Page •The Portland Observer-January 2, 1991 I S P ¿ÏSESSàs M I V By 9 Professor McKinley * Burt KsS$iS8e3o8SN«SM oe«HM Oregon Legal Services Corporation Receives grant to implement Statewide Fair Housing Project The Oregon Legal Services Corpo­ Throughout the state, people can nied to them illegally. However, the ration (OLS), a non-profit state-wide legal call 1-800-424-FAIR to make a com­ Project's basic goal is to educate both sonalities, new ‘saviors’ and new ‘ser­ ...occurs that if we were all to work at aid organization, has launched a state- plaint. The Project will decide if there landlords and home seekers about the re­ mons on the mount-a potpurri of goals achievinga “ personalbest (“ Letdown wide p a¡r Housing Project to ensure that are reasonable grounds to investigate. If quirements of the fair housing laws. The and ... objective, often illdefined and at your bucket where you are” ), it may be federal fair housing laws are being ob- the Project decides to lest, it will send Fair Housing Testing Project is a free cross-purposes, all promising to save the that such an escalation of effort, stan served in Oregon. The Project is made out two trained investigators, or “ test­ service. The Oregon Fair Housing Proj­ species from extinction (remember that dards, discipline and commitment coulc possible by agrant from the U.S. Depart- ers,” to seek the same housing that was ect is holding a free informational forum very well see one much better able to son ment of Housing and Urban Develop- denied to the complainant. The testers, on the Fair Housing Project on January plaintive cry, “ Black Power” ?). We plow through this morass of through that “ morass” 1 described ear- ment. who will match the profile of the com­ 10,1991. Representatives from govern- . lier. The Federal Fair Housing Act pro- plainant except for the grounds of the ment agencies, religious organizations " directions, opinions and conclusions- I say “ that is up to us.” We will take As you’re seen through the years, hibits discrimination in housing deci- complaint, are then sent to the same and social services are expected to at­ charge or we will remain a foot ball of ’’educate them, empower them, vote them, ant one to put things in a context oi sions based on race, color, religion, na- rental or sales office to seek housing and tend. State Representative Judy Bauman finance them in business, imprison all fate, Some of us have waited since 1965 ‘reality and experience’. Looking b a d tional origin, sex, familial status (chil- to record the treatment they received. will be on hand to provide her remarks. for that manna from the ‘fed’: Mules, the rascals, elect “ m e’’-and we end up with the same problem faced by a com­ through those four notebooks of Per dren) and handicap. The Fair Housing The forum will present an overview For example, if the black complain­ land, jobs, equity, parity, equality, edu­ puter operator tackling an unorganized spectives (and front page) articles, I real Project provides objective, professional ant alleges racial discrimination, the of how the program works, how to recog­ cation, sympathy, surcease, compensa­ database. If the “ New Year” is to be ize that is is not a “ new” thing I content investigations in response to complaints Project would send out a white and a nize the signs of housing discrimination tion, retribution, loans, grants, set-asides, ‘new’ in any fashion or aspect, then, plate for 1991-just better package th alleging housing discrimination in vio- black tester. If the test produces strong and will also provide those in attendance gifts, you name iL certainly , we are going to have to sort material into a “ personal best.” Tha lafion of this law. evidence of a violation of the Fair Hous­ a chance to meet other members of our Has fate been unjust? I’m certain “ This program has the potential of ing Act, the Project will provide infor­ community involved in human services out the priorities, separate fact from fic­ means a better structure for delivering t that is exactly what the dinosaur ex­ tion, and be about some realistic, attain­ the nation that information which a numbe securing the housing that many Oregoni- mation to the complainant regarding his issues. The forum will be held at 4:00 claim ed as he gazed in consternation at able goals (individuals and organiza­ of readers and educators have describe- 3ns want but cannot get. Our message is or her nghts and will refer him or her to PM, Portland Building. 1120 S.W. Fifth, the incoming meteors; just hours before as “ the best, documented ‘Baseline Essay that in this country you should be able to a private or Legal Aid lawyer and/or the Second Floor, Room C, Portland, Ore­ tions, alike). the extinction of that great lumbering Whereas I would not dare to pre­ material” they have seen anywhere live where you want,” commented Ira appropriate government agency. gon. For more information call: Ira Zarov species, caught in an ecological niche "originated right here in Portland.” Zarov, the Executive Director of Oregon scribe a national goal for an entire race of One of the Project’s goals is to help at 234-1534. that spelled EXTINCTION! The ques­ I’m with you folks, and that elet Legal Services. people, I do feel qualified to make some people get into the housing that was de- tion o f an unjust fate was, of course mute tronic interface and industry support 1 observations about the achievment of a (remember, ‘ * the slings and arrows of an described in November and December is ‘personal best.’ And, really, perhaps the outrageous fate” ). A better question is, up and running-better each day. The latter is what any of us can really do well- where these creatures had no schools, lawyer and copyright office are kept a realizable goal, even when the broader libraries, scientists, inventors, technolo­ busy-as are Federal Express and United STREET SMARTS: More young interfacer would seem to offer only frus­ really upset, so I don’t want to say any­ walking can do for you: gies, etc-Why could a race in possession Parcel, delivering material to those first school-age children are killed each year tration or inertia. In this context I am thing right now. Go play, and I’ll come 1. Ease Aches and Pains. Muscles of such an infrastructure allow the same looking back through the four big note­ clients in othercities (you’ve heard about in pedestrian accidents than in any other get you when I’m calm.” and joints stiffen and atrophy when not fate to overtake them? “ a prophet in his own land” ). type of accident, according to the Na- books where I keep in calendar order 2. Give YOur Child A Fair Hearing. used regularly. Walking-including stretch­ As I have mentioned here before, at I wrote one o f those infrequent let- tional Center for Health Statistics. And copies of all the articles I’ve ever written “ Listen to the end, no matter what you ing and strengthening exercises-and is this newspaper we receive copies of other ters to my father the other day (he’s 95); another study says parents may be partly for this “ Perspectives” column. are being told,” one father advises. “ If the best defense because it keeps the African American newspapers from all “ I always’ wondered what I’d do during to blame because they overestimate their I have decided that there is nothing you blow up before listening to the whole body flexible without subjecting it to too over the country. These, in conjunction my seventies and eighties. I’m setting up children’s street-crossing skills, “ new” I would do this year-just try to be story, be ready to apologize.” much stress. with the establishment press, make us the stage. Yours, Junior.” Are wistful In a Seattle survey of 2,464 parents better at what I’ve been about all the 3. Say It With Love. Affection can High-impact activities,like running witness to a nationwide phenomenon-a New Years’ resolutions really needed of children in kindergarten through fourth time. And that is providing information heal harsh moments. It’s a silent sign and aerobics, make your feet hit the see thing cauldron of organizations and and, hopefully, insight which will enable folks? Lets’ all just KEEP ON KEEP’N grade, researchers found that one-third that no matter what disagreements or ground with a force equal to two to four individuals, leaders and would be lead­ ON ! We ‘can’bring about change. of parents allowed kindergarten-age conflicts arise, as long as people can times your w eight readers to better engage the complicated ers, true believers and the television per­ children to cross residential streets alone touch, they can eventually talk. society in which we must all function. It 2. Reduce Stress. Stressful events and first-graders to walk alone to school. 4. Value Your Child’s Opinion. The shift the nervous system into high gear. “ Speeding traffic or lack of safe places best parents are those who persist in a Heart rate and blood pressure rise, and to walk did not influence parents in lim­ decision, no matter how much their kids muscles tense. Dr. Claude Miller, a New iting theirchildren’s crossings,’ ’ accord­ disagree. Decisiveness, however, doesn’t York psychiatrist, recommends a brisk ing to a study, conducted by the Harbor- by Angelique Sanders mean ignoring kids. Children accept 15-minute walk whenever tension builds, view Injury Prevention and Research decisions better when they’re at least as well as two hours before bedtime if Center and the University of Washing­ consulted, and they also consider them­ you have insomnia. on your own merits puts a pock oil black ton in Seattle. -Doug E. Doug, I thank you for your In honor o f the first of January, selves as a valued part of the whole 3. Strengthen Your H eart Brisk musicians. WHY SOME KIDS LISTEN: Child- poem “ Dead Bird” : “ Dead Bird/Yo I am addressing who I would give year- family. walking forces the heart to pump harder Dead Bird Get up and fly.” (If you think -2 Live “ As Trashy as They W anna’ rearing experts frequently give advice end awards to, in various categories. TAKE A HIKE: NATURE’S PER­ to deliver more oxygen to muscles. This that’s sadistic, you’re missing the point.) Be” Crew: Good Lord, men, did you about how to communicate with chil­ FECT MEDICINE W ho, in 1990, did the m ost to extra pumping trains the heart to work learn morality? Your lyrics certainly dren. Ray Gurendi, author of “ Back to Honorable mention: fu rth e r racial equality? Poor fitness is as dangerous as more efficiently and thus beat more slowly -Barbara Roberts...sure, she’s not black, thrash on sisters...apparently, you’re not the Family,” interviewed 100 success­ smoking or high cholesterol, according -There’s a fine line between being popu­ than the heart of an out-of-shape person. but you don’t have to be to fight for concerned with the ill effects your songs ful families to find out best ways to to a study by the Institute for Aerobics lar in mainstream American and selling Walking is the exercise most doctors yourself out to it (are you listening. Bill