December 26, 1990-The Portland O bserver- Page 5 News of Health © ,• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • N u tr ilS y te m S tu d y Reveal» Weight Lo»a Can Be M aintained There’s good news for the 65 mil­ lion Americans currently on a diet. A study released by Nutri/System, Inc. shows th at you can lose weight and keep it off. Dr. S tu a rt Shapiro, National Medical Director for Nutri/System, released th e stu d y d u rin g the American D ietetic Association’s Annual Meeting in Denver. The re­ search consisted of twenty men and women who had lost more than 100 pounds on th e N utri/S ystem ® Weight Loss Program and had ap­ peared in advertisem ents touting their success. The individuals were asked 15 months after reaching their goal weight to provide their current weight. Sixteen of the 20 had not gained more than five pounds. “This survey shows th at these individuals were very successful at m aintaining th eir w eight,” said Shapiro. “It sends a message to other overweight individuals th at weight loss success can be achieved with the right diet program.” Shapiro added th at this helps to refute claims th at diet companies typically point out the tremendous weight loss success of their clients, but fail to provide information re­ garding their long-term success with weight m aintenance. Nutri/System will be conducting a larger study th at will include indi­ viduals who have lost sm aller amounts of weight and have not appeared in advertisem ents, since those in the study may have felt social pressure not to gain weight. “There are enormous positive implications of this study,” said Shapiro. “Obesity is a serious public health concern and is associated with an increased risk for such problems as hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, gallbladder disease, some cancers, strokes and early death. Losing weight safely and keeping it off can lead to a healthier and happier life.” “My life gets so crazy, 1 need a diet that thinks for me.” ST' You live a hectic life. Wouldn't it be great to have a weight loss plan that tells Introducing the . you what to eat, and when to eat it? Now PERSONAL CHOICE you can— with the new Personal Choice Program from Weight Watchers. New Personal Choice gives you your choice of three easy-to-follow food plans that range from structured to flexible— whatever's right for you. It's designed to adapt to your lifestyle, so you can lose weight at your own comfortable pace. What's more, Personal Choice allows you to eat the foods you want. Even in a restaurant. From the first week on. If you're looking for a diet program that fits the way you live, now the choice is yours. New Personal Choice. Call Weight Watchers and ask about this exciting program today. Safe, sensible weight loss for 27 years. Join Any Class Anytime (503)297-1021 New members please Arrive 20 minutes early NORTHEAST PORTLAND NORTH PORTLAND M a r a n a th a C h u rc h R iv e rg a te C o m m u n ity C h u rc h 4 737 N . L o m b a rd St. (E n te r on S kid m o re ) T ucs. Sat 7 :0 0 p.m . 9 :3 0 a.m. U n iv e r s ity o f P o r tla n d Tilamook Park Bldg. 5000 N . W illa m e tte B lv d . 2 108 N .E . 4 1 st A ve . C o lu m b ia H a ll M on. 7 :0 0 p.m . (E n te r fro m P o rtsm o u th ) Tues. 7 :0 0 p.m . W ed W ed. 9 :3 0 a.m . & T hurs. F ri. B Y P R O F E S S O R M C K IN L E Y B U R T It ail tied together last week, d id n ’t it? Ihe uttering storm and lightning strikes surging about every bastion A fri­ can Americans have erected to defend their slow march tow ard parity in the American scheme of things. First it was the assault upon attem pts to render a true and documented account of black contri­ butions to the w orld’s culture and civili­ zation (Baslinc Essays). Next has come about the revelation of a ‘renew ed’ and massive effort to deny blacks positions in the skilled trades by escalating the importation of even ‘sem i-skilled’ immigrants from all over the world. But even this is not thought to be quite enough to deflect the aspirations of the African American. The racist ele­ ments in government, academ ia and the gutter have banded together for the coup de grace. Target ‘RACE SPECIFIC SCHOLARSHIPS!” Read “ minority scholarships” . For Information Call (collect) weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 4 2 2 2 N .E . 