Page 6 -The Portland Observer - December 26,1990 Ride Tri-Met Free A ll T ri-M e t rides are free after 6 p.m. on New Year’ s Eve as a reminder that T ri- M el is a safe alternative to d rin k ­ ing anddriving all year long. In addition, extra late-night service w ill be added to several m ajor bus lines and M A X , in hopes that even more people w ill cele­ 12-Sandy Blvd., to Sandy and 95th 15-Mt. Tabor, to Gateway Transit Johnson Named President of Youth Care Center Center 15-N.W. 23rd Avenue, to Montgom­ The A lfre d Yaun Youth Caie Center Inc. announced that it has elected ery Park Ms. Sandra Johnson as its new board 57-Forcst Grove, to Forest Grove President. Ms. Johnson is fillin g the Most T ri-M e t lines usually make vacancy created when past President their last rips at 11:32p.m .or 12:32 a.m. Roosevelt Robinson was appointed brate safely. Those celebrating the new year should on weekday nights. The later bus trips M ultnom ah Co. Judge. note that the last buses o f the night w ill amount to more than 30 hours o f extra Ms. Sandra Johnson owner/ leave the Portland M all at 2:32 a.m. The T ri-M e t service. But, as T ri-M e t General operator o f JaBell’ s Beauty & Barber last M A X train w ill leave PioneerCourt- Manager James E. Cowen said, “ It ’ s a Supply, is w ell known fo r her comm u­ housc Square at 2:36 a.m. Special, late- small price to pay i f we save some lives nity involvem ent and com m itm ent to night buses w ill be added on these T ri- that n ig ht.” youth issues. She served on the board as The 60 T ri-M e t drivers who spend Personnel Committee Chair and under­ M et lines: New Year’ s on the road w ill be wearing stands the goals as w ell as the needs o f 5-Hawthorne, to Foster and 96th “ No Thanks, I ’m D riv in g ” buttons to the A lfre d Yaun Youth Care programs. 5-lnterstatc, to Vancouver signify drug-and alcohol-free celebra­ The choice o f Ms. Johnson to Board 9-Broadway, to Saratoga and 27th tions. And throughout the holidays, all President symbolizes the com m itm ent 9-Pow cll, to Powell and 98lh A ve ­ T ri-M e t buses w ill sport red ribbons as o f the agency to build partnership be­ nue 12-Barbur Blvd., to Tigard Transit part o f Mothers Against Drunk D riv ing ’ s tween service providers and businesses. “ Tie One On For Safety” campaign. Ms. Johnson is charged w ith leading a Center new ly re-organized board ata time when Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote!!! World Beat Reggae House Rap Blues Soul Gospel Folk Jazz jum p ~ Jump C V '* 4 <2 7775 N.E. Broadway z*s 503-284-4828 Needy Families Receive Christmas Hams Through Generous Donation From Safeway and Hormel Some needy Portland fam ilies w ill receive extra holiday cheer in their Christ­ mas baskets this season. Safeway, Inc. and Horm el have donated 90 Hormel Cure 81 hams to Oregon Food Bank. OFB w ill distribute the hams to several agencies serving individuals and fa m i­ lies in North and Northeast Portland on , F rid ay, December 21 st, 10:00 a.m. at the ' Oregon Food Bank Warehouse (2540 % nity. The Yaun Youth Care Center founded in 1969, has served hundreds o f youth suffering from emotional prob­ lems and delinquent behaviors. U tiliz ­ ing a cooperative network o f agencies the culturally diverse staff coordinate services ranging from in-house in d iv id ­ ual therapy to intensive drug/alcoho, treatment. Boasting a 83.3% success rale Yaun Youth Care Center looks fo r­ ward to the new Board leadership and thanks Judge Roosevelt Robinson fo r all o f his supp< i i and guidance in re vita liz­ ing the Yat. . Youth Care Program. CHINOOK SALMON OR BROILED LOBSTER TAILS JUMBO PRAWNS FISH & CHIPS CLAM CHOWDER BROILED HALIBUT CRAB STUFFED MUSHROOMS LOBSTER THERMIDOR OR PAN FRIED OYSTERS SAUTEED SHRIMP ROSSI OR STEAK & LOBSTER CRAB AU GRATIN OR FRENCH FRIED SCALLOPS STEAM CLAMS OYSTER STEW CHICKEN STEAKS OR . . . . DAD’S OIL SERVICE Heating Oils 104 NE Russel S t Portland, OR 97212 (503) 282-5111 The earth belongs to God! Everybody in all the world is His! He is the one who pushed the oceans back to let dry land appear. Psalms 24:1&2 M usic U S E D Best Cash Prices the agency is expanding its services and facilities. I he Board is excited about the new sale line offices that are housing the new parent education gang prevention and intervention services to the com m u­ Seafood Restaurant & Bar -- Since 1891 --Lunch & Dinner 1035 S. W. Stark (Corner 11 th & Stark) 226-4171 Portland, Or. 97232 , \ee th e !wleretitt’ Safeway is in your Neighborhood to Stay SAFEWAY N.E. Riverside Way). OFB member agen­ cies receiving the hams include Good Samaritan Center, L IF E Center, N orth­ east Emergency Food Program and New Hope M issionary Baptist Church. Safeway asked Oregon Food Bank to distribute the hams to agencies in the c ity ’ s area o f greatest need. The jo in t donation o f hams from Safeway and H orm el represents a $1,350 value. Safeway recently held its ninth annual S upermarket Saturday to benefit Oregon Food Bank network agencies, raising over 200,000 pounds o f food and $16,000. “ Safeway is comm itted to assisting those who are less fortunate in our com ­ m u n ity ,” said B ridg et Flanagan, Safeway’s Public A ffa irs Manager. “ W e ’re proud to expand our efforts to help hungry people, and w e’ re pleased to join H orm el in this e ffo rt to enhance the 2-Liter Coke. Or Minute Maid jo lid a y season. • COKE (Classic, Caffeine Free Classic, Diet, Caffeine Free Diet, Coke, Cherry, Diet Cherry) • MINUTE MAID ORANGE (Reg. or Diet) • SPRITE (Reg. or Diet), Plus Deposit in Oregon. City to Close Police Application Process December 28th The C ity o f Portland is closing the current Police O ffic e r application proc­ ess on December 28, 1990. I f you are aware o f any persons considering appli­ cation, please encourage them to submit 69 Lean Ground B eef A great time to stock up & save! their application im m ediately. This temporary closure o f the Police O ffic e r application process is a coopera­ tive move between the Personnel Bureau and the Police Bureau in order to expe­ dite testing o f current jo b applicants who number approximately 1200. Among these applications are a significant number o f a ffirm ative action candidates that need Approximate 5-pound package. immediate attention. PORTLAND OBSERVER ’ The Eyes and Ears ol the Community Office: (503)200-0033 Fox#: (503)200-0015 ís c -w . . .. . -..