blacks: she’s done a lot in her Secretary could have. communicate with kids. Here are some Research in Dallas. The good news is prescribe. -M arion B arry: You’ve been a tre­ of State position, and will do much more Cosby?). Spike Lee never TRIED to hit of his findings. that moderate physical workouts can 4. Helps You Lose WeighL After it big with white folk, but it’s happen­ as Governor (she told me once that she’s mendous mayor, but a terrible role model 1. Avoid Heated Words. Parents’ reduce the odds of dying of heart disease, age 25, your metabolism-how fast your (as well as a hypocrite, for your anti­ looking out for Northeast Portland, and ing. And he’s giving whites a better emotions are so closely linked to their cancer and other causes. body bums fuel-slows, and fat becomes the reform ideas she detailed showed me drug message). understanding of black culture, yet he children’s well-being that no parent is In an excerpt from ‘ ‘Walking Medi­ harder to shed. To lose w eight most of P ortland G raffiti of the Year she’s on the right track). never lost his “ brother” hood. calm all the time. Yet the more worked cine, “ Gary Yanker and Kathy Burton us cut calories until w e’ve achieved our -Ron Herndon (We didn’t agree all the Best political message: “ Vietnam II: -It takes strength enough for anybody to up they become, the more likely they are explain how asensible walking program- goal, then go back to our old ways. The time, but you’re definitely fighting for No way!” oppose North Carolina’s powerful Sena­ to say something they can’t unsay. 30 minutes a day at a brisk pace-can best way to stay thin is to cut calories and what you feel is right...I know your fire Best wording: “ Max is Portland’s Death tor Jesse Helms (whom I like to think of When an issue threatens to get out of improve your physical and emotional to exercise. Trolley” (with two deaths since MAX’S hand, one mother tells her kids: “ I’m for equality shall never die.) as a paranoid Joseph McCarthy II)...but well-being dramatically. Here’s what else -D arryl Tukufu (I’m ..e I speak for start, I’d hardly consider it a "death trol­ that’s exactly what H arvey G an tt did everyone in Northeast when I say ley", but this message still shows great this year. Though he lost, it was a close concern) “ thanks” for being who you are) race, and Gantt has a strong chance to -Artist Eileen Kane, for her incredible Best social message: The spray-painted win ifhe runs again: after all, he became “ As the president of the Portland ets.” I ask that you as guardians think humans, splayed on sidewalks (done by heart-wrenching pieces on blacks the first-ever black mayor in Charlotte section of the National Council of Negro real seriously before you allow your -Jesse Jackson’s group PUSH: many P.S.U. students in recognition of Hiro­ Women (NCNW) I felt that it was in­ children to wear this attire. (a city with a population that’s 75% white) and won his re-election bid. We’re did not agree with their stance on the shima) “ I leave you, finally, a responsibil­ cumbent upon me in the leadership role Nike controversy, but the underlying Best environm ental message: “ Re­ to write a letter to the community as we ity to our young people.” These words behind you, Gantt, win or lose... theme was, “ Blacks, we have monetary sist! Bring back the w o lf ’ -Through taking his message on the road, prepare ourselves to enter a new year. ring very dear and loud in my heart. power, take charge!” and this was a Best attem pt a t a message: “ Think Our leader Mary McLeod Bethune Mothers, fathers, grandmothers, and Nelson M andela inspired courage in less, feel more” ...I see the point to this, long overdue message. people o f all races...he’s this decade’s founded the NCNW in 1935. Mary grandfathers, we have seen too many of but it seems people aren’t thinking enough, Dishonorable mention Martin Luther King, Jr. His release McLeod Bethunes legacy reads as fol­ our young African American youth lying -Milli “ Not Really” Vanilli: Thanks, either. from prison was great, but he won’t be in the street dead “ shot to death” by lows: free until he can vote. guys...your reluctance to try to succeed Best overall message: "T.V. is the opi­ 99 “ I leave you love...I leave you hope...I another African American youth. What ate of the masses” leave you the challenge of developing a waste of life. What are we going to do? confidence in one another...I leave you a What can we do? I call now upon the PORTLAND OBSERVER thirst for education...I leave you a re­ grandmothers to insist that their grand­ ‘ The Eyes and Ears o l the Community spect for the use of power...I leave you children “ Stop this violent behavior.” I Office: (503)288-0033 faith...I leave you racial dignity...1 leave know that we are of age and should be Fax#: (503)288-0015 drens test scores, but let us as grand­ you a desire to live harmoniously with enjoying “ the fruit of our labor.” But, I mothers do our part Ministers, let’s come your fellow man...I leave you, finally, a challenge you grandmothers who have the innate strength and wisdom o f Har­ from behind the pulpit and visit the schools responsibility to our young people.” (USPS 959-680) also. W ouldn ’t it be wonderful if all min­ “ I leave you finally a responsibility riet Tubman (she never lost a passenger OREGON’S OLDEST AFRICAN AMERICAN PUBLICATION isters knew the names of the schools and to our young people.’’ As a community, when she was the conduc tor of the under­ Established in 1970 administrative staff where their parish­ we must accept responsibility for our ground railroad). We lost eight African ioners children attend? young people. As we read the newspa­ American youth this year. The fortitude Alfred L. Henderson Joyce Washington The Bible says call for the ‘Elders’ pers, we are inudated with articles and of Sojourner Truth, who although she Publisher Operations Manager of the church. I’m calling for elders, dea­ stastics about our young African Ameri­ was jeered and heckled by those around can children killing each other. What is her when she fought for womens rights, cons, ushers, Sunday school superinten­ Gary Ann Garnett Leon Harris the answer? Why? What can we as a she stood tall, in the dedication and dents, and teachers. We can help to raise Business Manager Editorial Manager The Portland Observer can be community do to stop these insane vio­ commitment of education by Mary the test scores but we must do our part. sent directly to your home for I leave you finally, a responsibility to lent actions of our children? Well, I McLeod Bethune who with $1.50 and only $25.00 per year. The PORTLAND OBSERVER is don’t know all the answers, but I do five children founded the first accredited our young people.” Please fill out, enclose check or published weekly by know that there are some actions that we college by an African American woman. The National Council of Negro money ordr, and Mail to: Exie Publishing Company, Inc. as parents, grandparents, aunt and uncles These are the names of a few African women in their drive for excellence has now in place their “ NCNW Excellence cando. We all know that our children are American women who have helped us to 4747 N.E. M.L.K., Jr. Blvd. get where we are today. Grandmothers in Teaching Award” as part o f its na­ killing each other over wearing certain Subscriptions Portland, Oregon 97211 tional promotion of excellence in educa­ colors, mostly red and blue. As guardi­ as we begin this New Year, let’s pray and Portland Observer P.O. Box 3137 ans, we can become more aware of the once again use that “ innate strength’’ tion in the 1990’s as we head toward the PO Box 3137 Portland, Oregon 97208 color of clothing that we buy for our that we know we have to get our ‘ ‘grand­ 21st century. Portland, Oregon 97208 children. Sure, I know that as parents we children” off the streets. I know we can Now, as president of the Portland (503) 288-0033 (Office) do it! We have to do it! We must save section of The National Council of Negro can buy anything in any color that we FAX#: (503) 288-0015 Name want for our children. I agree with you our grandchildren! Women, I leave with you this poem for Now, some groups have called for a our grandchildren: totally. But, at this point in society in our Deadlines for all submitted materials: community and elsewhere, African boycott of Portland Public Schools. I ask Don’t use or sell dope Articles: Monday, 5 p.m. - Ads: Tuesday, 5 p.m. address that as grandmothers we send our chil­ American children arc being killed be­ because there is hope. POSTMASTER: S«nd Address Chang«« to: Portland Observer, P.O. Box 3137, Portland, OR 97208. Second-class postage paid at Portland, Oregon cause of wearing certain colors. Also, dren to school those days not only send Don’t fight or kill each other The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photo­ African American children arc being them, but let’s go with them. Let’s turn over wearing colors, graphs should be clearly tabled and will be returned if accompanied by a self addressed labeled because of wearing these colors. Because we’re all sisters and broth­ this threat of a boycott into something envelope All created design display ads become the sole property of this newspaper and dty, state ers. “ I leave you finally a responsibility to can not be used in other publications or personal usage, without tho written consent of the positive. Let’s attend school those days general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition of such ad 1990 our young people. ’ ’ We control the purse with our “ grandchildren” , the ‘‘future Don’t get involved with, join or as­ PORTLAND OBSERVER ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE zip code strings, we can control what our children of tomorrow.” Then, let’s not stop there, sociated with gangs. OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED Because it’s time, it’s it’s time, it’s wear. There are popular "Starter Jack- let’s visit the schools. Let’s go stand in Subscriptions: $20 00 per year in the Tri-Countyarea. $2500 all other areas. The Portland O bserver- Oregon's Oldest African-American Publication - is a member cts” that our African American children the cafeteria every morning doing break- high time to make a change! Thank You For Reading the of The National News pacer Association - Founded in 1885, and The National Advertis­ Happy New Year have turned into “ Gang Attire.” African fast, sit in the classrooms during the ing Representative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc., New York, NY. Portland Observer Edna Mae Pitman American children arc assaulting each morning, stand in the cafeteria during President NCNW, Portland Section other because o f these “ Starter Jack- lunch. Sure, we want to raise our chil­ The New Year: How New is It? According to Readers Digest January 1991 ...And Justice For All Portland NCNW Chapter President Speaks Out h Í 1 T 5 ßif)e “ Call for the Elders of 1the Church PORTI ERVER POCTlAflÖtfeKVK