12th Ray Charles and Immigration (Concluded) Now, hold that thought for a mo­ ment, because apropos to our revelations here, there is a television documentary in process, extolling the accomplishments of a pioneer naturalist and artist, John Audubon (The Audubon Society). The magic of that name and the brilliance of his illustrations o f American flora and fauna has become die base o f a m ulti­ billion dollar ’industry' organized around a messianic ecological mission to save “ endangered species” o f plants and animals. But isn’t it strange that according to m ost o f the American authors writing about his gifted man, HE M UST HAVE BEEN BORN AT THE AGE O F 12, because that is when the narrative usu­ ally begins, in Nantes, France. We who, of course arc always suspicious o f such a miracle, tend to look deeper, and are not at all surprised to learn o f his African W est Indies mother, married to a French sea captain. This was commonplace in the French colonies and upon her death the widower took the child to France where the best of education was available. A distant rela­ tive o f the mother was taken along as a ‘nanny’, but you need to read in the French to get the entire non-racial story. American artists have portrayed him pale enough to look like on e o f those A N O ­ REXIC BARBIE DOLLS. And have sharpened his nose finer than the face job performed upon Michael Jackson (a true- look-alike in French renderings). In America, W ILLIE HORTON, YES- JOHN AUDUBON, NO! Now, with that rem inder o f a cen tu ­ ries-old but ever present A m erican cul­ tural tradition, let us return to the “ m i­ nority scholarship” morass. A good place for us to enter the controversy would be last Thursdays’ broadcast o f a hearing held by the House Education and Labor Committee. The chair was senior black congressman Augustus Hawkins, dem o­ crat from California. He weilded a heavy and determined hand in questioning members, a most impressive group of both black and white educators. Notable by his absence was the strange (and strange-looking) brother, Michael L. W illiams, who detonated a political bomb when he announced a new policy of the Education D epartm ent stating that “ race exclusive scholarships” were discriminatory and therefore ille­ gal. Chairman Hawkins left no doubt that in the future subpoenas would be served on the “ no-show s’. Enraged and outraged m em bers o f the education community included noted black educator, Dr. Samuel M eyers o f the Association o f Black Colleges, Ju­ lius Davis, president of the U.S. Stu­ dent’s Association, Jannel Byrd, A ssis­ tant Counsel, NAACP Legal Defense Fund, Dr. Adib Shakir, o f Tuscaloosa United Negro College Fund, and educa­ tor, Dr. Kwisi M fumu, Dr. M eyers com ­ mented quite acidly that it was not so much the “ physiogom y” o f M ichael L. W illiams that was startling, but die posi­ tion he held in the D epartment o f E duca­ tion. Though the first of a series o f hear­ ing did little more than em phasize the depth o f the nation’s concern (and con­ fusion) aroused by this ferocious attack upon the most effective weapon African Americans have in their batde to gain educational parity, little doubt was left but v'hat this com m ittee intends to u n ­ cover the full ram ifications o f the plot. The “ sm ell” was seen to indicate that like W atergate, it began deep in adm ini­ stration dungeons, perhaps direedy be­ neath the W hite House. This new spaper will stay on top of this story and keep the readers apprised. 5:0 0 p.m . 5 :0 0 p.m . 7 :0 0 p.m . 9 :3 0 a.m. T em p le B aptist C h u rch 1319 N .E . 7th F ire sid e R oom Tuesday 12:00 noon (B row n B a g L u n c h C lass) Weight Watchers Is a registered trademark ol WEIGHT V\> tSRS i copyright 1990 WEIGHT WATCHERS INTERNATIONA!, INC INC WATCH YOUR MAILBOX King Louis XVI popularized the cultivation of potatoes in France by wearing potato flowers in his but­ tonhole. fo r the \EW PCC SCH1DI W oj dosses. ~ i I A. Phillip Randolph Morns the loss of their President PCC is your best college buy for instructional excellence... convenient class times and locations.. and loui cost tuition ANNETTE WOODARDS PETETT 1959-1990 A N N E T T E W O O D A R D S P E T E T T was the first ch ild bom to Why didn’t anyone ever think of it before? T hat’s the question asked in a growing number of offices th at have used a copier th at can shift gears to operate 40 percent faster at the touch of a button. Over 80 Career Programs A jut! selection of classes Io apply to a four year degree basic Skills classes and many fo r fun. fitness and self-improvement Call 214-6111 exl -I f 30 or ! 