January 2,1991—The Portland Observer- Page 3 Portland Observer — by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears ■ RELIGION Working As a Team BY MATTIE AWN CALUER-SPEARS Multnomah School of the Bible. His goal is to receive a degree in Biblical Education. Another person whose life had a tremendous influence on the young and impressionable Rev. Lightner-was Bishop George D. McKinney, Ph.D. Bishop McKinney is the Presiding Bishop over the Southern California 2nd Juris­ diction (Church of God in Christ). “ I shall never forget what this man taught me and the spiritual impact his life has been on mine” , Roderick shared. EXCITEMENT OVERWHELMING Roderick and Brenzell are all ex­ cited about this new road that they will be traveling on, together. Yes! Excited abut pastoring a new church in an area because there is a great enough need out there to not do this. There are enough In the midst of all the hustle and people out on the streets, during Sunday bustle, the comradery and mass confu­ Worsnip service, to fill several congre­ sion dealt up by the world on a daily gations. My focus will be on the basis there sparks a sign of hope. unchurched and the unsaved. Part of the Recently, I received a call hearlding plan will be to have Home Bible studies the news of still another young man, and between the twocities. Some in Portland his family, who has made the choice to and some in Vancouver. Wherever the stand on the Lord’s side. I said to myself, persons live, as Pastor, it is my desire to “ Oh no! I hope that this is not some kind meet their spiritual needs as their under- of hoax. Why this sudden influx in people Shepherd. Life Stream will feature ‘Living wanting to open their own churches.? I Streams Ministries, Inc. [St. John 10:10 hope that he is sincere and has direction and 7:38 NIV], These ministries, as pre­ in what he is about to embark upon. viously stated, will concentrate on fam­ Pastoring a church is nothing to play ily structure and community needs.” with.” Well, after interviewing Roder­ The Life Stream Full Gospel Church ick and Brenzell Lightner, all of my will hold it’s services in the Red Lion Inn questions and at the Quay. You doubts were quickly will find them in dispelled. the Gull’s Nest „ Roderick was Room. There will divinely called, as be three services tie stated, to the scheduled each ministry at the ten­ Sunday and they der age of 16 years are: Sunday qld. He has been in School, 9:45 am training for the min­ for all ages; Morn­ istry for seventeen ing Worship Serv­ years. And-where ice, 11am and did he receive this Evening Worship, great influence? As 6pm. The main a young boy he re­ emphasis is to meet ceived his basic the need of the Bible training from people. The doors his grandmother, of LIFE Pictured are: (back row) Rev. Roderick C. Lightner, Sr. and Roderick, Jr. Mrs. Dorothy Light­ STREAM FULL (middle row) Brenzell B. Lightner and Brenzell LaJoya (front row) Rodell ner. G O S P E L This thirty-two year old, raised in where the word is much CHURCH will open on the 6th day of Oakland, California, six foot three, or so, needed...Vancouver, Washington. The January. The Life Stream Full Gospel husband and father of three chidren got church, L IFE STREAM FULL GOS­ Church is affiliated with the Full Gospel his first glimpse of Portland approxi­ PEL CHURCH, will feature an empha­ Pentecostal Association. Bishop A.A. mately eleven years ago. He was docked sis on the family, singles, men and women Wells, Pastor of the Emmanuel Temple here, with his U.S. Naval ship, at Swan ministries.” I asked him “ Why Vancou­ Full Gospel Pentecostal Church an Port­ Island. His ship was in for repairs. Dur­ ver?” He said that Vancouver is basi­ land, is the national President and Pre­ ing his stay in Portland, he met Miss cally an untapped area of approximately siding Bishop o f the Association. An Brenzell Brewster while attending Sun­ 600 to 1000 Black families who reside in Official “ k ic k -o ff service is scheduled day service at the Greater Mount Cal very the Vancouver, Washington metropoli­ to be held at the Red Lion Inn at the Church of God in Christ-Bishop H.B. tan area. “ There is a tremendous need Quay, in Vancouver, Washington, at 3:30 for the Gospel Message to be taught from pm with the Emmanuel Temple Church Daniels, Pastor. ?• Roderick married Brenzell, com­ the Bible with simplicity through the of Portland and other area churches. The pleted seven years in the fU.S. Naval enabling power of the Holy Spirit” says call is for “ ...all who are weary” of the Service, received an honorable discharge, Roderick. “ There are approximately 60 world’s pressures, influences and tmmped- came to Portland and was ordained to Black attended churches within the up promises to come and hear the Word preach by Bishop H.B. Daniels. Roder­ Northeast Portland black community. of the Lord. Come and receive everlast­ ick and Brenzell have three lovely chil- Many of the families are driving across ing life through Jesus Christ which is dren-Roderick, Jr., 8; Brenzell LaJoya, the interstate bridge to hear the Gospel obtainable only upon the basis of belief, 5; Rodell, 4. preached. I intend to take the Gospel to and the most majority of the human race Roderick attended Oregon State them by planting a church in Vancouver. have