0033 Fax#: (503)200-0015 percent o f a ll A fric a n ch ild re n . Just 10 years ago less than 10 percent were im m unized. D espite success in L a tin A m e rica and A sia , the incidence o f pa ra lytic p o ­ lio in A fric a n -th e w o rld ’ s poorest co n ti­ Oregon C onvention Center. Classical and contem porary m usical selections w ill be p ro vid e d b y Karen St. James and M isagh m id d le o f January. Johnston says that the last decade has seen im m unizations reach nearly 60 A cco rd in g to health experts, once contracted, p a ra lytic p o lio is n o t c u r­ able. “ The best-and o n ly-tre a tm e n t,” says Johnston, “ is early prevention. I t ’ s e xcitin g to realize that i t ’ s possible to halt p o lio as w e ll as other diseases such on B la ck A ffa irs on January 10th at the postcards should a ll be d e live re d b y the attacks g ro w in g nervous system s.“ B u t Johnston explains, “ we have reason to be optim istic. quent school im m u n iza tio n program w o rke d so w e ll that by 1989, o n ly 10 cases were reported in the U nited States. Instances are e q ually lo w in C olom bia and M e x ic o . In the People’ s R epublic o f C hina, 95 percent o f a ll ch ild re n have been im m u n ize d against the disease. luncheon w ith the O regon C om m ission U sing these labels w ill a llo w us to p ro c­ ess yo u r returns faster.’ ’ Packets and nent-remains high. A cco rd in g to C A R E , each year m ore than 200,000 A fric a n children suffer from the disease w h ich Announcement 4601 N. Williams 281-6873 House. T he reception w ill be held: W ednesday, January 9 ,1 9 9 1 ,6 :0 0 -7 :3 0 p.m., Portland H ilto n H otel, International C lu b , 921 S W 6th A venue, Portland. M r. W a tkin s is in O regon at the request o f the P ortland Federal E xecu­ Polio, the disease w hich once crippled thousands o f Am erican children, has been nearly eradicated in the U n ite d States and in many countries w o rld w id e . Y e t in some parts o f the developing w orld, polio continues to pose a threat to young lives. “ B y the end o f this ce n tu ry,” says P h ilip Johnston, president o f C A R E , the in te rn a tio n a l re lie f and developm ent o r­ ganization, “ w o rld w id e im m u n iza tio n e ffo rts m ay very w e ll eradicate p a ra lytic p o lio . B u t we have a lo t to do to achieve this g o a l.” D u rin g the early 1950’ s, m ore than 100,000 American children were afflicted Jewelry African Sculpture - Masks African-American Books Framed African-American Prints Hand Painted Sweats, T-shirts Pants and Tops 925 N.E. B roadway P ortland , OR 97232 M r. W a tkin s is the A ssociate D ire c to r o f the O ffic e o f P u b lic L ia is o n at the W h ite tiv e B oard, B la ck E m p lo ym e n t S ubcom ­ m ittee, w h o w ill be co-sponsoring a Worldwide End to Polio Possible By the 21st Century (F rom the A A R P V o lu n te e r N ew s­ letter) You live a hectic life. Wouldn’t it be The B o a rd ’ s B u ild in g Use and M anagem ent C om m ittee is scheduled to meet on W ednesday, January 9 ,1 9 9 1 , at 10:00 A .M ., in the L - l classroom at the Singles O n Parade is taping a spe­ c ia l h o u r lo n g vid e o , title d , Singles O n Parade: O peration Desert S hield. T he vid e o w ill introduce sin g le men and The Tax Form You’ve Been Waiting For i ne Portland O bserver-P age 5 "I HAVE A DREAM" by the Rev. Emmett Whcatfall MARANATHA CHURCH 4222 NE 12th AVENUE PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 WENDELL WALLACE, PASTOn Place your advertisement in the Portland Observer Office# (503) 288-0033 Fax# (503) 288-0015 SPONSORED BY PRISON MINISTRIES, I NC ., -JOHN PARKER , DI RECTO’R , P O U O X PHONE (503) 284-7563 ,'i ■ '&,• '¿■'I ....... ' i. • - 12396, PORTLAND, OR