800b3A-7?09 fo r information. ■ COMMUNIP/ COLLEGE i In Loving Memory of O ffices Speed Up To Save Wigland One of the Northwest Largest Wig Displays Wigs and I lairpieccs For all Nationalities E va G abor N aomi S ims R enee of P aris Borrowing a principle from au­ tomotive designers, a copier has been developed that delivers an extra surge of power when you need it.______________________ The two speed turbo copier, de­ veloped by Toshiba, lets operators switch between 22 and 30 copies per minute. At the 30 cpm speed, the machine actually uses less toner. So, why would anyone ever want to operate at slower speed? “Copy quality,” says Ron Milici, vice president for sales a t Toshiba’s Copier Products Division. “The nor­ mal speed delivers the high quality businesses want in their presenta­ tions and reports th at go outside the office,” he said. “But for internal use, the turbo mode provides ad­ equate copy quality at a cost sav­ ings in excess of 30 percent.” Fred E. Woodards and JoAnn T ra vis on Ju ly 2,1959 in Portland Oregon. Synthetic & Human Hair For Braiding & Weeving In 1982 she met Charles L. Petctt in Portland, Oregon and A nnette worked many years fo r The A m erican Federation o f © M o n - l-r. 10 a.m . - 6 p .m S a tu rd a y 10 - 5:3(1 pm Alternative Work Schedules N ear Lloyd C enter 282 1664 1105 N.E. B roadw ay State, C ounty and M u n icip a l Em ployee's, A nnette loved her job. A nnette was very involved in the co m m u n ity. She held the o ffic e o f Secretary fo r tw o years fo r T he A . T h illip Randolph Institu te, Portland Chapter, she was elected President o f the chapter in February 1990. Annette was elected Voter Registration Precinct Coordinator fo r D is tric t 3015 fo r 1991, and was the lo ca l representative fo r A .F .S .C .M .E . I-ocal 88 A .F .L .-C .l.O .. A nnette was united w ith the Vancouver A venue First Baptist Church in 1964 under D r. O .B . W illia m s , she was a member o f Usher Board # 4 . Annette w ill be missed but she w ill never ever be forgotten. We Love You. B Facts from the Women's Bureau of the U .S. Department of Labor m arried. Into this union one c h ild was born, D ontc R. Pctett. A nnette leaves behind, M other, JoA nn T ra vis, Step Father, W ende ll B. Travis, Sister, V ic to ria A n n W oodards, Brother, H enry B . Scott, Sister, F elicia C. T ravis, G randm other M ary L. Reid, Grandfather Joseph O. Reid Sr., M o th c r-in -L a w Ossie L. Pctett o f Thomson, Georgia. A ho& o f relatives and close friends. i FAMILIES /IT WORK Christmas Breakfast Featured Santa's Visit Thirty-five children ages 3-10 were hosted at a family breakfast co­ sponsored by the Holiday Businessmen and the Martin Luther King Blvd. Lyon’s restaurant. In addition to breakfast, St. Nick him self visited, bringing gifts. This effort was the inspiration o f Mr. Joe 1 urco, C.M o f the host Lyon’s restaurant and Mr. Dennis Payne from the Holiday Businessmen Children trom the Grace ( ollins M emorial Center and the Martin Luther King Jr. School are the recipients of this generous cfforL Parents were being encouraged to bring their children and partic ipate, as this is in part to encourage family unity. The Grace Collins Center and King School express their sincere appreciation for this effort and generosity. Dram atic changes are tak in g place in the work force. P erhaps one of the most significant is the surge in the number of working women. Balancing work and family respon­ sibilities is a growing concern for America’s working families and their employers. Family-responsive policies in the workplace offer benefits to both em­ ployees and employers. Such poli­ cies have “bottom line” im plications for employers in areas such as pro­ ductivity, morale, and labor m an­ agement r- lations. The “Work and Family Resource Kit" can help employers identify the most appropriate policies for re ­ sponding to th e dep en d en t care needs of th eir employees. Single copies of the Women’s B ureau pub­ lication are available free of charge by sending a self-addressed m ailing label to: Women’s Bureau, D epart ment P, U.S. D epartm ent of Labor, 200 C onstitution Avenue, N.W ’ Washington, D.C. 20210.