never had a genuine opportunity to University, National University in Cali­ It is also my intentions NOT to extract believe. The invitation and the challenge fornia and is presently attending the members from existing congregations is being given. The is a great spiritual St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church 8101 N. Fiske Avenue Portland, Oregon 97203 Study Phone: 289-1911 Church Phone: 289-0147 awakening happening right now. Having good standing with your neighbors and friends is not enough. It is time to have a right relationship with God Almighty. Jesus Christ said that he came to give us life and to give it more abundantly. Take advantage of this opportunity, “ today!” A TEAM EFFORT Rev. Lightner can hardly say that he is embarking upon this venture all alone. His wife, Brenzell, speaks so positively and with such assurance of her role to work side by side with her husband. Her plans are to help organize the various ministries, such as: women’s Ministries, the Usher Board, the Choir and etc. She, too, is excited about the new work God has given to them. “ I will do everything in my power to support my husband.” ‘ ‘When I first met my husband, I had no idea that he was going to become a pastor of a church. I had always wanted to be the wife of a minister. I had asked the Lord to bless me with a husband who wanted to be a minister. So, this is just great.” As she continued to share, she said, “ The location of the church was my husband’s vision , given to him from the Lord. I’m in total agreement with him.” Rev. Lightner says, “ This is a team ministry.” He and his wife share their ideas and thoughts with one another. Sometimes he uses her ideas. “ The Lord gave me the name of the church several years ago” said Rev. Lightner. “ We are not just targeting the Black community but are believing that God will add the other families and persons of other races and cultures. God told us to forsake not the assembling of ourselves (Believers) together. Man chose to divide into de­ nominations. This was not God’s inten­ tion. I want to create an atmosphere where everyone can come and worship without any reservations of whether or not they will be accepted.” The theme for Life Stream will be- ” A loving Church with a Caring Minis­ try” . Rev. Lightner says that he intends to show this to the entire church. Who’s welcome at Life Stream? “ The tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearn­ ing to breath free, the wretched refuge of the teaming shores. Bring these and the homeless.” God has many blessings in store for Life Stream, it’s under shepherd and his wife. My prayer is that they will continually share His heavenly glory for theirs will be a ‘ ‘crown of life,” even the “ divine nature.” [Revelation 2:10; II Peter 1:4] MT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH WE ARE MOVING SUNDAY SERVICES TO Stone Tower Church, N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 30th Worship Services 8:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. Church School 9:30 A.M. to 10:30 A.M. Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 N.E.Schuyler 10:30 A.M. and 6:30 P.M. Sunday Service 10:45 Sunday School 9:30 Bible Study 6:00 Evening Service 7:00 P.M. Radio Ministry each Sunday. 8:00 A.M.-KBMS I PETER i v . l l H r H r I m C A New Church is Planted In the City of Vancouver, Washington Rev Roderick C. Lightner Schedule of Services: Sunday School 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship 11:00 A.M Evening Worship 6:00 P.M. Weekly Bible Study to be Announced THE LIFE STREAM FULL GOSPEL CHURCH First Opening Service Will Be Held Sunday January 6,1991 11:00 A.M. ” A Loving Church with a Caring Ministry" Streams Our Temporary Location Will Be At The red uon nn AT THE QUAY 100 Columbia Street, Vancouver, Washington 98660 In The Gull's Nest Room N of I-5 Bridge on left Church Phone: (503) 281-5650 ATTENTION, SUNDAY SCHOOL LEADERS! Do you want to develop a more effective Sunday School? Do you want to reach more people? During this winter term Dean Michael Lindsey will teach a course entitled "SUNDAY SCHOOL SUCESS" A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor Ten Sessions, Tuesday evenings, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m., beginning Jan. 9th Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler, COME AND LEARN - SHARE - BE ENCOURAGED n r s r c t h a ' I - Q The needs of our community demand that we give our best. Jesus L o ve s You! ¿Mbit ífedqjiká Shïïîsh Psalm 3 4 :3 NORTH PORTLAND BIBLE COLLEGE 4236 NE Eighth Avenue Temporarily located in Berean Baptist Church 4822 N. Vancouver Avenue, at W ygant St. (com *r o< 8th 4 Skidmore) 4 2 2 2 N.E. 12th Avenue Portland Oregon SUNDAY SERVICES Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 Phillip S. Ne/son, Pastor Sunday School 9:00 A M. M o rn in g W o rsh ip Reese’s Oil Company 1O:3O A.M. Maranatha School of Ministry 6:30 P.M. Mid Week Service Pas,or Pastor, Rev. James C.E. Faulkner | Theme: Whatever you're going to do for the Lord, do it now. M SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK: II CORINTHIANS 9:7-15 Wednesday 7:30 P.M. M A R A N A T H A Rev Wendell H. Wnlace Senior Pastor C H U R C H Wish You A Happy Holiday Best Price In Town 7 Days Service 287-2121 To register, call 288-2919